St. Lawrence Catholic Community

November 9, 2014
St. Lawrence Catholic Community
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
on Friday, December 5th
12 pm to 3 pm
in Church
for the Week of
November 9, 2014
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46;
1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of
the Church
Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24; Lk 17:1-6
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Mass Intentions
Saturday, November 8, 2014, 4:30 pm
People of St. Lawrence, William Hildebrandt, Susan Hildebrandt,
†William Wayne White, Michael Coluzzi, Anthony Coluzzi, Frank Coluzzi,
Caleb O’Connor, †Betty Shelley, Dominic Lumetta
Sunday, November 9, 2014, 8:00 am
†Marie Jozefiak, †Sr. Barbara Brys, †Grace Pollum, †Andrew Kavulic,
Clarence Paletti, Arthur & Clara Rogulski
Sunday, November 9, 2014, 10:00 am
†Leo & Edna Niedzwiecki, Bill Kinney, †Rose Wagner, Daniel Triglia,
†Roland Rapin, Mike Joseph, †Adria Joseph, †Aniela Piskorowski,
†Richard & Denise Rapin, †Maria Tini, †Faust Tini, †Madeline Powers,
†Bernadine Kossarek, †Gabrielle Drysdale,
Sunday, November 9, 2014, 12:00 pm
†Frank Schramke, †Mary Murphy, †John Lajiness, †John LaFata,
†Fr. Charles Fontana, †Fr. Valentine Gattari,
†Leonard & Ruth Barnes
Monday, November 10, 2014, 8:00 am
For the homeless and unemployed
Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37; Lk 17:7-10
Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 8:00 am
Albert L. Donadio Jr., Mary Carwana, Joseph Schudt
Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23; Lk 17:11-19
Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 9:30 am
Caridad Alcedo
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin
Phlm 7-20; Ps 146; Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119; Lk 17:26-37
Thursday, November 13, 2014, 8:00 am
†Angie Drader
Friday, November 14, 2014, 8:00 am
†Fr. Bartholomew Kraemer OSB
Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church
3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112; Lk 18:1-8
Saturday, November 15, 2014, 4:30 pm
†Carl Lelito, Mary Barg, †Agnes Herit, John Rumschlag Sr, Marilyn McKinnon,
†Al Ludeman, †Barbara Ballard, Diane Cholyway, †Kathleen VanDenBrouck,
Thomas Bruszewski, Anne Bruszewski, †Roy Wagner
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31;
Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30
or 25:14-15, 19-21
Sunday, November 16, 2014, 8:00 am
People of St. Lawrence
Parish Mission Statement
St. Lawrence Catholic Community believes we are called by our Baptism to
gather as a worshipping and prayerful
people. As responsible disciples of Jesus
Christ, we are called to be faithful stewards of our time, talents and treasures.
We value and foster Catholic education
and evangelization. With open hearts and
hands, we reach out to all brothers and
sisters, as together we strive to offer
hope, act justly, love tenderly and walk
humbly with our God.
Sunday, November 16, 2014, 10:00 am
†Marie Jozefiak, Nina Donadio, Michael Donegan, Leo Lukaszewicz,
†Christopher Noonan, †Teresa Settecerri, †Regina Machalski,
Rose, Clarence & Raymond LaFreniere
Sunday, November 16, 2014, 12:00 pm
†Robert Joseph Poli, †Barkey Bates, †Katherine Bogdziewicz
Stewardship Sacrificial Giving
Sunday, November 2, 2014....................... $26,715.50
Vocations ............................................... $174.00
Emergency Relief ........................................ $45.00
World Mission Sunday ................................. $555.00
from Fr. Roman
Praised Be Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Remember the dead; pray for
your deceased loved ones!
Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome
Past Monthly Challenges
Today’s feast, November 9, which this year has displaced the usual
Sunday, may not be familiar to us: Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica
in Rome. We celebrate this feast because it is the first Christian church, the
mother church. To this day, restored many times over, it remains the
pope’s official church in his capacity as Bishop of Rome. It has inscribed
over its door the words, “the mother church of Rome and of all the churches
in the world.”
All three Readings today reference a “temple”. Reading I speaks of the
temple in Jerusalem and the waters that would flow from it, healing and
restoring life to all it touched. In Reading II, St. Paul’s Letter to the
Corinthians [1 Corinth. 3], Paul tells us, “You are God’s building”. He goes
on to say that we are the temple of God and the temple of God “is holy”.
The Gospel tells the familiar story of how Jesus found those who were
making his Father’s house a marketplace selling animals. Jesus made a whip
out of cords and drove them all out of the temple. He spilled the coins of
the money-changers and overturned their tables. He said, “Take these out
of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” [John 2:16].
Jesus also speaks of the temple of his Body when he says, “Destroy this
temple and in three days I will raise it up.” [John 2:19] Jesus is referring to
his own death and resurrection.
Another reason we celebrate this feast of our mother church, St. John
Lateran, is that it reminds us that we ourselves are unfinished temples. Just
as St. John Lateran Basilica had to be restored many times throughout the
centuries because of the ravages of time, wars and vandals, so has the
whole Church. We have constant reforms and renewals to call us back to
our origins. This ancient feast recalls struggles, countless martyrs, sacrifice,
and it challenges us to see how far we may have strayed from the message
they left us at so great a price.
October: Praise someone for
something today.
September: Record an item of
gratitude daily.
August: Listen to Catholic or
Christian radio in your car
July: Read the book you
received at Christmas
June: Spend a day in service
with your family or a friend
May: Read one chapter of
Proverbs each day
April: We receive the Divine
Mercy of God through
March: Entrust yourself to God
before going to sleep
February: Pray for the person
who is the most difficult or
distant to you each day
January: Give the first 10
minutes of each day to God.
Forum/Screen Deadlines
VETERANS DAY is Tuesday, Nov. 11. On
behalf of St. Lawrence Parish, I “SALUTE”
all members of the United States Military –
past and present. You are our heroes!
Your sacrifices keep us a free nation under God.
God bless our Military Men and Women, and
God Bless America!
With deep respect and admiration,
Fr. Roman
A reminder that all articles
submitted for the Forum must be
submitted by 12:00 pm Friday, for
the following week. You may bring
a typed copy of your article to the
parish office or email it to
All requests for overhead
projection slides are due
Tuesday at noon. If you have any
questions, please contact the
parish office.
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Christian Service
As Catholics, we are called to put the
Two Feet of Christian Service --Charity and Justice --- into action!
We step with the foot of charity when
we work to assist others with their
immediate, short-term needs. We
step with the foot of justice when we
work to address the root causes of
problems facing our communities.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) one
of the oldest charitable organizations in the
world, is a Catholic lay organization of more
than 690,000 men and women in 142 countries
on five continents that offers person-toperson service to the needy and suffering.
St. Lawrence is blessed to have a conference of
Vincentians (SVdP volunteers) who provide support to
those in our local community with food, clothing,
furniture, household items, and financial assistance for
rent and utilities.
The holidays are a busy time for our Vincentians. Soon,
they will give out Thanksgiving food baskets which include
a turkey and fresh produce. Then, they will do it again
for Christmas. These food boxes are put together with the
donations that are received at our weekly masses.
We step with the foot of charity with the donation of
these holiday food baskets.
The generosity of our
parishioners and the hard work of our Vincentians will
help make a struggling family’s holiday season a bit
Please call the parish office if you are
interested in learning more the work of our St. Vincent de
Paul Society.
K of C Family Service Opportunity
Agape Center
347 S. Main St.
Romeo, Michigan 48065
November 22, 2014
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
There are 20 spots available
The St. Lawrence Christian Service Ministry, with the
St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus, is pleased to announce
the next Family Service opportunity at the Agape Center
in Romeo, MI.
Bringing together families from the
St. Lawrence Parish to unite in projects strengthens our
sense of ministering to those in need and allows us to
further realize the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Please call your friends to come with you as a small group
of families to make this a great example of the joy of our
Christian faith; this is a great opportunity for you to have
a family event with your children or grandchildren. Please
consider signing up for this event and making it a success.
For more information and to register, please contact Joe
Lograsso at 586-566-8940 or email at
Seniors’ Club
The St. Lawrence Seniors’ next meeting
will be at 11:30 a.m. on November 12th in
the Social Hall.
Hostesses for this event will be
Anna Mae Morris, Mary Lou Kinney,
Arbie Faber, Clara Zinser, Bernie Bolanowski and
Barb Wenzul.
Plans for our annual Christmas Party in early December
will be finalized at this meeting, so all seniors are encouraged to attend. Hope to see you there for a nice
lunch and Bingo.
Helen Unruh, Secretary
SVdP Thanksgiving Baskets
Our Thanksgiving basket distribution date is November 22nd.
Items we need for these baskets are:
Boxed potatoes
Sweet potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
Please drop items off in the box in the
parish office. In advance, we thank you
for your generosity.
In Christ,
St. Lawrence SVdP
Living the Good News
November 9, 2014
Today we celebrate the feast of the
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica,
which is the pope’s cathedral in
Rome and our mother church. When we think of great
churches, we think of a strong, permanent structure, not
easily destroyed. If Jesus dwells within us, then our very
lives must symbolize the permanence of God’s abiding
presence. We open ourselves to others, we stand up for
justice, and we love the unlovable among us.
In today’s Gospel, we see a Jesus we are not used to seeing. . .he is angry. Was he angry that his Father’s house
was turned into a marketplace? Maybe. Was he angry
that purchasers were probably being taken advantage of,
being charged higher prices than at their home markets?
Maybe. People lost sight of what the temple was actually
for. The temple had been turned into a marketplace for
the convenience of everyone. A religion of convenience
that didn’t expect much of anyone. Buy your sacrifice
right here (don’t haul it all the way from home). Change
your Jewish money into Roman currency (and vice-versa).
And of course this was done for a fee. This set up was
convenient and made folks comfortable. But that’s not
the religion that we are called to believe in. Our faith
calls us to love and serve God and our neighbor. Did Jesus become anger because he saw that this religion of
convenience was destroying the true purpose of gathering
to worship God?
Jesus turning over tables was a glimpse into the way our
lives are turned up-side-down and turned around when we
become his disciples. Let the zeal for salvation consume
Have a great week and God bless you!
Peggy DeClercq, Pastoral Associate
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
We would like
to welcome,
into our faith
those baptized
on Nov. 2, 2014 by Rev. Mr. Radoslaw Zablocki
Jackson Kenneth Spencer, son of
Keith and Christa (Suwinski) Spencer
Altar Society
December 13th is our Christmas party and
Baby Jesus shower, please bring items in
unwrapped. Our party will be at Filippas from
12 noon until 4:00 pm. We will not have
meetings in January, February and March due
to possible bad weather and so we don’t have to drive in
the dark. Even though we are off for 4 months, we still
have commitments. We will still need help and pastries
for the Euchre tournaments. Euchre will be on Dec. 13th,
Jan. 10th, Feb. 14th and Mar. 14th.
On December 22nd, we will clean the Altar and Church for
the Christmas holidays.
On February 14th, we will have a Mass for the living and
deceased members of the Altar Society.
See you in Church!
God Bless,
Kay Rasmussen
St. Lawrence Women’s Club
Every year the Women’s Club sponsors the Christmas Giving Tree Program at the parish. We prepare the
tags that will hang on the tree during Advent. We have a great time
visiting while we work. Please plan
on joining us for the evening.
Giving Tree Tag Night
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
7:00-8:30 PM
Church Social Hall
Mother Theresa had words of wisdom for us; “Good
works are links that form a chain of love.” Please help
make our chain strong. See you soon. Women’s Club.
Call Suzanne Mahoney, president, with questions,
The Book of Life
The Book of Life is set out in the gathering
area. You are invited to write the names of
your departed loved ones in it. Throughout
the year they will be remembered in prayer.
Pray the Scriptures!
Join us for the rosary
every Wednesday at
3:00 p.m. in
the church.
The Lateran Basilica is the cathedral of the Diocese of
Rome where the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, resides.
The present Basilica is located on the site of the first
cathedral commissioned by Emperor Constantine after he
legalized Christianity in 313 AD.
Pope Sylvester
celebrated the church’s dedication in 324 AD. The
original structure was damaged by fire, earthquake and
war over the years, and the present structure was
commissioned by Pope Innocent X in 1646. Inside, under
the altar, are the remains of a small wooden table
traditionally considered to be the altar upon which St.
Peter celebrated Mass.
The Lateran Basilica, as our Mother Church, is a symbol of
the people who are the Body of Christ. Jesus is the
foundation, and we are “the Church of living
stones...built up in truth and charity and...internally
formed by the Holy Spirit...”
(Pope Benedict XVI,
November 9, 2008)
St. Augustine spoke of the Church as the people of God –
those who work together in love to grow in faith: "What
was done here, as these walls were rising, is reproduced
when we bring together those who believe in Christ. For,
by believing they are hewn out, as it were, from
mountains and forests, like stones and timber; but by
catechizing, baptism and instruction they are, as it were,
shaped, squared and planed by the hands of the workers
and artisans. Nevertheless, they do not make a house for
the Lord until they are fitted together through love" (St.
Augustine, Sermon 36) (sources: &
Question of the Week:
How can we help each other grow in holiness?
Important CRE
Nov. 10/11
Nov. 17/18
Nov. 24/25
Dec. 01/02
Dec. 08/09
Dec. 15/16
CRE Classes
CRE Classes
CRE Classes
CRE Classes & Reconciliation
No classes – Holy Day Mass on Monday
CRE Classes
Growing together in faith and wisdom,
Lisa Rajnicek (pronounced “ray-na-chek”)
(586) 731-5072
Olivewood Sale
Youth Ministry—6th thru 12th Grades
WE HAVE... Service Projects
Youth Group
Social Activities
Nov. 9th Thanksgiving
Service Project
Nov. 16th Youth Group,
7:00-9:00pm Youth
Nov. 26th Youth Group,
Service Day
Middle School
A Word … from the D.R.E.
High School
Nov. 21th Thanksgiving
Service Project
Nov. 26th Youth Group,
Service Day
Contact Deann, Coordinator of
Youth Ministry, for more details:
Thanksgiving Eve
Service Day
Grades 6th-12th
Date: November 26th 2014
Time: 10:00am – 2:30pm
Meet: Youth Room
Service Site: Macomb County Foodbank
Interested volunteers: email
by November 21st 2014
Prayer for Vocations
Lord God, you so loved the world that you sent your only
Son, Jesus, to bring eternal life to those who believe in
him. I join him in his prayer for laborers in your harvest.
May your Holy Spirit inspire and strengthen
generous men and women to continue his mission in the
world. May this same Spirit make known to me your will
in my daily living. Where you lead, I will follow. I make
this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen
(source: Diocese of St. Augustine)
Ushers Meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 19 @ 7 pm
Rm. 107
Ushers Needed for the
4:30 pm and 12:00 pm “B” Team.
(“B” Team serves Feb/Apr/Jun/Aug/Oct/Dec).
Please consider becoming part of this wonderful ministry!
See one of our Ushers for more information.
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Faith and Wellness Corner
Little Flock
Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness
November is Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness month. What
are some brain exercises that can help memory loss and
boost brainpower?
Play games that involve strategy and word games
Try crosswords and other word puzzles or number puzzles
Read newspapers, magazines and books that challenge
Lear new things: games, recipes, a musical instrument, a foreign language
Take a course in an unfamiliar subjects that interests
Take on a project that involves design and planning
like a garden or quilt
Other helpful activities that contribute to a healthy
memory include exercise, staying social, eating plenty of
fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fats, managing stress, getting plenty of sleep and not smoking.
Hospice/Palliative care
What is the difference between Palliative Care and Hospice? Palliative care is a medical specialty focusing on the
care of patients with advanced or chronic illness
(example: kidney failure, COPD/emphysema, heart failure, dementia, ALS). The goal of palliative care is to ease
pain and suffering to help patients and their families
achieve the highest quality of life with equal attention to
emotional and spiritual well-being. Palliative care can be
provided at the same time as treatment that is meant to
cure the patient. While hospice is focused on caring for
terminally ill patients who no longer seek a cure for their
illness and are expected to live for approximately six
months or less.
Rest in Peace
Mary Nygard
Born to Life: April 21, 1926
Born to Eternal Life: October 31, 2014
Ella Choinski
Born to Life: July 16, 1921
Born to Eternal Life: November 2, 2014
Caroline Deeb
Born to Life: September 5, 1946
Born to Eternal Life: October 26, 2014
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Prayer Group meeting every Wednesday
in the School Library, 7:30 pm
Following are excerpts from “A Current of Grace” by
Ralph Martin as he has quoted from Killian McDonnell &
George Montague, Fanning the Flame: What Does Baptism
in the Holy Spirit have to Do with Christian Initiation?
“The Spirit calls each of us and the Church as a whole,
after the pattern of Mary and the Apostles in the Upper
Room, to accept and embrace the baptism in the Holy
Spirit as the power of personal and communal
transformation with all the graces and charisms needed
for the upbuilding of the church and for our mission in the
world. This mission has its origin in the Father reaching
through the Son in the Spirit to touch and transform the
church and world to lead them in the Spirit through Christ
back to the Father.”
For Information, contact:
Jim /Shirley Brodi -----------------586-739-3802
Mary Sackey------------------------586-731-4914
Bob Hurlbert -----------------------586-412-1029
Kathleen Wesley ------------------586-286-7253
Healing Mass
5:30 – 6:30 PM
Praise & Worship
6:30 PM
Led By: Chris & Mike Duffy
Mass Begins
7:00 PM
44633 UTICA RD.
Healing Prayer Teams
For Information, contact:
Jim /Shirley Brodi ----------------------Mary Sackey ----------------------------Kathleen Wesley ------------------------
Fresh Grave Blankets and Wreaths
Grave blankets and wreaths are allowed in the
Cemetery from November 15th through
March 15th. Fresh grave blankets and wreaths
are available for purchase through
St. Lawrence Cemetery. Order forms are available in the Parish Office.
If you wish to purchase your own grave blanket or wreath,
a tag must be purchased. Tags will be available in the
Parish Office, for $5.00 each, beginning November 1,
2014. All greens not purchased through the Cemetery
must be tagged.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathie
Sabelhaus in the Parish Office at 731-5357, ext. 247, or
Book Fair This Weekend!
The Book Fair will begin on Saturday,
November 8th, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
(After Mass) and Sunday, November 9th,
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (After all Masses). The Scholastic Book Fair will run
the following week 9:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. daily and end Friday, November
14th at noon. In addition, the Book Fair
will be open during Parent/Teacher
Conferences including Wednesday, November 12th, and Thursday, November 13th, in the evening from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. More information will
be distributed soon and will be sent home with your
child. The entire family is encouraged to come by the
Book Fair. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Library Staff
St. Lawrence School Library
Archdiocese of Detroit
Year of Prayer for a
New Pentecost
March 5, 2014 – April 5, 2015
Father in heaven, renew your wonders
in our time, as though by a new Pentecost
and grant that your holy Church in Detroit,
praying perseveringly and insistently
with one mind, together with Mary,
the mother of Jesus,
and guided by Sts. Joseph and Anne,
may increase the reign of the Divine Savior,
the reign of truth and justice,
the reign of love and peace. Amen.
information and resources:
School News
School Mission
We are a Catholic School family dedicated
to nurturing and celebrating a love for
Jesus Christ and educating the whole child
with academic excellence.
Mon. Nov. 10
SLS Annual Scholastic Book Fair 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
(After all Masses) in Library
3rd-4th Grades: Last Day to Register Instructional
Scrip Orders Placed by 10:00 AM
5th & 6th Grades: Forensics Team MANDATORY PARENT
Meeting 7:00 PM (Social Hall)
Tue. Nov. 11
SLS Annual Scholastic Book Fair 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
(After all Masses) in Library
Student Newspaper Club Meeting 4:00-5:00 PM
(Computer Lab)
Wed. Nov. 12
Children’s Mass Hosted by: Case/401-6B
Traveling Chalice: 4th Grade
SLS Annual Scholastic Book Fair 9:00 AM-4:00 PM in Library
Flu Shot Clinic for Adults & Students
(9 years & older-with a parent present) after School
Mass until Noon
Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00 PM
(Classrooms & Cafeteria)
SLS Annual Scholastic Book Fair 5:00-8:00 PM in Library
(during conferences)
Market Day: Internet Orders Due at 11:00 PM
Thur. Nov. 13
½ DAY OF SCHOOL – Dismissal at 12:00 Noon
SLS Annual Scholastic Book Fair 9:00 AM-4:00 PM in Library
Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 PM & 5:00-8:00 PM
(Classrooms & Cafeteria)
SLS Annual Scholastic Book Fair 5:00-8:00 PM in Library
(during conferences)
8th Grade Class Selling Carson’s Coupon Booklets at
Partridge Creek from 6:00-8:00 PM
Fri. Nov. 14
KN-8th Grades: School-Wide “Blue Out” for Diabetes
Awareness – FREE JEANS DAY
SLS Annual Scholastic Book Fair 9:00 AM-12:00 PM in
Library (Ends)
Paint and Pour 7:00-9:00 PM (Social Hall)
8th Grade Fundraiser: Carson’s Community Days
Partridge Creek (use your coupon booklets)
Sat. Nov. 15
“Race to Nowhere” Presentation at 9:00 AM (Social Hall)
8th Grade Fundraiser: Carson’s Community Days Partridge
Creek (use your coupon booklets)
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Love One Another as I Have Loved You
Sound Ministry
In John 15:12, Jesus says, “This is my
commandment, that you love one another as I
have loved you.” Loving and caring for one
another is not just the pastor’s job—it’s
something Jesus calls us all to do! Stephen
Ministry is a ministry in which people with
special gifts for caring ministry can put those gifts to use
in an organized way, bringing Jesus’ love and care to
those who most need it. If you know someone who is
going through a difficult time, contact one of the Stephen
Leaders from St. Lawrence Catholic Church at
586-731-5347 about Stephen Ministry. Our Stephen
Ministers are ready to provide focused, confidential, oneto-one Christian care—to help that person experience the
healing power of Christ’s love.
The Music Dept. is looking for a volunteer to share their
time and talent in helping our Contemporary group during
Mass. It will involve (1) rehearsal and (2) 12:00 pm Masses
per month. This person would help blend the voices and
the instruments via use of the church’s mixing board.
Ideally, this person will have a good ear for music and
have had ‘hands-on’ experience with mixing boards/PA
equipment. We are, however, willing to train someone
who can dedicate the time. Please contact Mike Roth if
you think you can help us. Thank You!
2014 Catholic Services Appeal
Our pledges for this year’s annual appeal continue to
trickle in. Pledges-to-date total $173,967. We are still a
large sum away -- $37,139 – from reaching our 2014 goal
of $211,106.
Many of the ministries, programs and services within the Archdiocese of Detroit are made possible
and will continue through our support of this campaign. If
you are one of the parishioners who have not submitted a
pledge-to-date, won’t you please reconsider? Or to those
who have previously submitted a pledge and wish to provide an additional amount, your pledges can be increased.
St. Lawrence Parish must meet our commitment either
through direct pledges or from the parish operating
budget. Every dollar of your contributions count … no
matter the amount!
You may simply designate on an
envelope or the check itself CSA Appeal or if you prefer a
pledge card can be obtained from the Parish Office and
included with your offering. Contributions can be placed
in the collection basket, hand-delivered or mailed to the
parish office directly. As good stewards of our parish may
we all continue to pray for God’s blessings for this Parish
and for the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Thank you
St. Lawrence Parishioners for your continued support.
Marie DeArment
2014 CSA Chairperson
2014 CSA
Have you made your pledge
yet? Please, prayerfully
consider helping us reach our
Total Amount
Campbell Soup Labels
St. Lawrence School is again collecting Campbell’s product UPC’s to be redeemed for merchandise to benefit the
school. The products that qualify include Pepperidge
Farm, Pop Secret, Prego, Swanson, and Campbell Soups!
Please see below for the appropriate way to cut out the
UPC’s we need in order to qualify. The collection bin can
be found outside the school office.
Thank you for your support!
Jill Coraci (
(586) 291-4081
K of C Spelling Bee
We are happy to announce the return of the
K of C Spelling Bee. This fun, challenging and
great event is open to two competition levels:
Level I is 4th through 6th grades and Level II is
7th through 9th grades. In the past, students
from St. Lawrence Parish have won the Diocesan and State
Level Bees!
Registration is now open! Please email Joe Lograsso
( to register. Please include the
student’s name and grade. The appropriate level word
list will be emailed back to you. You can also email me if
you have any questions.
The first level of competition is scheduled Sunday December 7, 2014 at the St. Lawrence Social Hall at 12:30 p.m.
There will be one winner and three runner-ups for each
level that will be allowed to move on to the Diocesan
We encourage anyone with any bit of interest to sign up
for the spelling bee and come out and compete. The earlier you register, the more time you have to see the word
list. Please don’t wait!
Divine Mercy Prayer Line
As Jesus revealed to St. Faustina, “I have opened My
Heart as a living fountain of mercy. Let all souls draw
life from it.” If you or others would like to receive
prayer for your intentions, contact Eileen at the Divine
Mercy Prayer line: (586) 725-0944.
Retrouvaille: A Lifeline for Troubled
Someone once said “marriages may be made in heaven,
but they sure take a lot of work on earth.”
If you are feeling frustrated, hurt or angry with your
spouse, or alone and distant, there is a place to turn for
help. Retrouvaille is a Christian Peer Ministry that is helping couples put the pieces back together and rebuild loving relationships.
For more information on programs in
this area, call: 1-800-470-2230 or visit the website
October, 2014
Joseph LoCicero and Angela Morris
Sam Vogel and Sarah Mangold
Michael Schley and Natalie Hunwick
James Colaluca and Andrea Blaszczak
Sean Kennedy and Ariane Bartolome
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Pro-Life Group
In response to a recent subpoena generated by the Mayor of
Houston, Texas to five local pastors demanding they hand
over copies of their sermons and other private church communications, pastors from all over the U.S. inundated her
office with thousands of copies of sermons and Bibles.
The Mayor wisely backed down, but not before the outrage
inspired people of faith to hold a major religious freedom
rally on Sunday, November 2, called "I Stand Sunday".
At a time in history when religious persecution is at an alltime high (out of an estimated 70 million people martyred
for their Christian faith in the last 2000 years, 45 million - or
65% - have been martyred in the last 100 years alone) we
should not be surprised that Satan is no longer knocking at
our door, but has made himself comfortably at home. The
thief is in the house, and his accomplices - abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, and promiscuity, are vandalizing our
homes and stealing our children.
Right now, our government calls abortion a "human right",
and our taxes help pay for it. The HHS mandate continues to
wreak havoc on religious institutions and people of faith
whose conscience rights are being ignored. Conscience protections for medical personnel are being eroded. Catholic
schools are being persecuted for teaching Catholic beliefs on
love, marriage, family, and sexuality. And mayors and city
councils like in Houston are usurping power by enacting
flawed ordinances giving special rights to LGBT persons while
disregarding the First Amendment rights of everyone else.
Christianity is increasingly scorned and denounced as intolerant. It is easy to conclude that religious persecution is the
number one civil rights issue today.
Religious freedom is the cornerstone of the pro-life movement. It is essential to the promotion and preservation of
the dignity of the human person. St. Pope John Paul II said
"History demonstrates, a democracy without values easily
turns into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism."
Sunday, November 9, is the "International Day of Prayer for
the Persecuted Church". As we pray for those Christians suffering persecution today, let us also reflect on the strength
of our own faith; to stand firm, to put on the whole armor of
God, to have the courage of martyrs to proclaim the Gospel
of Peace. For the day will come for each one of us to decide, as C.S. Lewis said, that "Christianity, if false, is of no
importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only
thing it cannot be, is moderately important."
Pro-Life Christmas Card Sale after all Masses Nov. 8 and 9,
$12 for a box of 20!
If you feel you are being called to the Pro-Life ministry and
would like to join us, please contact Sharon Gill at
Pregnancy Help Resource: Right to Life of Michigan: crisis
hot-line: 1-800-579-6626
Post Abortion Outreach Program, Project Rachel hot-line: 1888-722-4355
Knights of Columbus
Saturday November 29, 2014
at the K of C Hall
First Annual Chili Cook-off
Benefiting the Family of Jeff and Eileen Wright
Please bring your best chili to be judged by your friends.
Please come out to taste the great recipes and select the
We will have plenty of hot dogs, chips and chili while you
watch the Michigan-Ohio State Game! We will have beerwine-soda. Bring the whole family!
The cost is $15 for contestants and guests are $12 for
adults and $7 for children. For more information, please
contact Anthony Quagliato at 734-646-6468 or
The Living Stone-News from the Holy Land
Grotto Restoration The Grotto of the Annunciation honoring Angel Gabriel's declaration that Mary was to be the
Mother of God, may wear away within the next 50 years.
Unless preventative measures are taken to stop the erosion of one of the famous Holy Land sites dedicated to
our Blessed Mother, this limestone cave may simply return to dust prior to the end of the 21st century.
Because it has been touched and remodeled by the hands
of so many pilgrims, the cavern has suffered heavy shocks
to its chemical equilibrium. In one year, the grotto has
retreated two and a half inches. The ecosystem of this
Nazareth site relies on atmospheric humidity and gas exchange. Scientific studies indicate that the normal
breathing and perspiring of the pilgrims creates a vapor
which attacks the limestone walls. The cave's lighting
has also been replaced by a cold light system. Dehumidification experts detected the presence of water at various depths in the grotto floor. These specialists are currently working on a way to create a barrier to hinder the
water from entering the wall structure. It is hoped that,
by taking advantage of an electro-physical phenomenon,
electrodes connected to a small electric power plant will
literally fight the water's natural power.
Obviously, the Franciscan friars assigned to the Custody
of the Holy Land are thrilled at the prospects of stabilizing the grotto. Prior damage is in the hands of God.
Equally exciting is the discovery of several religious, private, and public funding sources to finance the intricate
Hopefully, within a few months, after the tests and analyses are completed, the Franciscans will know if they
have curtailed the destructive effects of humidity.
Source: "Save the Grotto”; The Holy Land Review; Summer 2014; Page 40.
/Mike Butkiewicz
3rd/4th Grade
Instructional BasketBall!
Mustang Roundup
Cheer Competition
Our Varsity (7/8th Grade) and JV (5/6 Grade) Cheer program exceeded all expectations last Sunday 11/2, at the
2014 CYO Cheer Competition at Divine Child High School.
The JV started the first half of the day’s activities off, by
winning the JV Championship. They presented an almost
perfect routine with their huge numbers, and brought
home the gold! Members of the JV squad, under the direction of Coach Amanda Shultis, include Gia Bartolotta,
Ava Baxa, Allison Berent, Abigail Brooks, Abagail
Cunningham, Sydney Desjardine, Gabriella Formosa,
Melissa Kolpasky, Anne Komoroski, Grace Laird, Emma
Maggiano, Madison Parrinello, Giuliana Piccinini, Alyssa
Rogers, Victoria Rutkowski, Sophia Savalle, Alexandra
Shevsky, Gabriella Spagnuolo, Sophia Spagnuolo, Layna
Sturza, Sydney Tobolo, Alexa Tozzi, and Piera
Not to be outdone, the 7/8 Grade Varsity Cheer team
followed next and in a nail-biting back and forth Competition, came away also with the CYO Championship! Members of the Varsity, CYO Championship squad, under the
direction of Coaches Sarah Larson and Jessica Saveski,
include Alexia Barker, Sophia Bowman, Genevieve
DeBuck, Jorfan Fawaz, Olivia Guitar, Grace Ricci, Rosalie
Scheper, Sarah Simon, Ava Simony, Jessica Slaski, Peyton
Tobola, Siobhan Triglia, Alissa Thompson, Olivia Thompson, and Lucy Valentine.
Congratulations to both of our teams and their coaches on
a job well done!
Our Cheer Program, under the
leadership of Coordinator Beth Karle, continues to be the
model for CYO, and the team to beat, season after season, year after year!!!
2014/15 Winter Bowling and Cheer Registration
Registration for Winter Bowling and Cheer is presently
website,, thru 11/10. Please register
early, if interested. This activity is open to ALL Parish
and School children in the 5th -8th Grade.
Athletic Board Meeting
Our monthly Athletic Board Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday 11/12 from 6 – 8 PM in the school (room TBD).
We invite everyone to attend our monthly meetings and
share your opinions. Please mark your calendars and plan
on attending!
Attention all 3rd and 4th grade basketball players (boys and
girls): Registration for 2014/15 Instructional Basketball
takes place from October 21st thru November 10th.. Go to and click on the “Register
OnLine” tab to follow the prompts for registration and sign
up. The fee is $100 – which will include one practice per
week, 4 home games, 4 away games and a basketball jersey. All games will be against other Catholic Schools in the
area. (You do not have to attend St. Lawrence School to
The St Lawrence Instructional Basketball Program focuses
on teaching basketball fundamentals to the children in a
Christian environment with an emphasis on equal playing
time on a balanced team. Practices will begin in December
with games taking place in January and February.
We depend on volunteer coaches to ensure proper player
development and would like to have at least two coaches
per team. If you are interested in coaching please contact
Mark Bruni at
All coaches are required to take “Protecting God’s Children” in order to volunteer. No Late registrations will be
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Zuccaro Banquets & Catering
For tickets and sponsorship information, please contact
Mrs. Upton at 586-749-7900
Parents & Students are invited to ACHS for a
hands-on interactive experience in Austin academics.
November 19, December 10,
January 14, February 11
Register for the November 15th
High School Placement Test Online.
Visit the ACHS website for more details.
For more information log on to
or call (586) 749-7900
24125 26 Mile Road - Ray - MI - 48096
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Prayer List
Jesus, you are God’s Gift of healing love. While on earth, you healed those who came for help. We believe that
you continue to heal today. Heal all those for whom we pray, especially those on our list. Amen.
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list you may call the parish office or email your request to
Ann Marie Badke
Victor Basyblo
James Beaton
Ashley Bousson
John Chakel
Gloria Cichy
Lillian Costa
Lenna Cox
Frank Cucchiara, Sr.
Fred Daley
Jo Davis
Michelle DeSchryver
Anthony Detroyer
Josephine DiLisio
Raymond Dilworth
MaryAnn DiMusto
Tony Duronio
Laura Durr
Edward Dziewit
John Engel
John Fish, Jr.
Magdelana Gbur
Ethan Gehrke
William Grenillo
Gary Habel
Brian Harker
Christof Hermann
Olive Hoffman
Mary Infantino
Rex Kilburn
Steven Klimek
Daniel Kobylarz-Hughes
Dick Kolpasky
Dorothy Kosciolek
Ron Kruk, Jr.
Emily Kubiak
Toni Kucharski (Lochridge)
Leo Kujawa
Jim Langeveld
Theresa Learnihan
Peter Lodico
David Long
Patricia Lowry
Dominic Lumetta
Janice MacDonald
George Magulak, Jr.
Eleanor Majocha
Larry Marquardt
Tom & Joan Martin
Ron Matola
Eleanor Matthews
Steve Messina
Roger Michels
Lester Nevens
Stephanie Pach
Benjamin Perrell
Christie Plourde
Carol Pulich
Joyce Radulski
Robert Radulski
Kathy Ray
Jennifer Reid
Dan Salk
Theresa Shandor
Gerald Shekoski
Geri Skonieczny
Joseph Steinkemper
Cynthia Surdecki Dehem
Donald Szlezyngier
Carol Szymkowski
Judy Taube
Helen Tripiano
Hunter Wajer
Lexi Ward
Jason Warner
Robert Warner
Gary Weigan
Helen Weigan
Ray & Karen Whyte
Jake Williams
Shirley Wuestenberg
Beverly & Robert Zalewski
Diane Zalewski
Gladys Zbanski
Nettie Zbikowski
Francis Zielinski
Pray for Those Serving in the Military
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
John Adrian - ANG
SPC Melissa Alston - Army
Col. Mary Augustitus-Blair - Marines
Dominic Barone - Army
Christopher Bauslaugh - Army
Nicole Bauslaugh - Army
Sgt. Marcus Bawel - Marines
SPC Matthew Bazydlo - Army
Patrick Becerra - Army
Nathan Blight—Army
Sgt. Evan Bogart - Army
Nicholas Boris - Navy
1st Class Petty Officer Tom Bremer- Navy
Sgt. Jerry Bushaey - Army
Major Vincent Cipriano - Army
Michael Colonna, Jr. - Navy
Jordan Darraugh - Navy
Robert Kwiecinski - Army
Lt. Col. Bill LaPratt - Marines
Lt. Col. Timothy Lemley - Army
Eric McDougall - Marines
PFC Cory Marchioni—Army
LCPL Aaron Murphy - Marines
1st Lt. Steven Pickett - Marines
SA Joseph Pugliese - Navy
Capt. Brett Reichert– Army
Major James Rossi - ANG
2nd Lt. Joseph Sattler-Army
1st Lt. Anthony Sierawski-USMC
Nicholas Solomon - Army
Sgt. Andrew Stapels - Marines
Brandon Trees - USAF
Nichole Whitt - Navy
Katy Wolfsberger - Navy
Matthew Gaiownik - Marines
PFC Justin Gleba - Army
Staff Sgt. Patrick Goodwin - USAF
Arlon Gregg CPL - Marines
2nd Lt. Garrett Haas-Army
Major Shawn Hagan - USAF
Capt. Dr. Scott Iler Hagedorn - USAF
Major Jim Hensien - Marines
Pvt. Jason Hyry - Army
Patrick Jors - Navy
SSG Brian Junga - Army
Christopher King - USAF
Kenneth King - Navy
Kristina King - USAF
Lt. Col. Timothy Knoth - Army
Paul Koss-Marines
Capt. Edward Kotulski - Marines
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
*Presider schedule subject to change
Saturday, November 15, 2014
4:30 pm
Fr. Roman
Matthew Komoroski
Sonia Studnicka
Jack Studnicka
Need 1
Jillian Winn
Jerry Fisher
Sunday, November 16, 2014
8:00 am
Fr. Roman
Sean Ryan
Branden Anton
Haley Iacona
Benjamin Iacona
Sheryl Anderson
Teri Gerring
Sunday, November 16, 2014
10:00 am
Fr. Sal
Joseph Rogers
Dominic Orlando
Sabrina Mullens
Jade Ruskus
Ralph Sitler III
Catherine Orlando
Sunday, November 16, 2014
12:00 pm
Fr. Sal
Tricia Carreon
Thomas Mansour
Marcelina Powalka
Anthony Marcopoli
Jim MacDonald
Lisa Marcopoli
Altar Servers
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Parish Office
(586) 731-5347
44633 Utica Road, Utica, Michigan 48317
Rev. Roman Pasieczny, Pastor
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Mr. Anthony Morici, Deacon
(586) 731-5393
Pastoral Staff
(586) 731-0135
Religious Education
(586) 731-5072
Rev. Roman Pasieczny, Pastor
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Mr. Anthony Morici, Deacon
Peggy DeClercq, Pastoral Assoc.
Lorrie Goetzinger, Business Manager
Mary Kraus, Christian Service
Lisa Rajnicek, Religious Education
Deann Reusche, Youth Minister
Mike Roth, Music Director
Cathy Ciolino, School Principal
Community Support Staff
Kathie Sabelhaus, Cemetery Coordinator
Stephen Ministry (586) 731-5347
Greg Mangold, Athletic Director (586) 978-3887
Baptisms are the 2nd Saturday of the month at 5:45 pm and the 2nd,
3rd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15 pm. A Baptismal Preparation Class is required for both parents and godparents and is held on
the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Social Hall at 7:00 pm.
The Church requires that at least one of the parents and one of the
godparents be practicing Catholics, that is, they actively participate
in Mass each weekend. Please call the Parish Office to register for
classes or if you have any questions.
Parish Council
Annmarie Iacona, Chairperson
Lorri DeAngelis, Vice Chairperson
Sherry Berry, Secretary
Parish Council Members-At-Large
Cathy Scanlan Annmarie Iacona Mike Coraci Sherry Berry
Brett Valentine Cheryl Lloyd Lawrence Higgins
Lorri DeAngelis
Greg Padley
Young Adult Rep.
Youth Group Rep.
Senior Rep.
Athletic President
Vicariate Rep.
Worship Chair
Christian Service Rep.
School/Comm. Rep./President
Evan./Comm. Rep.
Education Chair
Adult Formation Rep.
Hannah Gianfermi
Marion Lelito
Greg Burnick
Lisa Ann Roth
Rosemary Reilly
Fr. Sal
Barb McKay
Liturgy Schedule
Monday– Friday, 8:00 am
Wednesday (during school), 9:30 am
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon
Reconciliation, Saturday, 3:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
2nd Tuesday 5-8 pm and 2nd Wednesday 2-3 pm
Perpetual Help Devotions, Tuesday morning after the 8:00 am Mass
Marriage arrangements require a six-month parish registration and
active Mass participation. Wedding dates are not given out over the
phone or before you have been active parishioners for at least six
months. Please call the Parish Office for details.
Questions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and
Confirmation will be answered by our Religious Education Office.
Please call (586) 731-5072 for further information.
School Information
Questions about tuition rates for parish members and
non-members, applications to attend the school or any other school
related matters will be answered by the St. Lawrence School Office.
Please call (586) 731-0135 for further information.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
School Office Hours (During School Year)
Monday through Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Religious Education Office Hours (During CRE Year)
Monday and Tuesday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Wednesday through Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Religious Education Office Hours (Summer)
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm