Nyhetsbrev frå n Nordiskå polisforsknings- nå

Nyhetsbrev från Nordiskå polisforskningsnåtverket: April 2015
Allmänt ......................................................................................................... 2
Svenska Polismyndigheten utan Utvärderingsfunktion ........................... 2
Uppmärksammat svenskt polisingripande i New York ............................ 2
52 iranske forskare utkastade av norska säkerhetspolisen ..................... 2
Snacka om brott Poddsändningar från Brå ............................................. 2
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser ........................................................................ 3
Svensk avhandling: Strategisk kommunikation - Räddningstjänsten ...... 3
Finska PHS i EU-studie om organiserad brottslighet .............................. 4
Påtaleansvarliges rolle og betydning i etterforskning .............................. 5
Vesentlige mangler ved norsk politis datasystemer ................................ 5
Seksuelle overgrep - evaulering av politets arbeid ................................. 6
Norsk master om utbildning i kriminalitetsforebyggende arbeid .............. 6
Språkanalys av förhörsutsagor................................................................ 7
Artiklar, tidskrifter.......................................................................................... 7
Police and ethnic minorities in Sweden ................................................... 7
Journal of Criminological Research call for papers ................................. 8
Konferenser, kurser m.m. ............................................................................. 8
Forskning om polisen i den akuta situationen Växjö 25.5 ....................... 8
Stockholm Criminology Symposium June 8-10 ....................................... 8
Policing and Democracy in the 21th Century - Liverpool 17.10 .............. 9
Cepol: Evidence Based Policing Lisbon 5-8.10 Call for abstracts ........... 9
Australian & New Zealand Society of Criminology conference 25-27.11
Call for abstracts ....................................................................................10
Tjänster internationellt .................................................................................10
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev ..........................................11
Svenska Polismyndigheten utan Utvärderingsfunktion
I samband med omorganisationen av svensk polis har Rikspolisstyrelsens Utvärderingsfunktion lagts ned och de forskare som ingått flyttats till Enheten Verksamhetsstyrning och
analys som ingår i Rikspolischefens kansli.
Utvärderingsfunktionen tillkom som ett regeringsuppdrag 2009 till följd av att
Ekonomistyrningsverket i en analys pekat på bristen på och behovet av utvärderingar inom
polisen. I utvärderingsfunktionen ingick ett antal disputerade forskare. Därtill lades
utvärderingsuppdrag ut på universitetsinstitutioner. Sammanlagt publicerades under perioden
2011-2014 16 rapporter (källa Libris) som ofta innehöll en kritisk granskning av polisiära
Reds kommentar: Det är inte lätt att veta vad som görs i den nya organisationen. Men för
oss som vill se Polismyndigheten som en lärande organisation öppen för kritisk granskning är
nedläggningen av utvärderingsfunktionen oroväckande. Kommer forskarna från
utvärderingsfunktionen att kunna fortsätta med oberoende utvärderingar eller kommer man att
reduceras till en lydig enhet som har att underordna sig organisationspolitiska styrningar?
Uppmärksammat svenskt polisingripande i New York
Svensk polis har blivit aktuella i debatten om polisbrutalitet i USA. Fyra svenska poliser på
semester ingriper mot slagsmål mellan två personer på tunnelbanan. Det minimala våldet och
goda bemötandet under ingripandet rosas såväl i internationell press som i sociala medier.
Svenska inrikesministern Ygeman bjöd på finlunch vid hemkomsten och Nyhetsbrevets
redaktion sällar sig till hyllningskören
52 iranska forskare utkastade av norska säkerhetspolisen
Inför risken att 52 iranska forskare skulle bidra till utvecklingen av massförstörelsevapen
avvisas de från Norge av norska PST
Snacka om brott Poddsändningar från Brå
Hur många brott är möjliga att klara upp?
Tillsammans med City-polisen i Stockholm har Brå genomfört ett försöksprojekt för att
undersöka möjligheten att klara upp fler mängdbrott.
Medverkande: Anna Eksten, utredare på Brå. Jakob Svensk, polisinspektör på
Norrmalmsenheten i Stockholm.
Programledare: Johannes Rosenberg
Tid för brott
När sker olika brott? Och vad kan Polisen och rättsväsendet ha för nytta av att veta det?
Medverkande: Johanna Olseryd, utredare på Brå. Josef Wiklund, enhetschef vid den
brottsförebyggande ungdomsenheten i Sundsvalls närpolisområde.
Programledare: Johannes Rosenberg
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser
Svensk avhandling: Strategisk kommunikation - Räddningstjänsten
Magnusson, S. (2014). Att säkerställa att vi är välkomna: om organisationers strategiska
kommunikation och förtroendeskapande arbete i det mångkulturella samhället. Diss. Lund :
Lunds universitet, 2015. Lund.
Den 16.1 disputerade Susanna Magnusson med sin avhandling "Att säkerställa att vi är
En del i avhandlingen är en fallstudie med Räddningstjänsten Syd som syftar till att beskriva
och analysera organisationens förtroendeskapande kommunikation. I synnerhet brand- och
säkerhetsvärdarnas arbete och vad som krävs för att kunna hantera de möten som sker vid
hembesök och på informationsträffar. I analysen lyfter Susanna fram både positiva aspekter
av arbetet samtidigt som hon tar upp olika dilemman och svårigheter.
In a society increasingly characterized by cultural heterogeneity and where trust issues are becoming ever more
important, new demands and dilemmas arise related to organizations’ strategic communication. This study
investigates the struggles of contemporary organizations to achieve credibility and strengthen their social
legitimacy as actors in Sweden’s multicultural society. The empirical case concerns the rescue services –
Räddningstjänsten Syd – in southern Sweden, and the trust-building efforts the organization carries out in
residential areas that tend to be described as “multicultural”. The efforts were a response to several years of
social unrest, hostile treatment and communicative clashes between firefighters and local residents. The
organization made a strategic shift towards a more proactive and community-engaged approach. A key group in
the preventative and relationship building activities were the so called fire-hosts, who were given the role of
link-workers. Through their “multicultural competence”, perceived cultural barriers would be overcome. By
focusing on the rhetorical and communicative aspects of the trust-building efforts, this study targets the special
challenges created by the multicultural condition. It also tries to determine those rhetorical/communicative
processes which seem to lead to increased trust and improved relations between the organization and
multicultural communities. The study has a discursive approach to the concept of culture, highlighting the social
consequences caused by the framing of problems and of the solutions to problems in cultural terms. The
empirical material includes 33 qualitative interviews, about 30 hours of observation of the rhetorical practices of
the fire-hosts, as well as approximately 25 hours of film material. Theoretically, mainly rhetorical terminology is
applied to analyze the trust-building communication. The concept of ethos (appeals based on credibility) is
central. Other rhetorical concepts such as phronesis (practical wisdom), eunoia (goodwill), copia (stock of
possible choices, both content and form), actio (non-verbal language) and identification (according to Kenneth
Burke’s ideas) are employed. Sociologically coloured concepts, such as tokenism and strategic essentialism, are
also present in the analysis. The first analytical chapter examines how the organization has changed its
communicative strategies on a more general level in order to increase social legitimacy. It shows how the
strategies and relationship-building activities correspond in many respects to a normative ideal within the field of
strategic communication. At the same time it highlights the tensions created during the process. The role of the
fire-hosts as living organizational brands is problematized, as is the reduced internal identification of firefighters
caused by the organizational shift towards preventive work. The second analytical chapter examines the firehosts' so-called multicultural competence. It shows that multicultural competence is construed in two contrasting
ways: the culture perspective and the attitude perspective. These perspectives not only manifest different ideas of
the origins of the persuasive power of ethos, but also create different rhetorical subjects. From the culture
perspective multicultural competence largely concerns knowledge of what is described as specific cultures
and/or religions. This knowledge is mainly ascribed to persons on the basis of national origin and background,
and also stresses the significance of a “non-Swedish” appearance. In this perspective, ethos becomes something
ascribed mainly to people who appear to have the authenticity of being an immigrant. The attitude perspective,
on the other hand, appears as a displayed attitude based on eunoia. Analytically, the attitude perspective is
interpreted as a form of phronesis, and different rhetorical concepts are employed to describe and demystify
these communicative skills. Three themes in the copia of the fire-hosts are presented: first, the ability to listen
actively, second, their repertoire of language skills and body language skills, third, having a broad conception of
their duties and role in society. According to this view, one does not have to be categorised as an immigrant by
appearance or descent in order to demonstrate multicultural competence. In this perspective, ethos becomes
something acquired in the situation rather than attributed to static properties. The third analytical chapter
examines the concept of culture as a discursive tool. The concept has a constraining potential as well as a
liberating one in the trust-building efforts and the chapter shows examples of both. The thesis ends with three
conclusions regarding organizations' trust-building efforts in a multicultural society. The first conclusion is that
those organizations must create a balance between emphasizing differences and emphasizing similarities
between different groups and “cultures”. The second is that organizations should deal with the concept of culture
with caution and avoid describing competencies in cultural terms. The final conclusion is that other
organizations struggling with the same issues could learn from studying the processes and actions of the case
För nedladdning i fulltext:
Finska PHS i EU-studie om organiserad brottslighet
EU financed project on organized crime carried out by an international consortium
coordinated by Transcrime – Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy) and constituted
by 7 other partners:
Aim of Project OCP is to carry out an exploratory study of the economics of organised crime
in Europe, and in particular to address three research questions, which are covered by the
three sections of the final report:
− Where organised crime proceeds are generated, from which illicit markets (Part 1 of
the Report);
− Where these proceeds are then invested in the legitimate economy, in which regions,
assets and business sectors (Part 2);
− The extent to which these proceeds are confiscated by European authorities (Part 3).
The project focuses on seven EU member states (Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom), represented by OCP partners, and for
which provides an in-depth analysis. However, the report also presents a broader examination
of the situation in Europe as a whole.
For downloading the Full Report, the Executive Summary and the Methodological Annex
Ytterligare information: specialforskare Jarmo Houtsonen, tel 0295 483 814
Påtaleansvarliges rolle og betydning i etterforskning
Myhrer, T.-G. (2015). Kvalitet i etterforskningen: Særlig om påtaleansvarliges rolle og
betydning: Delrapport i «Etterforskningsprosjektet». (PHS Forskning 2014: 3). Oslo:
This report is one of three from the research program «Quality of investigations» carried out at the Norwegian
Police University College. The report discusses the role of the police prosecutors and responsibilities during
criminal investigations. First, «quality» is defined as «an activity, which is conducted according to certain agreed
standards». It is argued that the most relevant standards during investigations are: Do the police investigate the
right cases? Does the investigation contain all relevant elements within the procedural term «proving the
question of guilt» and thus clear up the case? Is relevant information for imposing a correct sentence obtained? Is
the investigation conducted according to procedural law and standards and carried out objectively? Has the
investigation been done as quickly as possible and have the aggrieved persons and the public been satisfactory
informed? The last standard is listed as whether the document file is satisfactory and that seized objects are
secured and stored properly. The standards have different weight in the overall assessment of investigation
quality. The report argues that the most important standard is how the question of guilt is investigated, and that it
is done objectively and according to procedural law. The main part of the report contains a more detailed
discussion of the different standards, focusing on the role of the police prosecutors in the investigation (chapter
2). Chapter 3 outlines the legal basis for the police prosecutors’ responsibilities and leading role in the
investigation. Chapter 4 discusses what we actually know about the importance of the police prosecutors’ role
for the quality of the investigation. It is concluded that it is more based on common sense than scientifically
proved data. The preconditions for the police prosecutors leading role in the investigation is discussed in chapter
5. The importance of having sufficient time to lead and direct, being located close to the investigators, having
relevant legal knowledge and legitimacy with the investigators is discussed. Finally, results from a survey among
police prosecutors on how they carry out their job are presented. The main findings are that the police
prosecutors on a regular basis do take a leading, advisory and controlling role in the investigations. Their focus is
on whether the investigation reveals all relevant information for deciding on the question of guilt (clear-up of the
case) and for imposing a correct sentence, and also whether the investigation is conducted as speedily as
possible. They have little focus on whether the investigations are done procedurally correct and objectively, even
though they see this as important when asked.
Rapporten kan leses i fulltekst i PIA: http://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/282259
Myhrers rapport er den andre som utgis i tilknytning til prosjektet «Kvalitet i
etterforskningen». Den første rapporten Måling av effektivitet i etterforskning: Delrapport i
«Etterforskningsprosjektet», skrevet av Johannes Knutsson, ble utgitt i 2013. Også Knutssons
rapport kan leses i fulltekst i PIA: http://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/175108
Vesentlige mangler ved norsk politis datasystemer
Ifjor ble det nye svenske datasystemet Pust erklært en fiasko. Nå har norsk politi tilsvarende
problem. Før den første delen av programmet som skal redde politiets datasystemer kan settes
i gang, må det gjennomføres flere «risikoreduserende tiltak», ifølge ny rapport.
Seksuelle overgrep - evaulering av politets arbeid
Politidirektoratet (2015). Evaluering av politiets arbeid med seksuelle overgrep – Januar
2015. Oslo: Politidirektoratet
Ur sammendrag:
”Hovedformålet med evalueringen er å få bedre kunnskap om kvaliteten og effektiviteten i
politiets etterforskning av seksuelle overgrep for å kunne etablere en bedre praksis for
etterforskningen av denne type saker. …”
”Totalt finner vi at 61 % av sakene er etterforsket med meget høy eller høy kvalitet og
effektivitet. Dette er saker som skiller seg ut med god kvalitet på alle eller de fleste kvalitetsog effektivitetskriterier. Etterforskningen i 25 % av sakene får derimot totalvurderingen
«Etterforskning med lav kvalitet og effektivitet». Disse sakene vurderes som akseptabelt
etterforsket, men har noen vesentlige mangler. I 14 % av sakene har etterforskningen «meget
lav kvalitet og effektivitet». Her er etterforskningen preget av store mangler. De vanligst
forekommende kvalitetsmanglene er lang liggetid, ikke utførte etterforskningsskritt og lav
kvalitet på skriftlig materiale. Etterforskningen i saker som prioriteres og oppklares, er jevnt
over meget god. Over 70 % av de oppklarte sakene er etterforsket med meget høy eller høy
kvalitet og effektivitet, mot 49 % av de uoppklarte sakene.”
För nedladdning:
Politioverbetjent og phd PhD Asbjørn Rachlew kommenterer i denne artikkelen
Norsk master om utbildning i kriminalitetsforebyggende arbeid
Simensen, Trond Kyrre (2015) Politiets kriminalitetsforebyggende arbeid: En studie av
forventninger og praksis. Oslo: Politihøgskolen
Hvordan kan Politihøgskolen bedre bidra til at politiet oppfyller myndighetenes forventninger om
kriminalitetsforebygging? Spørsmålet besvares gjennom dokumentanalyse og kvalitative intervjuer med
politistudenter i sitt praksisår. Undersøkelsen peker på 3 dimensjoner i forbindelse med politiets
kriminalitetsforebyggende politiarbeid. (1) Den politiske dimensjonen - lover, stortingsmeldinger,
handlingsplaner, strategiplaner og instrukser. En studie av disse viser at myndighetene ønsker at politiet skal
prioritere kriminalitetsforebygging, at de legger tydelige føringer for hvordan politiet skal drive forebygging, og
at dette er en oppgave for alle politifolk. Forebygging er videre en generalistoppgave som skal utøves gjennom
problemorientert politiarbeid i nært samarbeid med andre etater og virksomheter i samfunnet
(nærpoliti/lokalorientert politiarbeid). I tillegg skal politiet bruke personorientert og situasjonell forebygging.
Myndighetene mener dessuten at det å etterforske og få pådømt straffesaker er viktig og god forebygging – noe
de begrunner ut i fra straffens allmennpreventive og individualpreventive funksjon. (2) I den vitenskapelige
dimensjonen settes myndighetens valg av strategier under lupen. Hva er det vitenskapelige grunnlaget for
strategiene? Hvordan er det tenkt at politiet skal jobbe innenfor de forskjellige strategiene? Her viser det seg at
strategiene innbyrdes er ganske forskjellige i både forståelse av årsaker til kriminalitet og derved også hvordan
forebygge kriminalitet. (3) Den praktiske dimensjonen undersøkes gjennom kvalitative intervjuer med 10
politihøgskolestudenter i siste del av deres praksisår. Det viser seg at studentene har lav bevissthet rundt
kriminalitetsforebyggende politiarbeid. De har en forståelse for, og bruker, det rettshåndhevende politiarbeidet
via etterforskning – noe de ser på som forebyggende politiarbeid. Samtidig er de positive til forebygging, og
synes det er interessant de gangene de har vært med på noe de oppfatter som forebygging. Intervjuene indikerer
også at det som defineres som forebygging (altså ikke etterforskning) ofte gjøres av noen spesielt interesserte
ildsjeler. I motsetning til myndighetenes ønske om at kriminalitetsforebygging skal drives av alle politifolk, viser
det seg altså at forebygging mange steder er en spesialistoppgave. Fordi Politihøgskolen (PHS) har monopol på
politiutdanningen i Norge undersøker også forfatteren hvordan PHS ivaretar utdanningen i
kriminalitetsforebyggende politiarbeid. Forebygging kom inn i undervisningen ved opprettelsen av høgskolen i
1992 og har fram til 2014 vært et fag som har blitt introdusert i praksisåret, og undervist i utdanningens tredje
studieår. Undersøkelsen viser at faget «kriminalitetsforebyggende politiarbeid» befinner seg i spennet mellom
politikk, vitenskap og praksis.
För nedladdning:
Språkanalys av förhörsutsagor
Striwing, H. (2014). Ord som fängslar. Stockholm: Vulkan.
Förlagets beskrivning:
Kan sanna utsagor om en händelse skiljas från utsagor om förvanskade eller uppdiktade
händelseförlopp? Finns några kännetecken som utmärker den ena kategorin och samtidigt
avgränsar den från den andra? Frågorna upphör aldrig att fascinera. För rättsväsendet är de
centrala. Författaren nalkas frågan från språklig utgångspunkt, men låter de båda
perspektiven, det språkliga och det innehållsmässiga, löpa parallellt. Först analyseras vad som
händer i texten, men kopplingen till vad texten handlar om, gör den språkliga analysen lätt att
förstå. Skyldigas och oskyldigas utsagor och påståenden, återgivna i förhörsprotokoll
analyseras. Vår mänskliga hjärna vet sanningen och "läcker" information, som den insiktsfulle
kan upptäcka och använda. Läckaget kan ses i vår talproduktion, både när vi är uppriktiga och
när vi vill undanhålla sanningen och betror oss om att kunna göra det. Ett sådant budskap kan
förväntas ha stor attraktionskraft, inte minst inom olika sektorer av rättsväsendet. I USA och
flera andra länder är olika former av språklig analys av förhörsutsagor väletablerade som
utredningsmetoder. Några grundläggande begrepp introduceras och används på dialogerna.
Dessutom visar författaren, att vårt språk har sina egna kriterier med vars hjälp i bästa fall,
den som behöver, kan upptäcka undanhållanden, avslöja lögner och känna igen sanningen
Artiklar, tidskrifter
Police and ethnic minorities in Sweden
Uhnoo, Sara (2015) Within ‘the Tin Bubble’: the police and ethnic minorities in
Sweden. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. Volume
25, Issue 2, 2015, pages 129-149
How can discriminatory treatment along perceived ethnic lines become reproduced within a discursive climate
that claims to support ethnic diversity and condemn racism? Through an analysis of interviews with 21 current
and former employees of the Swedish Police who identified their background as ‘foreign’, this article
investigates how certain language use and specific talk can be reproduced in spite of the internal and external
criticism directed at them. Six different, institutionally available accounts resorted to by the interviewees to make
sense of and legitimise the derogatory language and joking they encountered at work are examined, shedding
light on how the use of derogatory language, slurs, and degrading humour about ethnic minorities can remain
commonplace within the police force without becoming considered as especially problematic. In addition, the
analysis shows that which takes place within the police's own ‘Tin Bubble’, or in the police car, canteen, and
lunchroom, to potentially have a carryover effect from one context to the other, colouring police interactions
with the public and adversely affecting the workplace satisfaction of police employees coming from minority
For full download (open access):
Journal of Criminological Research call for papers
Journal of Criminological Research Forthcoming issue: Vulnerability and the criminal justice
Coverage is planned to include the following:
• Vulnerability and the Criminal Justice System: an introduction
• Embedding Vulnerability in Policing Policy and Practice
• The Vulnerabilities of Police as Carers for the Vulnerable
• Psychological Vulnerability
• Vulnerability as Systemic Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System: The case of
offenders with a borderline intellectual disability
• Embodying Youthful Vulnerabilities and Policing Public Spaces
• Policing the Vulnerable Community of Macquarie Fields
• Love at First Type: Examining the vulnerability and victimisation of those seeking romance
• Women Offenders subjected to Sexual Violence: Ongoing vulnerability and possible
• Ameliorating Offender Vulnerability in Appearances before Courts: Overview of the
Australian Landscape
• Supporting Desistance and Recovery in Probation: Questions, Lenses and Opportunities
• A Federation of Clutter: The bourgeoning language of vulnerability in Australian policing
• Criminalised and Pathologised: Transgender people in prisons
• Vulnerability as Paternalism: Disablist hate crime and critical barriers to reporting
• Marginalising the undesirable: Procedural vulnerabilities and the displacement of individual
rights through police-imposed punishment in Victoria's night-time economy
Deadline for submissions: 1 August 2015
For futher information:
Konferenser, kurser m.m.
Forskning om polisen i den akuta situationen Växjö 25.5
Öppen föreläsning 25.5 Johan Bertilsson och Peter Fredriksson: Polisen i den akuta
situationen – begränsningar och möjligheter
Johan Bertilsson är polisinspektör i Region Syd och doktorand vid Institutionen för
kliniska vetenskaper Lunds universitet, Peter Fredriksson är vapenlärare vid Polisutbildningen
Linnéuniversitetet. De forskar om hur motorik och kognition påverkas av stress.
Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö lokal: Weber, tid: 13.15-14.30, alla välkomna, ingen kostnad
Stockholm Criminology Symposium June 8-10
4 May last day for registration
General information
Program and abstracts
Policing and Democracy in the 21th Century - Liverpool 17.10
The International Criminological Research Unit (ICRU) invites you to join us for a one day
conference at the School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool.
The purpose of the conference is to showcase a range of research-based perspectives on the
ambiguous and contested notion of `democratic policing?. Embracing both mainstream and
critical approaches to this topic the conference will provide a space for dialogue between
scholars with wide-ranging interests and theoretical affiliations.
Confirmed speakers include:
 Robert Reiner (Emeritus Professor of Criminology, LSE, Author of The Politics of the
Police (2010))
 Mark Neocleous (Professor of the Critique of Political Economy, Brunel University,
Author of War Power, Police Power (2014))
 Jon Jackson (Professor in Research Methodology, LSE, Co-Author of Just Authority:
Trust in the Police in England and Wales (2012))
 Ben Bradford (Lecturer in Criminology, University of Oxford, Co-Author of Just
Authority: Trust in the Police in England and Wales (2012))
 Anne Alvesalo (Professor in Sociology of Law, University of Turku, Finland, CoAuthor of `Eyes Wide Shut: The Police Investigation of Safety Crimes? (2007))
 David Whyte (Professor of Socio-legal Studies, University of Liverpool, co-author of
The Corporate Criminal (2015) and editor of How Corrupt is Britain? (2015))
 Dave Smith (Blacklisted construction worker, Secretary of the Blacklist Support
Group, Co-author of Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union
Activists (2015))
The programme for the day will include sessions on governance and accountability, police
violence, policing workers and political movements, police legitimacy and police-community
Cepol: Evidence Based Policing Lisbon 5-8.10 Call for abstracts
CEPOL Annual European Police Research and Science Conference: Evidence Based
Policing: new perspectives of cooperation between practice, education and police science.
Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 October 2015
Evidence-based policing strategies and tactics are growing in importance in most European
countries and police training is supporting and encompassing this trend. National police colleges
or universities, for example, are increasingly encouraging and supporting empirical research as the
backbone of Police Science Master and PhD thesis.
The CEPOL 2015 European Police Research and Science Conference aims at being a
forum where police research, training and evidence-based practice can be discussed as to their
impacts on European police cooperation.
Plenary presentations, panel sessions, parallel sessions and workshops are being planned to
be open forums for the presentation and discussion of recent experiences on evidence-based
policing, as well of future research road-maps.
Police researchers, scientists, trainers and officers, and university professors, researchers
and teachers are being invited to attend the conference. Police science Master or PhD students
will also be welcomed to present and discuss their findings.
The presentations of research findings will take place in parallel sessions and will be given
a maximum of 15 minutes (for each presentation). Posters will be digitally displayed at the
Conference venue’s main atrium. Applicants must send the title and an extended abstract of
the paper or poster to: cepol@pj.pt until the 29th May 2015.
Travelling and accommodation will be on the expense of applicants. Reduced fare hotel
rooms, located close to the Conference venue, may be arranged, providing such is requested,
in advance, to the Conference organization.
Australian & New Zealand Society of Criminology conference 2527.11 Call for abstracts
The 28th Annual Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology conference will be
held in Adelaide, South Australia from 25 - 27 November 2015 hosted by Flinders University
Law School and the Centre for Crime Policy and Research. The theme of the 2015
Conference is Security and Rule of Law: The changing face of criminal justice. The program
will include a wide range of plenary sessions, interactive workshops, round-table sessions,
presentations and seminars, shaped to enhance and inform around this theme.
Abstracts can be submitted online via http://www.flinders.edu.au/ehl/ccpr/anzsoc/abstractsubmissions.cfm
For more information or to register visit:
Tjänster internationellt
Reader/Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Keele University - Faculty of
Humanities & Social Sciences. Closes 5th May
Lectureship in Criminology, Aberystwyth University - Department of Law and Criminology.
Closes 14th May.
Lecturer in Criminology University of Essex - Department of Sociology. Closes 14th June
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverket utgår från polisutbildningarna i Norden. Nätverkets syfte
är att stimulera polisforskning i Norden. Utöver nyhetsbrevet anordnas vartannat år nordiska
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev har funnits sedan 2008 och erbjuder en
översikt över vad som händer inom polisforskning i Norden. I uppläggningen eftersträvas att
ge snabblästa, kortfattade och överskådliga presentationer med kompletterande webbadresser
alt. bilagor för ytterligare information. Bl.a. presenteras nyheter, publicerade texter och
evenemang med anknytning till polisforskning. Bidrag till nyhetsbrevet mottages tacksamt.
Rolf Granér, rolf.graner@lnu.se
Tatanya Valland, Tatanya-Ducran.Valland@hioa.no
Redaktion/ kontaktpersoner:
Danmark: Anne-Stina Sørensen ASS003@politi.dk.
Lars Nørr Mikkelsen LNM004@politi.dk
Vesa Huotari, Vesa.Huotari@poliisi.fi
Jarmo Houtsonen, Jarmo.Houtsonen@poliisi.fi
Mette Berg, Mette.Berg@phs.no
Patrik Thunholm, http://polisforskning.se
Jonas Hansson: jonas.hansson@polis.umu.se
Oscar Rantatalo: oscar.rantatalo@umu.se
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Vid problem med att anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet kan detta ske direkt till rolf.graner@lnu.se