Nyhetsbrev från Nordiskå polisforskningsnåtverket: December 2014 – Jånuåri 2015 Innehåll Allmänt ......................................................................................................... 3 Polisens mediabevakning i Sverige debatteras ....................................... 3 Beväpning av norsk polis? ...................................................................... 4 Vinnare av Stockholm Prize in Criminology............................................. 4 Förslag om högskoleutbildning av poliser på Island ................................ 4 Proposal for Research Network on Police Culture .................................. 4 Hemsidor för polisdebatt ......................................................................... 5 Dokumentation från symposium om Contemporary Policing ................... 5 Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser ........................................................................ 5 Danish PhD: In the gray zone: with police in making space for creativity 5 Dansk Phd: Europols kamp mod seksuelle forbrydelser mod born. ........ 6 Brårapport: Kritk mot polisens utredning av barn .................................... 7 Brårapporter: Begränsad effekt av nya lagregler mot stalkning............... 7 Högst tillit till polisen i Danmark och Finland men den ökar i Sverige ..... 8 Kritisk rapport av svensk polis instrument för riskanalyser ...................... 9 Norsk master Politiet og kriminalitetsofre ................................................ 9 Evaluering av ID-arbeidet i norsk politi .................................................... 9 Trusler og trusselhendelser mot norske politiker ....................................10 Norsk master om Politiet og kriminalitetsofre .........................................10 Bibliography of Scottish and Contemporary Policing ..............................10 Lectures on Evidence Based Policing ....................................................11 Artiklar, tidskrifter.........................................................................................11 Policing humanitarian borderlands .........................................................11 Police discretion in a nightlife setting .....................................................12 Norska polisstudenters uppfattning om utbildningen ..............................12 Empathy from a police work perspective ................................................12 Police and ethnic minorities in Sweden ..................................................13 Barriers to achieving ethnic diversity in Norwegian Police .....................13 Call for Contributions European Police Science and Research Bulletin .14 Call for papers on Police Brutality in Journal of Urban Health ................14 IACP's Police Chief Magazine söker artikel om skolsäkerhet ................15 Call for abstracts: Surveillance, race and ethnicity .................................15 Konferenser, kurser m.m. ............................................................................16 Policing the Nordic Countries in the 21st Century Oslo Feb 12-13 ........16 BRÅ-konferens Trygghet – allas vår rättighet 24–25 mars Sundsvall ...17 Call for papers Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2015 ......................17 Call for abstracts: Law and Society Oslo Jun 10 - Jun 12, 2015 ............18 IPES Symposium Pattaya Thailand 8-12.8 ............................................18 Call for papers: 9th Australasian Women and Policing Conference .......18 Call for papers Crime, Justice and Social Democracy July 8-10, 2015 Queensland, Australia ............................................................................18 Tjänster, stipendier m.m. .............................................................................19 PhD Fellowship in Criminology and/or Sociology of Law Oslo ...............19 PhD Studentships University of Leeds - School of Law .........................19 Redaktör Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology .....................20 Seconded national expert CEPOL Budapest .........................................20 Professorat i kriminologi København ......................................................20 Övriga tjänster internationellt..................................................................21 Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev ..........................................22 Allmänt Polisens mediabevakning i Sverige debatteras Med anledning av Holgerssons bok ”Polisen bakom kulisserna” där han sammanställer sin kritiska forskning av polisens mediahantering har radioserien Vetenskapsradion Forum gjort ett program: ”Romregistret, dödsskjutningen i Husby och helikopterrånet mot värdedepån i Västberga är exempel på uppmärksammade händelser där Polisens uttalanden har ifrågasatts i medierna. I den nya boken Polisen bakom kulisserna skriver Stefan Holgersson, polis och forskare vid Linköpings universitet, att Polisen använder sig av olika metoder för att parera kritik och bygga upp positiva bilder av verksamheten. Men Varg Gyllander som är presschef på Polismyndigheten i Stockholms län vänder sig mot Stefan Holgerssons beskrivningar. Han säger att det är oundvikligt att det ibland blir fel och missuppfattningar i en så stor organisation som Polisen, men att det handlar om enskilda fall och inte om några medvetna förvanskningar.” (Sveriges Radios hemsida, länk nedan) Programmet på 24 minuter kan lyssnas på här https://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/460032?programid=1302 På Aftonbladets kultursida anmäls Holgerssons bok under rubriken ”Polisens fusk sett från insidan, Frustrerande läsning av Stefan Holgersson om hur polisen förskönar bilden av sin verksamhet”. http://www.aftonbladet.se/kultur/bokrecensioner/article20132675.ab Se även Patrik Thunholms fallstudie av svensk polis mediahantering (presenterad i nyhetsbrevet maj 2014): Thunholm Patrik (2014) Kommunikativ maktförskjutning? Legitimitetsskapande kommunikation i kölvattnet av ett massmedialt uppmärksammat omhändertagande. Växjö: Linnæus University studies in policing. Nr 002, 2014 http://lnu.se/polopoly_fs/1.110878!Kommunikativ.pdf Holgersson citerar i sin bok en anonym polischef som säger: ”Det är klart att polisen måste få göra som andra organisationer och redovisa saker på ett sådant sätt att allmänheten får en positiv bild av verksamheten.” Den skönmålning av den egna verksamheten som Holgersson visar på är enligt docenterna Josef Pallas och Magnus Fredriksson en del av en generell strategi: ”Utifrån vår egen och andrasforskning kan vi konstatera att de prioriteringar och värderingar som får styra myndigheters kommunikationsarbete får direkta följder för hur andra funktioner och ansvarsområden organiseras och bedrivs. Vilket skrivningar i styrdokument, omfördelning av medel till varumärkesarbetet på bekostnad av andra aktiviteter, efterhandsredigering av och selektiv tillgång till utrednings- och forskningsrapporter och andra övertramp är ett tydligt uttryck för.” http://www.unt.se/asikt/debatt/slapp-fram-intern-kritik-3503597.aspx För vetenskapliga rapporter av Fredriksson & Pallas se: Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2014). Den medialiserade myndigheten [Elektronisk resurs] : En analys av svenska myndigheters anpassningar till medielogiken. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:758418/FULLTEXT01.pdf Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2013). Med synlighet som ledstjärna [Elektronisk resurs] : En analys av vilka principer som styr kommunikationsarbetet i nationella förvaltningsmyndigheter. Uppsala: Department of Informatics and media, Uppsala University. http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:618560/FULLTEXT01.pdf Beväpning av norsk polis? I Norge pågår en debatt om ett förslag om beväpning av norsk polis. I ett remissvar från Polishögskolan hävdas att frågan inte är tillräckligt utredd: Se: http://www.phs.no/om-phs/nyheter/politihogskolen-onsker-ny-behandling-om-generellbevapning-/ KRÅD – Det kriminalitetsforebyggende råd avvisar förslaget att polisen beväpnas Se: http://www.krad.no/nyhetsarkiv-alt/700-kråd-advarer-mot-generell–bevæpning–av-politiet Se även Cato Hemmingby’s (forsker, Politihøgskolen) kronikk i Aftenposten: http://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/debatt/Vapnet-politi-er-ingen-losning-7847796.html Vinnare av Stockholm Prize in Criminology Tillfället gör brottslingen – teorin bakom effektiv brottsprevention belönas. Ronald V. Clarke och Patricia Mayhew är vinnare av Stockholmspriset i kriminologi 2015. Ronald V. Clarkes och Patricia Mayhews arbete har på ett unikt sätt bidragit till en förändring av brottsförebyggande strategier över hela världen och har satt fokus på vad som kännetecknar de situationer där brott ofta begås. Det var juryns motivering när vinnarna av Stockholmspriset i kriminologi tillkännagavs idag den 5 november. Stockholm Prize in Criminology är ett internationellt pris som delas ut i samband med The Stockholm Criminology Symposium som arrangeras av Brå årligen. Nästa symposium äger rum den 8-10 juni 2015. (Brå:s presentation). Inspelning och presentation av vinnarna: http://www.su.se/om-oss/priser-utmärkelser/kriminologipriset/vinnare-av-kriminologipriset2015-1.207742 Förslag om högskoleutbildning av poliser på Island The Ministry of interior has requested comments on the proposals on the future of police education in Iceland. The proposals include that the program will be three years of study at university level, the school will be an independent unit, but education outsourced to the educational system to a large extent and the police school will be the educational and research center for police. (Från NSfK:s nyhetsbrev) Proposal for Research Network on Police Culture Proposal for Research Network on Police Culture: Legitimacy, Democracy and Institutional Ethos. Multi-Disciplinary and World-Wide Perspectives Dr Jonathan Dunnage and Dr Chris Millington (Swansea University, UK) are looking to set up a network of researchers and practitioners to investigate police culture. They are preparing a bid to the Arts and Humanities Research Council to fund a series of workshops at which members of the network will be able to meet to discuss the values, behaviour, mentalities and self-representation of the police in democratic and non-democratic societies from the nineteenth century to the present day. The workshops will encourage debate among academic researchers from several disciplines (including history, criminology, media and film studies) and practitioners from police forces and related professions, and provide a forum for establishing future collaborative projects. Besides publishing papers from the workshops, the network will also run a web-page for sharing ideas and experiences among participants and the wider academic and practitioner communities. The organizers are particularly keen for police officers and trainers from the UK and beyond to take part in the network, relating and sharing their own experiences and responding to academic papers on police culture. Details of the project are attached. Anyone interested in participating is kindly requested to contact Jonathan Dunnage telephone: 0044 (0)1792 602610; email: j.dunnage@swansea.ac.uk Hemsidor för polisdebatt Fd föreståndaren vid Centrum för polisforskning har startat en hemsida.. Han anger att ”Mottot för denna webbsida, lite seriösare, lite tråkigare, kan sägas vara en reaktion på att frågor om brott, polis etc. blivit mer och mer underhållning. Polisprofessorn 2.0, som sidan heter, får sägas stå för en sådan motkraft mot brott och polis enbart sett som underhållning.” http://www.polisprofessorn.se Även polisforskaren Stefan Holgersson har i samband med att han gett ut sin bok ”Polisen bakom kulisserna” öppnat en hemsida där han presenterar sig och sin forskning. http://www.polisforskning.net Dokumentation från symposium om Contemporary Policing I oktober anordnade Scottish Institute of Police Research och Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) George Mason University USA en konferens om contemporary policing. Podcasts (ljudfiler) och Power points från konferensen finns tillgängliga här: http://www.sipr.ac.uk/events/SIPR-GMU-Symposium_201014.php Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser Danish PhD: In the gray zone: with police in making space for creativity Hartmann Mia_Rosa_Koss (2014): In the gray zone: with police in making space for creativity. Copenhagen Business School, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. Short abstract: What does it mean to be innovative in public organizations? Scholars and policy makers call for public sector organizations to become innovative, whether this is through increasing collaboration, exploring networks or recognizing the innovation that occurs in government. This study contributes to this discussion a critical perspective arguing that much of the innovation that occurs in public organizations may come about in ways that are intentionally silenced by the organization and therefore dependent on the tactical creation of space for everyday creativity. It does so through an 18-month ethnographic study informed by Foucault’s concepts of governmentality and discourse, as well as his history of the emergence of police within the state, and by De Certeau’s theory of everyday practice and metaphor of the city. Afhandlingen er tilgængelig her: http://openarchive.cbs.dk/bitstream/handle/10398/9043/Mia_Rosa_Koss_Hartmann.pdf?sequ ence=1 Dansk Phd: Europols kamp mod seksuelle forbrydelser mod born. Thygesen Vendius Trine (2014). Europol - fra informationsudveksling til fælles efterforskningsteknikker? København:Københavns Universitet, Det Juridiske Fakultet. Summary in English Since the mid '90's there has been a gradual shift within police investigations moving from a reactive to a more proactive approach based on increased information sharing and intelligence-led policing. Europol, the European Police Office, through its role as the information sharing and analysis unit, has in many ways been a forerunner of this development. The shift is the result of an overall change in how crime has developed where criminals are increasingly operating in networks across borders. With free access to the Internet, criminals are provided with a new platform to commit crimes as well as easier access to their victims. Children form a particularly vulnerable group as sexual offenders have direct access contact to their victims through chat rooms and social networking sites. Simultaneously, sexual offenders also have easier access to images of sexual abuse of children which they share with like-minded people using the internet as a tool. This thesis focuses on European police cooperation within the framework of Europol and the overall aim of effectively combating Internet-related (online) sexual crimes against children. The thesis concludes that there is a need for a new paradigm in the proactive investigation of these types of crimes if the police forces of EU member states are to fulfill the overall objective of effectively combating Internet-related (online) sexual crimes against children. Afhandlingen er planlagt til at blive udgivet på forlaget Ex Tuto. Brårapport: Kritk mot polisens utredning av barn Bogestam Nadja (2014). Brott begångna av barn En utvärdering av ändringarna i lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om unga lagöverträdare under 15 år. Stockholm: BRÅ. Ur Brå:s presentation: ”Ändringarna i lagen om unga lagöverträdare (LUL) skulle leda till att polisen utredde alla grövre brott som begås av barn under 15 år och att socialtjänsten i övriga fall skulle bedöma behovet av polisutredningar. Lagreformen 2010 har inte lett till att en större andel av de brottsmisstänkta barnen utreds av polisen. Såväl 2005 som 2012 var det en femtedel som utreddes. – De grövre brotten, som till exempel rån, våldtäkt, grov misshandel och mordbrand utreds däremot oftare. Men det görs fortfarande inte regelmässigt. Här måste polisen bli bättre på att verkligen följa lagens krav, säger Nadja Bogestam, utredare på Brå. Andelen utredningar som initierats av socialtjänsten halverades mellan 2005 och 2012, tvärtemot lagstiftarens intentioner. Det tycks delvis bero på att socialsekreterarna inte uppmärksammat att det ligger på dem att be polisen om en utredning, när de tycker att en sådan vore värdefull. Men det beror också på att socialtjänsten ofta tycker att de fått veta tillräckligt om vad barnet gjort och vilka insatser som behövs genom den egna utredningen. – Polisen och socialtjänsten har ibland lite olika syn på värdet av ett polisförhör, säger Nadja Bogestam. En ökad samverkan behövs för en ökad förståelse för varandras roller och kompetenser. En underliggande tanke bakom lagändringen är att den markering som ett polisförhör innebär, skulle kunna minska risken att barnet återfaller i brott. Brås studie ger inget stöd för den tanken. Det är också så att en fjärdedel av de brottsmisstänkta barnen inom ett år misstänkts för nya brott, och inom tre år är det hälften av barnen som misstänks för nya brott. – Att så många återfaller är ett tecken på att detta är en grupp barn som samhället bör rikta uppmärksamhet mot. Men just polisförhör verkar inte vara någon effektiv insats, säger Stina Holmberg, enhetschef på Brå.” För nedladdning: https://www.bra.se/bra/publikationer/arkiv/publikationer/2014-12-17-brott-begangna-avbarn.html Brårapporter: Begränsad effekt av nya lagregler mot stalkning Ur Brå:s presentation: ”Den nya lagbestämmelsen om olaga förföljelse som infördes 2011 har inte lett till särskilt många anmälningar och andelen fällande domar är liten. Den nya möjligheten att besluta om fotboja för dem som fysiskt överträder ett utvidgat kontaktförbud, har heller inte utnyttjats i någon större utsträckning. Det framkommer i två nya rapporter som Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå) publicerar.” Jerre Kristina (2015). Olaga förföljelse Tillämpningen av den nya straffbestämmelsen. Stockholm: BRÅ ”I denna rapport beskrivs vilka typer av ärenden som polis, åklagare och domstolar har bedömt som olaga förföljelse. Därtill har Brå intervjuat poliser och åklagare om deras tankar om den nya straffbestämmelsen och deras erfarenheter av att tillämpa den.” För nedladdning: http://www.bra.se/bra/publikationer/arkiv/publikationer/2015-01-15-olaga-forfoljelse.html Larsson Sandra (2015) Kontaktförbud En utvärdering av ändringarna i lagen 2011. Stockholm: BRÅ För att förbättra skyddet mot stalkning gjordes i oktober 2011 vissa ändringar i den dåvarande lagen om besöksförbud. Brå har haft i uppdrag av regeringen att följa upp och utvärdera lagändringarna och konstaterar i denna studie att de inte har gett någon större verkan. För nedladdning: http://www.bra.se/bra/publikationer/arkiv/publikationer/2015-01-15-kontaktforbud.html Högst tillit till polisen i Danmark och Finland men den ökar i Sverige Justitsministeriets Forskningskontor (2014). Tryghed og holdning til politi og retssystem. En sammenligning mellem Danmark og andre europæiske lande. Justitsministeriet Ur danska Justitsministeriets webbpresentation Sammenlignet med 22 andre europæiske lande ligger Danmark i top, når det gælder befolkningens tillid til domstolene og politiet. Kun overgået af islændingene er danskerne de tryggeste ved at færdes alene efter mørkets frembrud. Det viser en ny rapport fra Justitsministeriets Forskningskontor. Danskerne stoler i vid udstrækning på, at domstolene behandler alle ens. Faktisk er Danmark det land i Europa, hvor tilliden til retssystemet er allerhøjest. Det konkluderer en ny rapport fra Justitsministeriets Forskningskontor, som er baseret på en sammenlignende undersøgelse af tryghed, tillid og holdning til politi og domstole i 23 europæiske lande. Også politiet nyder stor tillid i befolkningen herhjemme. Danmark er kun overgået af Finland i graden af borgernes tillid til politiet. På en skala fra 0 til 10, hvor 0 er ’ingen tillid overhovedet’ og 10 er ’fuld tillid’, lander Danmark på 8,0. Udover en høj tillid til retssystemet er det kendetegnende for danskerne, at de i det hele taget har stor tillid til andre mennesker. Danskerne ligger i den nye undersøgelse – såvel som i de fem foregående – på en førsteplads i spørgsmålet om generel tillid til andre. Der er ingen kønsforskel i tilliden til andre mennesker, men de ældre giver udtryk for en større tillid til andre, end de yngre aldersgrupper gør. Når det gælder spørgsmålet om, hvor tryg man er ved at bevæge sig udenfor efter solnedgang, er danskerne kun overgået af islændingene. Hele 54 % af danskerne svarer således, at de er meget trygge, når de færdes alene i deres lokalområde efter mørkets frembrud. Det er cirka dobbelt så mange som gennemsnittet i undersøgelsen. Undersøgelsen European Social Survey, som ligger til grund for den nye rapport, blev gennemført første gang i 2002 og er siden foretaget hvert andet år. För nedladdning http://justitsministeriet.dk/sites/default/files/media/Arbejdsomraader/Forskning/Forskningsrap porter/2014/ESS%20rapport%202014.pdf Brå rapporterar utifrån den svenska Nationella trygghetsundersökningen att tryggheten, förtroendet för rättsväsendet inklusive polisen ökar även i Sverige. Ur Brå:s presentation: ”I befolkningen mellan 16 och 79 år uppger 60 procent att de har stort förtroende för rättsväsendet. Det är en ökning med 6 procentenheter sedan 2006. Lika många, 60 procent, uppger att de har stort förtroende för Polisen. … Generellt har ungdomar i åldern 16–19 år störst förtroende för rättsväsendet.” ”Andelen som oroar sig för att utsättas för överfall eller misshandel har minskat från 15 procent år 2006 till 10 procent år 2014. Oron för att utsättas för fordonsrelaterade brott har under samma period minskat från 22 till 12 procent, medan oron för bostadsinbrott har legat relativt stabil på cirka 16 procent. Samtidigt är det allt färre som uppger att de tror att brottsligheten ökar kraftigt. År 2006 uppgav 41 procent att de trodde det och år 2014 hade andelen sjunkit till 25 procent.” För ytterligare information och nedladdning av Nationella trygghetsundersökningen (2014): http://bra.se/bra/nytt-fran-bra/arkiv/press/2015-01-13-fortroendet-for-rattsvasendet-okar.html Kritisk rapport av svensk polis instrument för riskanalyser Mellgren Caroline, Svalin Klara, Levander Sten & Torstensson Levander Marie (2014) Riskanalys i polisverksamhet – fungerar det? Slutrapport från ett utvärderingsprojekt. Rikspolisstyrelsens utvärderingsfunktion Rapport 2014:7. Stockholm: Rikspolisstyrelsen Av studien genomförd av forskare vid Kriminologiska institutionen Malmö högskola framgår att den övergripande slutsatsen i studien är att riskanalyser inte leder till att brottsoffer mer sällan utsätts för upprepade brott och att åtgärder till brottsdrabbade ges utan vetenskaplig kunskap. Det beror bland annat på att bedömningar av risk görs utan ett komplett underlag för att bedöma just risken och att verktygens förmåga att förutse åtgärdernas förebyggande effekt är svag För nedladdning: https://www.polisen.se/Aktuellt/Rapporter-och-publikationer/Rapporter/Publicerat--Nationellt/Brottsofferarbete/Riskanalys-i-polisverksamhet/ Norsk master Politiet og kriminalitetsofre Giske, Camilla (2014). Politiet og kriminalitetsofre : en studie av formelt ansvar og praksis. Master thesis. Oslo: Politihøgskolen Abstract: Hvilken rolle og hvilket ansvar har politiet, formelt og i praksis, for kriminalitetsofre? Spørsmålet besvares gjennom en omfattende dokumentanalyse av gjeldende regelverk, offentlige utredninger og handlingsplaner fra siste 30 år. Trenden viser at ofre for kriminalitet er viet gradvis større oppmerksomhet både i strafferettsystemet, forskning og i mediene de siste tiårene, og oppmerksomhet rundt ofre har endret seg fra «ofre som vitner» til «ofre som skal ivaretas» for å redusere gjentatt viktimisering, skape trygghet og forebygge kriminalitet. I oppgaven presenteres «Trygghetsprogrammet» - et strukturert oppfølgingsverktøy for unge ofre og vitner til vold, ran, trusler, seksuelle overgrep og hatkriminalitet, utviklet ved Manglerud politistasjon i Oslo. For å belyse politiets innsats for unge kriminalitetsofre har forfatteren gjennomført en kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse av 8 trygghetsguider (polititjenestepersoner) ved Manglerud politistasjon om deres erfaringer med oppfølging av unge kriminalitetsofre gjennom Trygghetsprogrammet. Undersøkelsen viser at politibetjenter som har vært engasjert som trygghetsguider opplever at de gjennom anerkjennelse fra brukerne blir motivert til videre innsats. De anser det å være trygghetsguide som en utvidelse av politirollen og føler at de gjør en meningsfylt jobb fordi de bidrar til å reetablere trygghetsfølelsen hos unge ofre og deres foreldre. I oppgaven undersøkes også hvilke erfaringer ungdommene og deres foreldre har med å være brukere av Trygghetsprogrammet ved en gjennnomgang av alle anonymiserte evalueringsskjemaer som er returnert til politiet i perioden 2009-2012. Svarprosenten har dessverre vært lav, men de knappe 30 prosentene som har svart på evalueringen, er meget godt fornøyde med oppfølgingen de har fått. För nedladdning: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/273714 Evaluering av ID-arbeidet i norsk politi Nasjonalt ID-senter har overlevert Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet tre rapporter og en sluttrapport som kartlegger og evaluerer ID-arbeidet i utlendingsforvaltningen og politiet. Se: https://www.regjeringen.no/nb/aktuelt/evaluering-av-id-arbeidet-i-utlendingsforvaltningenog-politiet/id2356151/?regj_oss=10 Trusler og trusselhendelser mot norske politiker Bjelland, Heidi Fischer & Bjørgo, Tore (2014). Trusler og trusselhendelser mot politikere: En spørreundersøkelse blant norske stortingsrepresentanter og regjeringsmedlemmer. (PHS Forskning 2014: 4). Oslo: Politihøgskolen. Sammendrag: I hvilken grad har norske stortingsrepresentanter og regjeringsmedlemmer blitt utsatt for uønsket og truende oppførsel og faktiske angrep? Hvilke konsekvenser får slike truende hendelser for deres privatliv og politiske virke? Dette er sentrale spørsmål i den første kartleggingsstudien av dette i Norge. Rapporten kan leses i fulltekst i PIA: http://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/226703 Norsk master om Politiet og kriminalitetsofre Giske, Camilla (2014). Politiet og kriminalitetsofre: En studie av formelt ansvar og praksis. (Masteravhandling). Oslo: Politihøgskolen. Sammendrag: Hvilken rolle og hvilket ansvar har politiet, formelt og i praksis, for kriminalitetsofre? Spørsmålet besvares gjennom en omfattende dokumentanalyse av gjeldende regelverk, offentlige utredninger og handlingsplaner fra siste 30 år. Trenden viser at ofre for kriminalitet er viet gradvis større oppmerksomhet både i strafferettsystemet, forskning og i mediene de siste tiårene, og oppmerksomhet rundt ofre har endret seg fra «ofre som vitner» til «ofre som skal ivaretas» for å redusere gjentatt viktimisering, skape trygghet og forebygge kriminalitet. I oppgaven presenteres «Trygghetsprogrammet» - et strukturert oppfølgingsverktøy for unge ofre og vitner til vold, ran, trusler, seksuelle overgrep og hatkriminalitet, utviklet ved Manglerud politistasjon i Oslo. For å belyse politiets innsats for unge kriminalitetsofre har forfatteren gjennomført en kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse av 8 trygghetsguider (polititjenestepersoner) ved Manglerud politistasjon om deres erfaringer med oppfølging av unge kriminalitetsofre gjennom Trygghetsprogrammet. Undersøkelsen viser at politibetjenter som har vært engasjert som trygghetsguider opplever at de gjennom anerkjennelse fra brukerne blir motivert til videre innsats. De anser det å være trygghetsguide som en utvidelse av politirollen og føler at de gjør en meningsfylt jobb fordi de bidrar til å reetablere trygghetsfølelsen hos unge ofre og deres foreldre. I oppgaven undersøkes også hvilke erfaringer ungdommene og deres foreldre har med å være brukere av Trygghetsprogrammet ved en gjennnomgang av alle anonymiserte evalueringsskjemaer som er returnert til politiet i perioden 2009-2012. Svarprosenten har dessverre vært lav, men de knappe 30 prosentene som har svart på evalueringen, er meget godt fornøyde med oppfølgingen de har fått. Masteroppgaven kan leses i fulltekst i PIA: http://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/273714 Bibliography of Scottish and Contemporary Policing Select Bibliography of Scottish and Contemporary Policing (7th Edition, December 2014) [Compiled by Tim Heilbronn, Scottish Institute for Policing Research, and Dr Daniel Donnelly, formerly Centre for Criminal Justice and Police Studies, Hamilton] This bibliography of 1809 references is offered as a starting-point for identifying material which may be of value in researching Scottish policing. It attempts to list recent work which has been carried out by researchers in Scotland and/or about policing in Scotland. It also includes some papers and articles about policing elsewhere which resonate with key current themes in Scottish policing. http://www.sipr.ac.uk/downloads/PoliceBibliography.pdf Lectures on Evidence Based Policing Scottish Institute of Police Research (2014). Policing: Connecting Evidence and Practice. SIPR Annual Lectures, 2007–2012 “Against a background of a growing recognition of the value of evidence-based approaches to policing, this booklet contains five SIPR Annual Lectures delivered between 2007 and 2012 … by Wesley Skogan (Northwestern University), Lawrence Sherman (University of Cambridge), Nick Tilley (University College, London), Betsy Stanko (Metropolitan Police Service) and Peter Neyroud (University of Cambridge). Each speaker drew on their wealth of experience and distinguished record of academic and professional achievement to craft lectures which offer compelling arguments and illustrations of how research evidence can be used to enhance the effectiveness and legitimacy of policing. From improving policecommunity relations and public confidence to tackling hot spots of crime and disorder; from understanding better the uses of police discretion to the importance of evidence-based approaches for developing the professional status of policing, each of the lectures mobilizes a range of research to address key issues and innovations in contemporary policing as well as highlighting important challenges for the future. Collectively the lectures also show the richness of the ‘supply’ of research evidence across different areas of policing as well as the growing ‘demand’ from within police organizations to integrate evidence-based approaches into policy and practice.”(Nicholas Fyfe) Contents: Leadership from Bottom to Top: Community Policing in Chicago, Professor Wesley G. Skogan Evidence based policing: what we know, and how we know it, Professor Larry W. Sherman Discipline and Discretion: The role of discipline and discretion in delivering an improvement agenda, Professor Nick Tilley Observations from a decade on the inside: Policing cultures and evidence based policing, Professor Betsy Stanko The New Police Professionalism – Democracy, Evidence Based Practice and a 21st Century Profession. Peter Neyroud CBE QPM För nedladdning: http://www.sipr.ac.uk/downloads/SIPR_Annual_Lectures_0712.pdf Artiklar, tidskrifter Policing humanitarian borderlands Franko Aas Katja & Gundhus Helene O. I. (2015). Policing Humanitarian Borderlands: Frontex, Human Rights and the Precariousness of Life. .British Journal of Criminology 2015) 55 (1): 1-18 Abstract: The article critically examines the peculiar co-existence of the securitization of the border and the growing presence and prominence of human rights and humanitarian ideals in border policing practices. Concretely, it focuses on Frontex, the agency tasked with management of EU’s external borders. Based on interviews with Frontex officials and border guard officers, and on the analysis of relevant policy documents and official reports, the article explores what may come across as a discrepancy between the organization’s activities and its public self-presentation. The objective is to provide an insight into the complex and volatile relationship between policing and human rights, which marks contemporary migration control as well as mundane forms of professional and personal self-understanding. För nedladdning: http://bjc.oxfordjournals.org/content/55/1/1.abstract Police discretion in a nightlife setting Buvik Kristin (2014). The hole in the doughnut: a study of police discretion in a nightlife setting International Journal of Research and Policy. Published online: 08 Dec 2014. Abstract; Policing is permeated by situations in which discretion is most important. A substantial part of police work in the nightlife setting involves management of drunk and disorderly patrons, and police officers operate with considerable discretion. The aim of this paper is to explore patterns of decision-making and to identify factors that influence an officer's use of discretion in nightlife settings. The data were collected during fieldwork with patrolling police on weekend nights in Oslo and from interviews with police officers. This study provides an insight into the everyday work of police officers in Oslo. The officers mostly manage a number of minor incidents, such as disorderly behaviour and alcohol-related trivialities. Police officers generally ignore many minor incidents and seek to resolve cases in the easiest way possible, which implies under-enforcement of the law. Discretionary assessments depend on situational variables, system variables and offender variables. This paper reveals the importance of these variables and argues that we need to include officer variables as well to get a fuller picture of street-level police officers' decision-making. Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucrats describes how discretionary assessments are based on human judgement, personal decisions and normative choices. Similarly, police officer characteristics involving individual norms and moral beliefs are an important part of discretionary decision-making. För nedladdning (access krävs): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10439463.2014.989157?journalCode=gpas20#. VL-HSIc3mUY Norska polisstudenters uppfattning om utbildningen Fekjær, Silje B. & Hove, Kjersti (2014). Klare for virkeligheten?: Delte meninger om utdanningen blant studentene ved PHS. Politiforum, (11), 42-43. Sammendrag: Det er liten dekning for påstandene om at det store flertallet av studentene ved Politihøgskolen er svært misfornøyde med utdanningen generelt, og den operative opplæringen spesielt. Vår undersøkelse av årets avgangskull viser at mange opplever at utdanningen har gitt dem den kompetansen de har behov for. Samtidig viser resultatene at det er delte meninger innad blant studentene, og at et relativt stort mindretall opplever at de mangler viktig operativ kompetanse når de går ut fra PHS. Artikkelen kan leses i fulltekst i PIA: http://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/handle/11250/226633 Empathy from a police work perspective Inzunza Miguel (2014) Empathy from a police work perspective. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 2014 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to identify an appropriate conceptual model of empathy from the perspective of police work. This paper draws on the existing literature from two areas of research: (a) the literature describing the characteristics of the ideal police officer from a general perspective, as well as in a specifically Swedish context and (b) the literature analysing empathy as a theoretical construct. It is found that theoretical interdisciplinary approaches in the fields of social psychology and social cognitive neuroscience are relevant. The suggested conceptual model of empathy appropriate for the policing profession incorporates the typically antagonistic nature of police–citizen contacts, personal traits as expressed in interpersonal relations, and the social and cultural context. Because of the diversity and multicultural nature of modern societies, the values guiding police–citizen encounters are given special attention and related to the empathy research tradition. The proposed conceptual model of empathy aims at guiding future research in police–citizen interaction and, ultimately, supporting police practices regarding recruitment, career advancement and fieldwork. För nedladdning (access krävs): http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14043858.2014.987518#.VL0lNoc3mUZ Police and ethnic minorities in Sweden Uhnoo Sara (2014). Within ‘the Tin Bubble’: the police and ethnic minorities in Sweden. Policing & society Volume 25, Issue 2, 2015 pp. 129-149. Abstract: How can discriminatory treatment along perceived ethnic lines become reproduced within a discursive climate that claims to support ethnic diversity and condemn racism? Through an analysis of interviews with 21 current and former employees of the Swedish Police who identified their background as ‘foreign’, this article investigates how certain language use and specific talk can be reproduced in spite of the internal and external criticism directed at them. Six different, institutionally available accounts resorted to by the interviewees to make sense of and legitimise the derogatory language and joking they encountered at work are examined, shedding light on how the use of derogatory language, slurs, and degrading humour about ethnic minorities can remain commonplace within the police force without becoming considered as especially problematic. In addition, the analysis shows that which takes place within the police's own ‘Tin Bubble’, or in the police car, canteen, and lunchroom, to potentially have a carryover effect from one context to the other, colouring police interactions with the public and adversely affecting the workplace satisfaction of police employees coming from minority backgrounds. För nedladdning: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10439463.2013.817995#.VK5rZ_mG98G Barriers to achieving ethnic diversity in Norwegian Police Bjørkelo, Brita, Egge, Marit, Bye, Hege H. & Ganapathy, J. (2014). Barriers to Achieving Ethnic Diversity in the Norwegian Police Service. Policing: A journal of policy and practice. Published online December 22. Sammendrag: The police are perceived as being one of the most interesting and challenging organizations in which to study diversity because of the police’s symbolic meaning, visible role in society, legitimate power, and contact with all citizens. Even though many reports and studies have addressed diversity within the police, few have investigated recruitment, retention, and promotion of diversity in the police profession across nations from a policy perspective (van Ewijk, 2012). This article reviews studies of ethnic diversity in Norwegian police education and in the Norwegian Police Service (NPS). The studies are discussed in light of the most recent action plan and policy documents on diversity in the NPS. Our aim is to contribute an updated account of the barriers to achieving ethnic diversity in the NPS through the recruitment, retention, and promotion stages. The findings suggest that diversity work may be aimed at the immigrant students’ respective communities and families as well as the internal student environment at the Norwegian Police University College to address recruitment and retention issues. Strategic leader promotion of diversity in the NPS can be increased by developing recruitment procedures for police leader education, as practiced at the bachelor level, as well as by looking into selection practices by police leaders. Finally, even though action plans are in place, they have not necessarily been evaluated. Without systematic evaluation, it is difficult to ascertain whether and/or to what extent the aims for diversity in the NPS have been met and which measures have proved effective. För nedladdning (access krävs): http://policing.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/12/19/police.pau056.short?rss=1 Call for Contributions European Police Science and Research Bulletin Call for Contributions to Issue No. 12 of the European Police Science and Research Bulletin, published by CEPOL – European Police College Deadline - Friday 27 February 2015 Contributions are invited concerning the following areas: concise reviews of significant original research results in all areas of police science and research as well as of security research; _ information about recently finalised or ongoing research projects or programmes in the field of police, policing or security research; information about police research centres operating in Member States and CEPOL’s cooperation partners; information about publications of police and security research issued outside the CEPOL framework; occasional editorials, addressing specific matters of issue concerning European police science and research (editorials will be solicited by invitation only); reviews of methodological developments in police science and research; information about forthcoming international police science and research conferences, seminars, and symposia. Submissions should be sent to: research.bulletin@cepol.europa.eu It is recommended consulting and observing the “Manuscript Submission Guidelines” available for download from the Bulletin's section at CEPOL's webpage at: http://www.cepol.europa.eu/index.php?id=science-research-bulletin. Call for papers on Police Brutality in Journal of Urban Health Though violence has long been considered a public health issue, police brutality has remained largely outside the purview of public health. Few empirical studies have examined its consequences for the public's health or tested interventions to reduce its frequency or toll. Over the past few months, a social movement has coalesced in many US cities to eradicate police brutality. Among other things, this movement has catalyzed discussions about public health's role in understanding and eliminating this form of violence. The purposes of this special section of the Journal of Urban Health (JUH) are to foster and gather together cuttingedge conceptual and empirical work and pedagogy about police brutality in urban areas as a public health issue, and develop and disseminate related interventions. Deadline February 6. We invite manuscripts about police brutality and public health that are designed to do any of the following: * Describe results of empirical analyses (qualitative or quantitative); * Advance theory; * Develop measures of exposure to police brutality, including investigating the psychometric or econometric properties of these measures; * Describe interventions or social movements to prevent police brutality or reduce its impact; * Share pedagogical strategies to teach about police brutality in public health courses or community health settings; * Discuss any other aspect of the topic. Manuscripts should focus on urban areas, and can focus on police brutality in any country. Please submit an unstructured abstract of up to 500 words to Drs. Hannah Cooper and Mindy Fullilove (hcoope3@emory.edu and mf29@columbia.edu). We expect that we will invite approximately 5 authors to submit complete manuscripts; the due date for manuscripts will be in June 2015. In keeping with JUH's guidelines, manuscripts should be 3,500 words with 1-4 tables/figures and an unstructured abstract of 250 words. Additional guidelines can be found here:http://www.springer.com/public+health/journal/11524. IACP's Police Chief Magazine söker artikel om skolsäkerhet The International Association of Chiefs of Police is looking for someone international (outside of North America) to pen an article relating to school safety/security for an international issue of IACP's POLICE CHIEF Magazine. It can be elementary/middle/high school and it can be related to an incident which occurred or was encountered/dealt with in a foreign country, or perhaps it involves a program that was implemented to increase school security and lessons learned from it (i.e. case study). These are the details and parameters of what is requested: 1) IACP needs an article for the Police Chief Magazine March issue (end of January 2015) for submission to IACP editors 2) Article will be in the international issue, so must involve an incident or program internationally (not domestically in North America) 3) Authors may be 1) international or 2) international author who can collaborate in writing the article with a domestic author about an international program/incident 4) Authors can be an academic or a practitioner type or a mix, but the article should address something for the IACP audience of police chiefs/leaders and should present information that they will/can find useful and interesting. 5) There will be very little time for editing the article and it must be in English. Any queries should be directed to Cindy Shain Interim Director Southern Police Institute Department of Justice Administration University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 Office (Main): 502-852-6561 Office (Direct): 502-852-0328 Fax: 502-852-0335 Cindy.Shain@louisville.edu www.louisville.edu/spi http://www.facebook.com/SPI.Louisville Call for abstracts: Surveillance, race and ethnicity Since its emergence, surveillance studies has been concerned with how and why populations are tracked, profiled, policed and governed at borders, in cities, at airports, in public and private spaces, in databases, through biometrics, CCTV, identification documents, social media and other technologies. Also explored are the many ways that those who are subject to surveillance adopt, endorse, invite, subvert, resist, innovate, limit, comply with and monitor that very surveillance. As an interdisciplinary field of study the questions that shape surveillance studies center on the management of everyday and exceptional life personal data, privacy, security, and terrorism, for example. While race and ethnicity are terms often found in indexes of many of the recent edited collections and special journal issues dedicated to the study of surveillance, limited attention is paid to race and ethnicity as key sites through which surveillance is enacted. This can be seen, for example, in the absence of theorizations of race and ethnicity, and particularly whiteness, in the public discourses surrounding wikileaks, whistleblowing, and the NSA scandal. This special issue of Surveillance & Society is guided by the following question: How can centering race and/or ethnicity as categories of analysis help social theorists, artists, scholars and researchers to understand surveillance? We seek papers that explore the relationship between surveillance and configurations of race and ethnicity. We encourage contributions that theorize race and ethnicity as operating in an interlocking manner with gender, sexuality, dis/ability, class, religion, location and other categories of identity. Papers that critically and creatively interrogate oppression, inequalities, power and resistance would be especially welcome. Possible topics and approaches include, but are not limited to: - Critical race, postcolonial, queer and feminist approaches to theorizing surveillance. - The role of surveillance technologies in social sorting, digital discrimination, and ethnic and racial inequalities. - Race, ethnicity, statistics, mapping, big data and algorithmic surveillance. - Immigration, the banopticon and border management regimes. - Analysis of the use of social network sites for antiracist organizing and for shaming racist acts and hate tweets (for example, publicshaming.tumblr.com or the @YesYoureRacist twitter account) - Genetic ancestry testing, genomic technologies, and DNA exoneration. - Biometric information technologies Stop-and-frisk, flying-while-brown, existing-while-black, racial and ethnic profiling in policing. - Deployment of surveillance in the context of racialized transgender and gender non-conforming bodies and populations. - Role of surveillance in contemporary intelligence gathering, militarism and the policing of empire. For example, “black sites” and “kill lists”, targeted killings by way of drone strikes and other flying objects, indefinite detention, security certificates and other “War on Terror” acts that see racialized groups and individuals as their target. - Role of surveillance in systems of colonialism, slavery, and indentureship. Surveillance, the militarization of domestic policing, and the prison-industrial complex Other topics not outlined above are welcomed, opinion pieces and research notes, as well as art, audio-visual and other creative responses to modes of surveillance. Please contact the guest-editors in advance to discuss proposed topics. Please submit all papers online via: http://library.queensu.ca/ojs/index.php/surveillance-and-society/information/authors Submission Deadline: May 1st, 2015 Reviews Returned: July 2015 Publication Date: November / December 2015. Konferenser, kurser m.m. Policing the Nordic Countries in the 21st Century Oslo Feb 12-13 Policing the Nordic Countries in the 21stCentury, Contemporary Issues, Perspectives and Challenges 12-13 February 2015 Young Nordic Police Research Network Faculty of Law, University of Oslo The Young Nordic Police Research Network suggests this seminar as a starting point to explore whether there is a Scandinavian policing exceptionalism. In this seminar, fifteen researchers provide comparative and contradictory perspectives on a range on police and police research themes. Time and place: Feb 12, 2015 12:30 PM - Feb 13, 2015 04:00 PM, Meeting room 2nd Floor, Domus Bibliotheca, Faculty of Law, Uni. Oslo. Last registration 30 January to Øyvind Henden (oyvind.henden@jus.uio.no) Presentation and program: http://www.jus.uio.no/ior/english/research/networks/nordic-police-research/events/20140829off-seminar-.html BRÅ-konferens Trygghet – allas vår rättighet 24–25 mars Sundsvall BRÅ:s konferens Råd för framtiden hålls den 24–25 mars 2015 i Sundsvall. Temat denna gång är Trygghet – allas vår rättighet. Sista anmälningsdag: 24 februari Ur programmet: Öppningsanföranden Morgan Johansson, justitieminister Dan Eliasson, rikspolischef Vem är framtidens brottsförebyggare? I den nya Polismyndigheten ska verksamheten i högre grad än idag utgå från lokala problembilder, lokala målformuleringar och dialog med medborgarna. Vad ställer det för krav på lokal kompetens, profession och uppdrag? Hur ska det nationella stödet anpassas så att det svarar mot lokala behov och förutsättningar? Paneldebatt med Anders Hall, tillträdande chef för Polismyndighetens utvecklingsavdelning, Peter Lindström, docent Malmö Högskola, Bodil Hansson, vice ordförande i Sundsvalls kommunstyrelse, Karin Svanberg, enhetschef, Brottsförebyggande rådet m.fl. Preventing social unrest: building relationships with local communities. Att bygga relationer med medborgare, kommuner och andra intressenter är avgörande för att nå framgång i modernt polisarbete, inte minst i utsatta områden. Professor Otto Adang professor vid Polishögskolan i Nederländerna kommer att berätta varför och presentera en modell för hur man kan förklara dynamiken i social oro och också visa hur denna modell kan användas för att ge praktiska rekommendationer. When the rules went down: rethinking riots as performative acts. Varför attackeras ambulanspersonal, varför vandaliseras och plundras affärer i samband med upplopp? Simon Hallsworth professor vid University Campus Suffol, menar att svaret får sökas i hur människor agerar under upploppen. Deltagarnas handlingar uttrycker deras åsikter och ställningstaganden och ger därmed en förståelse för varför upploppen sker. Att arbeta lokalt mot våldsbejakande extremism. Vad behövs för att man lokalt ska kunna förebygga våldsbejakande extremism? Vilken kunskap, vilka metoder, vilket nationellt stöd och vilken statistik finns i dag och vad behövs tas fram? Mona Sahlin,nationell samordnare för att värna demokratin mot våldsbejakande extremism, Regeringskansliet Parallella seminarier. Varför ska vi bry oss om brott och otrygghet på landsbygden? Lokala åtgärder mot nätdroger Kvinnors rätt till trygghet Mobilisera goda krafter mot social oro Gränsöverskridande samverkan mellan kommuner med få invånare Dialog för trygghet För ytterligare information http://www.bra.se/bra/forebygga-brott/arbeta-kunskapsbaserat/rad-for-framtiden.html Call for papers Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2015 Call for Papers for The Stockholm Criminology Symposium June 8-10, 2015 is now open. The main theme for 2015 is Opportunities for crime and situational crime prevention. There is also a general theme on Contemporary Criminology. Last day to submit your abstract is February 27, 2015. http://www.criminologysymposium.com/symposium/participants/call-for-papers.html Call for abstracts: Law and Society Oslo Jun 10 - Jun 12, 2015 The Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law is proud to accept proposals for our 2015 conference Law and Society in the 21st Century, The functions of law in a global society Abstracts should not exceed the limit of 400 Words, nor be less than 200 words. Deadline: February 1st 2015 See: http://www.jus.uio.no/ikrs/english/research/news-and-events/events/conferences/2015/sociolegal-studies-conference/index.html IPES Symposium Pattaya Thailand 8-12.8 The 26th Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium will be held in Pattaya, Thailand on August 8-12, 2015. Theme: Police Governance and Human Trafficking: Promoting Preventative and Comprehensive Strategies. Further information: http://ipes.info Call for papers: 9th Australasian Women and Policing Conference The Australasian Council of Women and Policing is calling for papers for the 9th Australasian Women and Policing Conference being held in Luna Park, Sydney from 31 August to 3 September 2015. The theme of the 2015 Conference is: Making History: Shaping the Future. It is an opportunity to explore how far policing has come in responding to women in the community and the women in its ranks and supporting roles. The Conference will highlight areas that still need to be addressed and explore the challenges policing for women will face in the future. The Conference will build on previous Australian Women and Policing Conferences and continue to develop the body of knowledge around how policing is being improved for women, in particular: policing for women in the Pacific women’s leadership within policing and the leadership role that women in policing play in their local communities in Australia and globally innovative responses to violence against women. The Conference will coincide with New South Wales Police Force’s 100 years of women in policing celebrations. For further information http://www.acwap.com.au/conferences/call-for-papers-9th-acwap-conference/ Call for papers Crime, Justice and Social Democracy July 8-10, 2015 Queensland, Australia Call for papers 3rd International Conference for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy July 810, 2015 Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Abstracts are due by March 15, 2015 The aim of this conference is to reinvigorate debates about the link between social justice, social democracy and the reduction of harm, crime and victimization through the alleviation of inequalities and building of more socially just and inclusive societies. The conference brings together distinguished international speakers from the UK, US, Canada, Latin America, Spain, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. To submit an abstract visit http://crimejusticeconference.com/call-for-submissions/ Tjänster, stipendier m.m. PhD Fellowship in Criminology and/or Sociology of Law Oslo 1-2 positions as PhD Research Fellow are available at the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law. Application deadline: 2 March 2015 The purpose of the Fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a PhD degree. The selected candidates will automatically be admitted to the faculty’s PhD programme. The fellowships are for a period of up to 4 years, with teaching constituting 25 % of the workload. Alternatively, they are for 3 years without any teaching duties. A 4-year Fellowship requires the candidate to meet current teaching needs at the Department. The Fellowship period may be reduced within the framework of pertaining regulations based on previously held research fellowship positions The candidates must hold a master's degree in criminology or sociology of law, or in an equivalent field. In the evaluation of candidates, emphasis will be placed on the quality of the research proposal. The candidates’ academic and personal qualifications will also be taken into consideration. The relevance of the proposed project for the development of the research at the Department is also of importance. For further information: http://uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/1299791/70424?iso=no Stipendiat , http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AKD517/esrc-and-ahrc-phd-studentships-in-law-socio-legalstudies-and-or-criminology-and-criminal-justice/ PhD Studentships University of Leeds - School of Law ESRC and AHRC PhD Studentships in Law, Socio-Legal Studies and/or Criminology and Criminal Justice. Closes:2nd February 2015 The School of Law at the University of Leeds invites applications from prospective PhD students for up to four full-time or part-time fully funded scholarships commencing October 2015. Two of these scholarships are funded by the ESRC, for which we invite applications in the fields of socio-legal studies and/or criminology and criminal justice. Applications may be for a 1+3 award (in which students are required initially to undertake a Masters degree) or a +3 award. Two further scholarship opportunities are funded by the AHRC, for which we invite applications in doctrinal, theoretical, empirical, or comparative research studies that are focused on the content or procedures of the law. These scholarships are offered respectively by the (ESRC) White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Centre and the (AHRC) White Rose College of Arts and Humanities, both of which are collaborations of the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York. Both are internationally recognised as leading training centres for postgraduate researchers. They offer highly prestigious opportunities for high quality PhD students to join a leading law school and become part of a vibrant research community with excellent training and networking opportunities across the region. More information is available at: wrdtc.ac.uk and wrocah.ac.uk/new-student/ahrc-competition Applicants for ESRC funded 1+3 awards are expected to have achieved an Upper Second Class honours (2:1) degree or above at undergraduate level in any of the social science subjects including law or to be currently completing their final year. Applicants for ESRC and AHRC funded +3 awards are expected to have gained a strong degree at Masters level in a social science subject or law respectively. For further information: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AKD517/esrc-and-ahrc-phd-studentships-in-law-socio-legalstudies-and-or-criminology-and-criminal-justice/ Redaktör Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology NSfK søger en ny redaktør til tidsskriftet Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention. Flere oplysninger om den ledige stilling kan tilgås på vores hjemmeside http://www.nsfk.org/Page/ID/523/NSfK-seeks-new-editor . Ydermere er der en ledig stilling som kontaktsekretær for NSfK på Færøerne. Nærmere oplysninger om stillibgen fås ved henvendelse til NSfK's sekretariatsleder på e-mail mt@law.au.dk Seconded national expert CEPOL Budapest Nominations are invited for two posts of Seconded national expert for research Closing date: 30 January 2015 The role of Seconded National Expert for Research Programme is to support activities in the area of dissemination of research findings and good practice. Working in close cooperation with the Training Team of the Training and Research Unit this successful candidate shall: • Manage project and day-to-day operation of the Lecturer, Trainer and Research Database, including: - develop terms of reference for database interface - maintenance of the data, - liaison with experts and inquiries coming from course organiser; - Promotion of the instrument. • Provide advice on scientific materials and expertise for all CEPOL activities that will be implemented by the agency in 2015; • Map research results on police education and training in Europe particularly in the area in online learning; • Maintain contacts with Fundamental Rights Agency; • Prepare a structure and the process for Research Award. • Ensure back-up for Research and Knowledge Management Officer. For further information: https://www.cepol.europa.eu/sites/default/files/research-sne-vacancy-notice.pdf Professorat i kriminologi København Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, opslår et professorat i retsvidenskab indtil videre med henblik på kriminologi. Stillingen er ledig til besættelse efter nærmere aftale og gerne snarest muligt. Ansøgningsfrist: 05-02-2015 För ytterligare information: http://jobportal.ku.dk/videnskabelige-stillinger/?show=701227 Övriga tjänster internationellt Lecturer in Criminal Justice, University of Leeds. Available immediately but must be in post no later than September 2015 http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AKD367/lecturer-in-criminal-justice/ Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Crime and Investigative Studies Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge. Closes: 22nd February 2015 http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ATS524/lecturer-senior-lecturer-in-crime-and-investigativestudies/ Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev Nordiska polisforskningsnätverket utgår från polisutbildningarna i Norden. Nätverkets syfte är att stimulera polisforskning i Norden. Utöver nyhetsbrevet anordnas vartannat år nordiska polisforskningskonferenser. Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev har funnits sedan 2008 och erbjuder en översikt över vad som händer inom polisforskning i Norden. I uppläggningen eftersträvas att ge snabblästa, kortfattade och överskådliga presentationer med kompletterande webbadresser alt. bilagor för ytterligare information. Bl.a. presenteras nyheter, publicerade texter och evenemang med anknytning till polisforskning. Bidrag till nyhetsbrevet mottages tacksamt. Redaktör: Rolf Granér, rolf.graner@lnu.se Tatanya Valland, Tatanya-Ducran.Valland@hioa.no Redaktion/ kontaktpersoner: Danmark: Anne-Stina Sørensen ASS003@politi.dk. Finland: Vesa Huotari, Vesa.Huotari@poliisi.fi Jarmo Houtsonen, Jarmo.Houtsonen@poliisi.fi Norge: Mette Berg, Mette.Berg@phs.no Sverige: Patrik Thunholm, http://polisforskning.se Jonas Hansson: jonas.hansson@polis.umu.se Oscar Rantatalo: oscar.rantatalo@umu.se Alla intresserade kan anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet. Anmälan kan göras här: http://mlist.lnu.se/mailman/listinfo/polisforskningsnatverket Tidigare nyhetsbrev kan ses här: http://lnu.se/institutioner/polisutbildningen/forskning/nyhetsbrev Vid problem med att anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet kan detta ske direkt till rolf,graner@lnu.se
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