v . RTrla;t/ t+ssf tntF Ryr frFr€r, T$ f{rtfr MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS To, NEW DELHI Shri Raju Vazhakkala Padamugal, Kakkanad P O, Kochi 682030 rrs+{qqi Date:- 03/lll20l4 Sir, Please refer to your RTI application dated 2911012014, received 3t/10t2014. in this Ministry on 2. Kindly note that thd information sought by you is in respect of Missions and posts abroad which are separate Public Authorities. You are advised to file separate RTI applications with conerned Missions and Posts. As the required information would be available with them. Under Section 2(h) of the RTI Act, Indian Missions/Posts abroad are independent and distinct public Authorities. (In terms of DoPT's O.M no. 1010212008-IR dated 24109/2010), if a person makes an ,.application for information which is scattered with more than one public authoriiy, the applicant 'should be advised to file separate applicaticns to the public authoritiei concerned. 3- You are therefore advised to approach the Missions/Posts directly to obtain the required information. The list of all Indian Missions/Posts abroad along with iheir contact details is available on the website of the Ministry (www.mea.gov.in) at the following linkht t p : //wwv,. me u. g ov. 4. If you in/ indi an-mi s s i o n s - ab ro ad. ht m. with this response, you may file an appeal with Shri Rajesh Vaishnaw, Director & Appellate authority, Room No. 2025, A-Wing, Jawaharlal Nehru Bhavan,23-D, Janpath, New Delhi-I10011. (Tel: 0ll-49015224, Fax: 011-49015225) within 30 days of receipr of this are aggrieved letter. (Meera Sisodia) Under Secretary(RTl) Room No. 2021, A- Wing, Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan, 23-D Janpath, New Delhi-110011 Tel:49015226 Fax:.49OL5227 'i;4!/ \' 1r ''' :,Pol 6Lrl JPal Qr: f tt.r Qsb t\ esltLt r{{JlIl, RajuVaztrat{<ala Padamugal,Kakkanad PO Kochi 682030 Kerala To, The Central Public Information Officer Mini stry of External Affairs Room No.2021, AWing JawaharlalNehruBhavan 23-D,Janapath, New Delhi- l l00l I S14 Sub: Right to InformationAct- Request for Information regarding Indians Jaild in foreign countries :Please provide the following details with regard to the subject matter referred above. I Countrywise number of Indians kept injails in foreign countries ? 2 Country wise number ofpersons fromKerala state jailed in foreign counties 3 Out ofthe above how many Indians and how many Keralites werejailed for Capital punishment ? 4 Is there any action taken to release the Indians from foreign jails and details of the actiontaken ? 5 HowmanylndiansandKeralities werereleased from foreign jails duringlstApril 2009to30th september2Ol4? ? Ehc SqqS_5)_ The prescribed fee is remitted herewith vide Postal order No54t" tt93q'iuJ,art"at New Delhi Thanking you YoursFaithfully ALW- RajuEmt- Kaklanad 29t1012014 -'"L ttv--
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