SKO SHOE BUSINESS MAGAZINE · NORWAY MEDIA INFO 2016 SKO SKO SKO TARGET GROUP-SPECIFICATION: Shoe manufacturers, agents and w holesalers, tanneries, retailers, employees in shoeshops, shoemakers and others with interest for the shoe business. MAGASINET FOR SKOBRANSJEN · NR 4/2015 MAGASINET FOR SKOBRANSJEN · NR 3/2015 MAGASINET FOR SKOBRANSJEN · NR 1/2015 Du finner oss på stand nr. 111. Seilas Inspired by Norway Du finner oss nu på 1. etagen stand nr. 111 KOMFORT I HØY KVALITET Husker du det hvite paret Viking-støvler som alltid stod gjemt bak kjellertrappa? I boden eller i naustet på hytta? Da vet du hvor inspirasjonen til årets støvelnyhet kommer fra. Med seks sterke farger er Seilas enda enklere å få øye på når de trengs. Du finner dem i butikk fra januar 2016. Relaxshoe er lett fottøy til hverdagsbruk. Sortimentet består av sko, sandaler og støvletter i lekkert og mykt naturgarvet lær. Relaxshoe betyr stor komfort i høy kvalitet med alltid behagelig passform. Relaxshoe selges til fornuftige priser. Du er også sikret en god avanse på skoene. RelaxShoe Højgaardsvej 3 DK-7300 Jelling +45 2929 4661 Footwear, Apparel & Accessories for Every Escape SKO – Skoforlaget as PUBLICATION PLAN 2016 No. Deadline Publ. date 1* 7/126/1 2 3/331/3 3 3/531/5 4* 29/626/7 5 15/96/10 6 10/111/12 Address: Fredrik Selmers vei 2, 0663 Oslo, Norway Editor: Lise Andresen – Mobile: +47 977 01 755 – E-mail: Publisher: Skoforlaget AS Subscription: Lise Andresen – Mobile: +47 977 01 755 – E-mail: Advertising: Lars-Erik Obst Address: Skogbrynet 32, 3032 Drammen, Norway Mobile: +47 90 83 16 46 – E-mail: *Trade fair issues Accounts Department: Profina AS att. Anniqa Dahl Tlf.: (+47) 23 27 58 00 – E-mail: Printers: Zoom Grafisk A.S. Address: Nedre Eiker vei 14, 3045 Drammen, Norway P. O. Box: Postboks 4166, Gulskogen, 3005 Drammen, Norway Phone: +47 32 26 64 50 – Fax: +47 32 26 64 80 SUPPLEMENTS 0–30 gram 30–60 gram 60–100 gram Layout: Lars-Erik Obst – Mobile: +47 90 83 16 46 – E-mail: NOK NOK NOK 15.900,17.400,20.900,- Circulation: 793 FORMATS Format: 210 x 297mm Composed matter format: 185 x 260 mm Teaser ad on front page: 210 x 60 mm Number of columns: 4. Column width: 42,5 mm Bleed: Yes Advert Sizes Front page 210 x 297 mm (bleed if necessary) 1/1 page 210 x 297 mm (bleed if necessary) 1/2 page 185 x 126 mm or 90 x 260 mm 1/4 page 185 x 65 mm or 90 x 126 mm Please send advertising material to Advertising material: Digital. Payment: Digital (NB! Do not send cheque. Any questions regarding payment, please contact our accounts department on +47 23 27 58 00.) Cancellations: Must be given in writing and at least 14 days before deadline. Deadline for ordering: 5 days before deadline for material. ADVERTISING PRICES Ordinary issues Front page* Double page 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/4 page 4 colour 17.200 22.100 13.400 10.100 8.500 * Choose between opt.1: teaser on front page + page 5, or opt. 2: the whole front page, note that the magazine logo must be included. Trade fair issues Front page Double page 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/4 page 21.900 26.900 15.900 10.900 9.100 Leverandørservice Advertisement in the vendor register in the back of the magazine, included in every issue, price for one year 2.090 Agency commission: 3,5% Discounts: 3–4 insertions: 5%. 5 insertions: 5% + one free insertion in no. 6 (the ads have to be ordered at the same time.) Special placement: 10% extra on ordinary price. Prices do not include VAT. Complaints will not be accepted if deadline for material has not been respected. Complaints, corrections and cancellations must be given in writing.
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