SCANDINAVIAN TRAVEL TRADE MAGAZINE • N O RWAY T H E P R I S Annonsér på TOPPBANNER 768 x 150 pixler Travel News prisliste bannere Toppbanner 768 x 150 pixler 12 000 NOK/mnd Skyskraper 150 x 500 pixler 12 000 NOK/mnd Board redaksjonelt 468 x 400 pixler 20 000 NOK/mnd Banner redaksjonelt 468 x 60 pixler 10 000 NOK/mnd 6 9 T R A V E L T R A D E M A G A Z I N E • N O R W A Y K R • I N T E R N E T T : W W W . T R A V E L N E W S . N O PRICELIST + 2015 Mobilen gjør reisene våre bedre Det siste intervjuet? SKYSKRAPER 150 x 500 pixler Produksjon av webannonser 850 NOK/time Regnet i hvert påbegynte kvartér BOARD REDAKSJONELT 468 x 400 pixler Stillingsannonser på Stillingsannonse med ønsket tekst med eller uten logo 7 000 NOK/mnd Alle priser er eks mva. S C A N D I N A V I A N «Dronningen» takker av: Produksjon/tilpasning Tilpasning av annonser til web 10% av mndpris Engangssum for tilrettelegging av hver annonse dersom tilsendt materiell ikke er tilpasset TravelNews.nos formater. NR. 7 - NOVEMBER 2014 THE BANNER REDAKSJONELT 468 x 60 pixler Kontakt: David Kurtz +47 21 50 81 39 mobil 934 81 542 - + Horwath -rapporten: + Sterk STS S T Alpereiser: Relansering med nyskaping Fra kjøkkenbenken til strandhotell hotelloppgang Hva har Per-Arne Tuftin i bagasjen? type area: Bleed: Pris: Please make sure the document is locked as: xAds, EPS, PDF or TIFF. The files should be optimized for print (at least 300 dpi) and saved in CMYK, meaning that all used pictures and colors must be definied as process CMYK. 410 x 265 mm 426 x 290 mm* 32 900 nok 410 x 132mm 426 x 145 mm* Pris: 19 600 nok P R I S • N O R W A Y M A G A Z I N E T R A D E T R A V E L S C A N D I N A V I A N E W S . N O : W W W . T R A V E L N K R • I N T E R N E T T 6 9 T H E P R I S Bransjens Full page Full page back page Type area: 190 x 265 mm Bleed: 213 x 290 mm* Bleed: 215 x 265 mm* Controlling the document: is possible, send a printed copy. Send an e-mail to to confirm when and how you will deliver your ad. Half page horizontal Half page vertical Type area: 190 x 132mm Bleed: 213 x 145 mm* Type area: 95 x 265 mm Bleed: 105 x 290 mm* Pris: 17 400 nok Pris: 17 400 nok Quarterpage horizontal Quarterpage vertical Screen: lines/inch Type area: 190 x 64 mm Bleed: 213 x 64 mm* Type area: 45 x 265 mm Material: Digital ad. Please attach matchprint or digital proof. Pris: 10 000 nok Pris: 10 000 nok First double page: 36 850 nok, booked position: + 10% N O R W A Y Intervjuet: Torgeir Silseth T H E P R I S S C A N D I N A V I A N T R A V E L T R A D E M A G A Z I N E • N O R W A Y 6 9 K R • I N T E R N E T T : W W W . T R A V E L N E W S . N O First Hotels slår tilbake Årets leder Daniel Skjeldam Dette er verdens Tar av beste flyplasser med Nonstop Enorm asiatisk togsatsing hotellåret 2012 Intervjuet: Innovasjon Norges omtale -suksess Så mye tjener de svenske reisetoppene Kronikk: : Linda Bernander Silseth Technical specifications Printing method: Offset. Advertising David Kurtz Sales and marketing manager Tlf: +47 22 77 17 29 Mob: +47 93 48 15 42 E-post: Advertising tax included. VAT not i ncluded. Any modifications required to material supplied will incure further cost. Latest cancellation four working weeks prior to deadline. Latest cancellation of insert eight weeks prior to deadline. Preliminary bookings transferred to standard booking three weeks after receipt. Cancellations must be in writing. Other formats For foldout, split cover, or other special solutions: ask for quote. Pris: 10 000 nok • største aldri vært rer e operatøbilliger Conditions: Special placement M A G A Z I N E Spesial: Kurs og konferanse Pris: 22 500 nok Type area: 95 x 132 mm T R A D E es har Dette er Sverig Luksus Spesial: Grand Travel Award Pris: 19 600 nok Quarterpage T R A V E L K R • I N T E R N E T T : W W W . T R A V E L N E W S . N O Hegnar fikk Slik endte B-POSTABONNEMENT Avs.: Magasinet REIS Frognerveien 22 0263 Oslo 6 9 Hedersprisen Kobberstad er When delivering via the FTP server: compress the files as Zip(pc) Sit(mac) S C A N D I N A V I A N store festaften Fonts and pictures must be included. Avoid open documents. If delivering open documents, as InDesign- or Illustratordocument, fonts in the document must be outlinet. Pictures and colors must be optimized as described above. For correct ICC-profile, contact your seller, or find it on the FTP-server. 1/2 double page Type area: Bleed: T H E NR. 3 - MAI 2013 Double page NR. 1 - FEBRUAR 2013 Ad material 2015 NR. 2 - MARS 2013 PRICELIST * Attention! + 3 mm bleed on all sides for trimming shall be calculated by bleed ad. Complaints must be made within seven days of publication. Complaints concerning i nvoices must be made within two weeks of invoice date. Release dates 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Release 06. feb 20. mar 30. april 16. jun 04. sept Material 26. jan 09. mar 20. apr 08. jun 24. aug 7 8 16. oct 20. nov 18. dec 05. oct 09. nov 07. dec 6 For price information take contact: Travel News magazine is published in Norway by Findexa Forlag. Other publications from the publisher, Reis, Discover America Magazine, Filmmagasinet, Rede, KystMagasinet, Padling, Miljøstrategi, Norway Exports.
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