2 3. j A Media kit - prices N uA R 2013 | KR 30 ,— | Å RG A N G 22 | 2014 NR. 19 to tjen t e illione r opp: 0 . pp co. svein støle. sid e 4 og 5 Små A fare v S i størst renteh ed opp Ka n få rekord utbyttefor 201 2 knall side 30 o % g 31 seson g for børsa ksjon ærer : HyppiG sKifte e ledeRR i fjo R: side Me r stolle for bedk riftene tRyGv le v er k am and ør p 18 o s i d e g 19 side e HeGN 28 o Vekk m fo r m u e e d s k a t te n s ! Dollar Svens ke kr Britisk e pun d g for Os omm lo og Ake er til r leie” shus en 5,59 85,67 8,87 9 g 29 ARs le deR: -0,01 -0,10 0,00 8 og knut Hauge Prime , People . 10 år side nte 2,35 år rent e Dow Jo 1,89 nes 13628, 06 US 10 2 stat re 0,03 0,05 -21,64 Nasdaq FTSE 100 Nikke i 3123,2 8 6170,3 5 10709, 93 -11,43 -10,63 -37,81 OSLO BØRS 465,25 -2,72 EURO KURSE N THE NORWEGIAN -0,03FINANCIAL DAILY 7,43 3-MN D. REN TEN +0,01 1,86 BREN T 1. PO S 111,65 Standard formats Full pages Deadlines Reservations: By 3:00 pm two working days before publication. Deadline for ready material: By 11:00 am the day before publication. For Monday edition, deadline at Thursday 3:00 pm. Script deadline: By 10:00 am two working days before publication. Stop orders: Written, one week before publication. Change orders: Written, two working days before publication. Full page – 62.186,-Placard – 89.006,- Full height columns Technical specifications: Finansavisen is offset printed at 45 gr. Format: Tabloid 400 mm x 290 mm. Type area: 365 mm height x 246 mm width. This makes 6 columns on the column pages and 5 columns on the text pages. M 51 – 16.787,- M 52 – 30.832,- M 53 – 42.017,- M 21B – 3.594,- M 12 – 4.718,- M 15 – 16.787,- M 25B – 23.244,- M 25 – 30.832,- M 35B – 37.610,- M 44 – 47.745,- M 22 – 12.125,- M 23B – 13.511,- M 23 – 19.403,- M 32 – 19.403,- M 33B – 23.244,- Electronic material: Ready material can be sent to: E-mail: annonse@finansavisen.no Small ads Colour combinations must be revised to CMYK process colours by electronic transmission of material. Advertisement labelling: Standard labelling of advertisements to newspapers is: Date – Customer – Adword (Example: 0108 IBM Server) Please contact the advertisement desk for further information at: +47 23 29 63 00. M 11 – 2.435,- Basement Corners M 22B – 8.318,- M 13 – 8.318,- 2014 prices/SPEcIALprices All prices includ 4 colors pr. insert and are ex. vat. Modules Modules Monday - friday No. of modules Text pages Saturday Page 3-5 and last page* 11, 12b 1 2 435 3 165 21b 1,5 3 594 12, 21 2 4 718 side 7 -13, spesial Text pages Stock exchange pages Page 3-5 and last page* Page 7 -13, special” 3 355 3 097 2 921 2 581 4 672 4 312 3 809 4 952 4 571 6 134 5 662 5 001 6 502 6 002 13, 22b, 31 3 8 318 10 813 9 982 8 817 11 462 10 580 14, 22, 41 4 12 125 15 762 14 550 12 852 16 708 15 423 23b 4,5 13 511 17 564 16 213 14 321 18 618 17 186 21 353 pr. day: pr. week: 15, 32b, 51 5 16 787 21 823 20 144 17 794 23 132 23, 24b, 32 6 19 403 25 224 23 284 20 568 26 738 24 681 unoterte 25b, 33b 7,5 23 244 30 217 27 892 24 638 32 030 29 566 17 340 24, 42 8 25 105 32 636 30 126 26 611 34 594 31 933 renter 33 9 27 294 35 482 32 753 28 931 37 611 34 718 5 049 25, 34b, 52 10 30 832 40 082 36 999 32 682 42 487 39 219 valuta 35b 12,5 37 610 48 894 45 133 39 867 51 827 47 841 5 049 35, 53 15 42 017 54 622 50 420 44 538 57 899 53 445 utenlandske 44 16 47 745 62 068 57 294 50 610 65 793 60 732 2 490 45, 54 20 51 905 67 476 62 285 55 019 71 524 66 023 55 25 62 186 80 842 74 623 65 917 85 692 79 101 fond 110 50 89 006 115 708 106 807 94 347 122 651 113 216 12 240 86 700 25 245 25 245 12 444 61 710 * Page 3, min. size module 25 – Page 5 max. size module 25 – Last page with max module 25B Page 1: Page 2/Editorial commentery: Last page: Column pages: Page 1- IT M14 28 611 M15B 10 404 Top 2sp x 60mm 10 300 Vacancy ads 35 pr m m M15 M15 33 573 Weekly price 52 020 Top banner 4sp x 60mm 20 600 Other 26 pr m m Magazines: 19 768 Commercial Property - Sports & Leasure - Financial Law - Mutual Funds Facing pages, glossy 84 942 Facing pages 2/1 page 82 514 1/2 Page wide/hight 31 545 2 & 3. Glossy cover 65 662 1/1 Text page 58 939 1/3 Page hight 19 685 4. Glossy cover 70 915 2/3 Page 39 252 1/4 Page 15 972 1/1 Page 5/7 63 760 MOTOR: Facing pages, glossy 84 942 Facing pages 2/1 page 77 446 1/2 Page 25 100 1/1 Page +2/3 Page 66 500 2 & 3. Glossy cover 65 662 1/1 Page 41 518 1/3 Page hight 16 715 Page 5/7 46 990 4. Glossy cover 70 915 2/3 Page hight 31 288 1/1 Page +1/2 Page 60 077 Finansavisen demography Facts about the readers of Finansavisen 3 % 12 % 20 % Household income Nok Gender Age 15 - 19 years 20 - 29 years 18 % Male 28 % Female 21 % 11 % under 450 000 6 % 30 - 39 years 10 % 40 - 59 years 72 % 60+ 24 % 48 % Trade region Education 5 % 7 % Primary School 28 % College University 18 % 4 % 18% Westren Norway Mid Norway 750 000 - 999 000 over 1 250 000 Life cycle Eastern Norway 16 % 600 000 - 749 000 1 000 000 - 1 249 000 16 % Singles or couples under 50 years without children Families with children (0-19 years) 31 % Singles or couples over 50 years without children North Norway 67 % 450 000 - 599 000 71 % 41 % Source: Tns Gallup Forbruker & Media 2013 column in mm A single module is 71 mm high and 46 mm wide. A whole page has Columns 25 modules. Every format has it´s own two digit code. The first number Classified 38 80 122 164 206 248 indicates the width and the second number indicates the height. Text 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 1 2 3 4 5 46 96 146 196 246 180 190 200 210 220 (246 * 365) (196 * 365) (146 * 365) (96 * 365) (46 * 365) 55 54 53 52 51 (246 * 291) (196 * 291) (146 * 291) (96 * 291) (46 * 291) 45 44 43 42 41 (246 * 218) (196 * 218) (146 * 218) (96 * 218) (46 * 218) 35 34 33 32 31 (246 * 181) (196 * 181) (146 * 181) (96 * 181) (46 * 181) 35B 34B 33B 32B 31B (246 * 144) (196 * 144) (146 * 144) (96 * 144) (46 * 144) 25 24 23 22 21 (246 * 107) (196 * 107) (146 * 107) (96 * 107) (46 * 107) 25B 24B 23B 22B 21B (246 * 71) (196* 71) (146 * 71) (96 * 71) (46 * 71) 12 11 (96 * 34) (46 * 34) 12B 11B 15 14 13 6 230 240 Regulations 1. The deadline for complaints is 7 days after publication. 2. The right to make a complaint is repealed if the deadline for material is not met, or if the material is not in accordance with the publisher’s specifications. 3. Complaints must be in writing. 4. The newspaper reserves the right to move advertisements from reserved pages to other pages if necessary due to editorial or technical reasons. 5. Advertisements delivered after deadline, and advertisements that are cancelled after the deadline, will be invoiced by 100% of the amount. 8. Potential errors must be announced to us immediately, and latest within 14 days after publication. 9. Finansavisen will not distribute used The newspaper reserves the right to repudiate advertising material, unless special the insert of an advertisement, unless the agreements are made regarding such text in the advertisement gives an indication distribution. of time. 10. Deadline for stop orders: see deadlines. 7. The newspaper has no responsibility for errors in the material received from the advertiser, advertisement agency or another newspaper. 6. the most attractive readers Gallup Kompass 2013 - Finansavisen - A segmentation model from tns-gallup 1 The modern: 19,3% 2 The modern individual oriented: 17,1%) 3 The individual oriented: 19,0% 1 8 2 4 The traditional individual: 4,3% 5 The traditional: 5,9% 7 3 9 6 The traditional community oriented: 2,5% 7 The community oriented: 7,9% 6 4 8 The modern community oriented: 9,2% 5 9 The moderate: 14,9% “The affluent consumer and the actual decision-makers of Norwegian business life reads Finansavisen. No other newspaper gives you such a strong target group.” Finansavisen – a newspaper with an interesting circle of readers 1. Readers with highest income. 2. Corporate executives. 3. Readers who are very technology oriented and modern. 4. Highest share of decision-makers within a number of business areas. 5. Readers that are working in future-oriented businesses. “Finansavisen’s coverage amongst Norwegian leaders has been increasing continuously since the very beginning. The newspaper is at the head when it comes to affinity with its readers, i.e. a higher percentage of readers that invests, buys, uses relevant products/services etc. than any other magazine. In spite of the general slow-down in the market, Finansavisen sustains and increases its coverage amongst Norwegian leaders. This trend now enables Finansavisen to also compete on contact price within its core areas. Opinion Leader Index – WOM 500 450 400 Population 339 Finansavisen 350 Finansavisen MOTOR 263 300 207 250 211 212 Dagens Næringsliv 250 230 254 237 Dagens Næringsliv D2 Aftenposten Aftenposten A‐Magasinet 200 VG VG Helg 150 Dagbladet DAGBLADET Magasinet 100 50 ty e cie nc So u ra & cs liti Po & ing nk Ba ad io Ins & ga TV ,R & Int er ior ,h ou se el Tra v mu rd su & lei Sh sic en re r Ca oe s ss Fi t & ths Clo h& alt He Be ve ra ne ge /IT PC d& Fo o Ge ne ra l 0 Editorial facts Readership and frequency: Facts: Editorial Positioning: Circulation and Distribution: Number of readers: Finansavisen, The Norwegian Financial 25 591 copies sold per day (Mon.- Sat.)*, of One issue: 85 000, weekly: 219 000, Daily, is the politically independent leading which 80% are distributed through Number of readers in management: national newspaper for finance and subscribtions. Finansavisen is distributed(by One issue: 68 000, 6 issues: 121 000. economics. Produced by the newspaper deliverers) to all Norwegian country’s most qualified and insightful cities, with morning delivery. Finansavisen businessjournalists, it closely covers is also available on several daily flight Norwegian entrepreneurship, delivers departures from Norway. business analysis and provides economic *source : Average sold in 2012, commentary. Norwegian Newspaper Association. Source: TNS Gallup Forbruker & Media 12/1 MGI IPSOS Trade Press Survey 2012 Special features: Mondays: Corporate Computing Tuesdays: Cars Wednesdays: Employment Thursdays: Commercial Property Fridays: Private Property and Boats Saturdays: Mutual Funds and Lifestyle. and Sport & leisure magazines MOTOR Weekly Saturday Magazine. Circulation: 50.000 Readership: 83.000. Finansavisen MOTOR is Norway’s first weekly magazine focusing solely on cars, bikes and boats. The magazine covers a wide range of topics and our readers can enjoy news, tests and feature articles. Source: Synnovate Mediaindex 2013/1 Commercial Property Magazine seven issues per year News and coverage of the commercial estatemarket is provided through insight about the main industry players by the way of current news, key information and professional advice. Publishing dates: 31.1 14.3 - 16.5 - 13.6 - 12.9 - 24.10 - 28.11 MOTOR eiendom NR. 33 | 24. AUGUST 2013 | ÅRGANG 10 Nummer 4 | 31. mai 2013 Gjennomført gjørmebryter TEST: Range Rover Sport med kompressormatet V8motor er en heftig opplevelse uansett underlag. 24. august 2013 MOTOR 1 Forsker Jon Mjølhus om eiendom: Dropp fond - kjøp aksjer Mener eiendomsfond har flere kroniske svakheter. Financial Law Magazine three issues per year Contains articles on current topics within finance and tax, written both for lawyers and business people. Publishing dates: 14.2 - 9.5 - 7.11 Accounting & Financial Management Magazine - three issues per year Contains articles concerning economy and finance and increases the focus on business- sailing, hunting, fishing and mountain climbing. Publishing dates: 24.1 - 7.3 - 23.5 - 22.8 - 3.10 - 5.12 Fashion Magazine – four issues per year Contains the latest updates concerning fashion and the best articles from Milano as we work closely with Milano Finanza. Fashion is an exclusive magazine in glossy paper. Publishing dates: 7.2 - 25.4 - 15.8 - 31.10 critical value of accounting and financial management. Publishing dates: 21.3 - 6.6 14.11 Sports & Leasure Magazine – six issues per year Sport & Fritid covers areas such as skiing, cycling, diet & nutrition, health, running, golf, Jus Nummer 2 | 3. mai 2013 sPORT &fritid • 22 • Ta • Sjak -årin llknu ke g ha se ns to r be r foss ppop steg rodd pgjø et 1.3 e til r 00 gu fjellt ll oppe r regnskap &økonomistyring FASHION Nr 4 | Oktober 2013 Nummer 2 | 7. juni 2013 Revisjonshonorarene Karriereklekkeriet stuper KPMG og adm. direktør Ragnar Noreng (bildet) reviderer Statoil med store tap. Den hellige paragraf: Lovavdelingen. Mindre baller for John Carew Luksusskaperen Louis Vuitton la grunnlaget for luksusmarkedet og er verdens mektigste motehus. Bli med inn i hjertet av imperiet. Proff shoppinghjelp Personal shopping vokser i Norge. Hele NHH vil til PwC Høye marginer for Z-Data – Sigbjørn Johnsen er en dårlig taktiker Mote rush mot børs Trendspesial: HøsteNs flotteste tilBeHør advertising rates sizes and technical spesifications Motor MOTOR MOTOR NR. 1 | 7. JANUAR 2011 | ÅRGANG 9 MOTOR NR. 3 | 21. JANUAR 2012 | ÅRGANG 9 FOTO: LAURENCE BAKER NR. 2 | 14. JANUAR 2012 | ÅRGANG 9 Ekte råskinn Brutalt rask Tilbake til fortiden TEST: R8 GT Spyder beviser at Audi mener alvor i superbilklassen. TEST: Lamborghini Aventador byr på ekstreme krefter. TEST: Nye W196 Streamliner er en herlig tidsmaskin. Placard, 2/1 page 1/1 page + 1/2 page 1/1 page + 2/3 page 1/1 page + 1/3 page Type area: 492 mm x 292 mm Trim size: 540 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 550 mm x 347 mm Type area: 231 + 114 mm x 292 mm Trim size: 405 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 415 mm x 347 mm Type area: 231 + 152 mm x 292 mm Trim size: 450 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 460 mm x 347 mm Type area: 231 +75 mm x 292 mm Trim size: 360 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 370 mm x 347 mm • • • • • • • Deadlines/Reservations: Monday before 12.00 pm (the week before publication – at least ten days before) Material: Wednesday 12.00 pm, the week before publication (at least 8 days) Amount pages: 40-48 1/1 page 2/3 page standing 1/2 page wide 1/2 page standing 1/3 page standing Type area: 231 x 292 mm Trim size: 270 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 280 mm x 347 mm Type area: 152 x 292 mm Trim size: 176 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 186 mm x 347 mm Type area: 231 x 146 mm Trim size: 270 mm x 169 mm Bleed size: 280 mm x 179 mm Type area: 114 x 292 mm Trim size: 138 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 148 mm x 347 mm Type area: 75 x 292 mm Trim size: 90 mm x 337 mm Bleed size: 100 mm x 347 mm Paper cover: 130 gram glossy Paper content: 65 gram glossy Formats: 270 mm x 337 mm. Bleed size Cancel: 4 weeks before publication Circulation: 50 000 eks. – Readers: 83 000 – Distribustion: as insert to the Saturday edition of Finansavisen MOTOR is a trimmed tabloid, which makes it possible to use bleeds in pictures and advertisements. MOTOR every Saturday MOTOR MOTOR MOTOR Legenden Speed-kongen N R . 3 | 19. JANUAR 2 0 1 3 | Å R G A N G 10 N R . 2 | 12. JANUAR 2 0 1 3 | Å R G A N G 10 N R . 4 | 26. JANUAR 2 0 1 3 | Å R G A N G 10 Råsterk Cayenne TEST: Porsche har fått særbehandling. Det har resultert i tidenes sterkeste diesel-SUV. Denne uken lanserte Chevrolet en helt ny Corvette Stingray. Vi har kjørt bilen som gjorde modellnavnet sagnomsust i 1963. TEST: Nye Continental GT Speed er tidendes raskeste gatebil fra Bentley. Vi tok med oss fartsvidunderet til Brooklands i Sør-England. ad-sizes advertising prices 2010 COVER nok 84.942,- 4th Cover / Last page 70.915,- 2nd and 3rd Cover 65.662,- Placard 2/1 pages 77.446,- 1/1 page 41.518,- 2/3 page standing 31.288,- 1/2 page 25.100,- 1/3 page standing 16.715,- 1/1 page + 1/2 page standing, joined, CMYK 60.077,- 1/1 page + 2/3 page standing, joined, CMYK 66.500,- Page 5, 7 46.900,- FActs Paper quality: Cover: 130 gr glossy Content: 65 gr glossy motor offers advertising opportunities to the norwegian masculine upmarked Reach powerful people with a powerful medium Onsd EIENDOM Nummer 1 | 25. januar 2013 regnskap &økonomistyring MOTOR N R . 4 | 26. JANUAR 2 0 1 3 | Å R G A N G 10 Nummer 3 16. November 2012 Årgang 2 Doblet salget Norsk knall og fall i USA tross bortfall av revisjonsplikten BDO-sjef Trond-Morten Lindberg er den store vinneren, men også de andre revisjonsselskapene har økt kraftig selv etter at revisjonsplikten forsvant. Speed-kongen Norskamerikanske Kenneth Grant (innfelt) har USA som sin lekegrind, men han har fått noen skrubbsår opp gjennom årene. Nå har han troen på gode tider. Bygger 120.000 kvm. i Bergen | – God timing for Oljefondet sport & f r i t i d Nummer 1 | 18. januar 2013 | Årgang 4 TEST: Nye Continental GT Speed er tidendes raskeste gatebil fra Bentley. Vi tok med oss fartsvidunderet til Brooklands i Sør-England. På roadshow med Statoil • E-faktura-suksess i Staten • Giskes forenklingsminister FASHION JUS Nummer 3 | 2. november 2012 Nr 2 | September 2012 | Årgang 1 Bond jakter på Boss Det er duket for krig på parfymemarkedet Stor trendguide: Mørkt og landlig Årets heteste stiler for høst og vinter Jobbmote: Slik bør menn kle seg Data-gründer John Arthur Olafsens satte fire utrolige verdensrekorder: Følte jeg fløy • Test av hodelykter • Burlesque-dans og olje • En ski blir til – Norsk design er trendy Norske designere er for alvor i ferd med å innta det internasjonale motemarkedet. Norges best betalte advokater: topp 1000 Contact: P.B. 724 Skøyen, 0214 Oslo, Tel: 23 29 63 00, Fax: 23 29 63 20 annonse@finansavisen.no Frequency: Daily • Format: Tabloid • Year of foundation: 1992 • Ownership details: Hegnar Media AS • Editor-in-chief: Trygve Hegnar • Advertising director: Gretha Nicolaysen www.hegnar.no/annonser Pareto 720 m i Kraftig 120 mill. prisho for å k l e Johaug op &c Se vå THE NORWEGIAN FINANCIAL DAILY ag 2 rt eie ndo “Nær msbilag in vedla gt de gseiendo nne u tgav e
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