2014 4‐20 015Bayylorr Womeen’ssBaaskeetball Vissitin ngT Team mG Guide TAB BLE OF F CON NTENTS TS Wellcome Lettter………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………2 Contact Inforrmation… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… ……..3 e Schedule…………… ……………… ……………… …………………….4 Baylor Home Faciilities Info ormation… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……....5 Gam me Day In nformatio on…………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……….6 Baylor Athlettic Comm munication ns………………………… ……………… ………7 mation…… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……....8 Timing Inform Dire ections…… ……………… ……………… …………………………………………… ………9 Area Informattion Cam mpus Map p…………… ……………………………… ……………… ……………… …….10 Prefferred Ho otels, Tran nsportatio on, and R Restauran nts………..11‐13 Forms F m………………………………………… ……14 Team Travel Informattion Form ……………… ……………… …….15 Team Ticket Request Form…………………… er Map…… ……………… ……………… ……………………………… ……17 Ferrrell Cente 1 WELCO W OME LE ETTER Coach/Administrrator, On be ehalf of Baylor Universitty, Director o of Athletics IIan McCaw aand the Baylor Universitty Wom men’s Basketball Team, w we are proud d to host youu and your tteam during the 2014‐ 2015 Basketball sseason. We hope you en njoy the city of Waco an nd the Baylorr University pus during your stay. Camp The m material provvided in thiss guide is intended to fam miliarize you u with the vaarious attrib butes and op perational sttandards asssociated withh Baylor Bassketball and the Ferrell Cente er. The Baylo or Athletic D Department is committe d to ensurin ng the highesst level of athletic excellencce, safety an nd competitive atmosph ere. hope you find d the inform mation enclossed useful a nd informattive. In prepaaration for We h your visit, please take time to o review the e documentss covered in this guide aand share with the approprriate personn nel. erely, Since Terryy Tucker Assocciate Directo or of Facilitie es and Operaations Baylo or Universityy (254)) 709‐1741 Terryy_Tucker@baylor.edu 2 CONT TACT INFOR I RMATI ION Admin nistration Directtor of Athleticcs Ian M McCaw Office e (254) 710‐12 222 Ian_M McCaw@Baylo or.edu D/Sport Admiinistrator Senior Associate AD Paul B Bradshaw Office e: (254) 710‐30 074 Paul_Bradshaw@Baaylor.edu Game e Managemen nt Assocciate Director of Facilities and Opera ations Terry Tucker Cell: (254) 709‐1741 Terry_ _Tucker@Baylor.edu Baylor Women’s Ba asketball Stafff Head Coach Mulkey Kim M Office e (254) 710‐39 949 Kim_M Mulkey@Baylo or.edu ach Assocciate Head Coa Bill Brrock Office e (254) 710‐43 359 Bill_Brock@Baylor.edu Assisttant Coaches Sytia M Messer Office e (254) 710‐62 242 Sytia_ _Messer@Bayylor.edu Toyellle Wilson Office e (254) 710‐43 363 Toyellle_Wilson@Baaylor.edu Assisttant AD of Operations Johnn ny Derrick Office e: (254) 710‐43 362 Cell: (254) 709‐3586 6 Johnn ny_Derrick@baaylor.edu Direcctor of Operations Edseel Hamilton Officce: (254) 710‐77127 Edseel_Hamilton@Baylor.edu Coorrdinator of Op perations Jenn ifer Roberts Officce (254) 710‐77160 J_Rooberts@Baylorr.edu Adm ministrative Asssociate Barbbara Spitzer Officce: (254) 710‐33947 Barbbara_Spitzer@ @Baylor.edu Athleetic Training Assisstant Directorr of Athletic Training Alex Olson Officce: (254) 710‐33064 Alexaander_Olson@ @Baylor.edu Markketing Assisstant Directorr of Marketingg Chadd Klempnauer Officce: (254) 710‐33391 Chadd_Klempnauerr@Baylor.edu u Athleetic Communications Assisstant Directorr of Athletic Com mmunications Julie Bennett Officce: (254) 710‐33042 Julie__Bennett@Baaylor.edu Tickeet Office Direcctor of Ticket Systems and Services Russsell Durrant Officce: (254) 710‐11000 Russsell_Durrant@ @Baylor.edu Visitin ng Team Hostt: Joe M Moore Cell: ( 432) 210‐8238 JMooore11@hot.rr..com 3 20 014-20 015 BA AYLOR R SCHE EDULE E Day Date Tuesd day Novem mber 4 Mond day Novem mber 10 Friday Novem mber 14 Mond day Novem mber 17 Friday Novem mber 28 Saturrday Novem mber 29 Sunday Novem mber 30 Wedn nesday Decem mber 3 Sunday Decem mber 7 nesday Decem mber 10 Wedn Sunday Decem mber 14 Decem mber 19 Friday Decem mber 10 Saturrday Mond day Decem mber 29 Saturrday Januarry 3 Tuesd day Januarry 6 Saturrday Januarry 10 Tuesd day Januarry 13 Saturrday Januarry 17 Mond day Januarry 19 Saturrday Januarry 24 Tuesd day Januarry 27 Sunday Februaary 1 Wedn nesday Februaary 4 Sunday Februaary 8 nesday Februaary 11 Wedn Sunday Februaary 15 Wedn nesday Februaary 18 Saturrday Februaary 21 Wedn nesday Februaary 25 Saturrday Februaary 28 Mond day March h 2 # BTIClassic +Flor ridaSunshin neTournam ment *Big12ConfereencePlay HomeGamesinBold Oppon nent Time Midwesstern State Tarleton n State Oral Ro berts Kentuckky Utah Staate# Stetson n# Marist# Texas‐ P Pan Americaan Ole Mis s Idaho Stephen n F. Austin Syracuse+ Michigaan State+ Prairie V View A&M Oklahom ma State* Kansas SState* West Vi rginia* Iowa State* Kansas** Texas* Kansas State* TCU* Kansas** Oklahom ma State* Texas* ma* Oklahom West Viirginia* Texas Teech* TCU* Oklahom ma* Iowa Staate* Texas T ech* 7::00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. 6::00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. TB BA 2::00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. 2::00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. 11 1:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6::30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 5::30 p.m. 11 1:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 1::00 p.m. 7:00p.m. 1:00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. 4::00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 7::00 p.m. 4 FACI ILITY INFOR I RMATI ION The FFerrell Centerr, home to Baaylor's baske etball and vo lleyball programs for more than 20 yearss, continues tto undergo upgrades to m maintain its sstandard as o one of the reggion's finest facilitties. The improvements h have given th he Bears the ttype of arenaa necessary tto compete iin the Big 12 Confere ence. The m most recent u upgrade to th he Ferrell Center is the coonstruction o of the Lt. Jackk Whetsel Jr.. Practice Facility. TThe 42,990 sq quare‐foot addition inclu des the Haw wkins practicee courts, the Gette erman Office Suites for th he coaching sstaffs, and Grray's Gym, naamed by R.T. Gray in memory of his son n, R.B. Gray. Other impro ovements incclude the Halll of Honor en ntry, the Stone e Reception R Room VIP are ea, as well ass upgrades too the trainingg room, med dia room and visitin ng locker roo om. The $8 m million Whetsel Practice Faacility was deedicated on September 8 8, 2006.. Previous up pgrades to th he Ferrell Cen nter have inccluded: new sstate‐of‐the‐‐art locker room ms in 2004; a new hardwood maple plaaying surfacee in 2002; and the additio on of six new w score eboards and ttwo new 8x1 10 video replaay screens inn 2002. Built in 1988 at a cost of $12.5 5 million, the e gold‐domedd Ferrell Centter is located d on a 14‐acrre er of University Parks Drivve and Texass Highway 6 ((LaSalle Aven nue). tract on the corne etball eventss is 10,284 an nd 6,000 for vvolleyball maatches, whilee conventions, Capaccity for baske conce erts, graduation exercisess and convoccations can seeat 12,000. The FFerrell Centerr is named in n memory of Charles Robeert Ferrell, w who died in 1967 during his so ophomore ye ear at Baylor. The arena iss named in h onor of Paull J. Meyer Sr.., of Waco. Groundbreaking ffor the Ferrelll Center wass held July 1, 1987, and a women's baasketball e between BU U and Southw west Texas Sttate on Nov. 25, 1988, was the first sp porting even nt game held. The first men's basketbaall game was Nov. 29, 19888, a loss to SSan Diego Staate. height of the facility is 111 1 feet, and th he dome covvers three acres and weigghs 175 tons.. The h Lightiing capacity o on the floor is 150‐foot candles. The aarena is designed with 42 2‐tiered levels of seaats, includingg nine rows o of retractable e seats at couurtside. Banq quet accomm modations can be arranged for 1,,000 people on the main floor. ower level off the buildingg houses som me of the fineest basketball locker room ms in the The lo counttry. Customizzed wooden cabinet lockers have beeen built for both the men's and wome en's locker ro ooms. Also, o on the lower level are vissiting team lo ocker rooms, coaches' and officiaals dressing rrooms, media room, and general storrage. 5 GAME E DAY INFOR RMATI ION Park king:Thevisitingbusw willunloadaatthetopofftheFerrelllCenterram mp.After unloaadingapark kingsuperv visorwillcommunicateewiththebu usdriverwh heretopark k untiltheendoftthegame.Beforetheen ndofthegaamethebusshouldretu urntothe tunnelinpreparrationfordeeparture. Entrance:Afterunloadingtthebus,teaamswillenttertheFerreellCenterth hroughthe garagedoorratthebottomoftheraamp. doortotheleftg Cred dentials:On nlyauthorizedteamperrsonnelareeallowedintheareasaaroundthe lockeerroomand dtunnel. Lock kerRoom:L Locatedtottherightsid deofthelarggetunnelarreaandbeh hindthe green ndoubledo oors.Thereaarelockers,restroomsandshowersinsidethisroom. CoacchesLockerrRoom:Lo ocatedinmaaintunneloontherightside.Thereearelockerss, arestroomandaashowerin nsidethisro oom. Athle eticTrainin ng:Thefollowingwillb beprovided d. Inthelocckerroom:W WaterandG Gatorade,cu ups,towels,hydrocollaatorand pads,iceandicebaggs.Inhallwaayoutsideloockerroomtherewillb beataping table. Attheteaambench:W WaterandG Gatorade,cu ups,towelsaandablood dpathogen kit.PleasecontactDirectorofAthleticTrain ning,AlexO Olsenat(254)709‐4491 formoreinformation n. personnelon nsite. EMS::AllgameshaveEMSp mentranceo onthewall. AED::TheclosesstAEDisloccatedinhalllwayofthe Baylorteam PraccticeTimes:Allpracticcetimesare scheduledwith,Johnn nyDerrick,aat(254)710 0‐ 4362 2. TicketOffice:P Pleasefillou utthevisitin ngteampassslist.Thepasslistmusstbe returrnedtotheT TicketOfficenolaterth han2hoursspriortogaametime.Ifyouhave anyq questionsab boutticketsscontactRu ussellDurran nt,at(254)710‐1596 Russell_Durrantt@baylor.ed du. 6 BAYLO B OR ATH HLETI IC COM MMUNI ICATI IONS TheB BaylorUniveersityAthletticCommuniicationsstafffwillprovid devisitingteeamswith thefiinalstatisticsusingtheN NCAABasketballScorefform.Anysp pecialfaxinggrequests shoulldbegiventtotheAthletticCommuniicationscon ntactuponarrrival. Ifyou uhave speciificAthleticC Communicationsquestionsorspeciialmedianeeeds,pleaseccall: JulieeBennettat254‐710‐30 042orJulie__Bennet@Baaylor.edu. Availableforrvisitingmeediarelation nsandmediaacontacts. MediiaSeating:A y:Baylorplaayersandco oacheswillb beavailableforinterview ws InterrviewPolicy throu ughoutthew weekexceptongamedaays.Allinterrviewrequesstsmustbemade throu ughtheAthleticCommu unicationsofffice24hourrsinadvancce. Ongamedays, interrviewswillb beconducted dapproximaately10min utesafterth heconclusionofthe gamee.Followingabriefcooliingoffperiod,visitingcooachesandp playersshou uldbe availableforinteerviewsupon nrequest. Requestedp R layersandccoacheswillreporttoth he heFerrellCeenter. mediiaroominth dentials:Adm mittancetothemediaareasattheF FerrellCenteerislimitedtoworking Cred mediiaonly. Nocchildrenoro othernon‐m mediamembeerswillbeaadmittedtottheworking areass.Credentiallsshouldberequestedaatleastoned daypriorto thegame. uldbeordereedasnotedabove. Onlyyaccredited Phottographers::Photocredentialsshou photographersw willbeallowedtoshoottthegamefroomcourtsideuponpresentationof propercredeentialsissued dthroughth heBaylorAtthleticComm municationsoffice.The thep NCAA AandtheBig12Confereenceonlywillallowworrkingpressinthedesign natedphoto o areassasspecified d. orbothBaylo orandvisitin ngradiocreewsonpresssrow. Radiio:Seatsarereservedfo Visitiingradioseaatingislocattedacrossth hecourtfrom mthevisitin ngteam’sben nch. meDayMediiaServices:Mediaguidees,programs,updatedggamenotes,andstatisticcs Gam willb beavailableinthemediaaroompriorrtothegam me. Half‐timeeboxscoresswillbe distributedtoprressrowdurringthebreaak,andacom mpletebook kconsistingo ofafinalboxx hegames scoree,play‐by‐pllay,shotchartsandhalfttimesummaarywillbeprovidedatth concllusion. Afaxxmachineandtelephon neswillbem madeavailablebycontacctingthe AthleeticCommun nicationscon ntact. Aligh htmealwillb me. beservedbeeforethegam 7 TI IMING G Tim me 5:30 0 P.M. 0 P.M. 6:00 8 P.M. 6:48 4 P.M 6:54 9.30 P.M. 6:59 0 P.M. 7:00 Gam me Clock Eventt 90:00 0 Arena, Locker Ro ooms, & Trraining Roo om Availabble for Visiting Team 0 60:00 Countddown clockk starts Officials and gam me personn nel meeting 0 12:00 or Playerss leave floo 6:00 Teams may returrn to the floor :30 Anthem Horn sounds for National A :00 m Nationnal Anthem Player introductions (in less than 3 minutees) Team tto benchess for 60 seccond break Tip Offf Base ed on 7:00 P.M. game e time. 8 DIRE ECTION NS Fromtheno orth:drivessouthonI‐3 35, takeUniversityP ParksDriveeexitandtu urn east(left)ontoU UniversityP ParksDrive. TheT TurnerAthlleticCompleexisonyou ur leftb beforeyourreachtheFeerrellCenterr. Fromtheso outh:driven northonI‐3 35, takeUniversityP ParksDriveeexitandtu urn east(right)onto oUniversity yParksDriv ve. TurnerAthlleticCompleexisonyou ur TheT leftb beforeyourreachtheFeerrellCenterr. Fromthewe est:driveeaastonHwy.. 84to oHwy.6/Lo oop340.Turrneast(righ ht) andttakeHwy.6/Loop340toI‐35.Turrn north h(left)onI‐‐35,taketheeUniversity y ParksDriveexittandturneaast(right) ontoUniversityParksDrivee.TheTurneer AthleeticComplexisonyourrleftbeforeyoureachttheFerrellC Center. Fromtheea ast:driveweestonHwy..84toI‐35.Turnsouth honI‐35(leeft),takethee UniversityParkssDriveexitandturneaast(left)onttoUniversittyParksDriive.The Turn nerAthleticComplexisonyourlefttbeforeyou ureachtheFerrellCentter. Fromtheno orthwest:taakeHwy.6toI‐35.Turrnnorth(lefft),taketheUniversity ParksDriveexittandturneaast(right)o ontoUniverssityParksD Drive.TheT Turner AthleeticComplexisonyourrleftbeforeyoureachttheFerrellC Center. Fromtheso outhwest:taakeHwy.6toBus.77eexit.Bus77becomeLaSSalle.Turn westt(right)onto oUniversity yParksDriv ve.TheTurn nerAthleticcComplexissonyour righttafteryoup passtheFerrrellCenter. 9 CAMP PUS M MAP 10 HO OTELS S Hote elIndigo 211C ClayAve Waco o,TX76706 6 (254)754‐7000 ort:8.2milees Airpo FerreellCenter:1 1.1miles Waco oHilton 113S SUniversity yParksDr. Waco o,TX76701 1 (254)754‐8484 4 ort:7.9milees Airpo FerreellCenter:1 1.4miles CourrtyardMarrriot 101W Washington nAve Waco o,TX76701 1 (254)752‐8686 6 Airpo ort:7.7milees FerreellCenter:1 1.6miles ComfortSuites 2700StatteLoop491 1 Waco,TX76706 (254)537 7‐0413 Airport:9 9.0miles FerrellCeenter:2.6m miles FairfieldInn‐North 4257NI‐35 Waco,TX76705 (254)412 2‐2535 Airport:8 8.1miles FerrellCeenter:4.7m miles NorthHam mptonInnW Waco 4259NI‐35 Waco,TX76705 (254)412 2‐1999 Airport:8 8.1miles FerrellCeenter:4.7m miles Ha amptonInnW WacoSouth h 2501MarketSSt Waaco,TX76702 (25 54)662‐950 00 Airrport:10.6m miles FerrrellCenterr:5.6miles omewoodS Suites Ho 5620LegendL LakePkwy Waaco,TX76712 (25 54)644‐466 63 Airrport:11.4m miles FerrrellCenterr:6.8miles TR RANSP PORTA ATION N CharrterBuses Road drunnerChaarters:(817)355‐9474 4 Echo oTransportaation:(800))468‐8239 CarrRentals Enterrprise:(254 4)714‐1131 1 Hertzz:(254)296 6‐4153 WacoR RegionalAirrport Airp portInformation:(254))750‐8655 http p://www.w waco‐texas.co om/airportt/ Airlines AmeericanEaglee:(800)433 3‐7300 ENTER E TAINM MENT Holly ywoodJew well16 7200 0WoodwayDr Waco o,TX76712 2 (254 4)399‐9500 0 Starplex xGalaxy16 6 333SVaalleyMillsD Dr Waco,T TX76710 (254)77 72‐5333 11 PremiereCinema6 410NValleeyMillsDr Waco,TX7 76710 (254)772‐‐2225 RESTA AURAN NTS 4Bistro 1424 1424 4Washingto onAve Waco o,TX76701 1 (254)752‐7385 nek’sCustom m Blan Catering 801S S4thSt Waco o,TX76706 6 (254)753‐5444 4 Elite eCircleGrilll 2132 2SValleyMillsDr Waco o,TX76706 6 (254)754‐4941 Fudd druckers 1411 1NValleyM MillsDr Waco o,TX76710 0 (254)776‐0961 BaylorClub 1001 1S.MLKBlv vd. Waco o,TX76704 4 (254)710‐8080 George’’sRestaura ant 1925Sp peightAve Waco,T TX76706 (254)75 53‐1421 Jason’sDeli WWacoDr 4302W Waco,T TX76710 (254)77 72‐6611 LaFiestta 3815FrranklinAve Waco,T TX76710 (254)75 56‐4701 OnTheBorder 4320W WWacoDr Waco,T TX76710 (254)22 27‐5040 OneThiirtyFive Prime 1201HeewittDr Waco,T TX76712 (254)66 66‐3100 12 OutbackSteakhouse 4500Frank klinAve Waco,TX7 76710 (254)772‐‐5449 PeiWei 4300WWaacoDr Waco,TX7 76710 (254)772‐‐0190 Shorty’sPizzaShack 1712S12thhSt Waco,TX7 76706 (254)235‐‐2646 UncleDan n’sBBQ 1001LakeAirDr 76710 Waco,TX7 (254)772‐‐3532 Vitek’sBB BQ 1600SpeigghtAve Waco,7670 06 (254)752‐‐7591 FAS ST FOO OD Dubll‐RBurgerss 1810 0HerringAv ve Waco o,TX76708 8 (254)753‐1603 Fazo oli’s 919S S6thSt Waco o,TX76706 6 (254)752‐2929 JackintheBox SUniversity yParksDr 725S Waco o,TX76706 6 (254)755‐7009 myJohn’s Jimm 100S S4thSt Waco o,TX76706 6 (254)753‐3700 McDonald’s 906S S6thSt Waco o,TX76706 6 (254)756‐0831 PapaJoh hn’s 820S7thSt Waco,TX76706 6‐2515 (254)756 RaisingC Cane’s 4212Fran nklinAve Waco,TX76710 (254)399 9‐6867 afé Rosa’sCa 4200Fran nklinAve Waco,TX76710 (254)741 1‐9283 Rudy’s 2510CirccleRd Waco,TX76706 0‐9995 (254)750 Schlotzsk ky’s 1508I‐35 5 Waco,TX76706 (254)714 4‐0955 Su ubway 1020S5thSt Waaco,TX76706 (25 54)753‐782 27 Ta acoBell 500Cleveland dAve Waaco,TX76706 (25 54)752‐113 31 hataburgerr Wh 928S7thSt Waaco,TX76706 (25 54)753‐038 80 ollinStreetBakery Co 701N.I‐35 Waaco,TX76705 (25 54)799‐582 24 Pa anera 2516W.Loop p340 Waaco,TX76711 (25 54)662‐070 00 DEL LIVER RY k‐fil‐A Chick (254)776‐5668 Dom minos (254)753‐0131 McAllister’s (254)29 96‐0380 PizzaHut (254)29 96‐1111 13 RaisingCa anes (254)399‐‐6867 Vitek’s (254)300‐‐3474 VI ISITIN NG TEA AM INF FORMA ATION N VisitiingTeam: Comp petitionDatte/Time: TravelCoordinaator: Phon neNumber: FaxNu umber: Emaiil: CellPh hone: Hotel: Tran nsportation nInformatiion: BusIInformation n: valandDep partureInfformation: Arriv Waco: DateandtimeoffarrivalinW PraccticeandFa acilityInforrmation: PractticeRequestDate/Time–PleasecontactJohn nnyDerrick Willy yourteamn needchangiingareaforpractice? Willy yourteamn needachangingareaon ngamedayy? Willy yourteamb beshowerin ngafteranyofthegamees? Whicchdayswillyouneedto oshower? opytoTerry y_Tucker@b baylor.eduaandJohnnyy_Derrick@b baylor.edu. Pleasseemailaco 14 VIS SITING G PAS SS LIST T Theviisitingteampasslistmaybecompletedaandreturnedttogamemanaagementordelivered directtlytothetickeetofficeuponaarrivalatBayllorBallpark.I fadditionalpassesarerequ uired,please makecopiesofthisform. Athleete Guest Signaturre ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ___________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ PleassesendpassslisttoRussellDurantatleast2h ourspriorttogametim me. 15 NOTES N 16 17
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