Sunshine The magazine of Methodist Children’s Home A Summer of Opportunity Methodist Children’s Home youth spend time building relationships and serving others during busy summer months. Fall 2008 PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE Benefactors serve important role in the success of this ministry Thank you for your continued support of the ministry at Methodist Children’s Home. I hope you are encouraged by the stories and photographs featured in this issue of Sunshine. The success of our graduates, summer program and daily care of more than 1,000 children and youth is possible because of our many benefactors who help us do more than just talk about hope. Through the prayers and gifts of our friends, our staff is empowered to offer at-risk children from Texas and New Mexico life-changing opportunities. “Through the prayers and gifts of our friends, our staff is empowered to offer at-risk children from Texas and New Mexico lifechanging opportunities.” Education is one way we impact the lives of young people. On the Waco campus, 133 boys and girls are attending classes at the Home’s charter school, and more than 40 children are attending Waco I.S.D. schools. At the Boys Ranch, 40 students are enrolled at the on-campus Fern Cone School, and nine youth are participating in a pilot project to attend Axtell High School, located near the Ranch. Add to this the children we serve through private foster care and community services across Texas and New Mexico, and you can see that it has been a busy start to the new school year. Fostering an environment where children grow physically, mentally and spiritually is an awesome responsibility. Our staff can accomplish this goal by focusing on the strengths of children, not their shortcomings. We help young people find solutions, not dwell on problems. We are not afraid to expect greatness from our children. And, most importantly, we offer a multitude of opportunities for children to encounter the hope we know comes through our Savior, Jesus Christ. I believe Methodist Children’s Home is successful because we are blessed to have an overwhelming number of staff members and volunteers who take seriously their role to model the Gospel message for our young people in all aspects of our programs. This has been our mission since 1890, and thanks to our benefactors, our staff and God’s guidance, we continue to fulfill this high calling 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Thank you for your friendship and support of this ministry. For His children, Bobby Gilliam MISSION STATEMENT Methodist Children’s Home offers hope to children, youth and families through a nurturing, Christian community. METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME Waco, Texas Cayden, left, and Cameron wait patiently for their turn on the slide during the foster care retreat at Methodist Children’s Home June 20-21. The Home’s community services department hosts the annual event to provide training and a time of fellowship for foster care families. MCH serves nearly 200 children in Texas through its foster care program. Bobby Gilliam President Joe Bailey Senior Vice President for Finance Judy Broadway Vice President for Human Resources A look inside Tim Brown Vice President for Community Services 2 Cover Story: A Summer of Opportunity Moe Dozier Vice President for Residential Services 8 Counting his blessings Trey Oakley Vice President for Development Sunshine is a quarterly publication produced by the Development Department. Send letters and change of address to: Methodist Children’s Home 1111 Herring Avenue Waco, Texas 76708 Phone: 254-753-0181 E-mail: 9 New education, recreation program meets needs of Waco youth 10 MCH youth participate in national leadership event 13 Class of 2008 About the Cover Andrea delivers meals to a local resident as part of her volunteer service to Waco’s Meals on Wheels program. Bryan Mize, Public Relations Director Carrie Anderson, Community Relations Officer 1 A Summer of Opportunity For most youth, summertime is a much- have more free time to get out on campus, go anticipated season filled with part-time jobs, to recreation and intramurals at the pool, and poolside relaxation and family vacations. It is go on trips off campus.” no different for young people at Methodist From summer school, part-time jobs and Children’s Home. However, the summer is also internships to community service, mission trips a time when youth experience unique learning and camp experiences, MCH residents are opportunities. always trying something new. Following are “Summer is the best time of the year,” said Tarrah, an MCH resident. “I love it because we some examples of what kept the Home’s youth engaged and entertained this past summer. Pictured at top: Porshay helps organize a clothing room at Texas State Technical College in Waco. MCH youth on the Waco campus and at the Boys Ranch combine their efforts to provide more than 10,000 hours of community service during the summer. Pictured at bottom: Stephen, Trent and Slayton enjoy a Boys Ranch trip to SeaWorld in San Antonio. Staff and youth in home units plan special trips throughout Texas during the summer. 2 Sunshine COVER STORY MISSION TRIP: MCH youth share time, talents to meet needs in East Texas In June, several Methodist Children’s Home youth joined with other students from Central Texas as they committed their week to painting, scraping and building so that those less privileged in Tyler, Texas, could have a second chance. Hosted by Central Texas Conference Youth in Missions, the Tyler trip was one of several planned by the organization. CTCYM provides annual mission opportunities to over 2,000 youth from Central Texas. Tyler participants were divided into several work teams of five students and two adults, and then they were sent to work sites to build wheelchair ramps, scrape and paint houses, landscape and roof homes. Ally, a spunky MCH resident, remembers the hard work of restoring and reclaiming a neighborhood park. “We cut shrubs and vines on the edge of a rundown park and did a lot of mowing and raking,” she said. “We also scraped and painted benches, and it was pretty rough because it was so hot.” Through all the labor and sweat, the work team adults intentionally encouraged Ally’s leadership abilities. “My leader, Pastor Alan, was very encouraging of my ability to speak to others,” she said. “Everywhere we had contact with people, I did the talking.” One of the goals of CTCYM is to provide an environment where students can gain leadership skills and personal confidence through service. For Ally, the empowerment she experienced from her team leaders opened new doors for ministry. When their work at the park got rained out one afternoon, Ally took charge. “After taking a break, our group decided we wanted to do something more to help someone,” Ally said. “I went through the phone book and the first thing I saw was the number for the East Texas Food Bank. So I called them and asked if we could come in and work, and they said, ‘Yes!’” After touring the food bank, Ally’s team spent several hours sanitizing tubs used for food donations. “We were very proud of ourselves,” she said. “Other teams didn’t know what to do when it rained, but we were committed to find something to do.” MCH chaplain Steve Heyduck was one of several chaperones on the trip. Although it was his 11th trip with CTCYM, he was especially impressed with the participants this year. “The work was eight to five,” he said, “yet, it was rare to have any kid, or adult for that matter, complain. They were there to work, Ally and other MCH youth met a variety of needs in the Tyler area through a mission trip hosted by Central Texas Conference Youth in Missions. so much so that if they got rained out, they found other work to do.” Calvin, an MCH resident who also attended the trip, enjoyed interacting with the people he served. One woman, who was too sick to care for her property, sat on her porch and talked to him while he built her a wheelchair ramp. “It is amazing how we could bring a smile to someone’s face,” he said. “We were doing such small things.” Calvin remembers the woman’s gentle smile and thankful heart. “Every day we came back she told me how thankful she was for all we did,” he said. Seeing poverty firsthand allowed Calvin to reflect on his future. “Getting opportunities like the mission trip helps to keep me on track,” he said. “It is a constant reminder of how much I have been given and that I can do anything in my future with God’s help.” For Ally, this trip was about learning to be selfless. “It was good to get ‘out of the box’ and realize that this is what a mission trip is about – helping others,” she said. “It is interesting to see things in a different light because we are given so much at Methodist Children’s Home.” COMMUNITY SERVICE: Waco campus, Boys Ranch youth discover joy in serving others MCH residents are involved in service to the community throughout the year, but the flexibility of the summer schedule enables youth to assist others by offering ongoing and time-intensive service. Each summer, homes on the Waco campus and Boys Ranch Continued on page 4 “It was good to get ‘out of the box’ and realize that this is what a mission trip is about – helping others.” Ally, MCH resident Fall 2008 3 Karen Melton (standing, second from right), recreation coordinator at Methodist Children’s Home, and other staff and youth show their support for participants following a water volleyball match. Home units competed against each other during the summer intramural program. choose to focus on several community service projects. From mowing the lawn of an elderly friend to cleaning up weeds at the World Hunger Farm, MCH youth make a difference across Central Texas. Most organizations MCH works with in the Waco community openly welcome all volunteers, but when they hear that Methodist Children’s Home youth are coming, they get particularly eager. Elizabeth Zorn, director of Meals on Wheels for the Central Texas Senior Ministry in Waco, appreciates the work of dedicated MCH youth. “We have been so impressed with the kids from Methodist Children’s Home,” said Zorn. “They take Meals on Wheels very seriously and really try to brighten the day of the seniors they serve.” Meals on Wheels, a meal delivery program for seniors, is the largest program within Central Texas Senior Ministry, and they rely almost entirely on volunteers. With their headquarters in Waco and just minutes from the MCH campus, Meals on Wheels is a favorite service project for many residents. This year several homes on the Waco campus were involved with Meals on Wheels, where youth handed out meals on service routes, volunteered at the central office or helped with craft projects at the senior center. Youth enjoyed the opportunity to provide smiling faces to seniors in the community, and delivering meals to the same route every week allowed residents to develop friendships with the seniors. Alex, an MCH resident, was especially fond of the service project. “It was good to help people who couldn’t always get food for themselves,” she said. “I just wish we could have done it more than once a week so we could have helped more people.” 4 Zorn hopes that residents like Alex will consider returning to help with more projects at Central Texas Senior Ministry. “I do hope that this is the beginning of a great service relationship,” said Zorn. “It has truly been a blessing to work with these great teens.” RECREATION: Youth, staff strengthen relationships through new intramural program Ask almost any MCH teen what they love most about summer and they will probably say they appreciate the time to relax and be with friends. And for Karen Melton, recreation coordinator, the challenge is finding the perfect mix of fun physical activities to keep youth moving and relaxing recreation to let them just be kids. For Melton, the answer came through a new intramural program. The new model was introduced in June and has been a great way to help youth have fun and stay physically active. Students form teams from their home unit, allowing them to develop closer relationships with other residents and staff in their home. Youth from the Waco campus and Boys Ranch compete in events such as water sports, ultimate Frisbee and flag football, with a new sport starting every month. Cody, a Boys Ranch resident, appreciates spending more time with students from the Waco campus. “We play intramurals and that is really fun,” he said. “It is just cool to interact with the kids from the Waco campus, and the recreation staff is great.” Sunshine COVER STORY “We have been so impressed with the kids from Methodist Children’s Home. They really try to brighten the day of the seniors they serve.” – Elizabeth Zorn, director of Meals on Wheels, Central Texas Senior Ministry Melton encourages students and staff members to take ownership in their team by choosing creative team names, making t-shirts and coming out to support their teammates. While they are competing to win, Melton emphasizes to students that a positive attitude is just as important. For youth, the activities provide an environment where they can be encouraged and supported by other students and staff members. “Intramurals are a great time to find something positive to praise kids about,” Melton said. And praise is exactly what this program does. With awards based not only on wins, but on positive attitude and good teamwork, every resident can find a way to excel. SUMMER TRAVEL: Youth enjoy fun, fellowship and first-time experiences on summer trips For the staff and youth in the homes on the Waco campus and Boys Ranch, one of the best parts of summer is having more time to develop community. And in the opinion of several MCH girls, their favorite way to develop community is taking off-campus trips as a home. Each summer, every home is encouraged to plan a big trip to a location chosen by residents and staff of that home. After making their plans, they pack up the vans and head out to such fun locales as Schlitterbahn water park and Six Flags. According to youth, the longer the trip the better. After all, veterans of these excursions MCH youth enjoy the additional free time during the summer to relax with their friends. Pictured below are: (front, l-r) Samantha, Porshay and Jacie; (back, l-r) Neil, Ashleigh, Ashley, Calvin, Layland and Alyssa. David, Aaron, Jeremy and Dylan (l-r) prepare for a road trip with their friends and staff at the Boys Ranch. MCH youth enjoy traveling to amusement parks, athletic events, campgrounds and other locations throughout Texas. agree that getting there is half the fun. Amanda fondly remembers her home unit trip to Six Flags this past summer. “I loved the road trip to Six Flags,” she said. “I think it was good for us to just get away and talk on the ride to the park.” That is exactly what Methodist Children’s Home staff members hope students take from these summer trips. The staff is always brainstorming creative activities for their regular off-campus home activities in hopes that the shared experiences will bring their residents together as a unit. While these smaller, off-campus events that happen throughout the year provide excitement, the residents really look forward to their big summer trip. “I love the opportunity to do stuff like this,” said Amanda, Continued on page 6 COVER STORY “because at home I didn’t get to do this kind of thing very often.” For many MCH residents, these trips provide their first experience to go to a theme park or travel outside the Waco area. Maiya, one of the youth who went on the Six Flags trip, appreciated seeing a new part of the state. “I had never been to that part of Texas,” said Maiya, “so it was really fun to be able to go with Methodist Children’s Home and enjoy spending time with the other girls.” Free from other demands, residents appreciated the opportunity to relax and just be kids. “I went on the boomerang ride at Six Flags with some of the staff, and I laughed really hard the whole time because they kept screaming,” said Amanda. “It was fun to see them in that environment.” Maiya, who is usually not a fan of scary rides, was surprised that she enjoyed several of the rides at the park. But besides the good company, she said the best thing was the food. “I ate so much great food,” said Maiya, “and I had funnel cakes for the first time. They are so good!” SUMMER INTERNSHIPS: Youth develop life skills, confidence through campus internships Like most MCH teens, Tarrah loves summertime, and one of her favorite things about this past summer was her campus internship. In exchange for working eight hours a week with volunteer coordinator Conway Ogle, Tarrah received a small stipend, invaluable job skills and on-the-job mentoring. The MCH internship program allows youth to work with various departments on campus and receive personal job training and feedback from caring staff. Ogle strives to treat her interns like true employees, requiring potential interns to go through a formal interview Christina (l-r), Kristen and Shannell process and discuss job prepare for a ride at Hurricane Harbor water park. requirements and demands. “I have certain expectations that any job would have, like being timely and submitting good work,” Ogle said. “But with the internship program, there is also the opportunity to help youth learn from their mistakes and further develop in areas where they are already strong.” Tarrah may be young, but she already shows a knack for detail and a strong commitment to learning new job skills. Ogle gave Tarrah more responsibility during the summer and, in turn, Tarrah took a strong sense of ownership in her position. “I never knew I was detail-oriented until this internship,” said Tarah. “Miss Conway helped me see the things that I am naturally good at so that I can use these skills when I grow up.” In the end, Ogle believes the purpose of an internship is to mentor youth and allow them the opportunity to develop business etiquette and essential relational and clerical skills. While Ogle’s focus is to provide a positive and educational summer experience for interns, the youth offer valuable assistance to staff. “I have had very positive results with our interns,” said Ogle. “It has been a huge relief on me by allowing me to delegate things to my interns, and it has been rewarding to see them develop confidence in their business skills.” Iram relaxes at the water park during the MCH day camp at Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center in Glen Rose. 6 Sunshine AROUND CAMPUS Summer Camp 2008 MCH youth, staff enjoy a time of recreation and fellowship at Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center More than 200 youth and staff participated in the annual religious education summer day camp at Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center in Glen Rose. Youth from the Waco campus and Boys Ranch were divided into small groups, with each group attending one day of camp over a threeday period. Activities included a fishing tournament, water park, basketball, games, rock wall climbing and crafts. The RE staff hosted a game show and presented a slide show each day. “The camp is a great way for us to get to know some of the newer residents,” said Kim Hammitt, the Home’s religious education director. “It was also a great opportunity to talk with some of the staff members who we do not see very often. I think a fun time was had by all.” Hammitt expressed her appreciation to the staff at Glen Lake. “They did a wonderful job hosting our camp and they deal really well with our kids,” Hammitt said. “They are able to keep them busy and make sure they have fun.” Photos by Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center and MCH. Fall 2008 7 AROUND CAMPUS Counting his blessings Josh finds strength in sharing how God is helping him overcome significant challenges in his life. As a new Ambassador for Methodist Children’s Home, Josh is grateful for the opportunity to share a message of hope with church congregations. “I wanted to be an Ambassador so I can tell people what God has done for me,” Josh said. Enjoying the blessings of life instead of dwelling on past hardship is a testament to Josh’s faith and his commitment to experience personal growth and maturity. “My life has been pretty hard and I’ve had a lot to learn,” he said. “It makes me proud to see how well I’ve done and to be able to look forward to the future.” Josh has a different perspective on life than many youth. His father died when Josh was eight months old. Seven years before Josh was born, his parents gave birth to a son who died at a young age. Throughout his childhood, Josh’s mother struggled to care for him. A high school dropout and single mother, she had difficulty holding jobs and often relied on Josh to care for her. Years of drug abuse caused her body to break down, and the constant physical and emotional pain she suffered led her to commit suicide when Josh was 16. Her death sent Josh into deep depression. “My mom promised me that she would be here to see me graduate and to watch my kids grow up,” he said. “I was really angry when she died, but I knew she was hurting.” Two years ago, Josh was hopeless and struggled to see God’s hand on his life. Today, he counts his blessings. After his mother’s death, Josh moved in with an aunt and uncle who provided a stable family life and helped Josh seek treatment for his depression. “They took me in, fed me and clothed me, and they helped me get back on track in school,” he said. “They took me to church and treated me like I was their own son. I appreciate all they have done for me.” Josh’s family sought additional support through Methodist Children’s Home, where Josh was placed about 15 months ago. “God has blessed me in many ways since I’ve been here,” he said. “I have been able to start fresh. I have met some great people and the staff really cares about me.” Josh credits staff members for helping him deal with his personal challenges. Before he came to the Home, Josh struggled in school, falling several grade levels behind. Diagnosed with dyslexia when he lived with his relatives, Josh has now learned how to focus on his schoolwork. As a student at the Home’s charter school, Josh has Josh enjoys opportunities to share the message of hope he has discovered through God’s love and provisions. achieved success in the classroom. He consistently makes A’s and B’s and is scheduled to graduate in the fall of 2009. Josh also appreciates the opportunities he receives at the Home to build friendships with other youth. Once a loner, Josh now introduces himself to new residents and enjoys spending time with friends at the Home’s swimming pool and fitness center. “Since I’ve been at the Home, I’ve become more outgoing and social,” he said. “God has really blessed me through Methodist Children’s Home.” Tim Hammond, a social worker at MCH, appreciates Josh’s influence in their home. “Josh is a pleasure to have in our unit because he is a determined and hopeful guy,” Hammond said. “Josh is very appreciative for “Josh is very appreciative for what he’s been given. It is rewarding for our staff to know that Josh is so thankful to be here.” – Tim Hammond, unit manager, Waco campus 8 Sunshine AROUND CAMPUS what he’s been given. It is rewarding for our staff to know that Josh is so thankful to be here. He wants to take advantage of opportunities to challenge himself and grow.” An important part of Josh’s growth has come through writing. What initially began as a collection of private reflections on his personal struggles resulted in a speech he recently presented at the Home about coping with the death of a loved one. Josh was surprised at the impact of his message. “A lady told me that it was amazing how God used me to speak to her,” he said. “It makes me feel good to know that I have a message that can help others.” Josh is becoming more comfortable talking about his mother’s death and how it is shaping his life. One of his favorite memories of his mother is captured in a photograph that remains in his baby book. It is a photo of Josh and his mother on the first day of kindergarten. As he thinks about that photo, a smile comes across his face. “I remember that they had to call my mom to pick me up early,” he said. “I had a hard time because I missed her.” A lot has happened to Josh since those early days of school. It is hard for him to imagine that he will soon graduate from high school, an achievement that at one time seemed out of reach. In doing so, he will become the first person on his mother’s side of the family to graduate and attend college. “Even though my mom will not see me graduate, I know she really wanted it to happen for me,” he said. “I want to do it because it would make her proud.” Summer Fall 20082008 New education, recreation program meets needs of Waco youth Methodist Children’s Home continues to identify new opportunities to offer hope to atrisk children and families. During the summer, MCH opened Methodist Youth Services, a local education and recreation program for youth ages 12-18. The program primarily serves youth in the neighborhoods surrounding the Home’s campus in northwest Waco. The program utilizes a gymnasium and office and classroom space provided through a partnership with All Things Possible Ministries, which is located on the property of a former school campus. Dave McHam, a former youth pastor in Red Oak, Texas, directs the program. During the summer, McHam and his staff offered recreation, a free movie night and other activities in an effort to build relationships with youth and introduce them to services that will be offered during the school year. About 60 youth participated in various activities during the summer. This fall, Methodist Youth Services is offering free tutoring and special-interest classes, including cooking, life skills, Bible and art, in addition to recreation. McHam also hopes to introduce youth to welding, carpentry, basic electrical work and car maintenance. Classes and recreation are offered weekdays from 4 to 8 p.m. McHam is drawing from his experience in youth ministry to develop a program that meets the individual needs of youth. “My goal is to see young people reach high levels of success in several areas of their lives,” McHam said. “My hope is that by offering educational, social, developmental and spiritual enrichment, the students will most likely find the confidence to reach beyond what might otherwise be a life wasted or forgotten by society.” Methodist Youth Services is the second education and recreation program the Home began this year. Last February, MCH and First United Methodist Church of Crockett joined efforts to open Crockett Youth Services. The program is under the direction of James Berry. Don Scott, administrator of prevention and transitional services at MCH, oversees both programs. He believes it is important for the Home to continue identifying new opportunities to impact the lives of at-risk children and youth. “These programs provide the protective factors that all youth need: caring relationships, opportunities for participation and high expectations,” Scott said. “When these factors are present, youth learn to problem solve, help others and develop purpose for a healthy future. This is a wonderful opportunity for Methodist Children’s Home to extend its philosophy and program to areas in need of hope.” Help us put God’s love into action. Methodist Children’s Home Annual Christmas Offering For more information or to order offering envelopes, call: 800-853-1272 or 254-753-0181 9 AROUND CAMPUS MCH youth participate in national leadership event Five MCH youth joined 200 teens from other child care agencies for a weeklong national leadership conference in Arkansas prior to the beginning of the school year. Participants enjoyed worship, discipleship and recreation at the Group Home Summer Leadership Conference at Shepherd of the Ozarks in Harriet, Ark. MCH residents Adam, Ally, James, Jennifer and Jose were joined by staff members Rosemary Courtney and Lee Davis for the conference, which marked the first time MCH youth have participated in this event. The theme for the conference was “Storm Chasers.” Worship services and team-building activities focused on helping youth become better equipped to handle the challenges in their lives. “I learned that whatever we do in life, even if we have hard times and storms, God will always be there for us,” said Jennifer. “My favorite part was the worship we did. I could really feel God’s presence and I Camp participants enjoyed climbing mountains and exploring caves during their leadership conference at Shepherd of the Ozarks in Arkansas. Camp photos provided by Arkansas Baptist Children’s Home. learned a lot.” Youth began and ended their day with worship services, and they spent time participating in small group activities that focused on leadership qualities. Camp activities included tug-ofwar, hiking, caving and mountain climbing. Prior to leaving for Arkansas, Jose looked forward to his first trip out of Texas. While he enjoyed the beautiful camp setting in the Ozark Mountains and his first mountain climbing experience, Jose said the worship services were the highlight for him each day. “I was blown away by this conference,” he said. “We learned that even though things are not always fair, we have to work our way to get where we want to go.” As a member of the MCH staff, Davis was impressed with the level of participation among the Home’s youth. “I feel that this program was beneficial to our youth on many levels, including a great opportunity for them to interact with youth from similar situations in a very positive environment,” he said. “I hope we will be able to attend this event in the future and include more of our youth next time.” James, right, is introduced to the group before one of the team-building games at the leadership conference. James was one of five MCH youth who attended the national event in Harriet, Ark. Boys Ranch builds new lake dock in an effort to build relationships with Waco campus youth Staff and youth at the Boys Ranch took on a big project in June. They built a dock. The small lake at the Boys Ranch has long been a favorite fishing hole for youth, and the staff wanted to build a dock to make fishing and canoeing more accessible and to provide opportunities for the Ranch to host youth from the Waco campus for lake activities. The new dock is just one of 10 A new lake dock at the Boys Ranch will enhance recreational opportunities for youth. many plans that staff members are implementing to facilitate more activities between residents on the Waco campus and the Boys Ranch. Cody, one of the youth who helped complete the dock, is excited about providing more opportunities to interact with Waco campus youth. “When they came up with the idea we all thought it was cool,” Cody said. “It is always good to get to know more kids from the Waco campus.” Completion of the 8-foot dock took only a week, but the impact is sure to last much longer. “We wanted a central place accessible to youth from both the Waco campus and Ranch,” said Glen Kinder, director of program services at the Ranch. “We hope the dock will allow them to enjoy the outdoors together in an environment that fosters cooperation between both campuses.” Sunshine AROUND CAMPUS Grandparents as Parents Program helps Waco teen attend summer college tour In many ways, Raven is a typical high school senior. She enjoys music, clothes and dreaming of life on her own. However, unlike most of her friends, Raven gracefully balances the typical teenage life with helping to care for her young niece and nephew. When Raven’s mother, Betty, was called upon last year to care for her grandchildren, she decided to take in two children under the age of five. While Betty and Raven received support from Betty’s fiancé, Calvin, it was difficult transitioning back into life with young children. With a gracious smile, Betty asserts her gratitude for the MCH Grandparents as Parents Program. “It was a hard transition for us,” Betty said. “I do not know what we would have done without their support.” As Rehan McNeil, Raven enjoyed a tour of colleges through the support of the MCH Grandparents as Parents Program. coordinator of GAPP, worked with Betty and Raven, she learned that Raven has a strong desire for higher education. When McNeil heard about an opportunity for high school students to attend a summer college tour through Youth Encouraged and Expected to Succeed (YEES), she immediately thought of Raven and offered a GAPP scholarship so Raven could attend. “The YEES ‘Let’s Go To College’ program takes local high school students on a bus tour of colleges and universities across Texas and neighboring states,” McNeil said. “I was eager to see how a trip like this would help connect Raven to even more educational opportunities.” This year, the trip was a weeklong journey through schools in Texas and Louisiana. On each campus, the young people met with admissions professionals, financial aid experts and current students as they learned what to expect from college and how to better prepare for the experience. Raven enthusiastically recalls the impact of the trip. “Going on this trip opened my eyes to a lot of things,” Raven said, “and it helped me realize the importance of the way I carry myself. I know that education will help me in my future, and this trip helped me explore some new schools.” For Raven, the trip served to strengthen her already-strong resolve to get an education. “I know that I can be most helpful to my Mom and niece and nephew if I get an education first,” Raven said. Betty is eager for her daughter’s future, and the future of her young grandchildren. “I want to give a personal thank you for what Methodist Children’s Home did,” Betty said. “When I took on the care of my grandchildren and Raven graciously helped me, I was really concerned that she would lose motivation for her future. But now she knows that there are many opportunities out there that can help her become the great person I know she already is.” Preview event offers inside look at new school year For many students, transitioning into a back-to-school routine is one of the hardest things about the fall. This past July, administrators and teachers at the University of Texas Charter School – MCH Campus made that transition easier by offering an orientation event for students. The event, called MiniBulldog Camp, was named for the school mascot. The orientation was designed as a fun way for students to reconnect with school staff and explore new extracurricular offerings. During the festive event, students were treated to cake, cookies and punch as they learned more about potential electives and school rules. The event provided the perfect opportunity for new staff and students to meet without the pressure of first-day jitters. In addition to the charter school, Waco campus residents attend public schools, and Boys Ranch residents attend either the oncampus Fern Cone School or Axtell High School. Fall 2008 Kay Thomas, registrar at the University of Texas Charter School — MCH Campus, discusses course requirements with students. 11 AROUND CAMPUS Waco campus athletic program provides competitive sports for charter school students As MCH youth settle into another school year, recreation and athletic staff are gearing up for a busy year of new beginnings. With a brand new competitive athletics program up and running, and renewed intramurals and recreation, the Home is experiencing a time of exciting growth. Although he has not been on staff long, Kevin Henry, athletic director at MCH, has worked tirelessly to strengthen the recreation and athletics program. MCH has always focused on providing physical activities for youth, but in recent years the missing piece has been the lack of competitive athletics for students at the Waco campus charter school. While Boys Ranch residents have had much success with their basketball team that competes in the TAPPS league, there was no comparable program on the Waco campus. Intramurals have allowed residents on the Waco campus and Ranch to compete against each another, but there was no outlet for athletic competition against other schools or organizations for charter school students. And this is what Henry aimed to change when he began his work at MCH. “These kids need real competition,” Henry said. “They deserve a chance to play on teams and support their school just like other high school students.” Recent changes to the organization of recreation and athletics allow MCH charter school students to sign up for athletics if their schedule and grades permit. These studentathletes practice with coaches and play other schools in the Texas charter school league. This fall, MCH athletes are participating in volleyball, crosscountry and flag football, with plans for boys and girls basketball in the winter and soccer and track in the spring. In an effort to provide true competition, Henry has intentionally recruited expert coaches and trainers who work with the athletes on the Waco campus and Boys Ranch, teaching them skills in their areas of expertise. “Working with young and talented coaches helps to keep our youth engaged in the game,” Henry said. “And the kids are learning how to be good and fair competitors.” While the athletic program focuses primarily on MCH charter school athletes, Waco campus and Boys Ranch Brittany goes through a drill during the first week of volleyball workouts. The volleyball team opened its inaugural season on Sept. 6 with a match against Evant. residents not involved directly in a sport still have the opportunity to get involved through informal athletic activities in the evenings and weekends. The recreation staff supports team pride as they encourage all residents to attend athletic games and cheer on their classmates and friends. Henry is the first to admit that building a new athletic program is a difficult task, but he is encouraged by the support he has received from residents and staff members. “Staff and student support is vital for athletics to succeed,” Henry said. “These kids are not just learning the rules of the game, they are learning life skills and getting valuable opportunities.” Sam, a member of the MCH flag football team, works on his receiving skills during a team practice session. The Bulldogs are competing against other charter schools in the Central Texas area this fall. Sunshine Methodist Children’s Home Class of 2008 Methodist Children’s Home congratulates members of the Class of 2008 for reaching this significant milestone in their lives. Since graduating last May, these young men and women have moved on to begin advanced education at colleges and universities throughout Texas, technical training or full-time employment. Below are graduates who had senior photos taken by Charis Echterling and Della Cooper of Sugar Pies Creative Photography. MICHAEL ABRAMS, Boys Ranch Texas State Technical College BRUK ADUNGA, Waco Campus Working EDDEN AGONAFER, Waco Campus University of Texas at Austin BRIAN COCKERELL, Boys Ranch Working JOHN CLIFTON, Boys Ranch Working Fall 2008 CHARLIE DELAROSA, Boys Ranch Weatherford Junior College 13 YOHANNES DERSO, Waco Campus Austin Community College CHARLES EAST, Waco Campus Military STEPHANIE FLORES, Waco Campus El Centro College EDWIN GUERRERO, Boys Ranch Texas State Technical College SAM HARMAN, Waco Campus Working CAMERON HARROLD, Waco Campus McLennan Community College MADISON HERFERTH, Waco Campus Working NGHIA HUYNH, Waco Campus University of Tampa BRIAN HEINZ, Waco Campus Working 14 Sunshine OCTAVIA LOCKETT, Waco Campus Houston Community College SARAH MAGURN, Waco Campus McLennan Community College KANDICE NOWLIN, Waco Campus Working STEVEN PRIETO, Waco Campus McLennan Community College ERIC MCGRUDER, Waco Campus Texas State Technical College MARK REDMON, Waco Campus Military REAGAN SCHREINER, Boys Ranch Working JAVIER RIVERA, Boys Ranch Temple Junior College Fall 2008 KRISTINA ROSETTE, Waco Campus Richland Community College 15 JERED SMALL, Boys Ranch Collin County Community College MARISSA STEEN, Waco Campus Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi SHANNON STEEN, Waco Campus Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi RYAN VARNELL, Waco Campus Texas State Technical College BRITTANY SWAIN, Waco Campus Angelina College ASHLEY THRIFT, Waco Campus Working SARAH WILLS, Waco Campus Job Corps DEAN WILSON, Waco Campus Military 16 Sunshine DEVELOPMENT NEWS Matching gift campaign benefits community programs Methodist Children’s Home reached an important milestone this year by serving 1,000 children and youth daily. The Home is grateful to the benefactors who have partnered with this ministry to ensure that it helps those who can benefit from its program of care. In August 2007, an anonymous benefactor from Austin provided a pledge to establish a three-year matching gift campaign. The goal of the campaign is to match the benefactor’s annual $35,000 pledge, in essence doubling its impact to $70,000 each year. MCH met last year’s challenge goal which funded services offered through the Home’s outreach offices in Texas and New Mexico. This year’s matching gift campaign will help Methodist Children’s Home expand services offered to at-risk youth in Waco and Crockett. Funds raised through this year’s campaign will support community education and recreation programs in Waco and Crockett. The Home started outreach programs to meet the educational needs of at-risk youth after school and during the summer in these communities. Crockett Youth Services and Methodist Youth Services in Waco are providing tutoring, special-interest classes and recreation programs in a Christian environment for more than 150 youth in the evenings and on weekends. There is a great need for expansion of these programs, and money raised through the matching gift campaign will help MCH offer hope to more children and youth in these communities. Guest speakers offer insight into life at MCH Methodist Children’s Home offers a variety of speakers for presentations to churches, Sunday school classes, service organizations and civic groups. Administrators and development officers are available to share their personal experiences with the children as well as facts about the Waco campus, Boys Ranch and foster care program. Speakers communicate the mission of Methodist Children’s Home and provide a biblical message to help illustrate the work God is doing in the lives of children and youth. The following is a list of programs MCH typically participates in throughout Texas and New Mexico. TYPES OF PROGRAMS Sermon time – Methodist Children’s Home speakers can bring a 2025 minute message highlighting the Home’s ministry. Guest speaking event – Staff members are available to be guest speakers at district programs, United Methodist Women’s or Men’s groups, civic groups and Sunday School classes. Missions moments and events – A representative from MCH can bring materials and a short three to five-minute summary of the Home’s ministry. MCH can also set up a display and pass out resources at church missions events during the year. Fall 2008 To arrange a guest speaker or campus tour, please contact Stephanie Lewis, donor relations specialist: Development Office Methodist Children’s Home 1111 Herring Avenue • Waco, TX 76708 800-853-1272 • 254-753-0181 E-mail: 17 DEVELOPMENT NEWS Endowment fund provides special giving opportunity Gifts to the Methodist Children’s Home permanent endowment provide a fitting way for individuals to honor their parents or other loved ones who have influenced their lives. All gifts in memory or in honor of an individual are, by Board policy, placed into the permanent endowment unless otherwise stated by the benefactor. This type of gift enables the individual’s name and charitable legacy to reach far into the future. Memorial and honorarium gifts of all sizes are made to the Home each day as a meaningful way to recognize an individual’s lifelong commitment to serving children in need. Gifts of $25,000 or more can be designated to establish a named fund in the Home’s permanent endowment. This fund, bearing the benefactor’s name or that of a loved one, will produce an amount each year to support the Home’s ministry. The corpus of the fund will remain untouched and the annual earnings will be used to meet the daily needs of children for generations to come. “Every time the named fund is mentioned, the life of the benefactor’s loved one will be acknowledged and honored,” said Trey Oakley, vice president for development at MCH. “The association of their name with Gifts to the endowment fund enable Methodist Children’s Home to offer the programs and services that help youth achieve success and fulfill their dreams. this ministry recognizes that their values were consistent with the Home’s mission.” Oakley said this giving opportunity could be shared among family members. “Grandchildren and greatgrandchildren could perhaps contribute to a fund through their charitable gifts, thus developing their own philanthropic tradition of benefiting Methodist Children’s Home,” he said. A named fund in the Home’s permanent endowment can be launched with current gifts or started with an initial gift and added to later through a bequest or other planned gift. “Of course, the advantage of getting an endowment started now is that you can enjoy the experience of seeing your loved one honored,” Oakley said. To learn more about establishing an endowment fund at MCH, contact Oakley at (800) 853-1272 or by e-mail at He can help benefactors explore ways to achieve their charitable giving objectives. Individuals can learn more about the Home’s endowment fund, charitable annuities and other unique giving opportunities through the “Ways You Can Give” section on the MCH web site. The web address is: Individuals who make estate gifts of $125,000 or more to MCH are recognized in the Mulkey Memorial Garden on the Waco campus. PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY Maintaining your privacy is very important to the development staff at Methodist Children’s Home. Details about your charitable giving to the Home are not revealed to anyone without your permission. All account and private information related to your donations are stored in a password-protected database and/or shredded. Also, we will not 18 sell or rent your name to any organization or direct mail service. If you have questions about the type or amount of correspondence you receive from the Home, please contact our development staff at 800-853-1272. We welcome your feedback and the opportunity to be even better stewards with our resources. Sunshine Memorial Gifts The following gifts were received from May 2008 to July 2008. Memorials Frank Aaron Mrs. Scott Russell Doris Adams Marie Stewart Frankson Betty Anderson Joe and Jean Simmons Margaret Droemer Anderson Daniel Droemer Wesley Anderson Peter and Flossie Gibson Jimmy Anthony Bardwell UMC Bardwell, TX Eleanor Ashby Will and Carolyn Saunders Donald Beall Craig and Jan Jaynes Lori Ann Beard Don and Myrna Cantrell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Crawford Carey Beaube Mrs. Pat Ford Denman Barbara Beights Margaret Terry Bob Bender Margaret Briley Ernestine Benefield Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr. Nancy James Bennett Jody and Joe Huff Evelyn B. Bentley Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bishop Molly and Mike Droge Paula and Chuck Howbert Ms. Renee Potter Bob and Aralena Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Carey C. Whitman Lawrence Benton Silas and Pat Brandenberger Ona Bickley Cliff and Nelda Hazlewood Bill Biddy Gerald and Sandra Ritchie Mrs. Biermann Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kohlman Drew Bowers Mrs. C. P. Metcalf Reverend Donald R. Box Virginia and Tom Buckingham Sylvia Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr. Patrick and Kathleen Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Ezra F. Robinson Warlick Carr Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murfee, Sr. David Carter Dr. and Mrs. Jack K. Daniels Mrs. Pat Ford Denman Anita and J. W. Keys John D. and Wavy D. Charles Mrs. Anneliese Charles Odell Charles Virginia and Tom Buckingham Ruth Cherry Mac and Nora M. McMahan Fall 2008 Gladys Clark Philia Club San Angelo, TX Patsy Carnes Sarah Ann Phillips Cobb Peter and Flossie Gibson Bob and Marilyn Putz Mary Louise Cochran D. L. O. Tafallo Willie Condon Ricky and Paula Ray Eddie Cooper Barbara and John Persefield Jane and Judson Stephens Mrs. Alma Corbell Santo UMC Gordon, TX Dr. Dan J. Craig Global Training Academy, Inc. Somerset, TX Whittington, Beavers and Hubbard, P. C. Corpus Christi, TX Jeanne B. Allen W. T. and Monica Baker Arledge and Peggy Brashers The Broadbelt Family Mrs. Doris Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Jack K. Daniels Deborah Daugherty Mrs. Pat Ford Denman Ms. Ora L. Garza Bobby and Linda Gilliam Louis and Martha Gillispie Tommie and Tim Hatch Cliff and Nelda Hazlewood Ms. Norma Jaksik Boyce and Flo Jones Boyd and John Jones Anita and J. W. Keys The Kuenstler Family James and Laura Milam John and Elaine Milam Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mize Trey and Karen Oakley Eugene and Nancy Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Potts Bruce and Patsy Pruett Mr. Roger Riley Ralph and Lori Savage Ron and Margaret Smith Eugene and Joyce Spencer Ms. Lorene W. Thomas Marjorie and Donald Van Riper Bobby and Amnie Vance Phillip and Becky Wells Ms. Mary J. Whitacre Timothy and Joyce Woodlock Gregor Cruickshank Margaret Briley Fannie Tom Cunningham Hunter and Totsy Cunningham James Edward Cunningham Hunter and Totsy Cunningham Joyce Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr. Patricia Skaggs Dowell Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Beard Martha and Buddy Foxworth Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Jones E. R. Red and JoJo Barbara Mattison Mr. Hubert Oxford III Martha Pepper Carol and Paul Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spinks Mrs. Driscoll’s Father Mrs. Barbara J. Cole Bettye Dunbar Mr. David H. Dunbar Mr. W. A. Elliott Dale and Billie Grandstaff E. Jean English Anonymous Audrey Fielder Charles and Carol Brown Craig Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr. Gene Foster Charles and Carol Brown Grace B. Foster Mr. Jason S. Wegener Verna Foster Becker UMC Kemp, TX Elizabeth Weafer Fowler Ms. Sherry Dobbs Barbara Fraser Charles Huffman McDan Fraser Gibson Sunday School Class Bellaire UMC Bellaire, TX C. J. and Marion Adkins Mattie Lou Fry Gibson Sunday School Class Bellaire UMC Bellaire, TX Bob Fulwiler Peter and Flossie Gibson Nell Gatlin Mr. Blake Moore Dorothy Gunstream Ms. Laura L. Turner Lillian Hager Margaret Terry Mary Harris Hamilton Helen and David Vandivere Edwin and Gladys Hammonds Mrs. Eddie L. Weise Ema Harp Billy Gene Harman Jim and Jackie Harman Dr. Rebecca Bowden Narramore David and Sue Harman Thrailkill Mary Hayes Jerry Hopkins’ Family Benjamin W. Head, Sr. Noel and Linda Licker Billie Evelyn Herzog Cliff and Nelda Hazlewood Mrs. Ann Hughes Dale and Billie Grandstaff Mamie Hunt Mr. John R. Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hurst George and Cyndi Snokhous Billy Huser Jerry and Ellen Hodon Maxine Isbell Mr. and Mrs. John W. Distler George and Barbara Isbell Wayman and Adalou Penner Mrs. Alta Jones Mr. Joseph D. Gordon, Jr. Kenneth Jones Ms. Agnes L. Smith Ed Kiely Virginia and Tom Buckingham Mary Earle King Kathryn B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy M. Anderson Miss Lynda Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William B. Bailey Euil and Lavada Driggers Mrs. Elizabeth D. Maloney Carol and Jim Mays Mrs. Eleanor S. Patton Jan Schroeder Ms. Rita B. Turner Dale Wilson Grace Crownover Koehler Cathy Cassimus Mrs. Raymond Cicconi Donna Kuneman Michelle Parker Jo Ann T. Stewart Gladys Langford James and Jeanne Blackwell Mildred Geddes Langford Jo Langford Johnson Mr. Harmon F. Langford Joe Latty Jim and Marilyn Clanahan Gerald and Lee Reeves Thomas C. and Margaret E. Letts Mr. L. W. Hopper Cynthia Light Mary Ruth Arnold Mr. William Henry Lightsey Lonnie L., Sr. and Derilda Ann Jones Nancy Lindsey June Nixon Dewayne Littlepage Mrs. Cleo B. ‘Pat’ Curtis Tillie Mathews Andrew and Dorthy Dunn Dr. Acie McAda Mr. and Mrs. David L. Reynolds J. V. McCarty Peggy and Bud Crozier Darrell D. McCoy Peggy and Bud Crozier Newell McDonald Mr. and Mrs. J. McCartney Mary Lucile McGlaughn Agape Class Park Lake Baptist Church Waco, TX Ms. Cathi Bachik 19 A Five Hundred Dollar Endowment gift in Honor of our Children, Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones North Richland Hills, TX A One Thousand Dollar Endowment gift in Honor of Lillie Payne by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mungle Weatherford, TX An Endowment gift in Honor of my daughter, Shannon Roberts, by Evalyn Roberts Lamesa, TX A Five Hundred Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of Juanita Crews by Janet Self Arnold and Dian Self Plano, TX A Five Hundred Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of Arthur Capps by Elizabeth Capps Foster Spring, TX A Five Hundred Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of our mother, Doris Zweifel Luton, by The Family of Doris Z. Luton Granbury, TX 20 Sidney J. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Franks Ms. Elaine Snell Mr. Andrew H. McMahan, Sr. Carl and Toni Strukely Ruth McPherson Mrs. Shirley L. Stephenson Marti Mills Koinonia Sunday School Class First UMC - Garland Garland, TX Anita Monroe Craig and Jan Jaynes Georgie Moore Rita and Allen Rice Reverend John W. Morphis Mrs. Suzanne Goodenough Boyd Riley Morris Neil and Carrie Ampe Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Yarbrough Leslie Mueller Jim and Evva Lowery James F. Mullinax Virginia and Tom Buckingham Jim Munn Mark and Anita White Donald Myers Reverend Dave and Debby Goodrich James Howard Nelson Duane and Pat Hendley Betty Nevill The C. M. Nevill Family J. Vann Norwood Cliff and Nelda Hazlewood Mr. James F. Nowlin, Jr. Mrs. W. Carter Grinstead, Jr. Howell Parks C. J. and Marion Adkins Inez H. Patterson Janice Patterson Taylor Antoinette H. Perry James and Laura Milam Timothy and Joyce Woodlock Arthur Fred (Pete) Peters Lois Powell Jerry Pettit Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Kent III Kenneth Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr. Jacqueline Polocek Jerry and Gloria Trout Jenell Powell Fretz Tennis Center Dallas, TX Ms. Margaret S. Filingeri Ms. Julie Ortiz T. O. Pridgeon’s Birthday Ms. Jane P. Fortner Oletha Pumphrey Marge and Dan Cammack Bill C. Rogers Vision Natural Resources, LP Peter Schrenkel and Darlene Olson Midland, TX Barbara Adams Ms. Roberta S. Aldridge Ms. Joyce Cavett David, Karen, Kirk and Kade Corley Lanise and Charles Davidson Johnny, Susan, Rebecca and Ethel Horton Kayla Lowery Ms. Estelle Munsell Jim and Nelda Rose Sonny and Jo Rose Ms. Jo A. Sealy Robin and Mark Thomas Brad Young Mildred Peterson Roush Harrell and Carolyn Huff Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. Rogers Molly and Jerry Tavolino Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wilson Lucile Smith Rowntree Ruth and Charles Hatcher Hendryx Sara and Bobby Moeck Gertruyd Sharbutt Rucker Hunter and Totsy Cunningham Harold Lemuel Rucker Hunter and Totsy Cunningham Bessie Mae Russi Ms. Dorothy M. Russi Delfino Sam Samaniego James and Laura Milam Timothy and Joyce Woodlock Bill Scarborough Ms. Agnes L. Smith Kaylee Scott Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCormick Reverend Leslie D. Scott Mr. Art Greenhaw Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Greenhaw Dorothy Shelley Polly and Willie Lokken Ray Moore Flora, James and Maria Winterle Margaret Shull Cary and Kathy Bargas Mary Hines Sicilio Choice Home Care Nurses Teri G., Linda, Sarah, Courtney, Joyce and Beverly Bryan, TX Nancy Boswell Glen, Gay, Melanie and Mandy Goodin Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Moore Joseph and Karin Natowitz Mrs. Louise C. Priestly Ms. Mimi M. Sicilio Marie Snodgrass Helen and David Vandivere Kenneth Snyder Helen and David Vandivere Emma Elizabeth Souders Mr. and Mrs. John I. Souders Rudolph A. Speights Lee Roy and Becky Bossier Eugene and Marian R. Douglas The W. H. Jones Family Melody Olson Pigg Llewellyn Squires Don and Eleanor McMillan Lisa Niederhaus Martin Tindall Staggs Mr. Insurance Agency, Inc. San Angelo, TX Mr. Baxter Moore Mr. and Mrs. Billy Plew Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waddle Mrs. Alfred Sternfels Gloria A. Palmer Katie Leone (Susie) Stevens Mary Francis Almquist Mr. Ron Stone Dr. and Mrs. Jack K. Daniels David L. Stowe Billy Briscoe The Harringtons Mrs. Bonnie Thomas Barbara and John Persefield Jane and Judson Stephens Burton Thompson Mrs. C. P. Metcalf Robert Thornton C. J. and Marion Adkins Christine Tosch Mr. Art Greenhaw Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Greenhaw Ruben Trevino Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Orr, Jr. Ben Tusia, Sr. Tom, Karla and Joyce Parks Raymond Vargas, Jr. Helen and David Vandivere Joe Vaszaskas Ms. Jane E. Jones Betty Jean Veal Reverend Dave and Debby Goodrich Gladys Walters Mrs. Barbara J. Cole Dwain Harlan Warren Joy Kinney Gertrude Whitman Jerry and Ann Gibson Norma Williams Jerry and Steve Reid Brice Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Herman Salter Ms. Donna Wood Ms. Gwendolyn O’Brien Franklin Wood Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Castleberry J. N. (Pete) Woody Cliff and Nelda Hazlewood Lt. Colonel and Mrs. William Zimmerman Larry and Betsy Pennington Honorariums Children of St. Barnabas UMC Early Education St. Barnabas UMC Arlington, TX Ms. Stephanie West Children’s Sunday School Class St. Mark’s UMC Mesquite, TX Kaleidoscope Sunday School Class St. Mark’s UMC Mesquite, TX First UMC Marble Falls, TX Seekers Sunday School Class Highland Lakes UMC - Buchanan Dam Buchanan Dam, TX Dr. Maxine Kubecka and Staff at Palacios Veterinary Clinic Palacios, TX James and Annette Havens Men and Women of Tobin Park UMC Father’s and Mother’s Day United Methodist Women Tobin Park UMC El Paso, TX Sunshine A Five Hundred Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of Jim ‘Lil Randy’ Stephens by The Shipley Family Heath, TX A Five Hundred Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of Jack and Lorraine Schenk by Ronald and Nancy Dishman Stewart League City, TX A Six Hundred Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of Stan Alford Saunders by Will and Carolyn Saunders Georgetown, TX Men of Aldersgate UMC Arlington, TX United Methodist Women Aldersgate UMC Arlington, TX Ms. Virginia Abernathy’s Birthday Virginia P. Jackson Nevelyn Crawford Alexander Darrell and Mary Vines Charles Beasley III Carolyn Ward Bob Bentley Mary Francis Almquist Chris and Debbie Bergman M. H. and Jeanette Shepherd Imogene Bethel’s 90th Birthday Helen and David Vandivere Jim Bogan Jr.’s Birthday The Employees of ICS Waco, TX Robert and Denyce Coker Alice Coker Mr. Ben C. Cooner Richard, Charla and Zach Miller Edith Craig James and Laura Milam Monte Tom Cunningham Hunter and Totsy Cunningham Claire Cutright Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Helen Dickinson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Flick Matt Donaldson Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Joe Evans Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Fall 2008 Cyndy Firquin Bobby and Amnie Vance Charlotte Gump Mr. Richard T. Gump Sara Hajek Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Amanda Hallmark Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Joy Jones Emily and R. J. Claassen Windle and Marie Kelley’s 50th Anniversary Mary Francis Almquist Dick and Ellie Kenyon Bobby and Linda Gilliam Ms. Myrna Kepford Ms. Jaunita Honeyman Cady Kincaid Mrs. Henry G. Holley Reverend and Mrs. Dean Libby and Caitlyn United Methodist Women University UMC Wichita Falls, TX Taylor Lott Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Dr. Jeff May Betty Sams Dr. John McKellan Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vandever Arville and Carolyn McLain Lewis and Carol Pierce Becca McPherson Methodist Men Central UMC Waco, TX Christopher Menefee Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Edna Merrell’s Birthday Mr. Marvin McReynolds Wayne and Kay Merritt’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Mary Francis Almquist Milton Molhusen Mary Francis Almquist Mrs. Eileen Rolo Knox City UMC Knox City, TX Reverend and Mrs. Don Scott Mrs. Richard Hill Reverend Don Scott Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gervig Rebecca Sebastian Ms. Kylie Eason Chad, Kolby and Christopher Sury Mr. Harmon F. Langford Ashleigh Van Dresar Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Krystal Van Dresar Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX Tiffany Van Dresar Friendship Sunday School Class First UMC La Grange, TX John D. White Elizabeth Ann Franklin A One Thousand Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of Dr. Dan J. Craig by Mrs. Edith Craig San Antonio, TX A Five Thousand Dollar Endowment gift in Memory of James S. Anderson by Mrs. Marian Ross Anderson Carthage, TX A Three Thousand Dollar Designated Gift to the Weston Earl Shank Scholarship Fund by Florine Beall Shank Jacksonville, TX BOARD OF DIRECTORS Methodist Children’s Home appreciates the support and leadership provided by members of the Board of Directors. Among this year’s Board members are: (front, l-r) Mrs. Dana Reese, Boerne, TX; Dr. Ann Weiss, Katy, TX; Mr. Wesley Masters, Cotton Center, TX; (middle, l-r) Mr. Dallas Garrett, Odessa, TX; Dr. Noe E. Gonzales, San Antonio, TX; Mrs. Patsy Johnson, Sulphur Springs, TX; Judge Henry A. Santana, Corpus Christi, TX; Mr. Don Strickland, Somerville, TX; (back, l-r) Mr. Bobby Gilliam, president and CEO, Methodist Children’s Home; Dr. J. Clayton Oliphint, chairperson, Richardson, TX; Mr. Larry Harrison, Junction, TX; Mr. Richard Kenyon, vice chairperson, The Woodlands, TX; and Dr. Ouida Lee, DeSoto, TX. Photograph by Doug Fitzjarrell, Northern Horizons Freelance Methodist Children’s Home 1111 Herring Avenue Waco, Texas 76708 254-753-0181 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID WACO, TEXAS PERMIT NUMBER 392
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