F RGH MDS ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES Derek tenhoopen, md President Kevin Casey, MD President-Elect Cynthia Christy, MD Secretary Ronald Sham, MD Treasurer MAURICE VAUGHAN, MD Past President Elected Representatives: Matthew Fleig, MD John Hix, MD Claudia Hriesik, MD Kevin McGrody, MD James Szalados, MD Balazs Zsenits, MD Editorial Staff: Derek tenHoopen, MD, Editor DIRECT ADMISSION NUMBER: 922-7333 CALL THE HOSPITALIST FOR YOUR PATIENT 922-7444 2014 Quarterly Staff Dates • December 19 2015 Quarterly Staff Dates • March 20 • September 18 • June 19 • December 18 Twig Conference Room 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. for all meetings 50% attendance recommended for all attending Physicians orum November 2014 a newsletter by the medical & dental staff of Roch general hospital more of your monthly updates can be found at http://www.rochestergeneral.org/healthcare-professionals/medical-and-dental-staff-mds/ Message from RGH MDS President Knowledge Management– A Key Component in Any Merger Derek tenHoopen, MD, RGH MDS President K nowledge Management (KM) involves the manipulation of knowledge, information and data. The hierarchy is structured in the following way…” data becomes information when it is organized; information becomes knowledge when it is placed in actionable context” (1). Leaders in the field of Knowledge Management believe that this it is in fact “the third phase” of the Industrial Revolution. Knowledge, including its Derek tenHoopen, md use, distribution, application and exploitation, is RGH MDS President the new driving force of the global economy. The website “destinationKM.com” uses the following definition for KM: “Knowledge Management refers to strategies and structures for maximizing the return on intellectual and information resources…it resides both in tacit form (human education, experience and expertise) and explicit form (documents and data); KM depends on both cultural and technologic processes of creation, collection, recombination and use”. Several authors relate this definition to the corporate world. “Knowledge Management is the practice of harnessing and exploiting intellectual capital to gain competitive and customer commitment through efficiency, innovation and faster and more effective decision making“(1). Why discuss Knowledge Management now? In the health care environment, KM is the practice of harnessing and exploiting intellectual capital to ensure best practices, quality care, and patient safety through efficiency, innovation, faster and more effective Continued on page 2. Knowledge Management, continued decision making in a less stressful environment. With the practice of Knowledge Management in the health care sector, the following benefits may be possible: 1.)Avoidance of costly mistakes which have long term implication for the patient/family, the caregiver and the organization 2.)The sharing of best practices has proven to save millions in the global corporate world and there is nothing to suggest it would not do the same in the healthcare environment 3.)Facilitating Team function and reducing work stress through Collaboration and support 4.)KM translates to improving the knowledge work processes; in health care that means: using resources efficiently; ensuring care is timely, accessible and current; and evaluating outcomes 5.)The promotion of successful innovation As the clinical integration of our two health systems accelerates and as the previously identified synergies are more actively pursued, KM must be considered in the process. Any organization, especially larger ones, must understand that in dollar costs, their employee’s knowledge is the organization’s greatest asset and return on investment. As the two organizations continue their corporate and clinical integration, Knowledge Management should play a dynamic and important role. Remember, KM is about all you know and is an organization’s greatest asset and return on investment. Understanding who your employees are and what they know are essential assets of any health care organization. In fact, Knowledge Management is 20% information technology and 80% people. For KM to be a successful component in our two health care delivery systems, individual knowledge assets need to be collectively and collaboratively managed. This may not be easy, but it is essential. The MDS of both RGH and Unity are committed to this concept and have encouraged the administration to communicate often, openly and timely in this regard. With this in mind, the MDS Leadership encourages its membership to make their expertise known and take positive actions on their behalf in this period of rapid change. The MDS of both RGH and Unity are committed to this concept and have encouraged the administration to communicate often, openly and timely. References 1.Barth, S. Defining knowledge management. [Cited 2002 Jun 19]. Available from: URL: www.destinationKM 2.MoreOB.com. Knowledge Management New Associate Medical Director for RGH Adult ED Dr. Zafar Shamoon is the new Associate Medical Director for the Adult Emergency Services for Rochester General Hospital. He focuses on ensuring there is an integrated care team to provide rapid, high quality care to our patients’ bedside. In addition to working at Rochester Regional Health Dr. Zafar Shamoon System since 2008, he 2 previously worked as an Attending at Independent Emergency Physicians, P.C. in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Shamoon did his Undergrad and Medical school at Michigan State University, and his ER Residency in Detroit, MI. Dr. Shamoon is Board certified and a fellow of the College of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Shamoon’s greatest strengths are his care and compassion for the community in which he serves, as well as his ability to empower those around him. Rochester General Hospital Medical and Dental Staff FORUM Performance Excellence Awards Robert Mayo, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Executive Vice President, RRHS I am proud to share an impressive set of accolades our health system and team members recently received that certainly attest to the talents of our people and our ongoing commitment to live our mission and values. Healthcare Team Excellence - Platinum The Greater Rochester Quality Council (GRQC), a Rochester Business Alliance affiliate, presented its 2014 GRQC Performance Excellence Awards on October 7. Among 10 local organizations recognized for excellence, we received three prominent awards: Healthcare Team Excellence ‐ Gold Healthcare Team Excellence ‐ Silver Clostridium difficile Reduction RGH ‐ Emergency Department RGH ‐ Cardiothoracic Surgery Project Safety Hotline Project With a goal of reducing blood The Clostridium difficile Reduction Project, led by a collaborative team from Rochester General Hospital, Unity Hospital, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, Highland Hospital, Strong Memorial Hospital and URMC’s Center for Community Health, was honored for exhibiting excellent teamwork and achievement of the following superior results across multiple organizations to address C. difficile: • Decrease in the rate of health care facility acquired C. difficile cases • Avoidance of extended hospital stays for approximately 65 patients • Significant estimated cost savings of up to $2.2 million This award recognized a collaborative effort to improve patient safety that embraced the philosophy of “do no harm” by designing an efficient process for reporting and following up on safety events in the Emergency Department with the following results: • 125 percent increase in the number of Medical Staff who participated in event reporting— an accomplishment that also received national recognition this summer for innovation and impact • Subsequent and measurable improvements in patient safety, job satisfaction, working conditions and perception of management transfusions to improve patient safety outcomes even further than the already wellperforming benchmark, the Cardiothoracic Surgery team was recognized for the following exceptional results: • 22 percent decrease in blood utilization from 2012 to 2013 • More than 50% reduction in 2014 • Cost savings of more than $120,000 annually Congratulations to all the team members who contributed to the outstanding outcomes that resulted in these significant awards. Your hard work, your passion for excellence and your commitment to serving our patients is deeply appreciated by your colleagues and our community. 2015 2015 quarterly staff meetings March 20, June 19, September 18, December 18 7:30 – 9:00 am • Twig 3 Advance Practice Provider (APP) Activity Margaret M Ecklund, NP (Rochester General/Senior Services), margaret.ecklund@rochestergeneral.org The local health care community is using the term APP to encompass the group of providers including Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Certified Nurse Midwives, and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. Within RRHS, we have approximately 600 APP providers caring for our patients in many settings and roles. We have had presence on committees and the medical/dental board at RGH over past years. The merger has created an opportunity to learn more about each other and explore synergistic opportunities. We met on Sept 3 with key leaders from RGH (Derek tenHoopen, Rob Mayo, Cheryl Sheridan), with leaders from Unity (Dustin Riccio) to confirm the support for direction and organization effort. A steering team is currently working to include RGH legacy, Unity legacy and Newark Wayne APPs in developing a formal structure to present to the Medical Dental Staff and hospital leadership. This is a desirable window of time for APP’s to determine where we as a group of providers would like to be situated. Considering the mission of RRHS, the APP steering group will: • Formalize a committee structure to have representation and voice in key clinical decisions • Develop a centralized method of communication with all RRHS APP’s about news/updates/ concerns. Suggest a creation of an APP website or weblink on RRHS main webpage for announcements/news/updates • Form an advisory group to review the elements of the Nurse Practitioner Modernization Act that goes in effect January 2015. Nursing leaders will coordinate this with Medical Staff leadership • Develop and test an Onboarding / Mentoring plan for new APPs in the system • Keeping an organized list of all APP’s who are involved on committee/boards. This will help us determine where there is a gap in APP involvement. Steering group members include: Margaret Ecklund, NP, James Sutton, PA, John Caven, PA, Heather Cook-Smith, NP, Julie Albert, NP, Alycia Strobert, PA, Traci Salter, NP, Selma Mujezinovic, NP, David Perry, PA, Tia DeRosa, NP, Michelle Storm, PA, Marcy Soprano, NP, Regina LoMaglio, NP, Beth Kenyon, PA, Sandy Visconti, PA. There are other APPs who have expressed interest but were unable to attend our recent meetings. We want to be as inclusive as possible to interested APP’s. Our goal is to have a diverse and well rounded APP steering group. There is a great deal of energy and talent within the diversity of the APP group across the system, and we look forward to our enhanced partnership with physician leadership and RRHS administration in delivery of great patient care! TO ALL RGH MDS NURSE PRACTITIONERS Every year, during the month of November, a week has been designated by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners as National Nurse Practitioner Week in celebration of the knowledge, skills and professionalism of this group of advanced practice nurses. This year it is November 9 - November 15. In 1965, Denver Colorado graduated the first class of Nurse Practitioners. The designated role of these specially trained nurses was to take care of 4 the health care needs of a pediatric population that was not being served by the current health care providers of the times. Years later the profession has grown beyond hopes. There are currently over 192,000 nurse practitioners in the United States and 173 here at RGH. They now come in many specialties and practice in many different Rochester General Hospital Medical and Dental Staff FORUM CDI Corner How to Avoid a Query By Kathy Agan, RHIT and Jamie Clark, RN CHF - Include type and acuity of CHF. Such as: Systolic, Diastolic, or combined Systolic and Diastolic and Acute, Chronic, Acute on Chronic, Compensated, Decompensated. Anemia - Include type: Anemia of Chronic disease (include chronic disease. eg: CKD, cancer, etc.), Acute blood loss anemia, Chronic blood loss anemia, post-surgical blood loss anemia, iron deficiency, etc. Renal Function - Acute VS Chronic: • CKD - Include stage if CKD: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or ESRD • Acute - Use terms such as: ARF, AKI, ATN, AIN Respiratory Failure - Include acuity: Acute, Chronic, or Acute on Chronic. Also include: Respiratory acidosis and/ or alkalosis. Avoid terms “insufficiency” or hypoxic” because considered vague terminology. Pneumonia - Include type of PNA: Aspiration, Gram-negative, Grampositive, fungal, bacterial (include bacteria suspected). Avoid terms like CAP, HAP, HCAP, Atypical, and Multifocal because considered vague terminology. Urosepsis - (Avoid using this term). Specifiy whether this means simple UTI or if patient has sepsis from a urinary source infection. Malnutrition - Include severity and type: Mild, Moderate, or Severe and protein-Calorie, Protein only, or Calorie only. Ulcer - Include type of ulcer. Such as: Decubitus, Diabetic, Vascular, Neuropathic, other. Include site(s) of ulcer(s) was present on admission. Decubitus: include stage Altered Mental Status - Include further specificity. Such as Delirium due to infection, medication or disease process such as Dementia, Dementia with Behavioral disturbance, Encephalopathy (Metabolic, Hepatic, Septic, etc), adverse effect of medication. Diabetes - Include conditions associated with diabetes. Such as: Diabetic PVD, Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic gangrene, Diabetic Ulcers (include if from diabetic neuropathy or diabetic PVD), Diabetic gastroparesis. Present on admission or Hospital Acquired - Include if a condition was likely present at the time of admission. Such as: Sepsis, Foley associated UTI, Pneumonia, Line Sepsis. Sharp Debridement - Include further specificity of the type of debridement and deepest layer of tissue debrided. Such as: Excisional or non-excisional. Depth: Skin, subcutaneous, Soft tissue, Muscle, Bone. Lab and Imaging findings - Include any diagnosis that correlates with lab and imaging findings based on your clinical opinion. Link cause and effect - of conditions named as a diagnosis to devices, organism, late effect, or other diagnosis you suspect as underlying cause. Symptom as diagnosis - Include the underlying cause of the symptom. Probable, likely, or suspected are acceptable to use for hospital inpatient billing. The CDI team can be reached at 922-3721 for any questions, or inperson on the hospital units, or in the CDI office at B6006. Congratulations to Dr. Nejmudin Kemal who was chosen by CDI as the October “Documenter of the Month”! National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week, November 2 - 8 In 1992, The United States Congress and President George Bush issued a proclamation designating the first week of November as “National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week”. When you go to the hospital seeking medical care, how do you know that the Medical & Dental Staff Members are properly trained, licensed and qualified to take care of your patients? The professionals working in the Medical Staff Office investigate every practitioner who applies for privileges to practice medicine at RGH. While the department may not be involved in the “hands on” care of patients, we are responsible for the physicians’ hands that care for our patients. We are dedicated professionals on the frontline of physician advocacy. We work with the Medical & Dental Staff leadership and Clinical Department leadership to assure that only applicants whose history can be accounted for, are presented for membership consideration. Through both the application process and the reappointment process the Medical Staff Office professionals secure information to assist the clinical leadership while making decisions on continued membership. Our actions assist the hospital by assuring protection from incompetent, troubled and impaired health care professionals. We are trained to identify problematic applications and reappointment documentation. In addition, we are responsible for communicating services to the 1471 members of the RGH MDS, through meetings, mailings, newsletters, directories etc. – all while maintaining the highest level of customer service that regulations allow. We also complete the initial appointment and reappointment for the MDS of Newark Wayne Community Hospital and Clifton Springs Hospital. The dedicated members of your RGH Medical Staff Office have over 60 years dedicated to this profession and are very grateful to be working with the wonderful Medical & Dental Staff Members of RGH. They are: Mary Lou McKeown, Karen Curtis, Barbara Kahle, CPCS, Shelly Nyiri 5 Changes to your RGH Directory For those of you who have access to the RGHS portal, don’t forget the on-line directory under Depts and Medical & Dental Staff. For those of you who do not have access to the portal, there is a monthly excel directory available for you upon request. Contact Mary Lou McKeown at 922-4259 or Marylou.mckeown@Rochgeneral.org. RGH MDS Welcomes the Following New Members Syed Ali, MD, Dept of Neurology, 1425 Portland Ave #220, Rochester, NY 14621, 585- 922-4227 Mohammad Azad, MD, Dept. of Med./Hospitalist, 1425 Portland Ave #287, Rochester, NY 14621, 585922-5067 Jayashri Bhaskar, MD, Dept. of Med./Pulmonary Disease, 1425 Portland Ave #202, Rochester, NY 14621, 585-922-4409 Luanne Bianchi, RPA-C, Dept. of Emerg. Med./ Observation Unit, 1425 Portland Ave, Rochester, NY 14621, 585-922-9080 Justin Rymanowski, MD, Dept. of Neurology 1312 Driving Park Ave, Newark, NY 14513, 315-331-0806 Kendra Shelters, RPA –C, Dept. of Surgery/Urology 1425 Portland Ave, 4500 Nursing, Rocehster, NY 14621, 585-922-4505 Adnan Siddiqui, MD, Dept. of Surg./Neurological Surg., 100 High St B4, Buffalo, NY 14203, 716-218-1000 Kenneth Snyder, MD, Dept. of Surg./Neruological Surg., 100 High St B4, Buffalo, NY 14203, 716-218-1000 Aknur Butala, MD, Dept. of Neurology, 1425 Portland Ave #220, Rochester, NY 14621, 585-922-4227 Julana Spaulding, CNM, Dept. of Ob/Gyn, 1415 Portland Ave #400, Rochester, NY, 14621, 585-922-4200 Shebene Chacko, MD, Dept of Med./Hospitalist 1425 Portland Ave #287, Rochester, NY 14621 585-922-5067 Susan Szczepanski, NP, Dept. of Medicne/Int.Med. 1425 Portpand Ave #340, Rochester, NY 14621 585-922-4101 Erdal Erturk, MD, Dept. of Surgery/Urological Surg. 601 Elmwood Ave #656, Rochester, NY 14642 585-275-3690 Magdalena Szklarska-Imiolek, MD, Dept. of Psychiatry, 1425 Portland Ave G1, Rochester, NY 14621, 585-922-4395 Juan Godinez, MD, Dept. of Radiation Oncology 1425 Portland Ave #223, Rochester, NY 14621 585-922-4031 Eugene Tolomeo, MD, Dept. of Neurology, 1312 Driving Park Ave, Newark, NY 14513, 315-331-0806 Judy Guarino, CRNA, Dept. of Anesthesia, 1425 Portland Ave #282, Rochester, NY 14621, 585-922-4159 Matthew Turner, MD, Dept. of Pathology & Lab Med., 1425 Portland Ave #400, Rochester, NY 14621, 585-922-4121 Soufiane Khelil, MD, Dept. of Med./Hospitalist 1425 Portland Ave #282, Rochester, NY 14621 585-922-4159 Kathleen VanderBrook, NP, Dept. of Surg./Vascular Surg., 4 Coulter Rd #1760, Clifton Springs, NY 14432, 315-758-0700 Mohamad Mahmoud, MD, Obstetrics & Gynecology 222 Alexander St #1100, Rochester, NY 14607 585-922-8585 Joshua Weitz, MD, Dept. of Med. - Allergy/ Immunology/Rheumatology, 100 White Spruce Blvd, Rochester, NY 14623, 716-272-0700 Jeanne O’Brien, MD,, Dept. of Surg./Urological Surg. 2400 S. Clinton Ave Bldg H 150 Rochester, NY 14642, 585-341-7795 Brian Wood, MD, Dept. of Emergency Med., 1425 Portland Ave, Rochester, NY 14621, 585-922-5850 Prathima Pangulur, MD, Dept. of Med./Hospitalist 1425 Portland Ave #287, Rochester, NY 14621 585-922-5067 Lisa Reno, NP, Dept. of Med./Endocrinology 224 Alexander St #200, Rochester, NY 14607 585-922-8400 Guan Wu, MD, Dept. of Surgery/Urological Surgery 601 Elmwood Ave, Box 656, Rochester, NY 14642 585-275-5282 Correction: Sandy Kalena Sachiko Perry, MD, 43 Willow Pond Way, #200 Penfield, NY 14526, Phone (585)377-5420, Fax: (585)377-3690 Directory Changes: Change to inactive Kami Anderson, CRNA, Dept. of Anesthesiology Linda Kovac-Tantalo, NP, Dept. of Psychiatry Alice Loveys, MD, Dept. of Pediatrics Roxanne Lowenguth, DDS, Dept. of Dentistry 6 John Marquardt, MD, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery Olga Selioutski, DO, Dept. of Neurology George Segel, MD, Dept. of Pediatrics Kathy Taylor, RPA-C, Dept. of Medicine/Internal Medicine Rochester General Hospital Medical and Dental Staff FORUM GRIPA’s Population GRIPA now has over 167,000 patients included in its population health program! This is a staggering number of individuals and represents a significant population within our community. This article breaks down the total population in several different ways and addresses the significant opportunity we have to improve community health and reduce the overall cost of care. As a starting point, there are about: • 135,000 Commercial members, including children and dependents of those with employer sponsored health care and other similar arrangements; • 20,000 Medicare Advantage members; and • 12,000 fee-for-service traditional Medicare beneficiaries through the Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organization (MSSP ACO). All of these members became part of the GRIPA population health program through one of two ways: 1. by having healthcare insurance with a payor with whom GRIPA has a contract (i.e., Excellus BCBS, Wellcare, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services {CMS}) and seeing a GRIPA physician for primary care services; or, 2. working as an employee at one of the companies with whom GRIPA has an employer contract (Monroe County, LiDestri Food and Beverage, Rochester Regional Health System). The difference with GRIPA’s employer contracted members is that those members may not necessarily be seeing a GRIPA Primary Care Physician. There are about 120,000 Commercial members who see a GRIPA physician for their primary 7 care services and an additional 15,000 members through the employer contracts who do not see a GRIPA Primary Care Physician. Within this commercial population, 50,000 members are under the age of 18. WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? From a clinical perspective, GRIPA uses its robust data warehouse and many data sources to compile the most complete and comprehensive health profile of these populations of patients with the goal of providing higher quality care at reduced cost. Within the Commercial population, there are about 9,600 members with diabetes representing about 6.2% of the population. Similarly, there are about 3,200 members with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) comprising just over 2% of the entire population. And, lastly there are over 25,300 members with hypertension, or over 16% of the population. Using GRIPA’s robust data warehouse, we can determine the percentage of these members with chronic conditions having clinical indicators outside of an acceptable range. And, the good news is that our network achieves among the best scores as it relates to controlled chronic conditions. An even deeper dive into the data shows opportunities to address behavioral health issues as 15% of the population has mental health charges based on diagnoses coding alone– which means the prevalence is likely higher if pharmacy scripts are also used to identify mental health illness. And these patients with behavioral health issues along with one or more chronic conditions have significantly higher medical costs as compared to the average Commercial member. Taking all of this together – the huge population of members, the incredible data GRIPA aggregates and analyzes, and the dedicated and talented pool of physicians and other providers, we have a unique opportunity to assist those members needing care and deliver the right care to improve health and reduce cost. We at GRIPA look forward to working with everyone in the Health System to accomplish this mission. 7 PROUD TO BE FLU FREE 2014 FLU VACCINE CLINICS Location Date Time Location RGH Atrium October 6 6 am - 6 pm Dialysis Seneca October 15 Ridge Family Room October 8 2 - 6 pm October 10 7 am - 12 noon October 11 7 am - 12 noon October 11 4 - 8 pm October 13 6 am - 6 pm October 15 12 noon - 8:30 pm October 16 6 am - 6 pm October 17 12 - 8:30 pm October 19 7 am - 12 noon October 19 4 - 8 pm October 16 12:30 - 3 pm Bay Creek Dialysis Conf. Room Behavioral Health Netowrk GMHC Room A112 October 28 12:30 - 3:30 pm RMHC Room 22B October 22 8:30 - 11:30 am Date Time 12:30 - 3 pm ElderOne 2066 Hudson Ave, Conf. Room October 6 12 - 4 pm 490 Ridge Rd E, PACE Boardroom October 8 8 am - 12 noon Blossom Rd, TBD November 3 12 - 4 pm French Rd, TBD November 3 7 - 11 am Hill Haven Dietary Office October 6 7 - 9:30 am October 15 2:30 - 4:30 pm October 20 7 - 9:30 am October 9 3 - 7 pm October 23 11 am - 1 pm November 11 6 - 9 am October 23 8:30 am - 4 pm November 12 8:30 am - 4 pm NWCH Café 1 Riedman Campus West Conf. Room You can also get a vaccine at TEAM MEMBER HEALTH SERVICES during regular weekday hours or anytime in many CLINICAL UNITS. SAFE EASY FREE SMART RGHS 9-2014 WAIVER 2014 – 2015 SEASONAL INFLUENZA VACCINE Declination or Medical Waiver I acknowledge that I am aware of the following facts: ¥ Influenza is a serious respiratory disease that kills thousands of people in the United States each year. ¥ Influenza vaccination is recommended for me and all other health care workers to protect this facility’s patients from influenza, its complications and death. ¥ If I contract influenza, I can spread the virus for 24 hours before the influenza symptoms appear. Knowing these facts, I choose to: ( ) Decline the vaccine. ( ) I have been advised by my physician not to receive the vaccine due to an allergy or medical condition; therefore I have a Medical Waiver. I UNDERSTAND THAT UNVACCINATED MDS MEMBERS AND TEAM MEMBERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MASK IN PATIENT CARE AREAS DURING THE FLU SEASON. Please sign below Print Name: _________________________________________________RRHS Team Member ID # (employees only): _______________ Affiliate Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Date of Vaccine: ______________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Todays Date: _________________________ Please check those that apply ( ) RRHS Team Member __ Legacy RGHS __ Legacy Unity ( ) RGH or NWCH Medical and Dental Staff ( ) Volunteer ( ) Student ( ) Contractor RRHS Team Members, please provide completed form(s) to your direct supervisor. RGH Medical & Dental Staff, please fax this completed form to MSO at 585-922-4778. NWCH Medical & Dental Staff, please fax this completed form to MSO at 315-332-2371. Medical & Dental Staff – If you are a member of both RGH & NWCH institutions, you only need to send to one of them. RRHS TEAM MEMBER DOCUMENTATION Leader/Administrator please complete the following actions to process this form: ( ) Record the individual’s declination/waiver status in the RRHS online vaccine tracking system (available from the RRHS Portal home page). ( ) Send this form to Team Member Health Services at RGH (1425 Portland Avenue) or by fax at 585-922-4790. OFF-SITE 2014 – 2015 SEASONAL INFLUENZA VACCINE Off-Site Confirmation Form ( ) I have received the influenza vaccine for the 2014-15 flu season and have attached documentation of the vaccine including: – Name of provider – Address of provider Please sign below Print Name: _________________________________________________RRHS Team Member ID # (employees only): _______________ Affiliate Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Date of Vaccine: ______________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Todays Date: _________________________ Please check those that apply ( ) RRHS Team Member __ Legacy RGHS __ Legacy Unity ( ) RGH or NWCH Medical and Dental Staff ( ) Volunteer ( ) Student ( ) Contractor RRHS Team Members, please provide completed form(s) to your direct supervisor. RGH Medical & Dental Staff, please fax this completed form and vaccination documentation to MSO at 585-922-4778. NWCH Medical & Dental Staff, please fax this completed form and vaccination documentation to MSO at 315-332-2371. Medical & Dental Staff – If you are a member of both RGH & NWCH institutions, you only need to send to one of them. RRHS TEAM MEMBER DOCUMENTATION Leader/Administrator please complete the following actions to process this form: ( ) Record the individual’s vaccine status in the RRHS online vaccine tracking system (available from the RRHS Portal home page). ( ) Send this form and any required documentation to Team Member Health Services at RGH (1425 Portland Avenue) or by fax at 585-922-4790.
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