Casting Out The Money Changers by Carl Heinrich Bloch, 1834 –1890, oil on canvas, Frederiksborg Palace , Copenhagen, Denmark St. Vincent Catholic Church Services in English Saturday Vigil Mass: Sunday Masses: Daily Masses: 4:30 pm 8:00 am & 11:15 am Monday thru Saturday 7:55 am; Monday 5:30 pm Holy Day Masses: 7:55 am, 10:00 am & 6:00 pm; no vigil Mass First Friday Adoration: 8:30 am - 12 Noon (Oct.-May) Confessions: Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm; by appointment Rosary: Monday thru Saturday 7:25 am; Monday 5 pm Novena Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Mon. 6 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday 3 pm Servicios en Español Misa del Domingo: Misa todos los Miércoles: Misa primer Viernes del mes Rosario: Miércoles Domingos Confesiones: Miércoles Domingos 1:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 12:30 pm de 6:30 pm - 7:25 pm de 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Serviços em Português Sábado Missa: 7:30 pm Domingo Missa: 9:30 am e 7:00 pm Missas Semanais: Terça e Quinta-feira 7:30 pm Adoração ao Santíssimo Sacramento: Quinta-feira 8:00pm-10:00 pm Confissão: Sábado 7:00 pm-7:30 pm Domingo 6:30 pm-7:00 pm November 9, 2014 • 9 de Novembre de 2014 • 9 de Novembro de 2014 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 6350 NW 18 Street, Margate, FL 33063-2320 Ph 954-972-0434 • Fax 954-971-9411 e-mail: web site: Rev. Matteo Didonè, c.s. Pastor Rev. Heitor Castoldi, c.s. Parochial Vicar Jane M. Gammon Sacristan Ana Stein Administrative Assistant Luz Peña Bookkeeper Gloria Bernier Bulletin Editor Mrs. Marie Hurley Director of Religious Education Juliana Bendetti Director of Religious EducationBrazilians Fred Schweitzer RCIA Coordinator, English Patricia Maher Music Director, English Carlos Agudelo Music Director, Spanish NOVEMBER 8 - 4:30 PM Lector: Bill Ford Extraordinary Ministers: Jack Morell, Gwen Morell, Pam Asselin, Terry Turner, Don Turner, Jane Gammon Altar Servers: D. Leone, M. Leone Ushers: Dennis Phenix, Loretta Marotta, Joseph Sousa NOVEMBER 9 - 8:00 AM MASS Lector: Pat Kelly Extraordinary Ministers: Janet Stone, Georgette Giannuzzi, Cathy Gearing, Tom Brady, Eileen Brady Altar Servers: Ushers: Rich Popovic, Don Hefta, Angelo Sardo, George Hudak, Alessandro Carbonara NOVEMBER 9 - 11:15 AM MASS Lector: George Hudak Extraordinary Ministers: Evalina Van Lengen, Rusty Vets, Ray Alea, Cathy Gearing, Flora D’Aiuto, Pam Asselin, Jane Gammon Altar Servers: M. Hollinger, B-J. Quimio Ushers: Dan Pawlusiak, Sam Battaglia, Alan Roos, John Carcich 9 DE NOVEMBRE - LA MISA DE 1:00 PM Ministros Extraordinarions: Jessica Sanguinetti, Carlos Iglesias, Cesar Arena, Yudy Gangi, Pedro Gangi, Ada Gallet MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 8 4:30 PM †Jerry Maher By wife, Pat AND †Manuel & †Gloria Colon By Ralph & Jo. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - NOVEMBER 9 8:00 AM †Buddy & †Florence Tune By Betsy Jordan AND For the People. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Betty Landi & the 3 sisters By Herbert Landi AND †Mary & †Donald Thomas By their children AND †Fanny & †Charlie Muccio By Rose & Mel Crupi. 1:00 PM †Ettore Bractovich Pide Melba Bractovich. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. MONDAY - NOVEMBER 10 7:55 AM †Pearl Barth & †Frances Cuthbert By Flo McGrath AND †Lawrence Baugh By Regis & Mary Kampmeyer. 5:30 PM †Mary Grant By sister, Julia & Thomas Shannon. 6:00 PM NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP. TUESDAY - NOVEMBER 11 7:55 AM All veterans living and deceased By George Hudak AND †Nick Weisgarten By loving wife, Miriam AND †Joe & †John Pizzuto By Bob Fenimore AND †Elaine Connors (Happy Birthday in Heaven By Richard & Mary Candella AND †Daniel A. Maury By Ana & Alberto Maury. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 12 7:55 AM †John & Anna Hudak By son, George AND †Maria T. Leonard By American Italian Club Holiday Springs AND †Deceased members of Riordan family By Richard & Mary Candella. 7:30 PM †Luis Guillermo Bernal By familia Bernal. THURSDAY - NOVEMBER 13 7:55 AM †Rita Clymer By Patricia Woods AND †Marie & †Frank Murray By Bob & Arlene Carney. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. FRIDAY - NOVEMBER 14 7:55 AM †Michael Morgan By loving parents AND †Deacon Allen Asselin By Pam AND †Michael Pierro By Bob Fenimore. 3:00 PM Divine Mercy. 7:30 PM Misa en Español. SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 15 7:55 AM †Veth Family By daughter, Margareta. 4:30 PM †Thomas Keenan By wife, Pat Keenan AND Verna Mae Love By Pam Asselin AND †John Fitzgerald (5th Anniversary) & †Sister Eileen FG By Marie Fitzgerald, wife & sister-in-law. 7:30 PM Missa em Português. SUNDAY - NOVEMBER 16 8:00 AM For the People. 9:30 AM Missa em Português. 11:15 AM †Kay O’Grady By John Finan AND †Mickey Powers By Maureen & John Spiezia. 1:00 PM †Maria Chavez Pide Guadalupe Chavez Y †Isabel Corredor Pide By her family. 7:00 PM Missa em Português. Page 3 Notes From the Pastor’s Desk The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica The story of the cleansing of the Temple is found in all four Gospels. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus is upset with the deceitful practices of the vendors and expels them for that reason. But in John, Jesus' authority is contrasted with the authority of the Temple cult and is a criticism of the cult itself. The story is composed of two parts, Jesus' action in the Temple and Jesus' predictions about the Temple's destruction. The time of year is the sacred feast of Passover. If the many pilgrims to Jerusalem during Passover were to have animals for the sacrificial rituals of the feast, it was necessary to sell cattle in the Temple and to change the unclean Roman money. By denouncing this, Jesus is cutting to the core of the Temple cult. The story is really about Jesus' fate, not the Temple's fate, revealing that Jesus, not the Temple, is the locus of God's presence on earth. As they often do in John, the Jews misunderstand Jesus' words. This gives John the chance to explicitly state his point. Although this is the beginning of his ministry, Jesus is already speaking of his coming death and Resurrection. John intentionally integrates a post-Resurrection perspective into the Gospel narrative. The statement that concludes this passage uses the fact of the Resurrection to prove the point of Jesus' words. Believers need to remember the words and actions of Jesus and claim them as affirmations of the truths of their faith. Christians sometimes point to Jesus' anger in this passage as a way to point out Jesus' humanity. But this would miss the powerful point of the entire Gospel, that the Word became flesh. The point is not that Jesus' anger proves he is human. It is that a human being, in his words and actions, can claim the authority of God. Fr. Matteo Dedicación de la Basílica de san Juan de Letrán La historia de la purificación del Templo se encuentra en los cuatro Evangelios. En Mateo, Marcos y Lucas, Jesús se molesta por las prácticas engañosas de los vendedores y los expulsa por esa razón. Pero en Juan, la autoridad de Jesús contradice con la autoridad del culto del Templo y es una crítica de la propia secta. La historia se compone en dos partes, la acción de Jesús en el Templo y las predicciones sobre la destrucción del Templo. La época del año es la fiesta sagrada de la Pascua. Si los muchos peregrinos en Jerusalén durante la Pascua debían tener animales para los sacrificios rituales de la fiesta, era necesario vender ganado en el Templo y cambiar el dinero impuro Romano. Al denunciar esto, Jesús está cortando el núcleo del culto del Templo. La historia es realmente sobre el destino de Jesús, no del destino del Templo, revelando que Jesús, no el Templo, es el lugar de la presencia de Dios en la tierra. Como sucede con frecuencia en Juan, los judíos no entienden las palabras de Jesús. Esto le da a Juan la oportunidad de aclarar explícitamente su punto. A pesar de que este es el comienzo de su ministerio, Jesús ya está hablando de su muerte y Resurrección. Juan intencionalmente integra una perspectiva de la post-Resurrección en la narrativa del Evangelio. La forma como concluye este pasaje usa el hecho de la Resurrección para probar el punto de las palabras de Jesús. Los creyentes deben recordar las palabras y las acciones de Jesús y clamar a ellas como afirmaciones de las verdades de su fe. Los Cristianos algunas veces señalan la ira de Jesús en este pasaje como una forma de señalar la humanidad de Jesús. Pero esto sería perder el punto del Evangelio completo, de que el Verbo se hizo carne. El punto no es que la ira de Jesús demuestra que él es humano. Es que un ser humano, en sus palabras y acciones, puede reclamar la autoridad de Dios. P. Matteo Festa da Dedicação da Basílica de Latrão A história da purificação do Templo se encontra nos quatro Evangelhos. Em Mateus, Marcos e Lucas, Jesus está brabo com as práticas enganosas dos vendedores e os expulsa por essa razão. Mas em João, a autoridade de Jesus contradiz com a autoridade do culto do Templo, e é uma crítica da própria seita. A história é composta de duas partes, "a ação de Jesus no Templo e as previsões sobre a destruição do Templo. A época do ano é a festa sagrada da Páscoa. Se os muitos peregrinos a Jerusalém durante a Páscoa deviam ter animais para os sacrifícios rituais da festa, era necessário vender o gado no Templo para trocar o dinheiro impuro Romano. Ao denunciar isso, Jesus está cortando o núcleo do culto do Templo. A história é realmente sobre o destino de Jesus, não o destino do templo, revelando que Jesus, não o Templo, é o lugar da presença de Deus na terra. Como acontece com frequência em João, os judeus não entendem as palavras de Jesus. Isso dá a João a oportunidade de aclarar explicitamente seu ponto. Apesar de que este é o início de seu ministério, Jesus já está falando de sua morte e ressurreição. João intencionalmente integra uma perspectiva da pós-Ressurreição no relato do Evangelho. A forma como conclui esta passagem usa o fato da ressurreição para provar o ponto das palavras de Jesus. Os crentes devem recordar as palavras e ações de Jesus e clamar a elas como afirmações das verdades de sua fé. Por vezes, os cristãos apontam a ira de Jesus nesta passagem, como uma forma de destacar a humanidade de Jesus. Mas isto seria perder o ponto do Evangelho completo, de que o Verbo se fez carne. O ponto não é que a ira de Jesus demonstra que ele é humano. É que um ser humano, em suas palavras e ações, pode reivindicar a autoridade de Deus. Pe. Matteo Page 4 Parish News & Events Jesus Is Waiting for You Come spend 30 minutes with Jesus every Friday at 3 pm in the Chapel. Join your fellow parishioners in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Saturday, November 8 and Sunday, November 9 NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Saturday, November 22 and Sunday, November 23 HELP MAKE THANKSGIVING SPECIAL FOR THOSE IN NEED For those of us who will experience the joy of gathering with family and friends to celebrate this holiday, please remember those who are in need. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is asking for your donations to purchase Thanksgiving food for these families in our community. In order to purchase and deliver these baskets, we ask that all donations be made no later than November 18, 2014. Donations can be made in cash or by check made payable to The St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Congratulations Willis Ross 50/50 Winner of $84 for November 1 and 2 NOTICE ALL ST. VINCENT LEADERS OF CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS AND MINISTRIES Fr. Matthew requests all St. Vincent leaders of clubs, organizations and ministries to meet with him on: Monday, November 24 at 7:30 pm In the Community Center Hall. VOCATION CHALICE/CÁLIZ DE VOCACIONES Sat., Nov. 8 and Sun., Nov. 9 4:30 pm Jackie & Bob Fedak 8:00 am Betsy Jordan 11:15 am Noble & June Ramdewar Domingo 9 de Novembre 1:00 pm Lilita Agudelo y familia Healing Mass We are blessed to have Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC., come to South Florida to lead us in a powerful evening of prayer and healing. Fr. Barry is from San Bernardino, California, where he tends Mary’s Table, a ministry for the poor. He also travels the world giving Healing of the Family Tree Workshops and Retreats. He is the former provincial of his order, The congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Fr. Barry has visited our area many times over the past several years doing healing masses and retreats. Those who have come can attest to the joy they have felt in hearing Fr. Barry’s insightful sharing and healing prayer. His Irish charm and humor keeps spirits high. EVENT AT A GLANCE ...Thursday, November 20, 2014 St. Vincent Catholic Church 6350 NW 18th St., Margate, FL 33063 Healing Mass: 7:00 P.M. Phone:(954)972-0434 for more information ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY In the Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. Call 954-213-4690 for help. To donate household goods, call St. Vincent Thrift Shop at 954-942-2242. Page 5 Pancake Breakfast Date: Time: Place: Price: November 16, 2014 9 am until 10:30 am Community Center $6 adults $3 children 4 to 10 FREE for children 3 and under. Come and enjoy pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, juice and coffee after the 8 am Mass or before the 9:30 am and 11 am Masses. Sponsored by the Men’s Guild. ANNUAL FESTIVAL RAFFLE St. Vincent Catholic Church First Prize $1,500 Second Prize $ 500 5 Additional Drawings @ $100 Each Drawing: December 14, 2014 • Noon St. Vincent Gazebo Tickets: $1.00 each • 12 tickets for $10.00 Winner need not be present to win. PLEASE REMEMBER ST. VINCENT IN YOUR BEQUESTS. Please Bring Back My Bottle! If you still have the baby bottle you took during our recent “Baby Bottle Campaign,” please bring it back to the parish office or leave it at the sacristy! Thank You! MEN’S GUILD MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 2014 at 7 pm in De Paul Center All Men Are Welcome! Come Join Us! Support Our Parish! Meet Your Fellow Parishioners! St. Vincent Catholic Church Carnival 441 (SR 7) AND MARGATE BOULEVARD (OLD SWAP SHOP LOCATION) NOVEMBER 26 - DECEMBER 7, 2014 MONDAYS THRU ! SATURDAYS NE O E ! COMME ALL SUNDAYS CO FRIDAYS 5 PM-11 PM F NOON TO MIDNIGHT TH UN FO E NOON TO 11 PM W R F Unlimited Ride Armband at Carnival $20.00 AM HOL ILY E PRE-CARNIVAL DISCOUNT ARMBANDS $15.00 ON SALE NOW UNTIL NOVEMBER 25 At St. Vincent Church Office 954-971-0434 After all CCD Classes and After All Masses Page 6 CCD CORNER WHEN TWILIGHT STARTS TO BEND When the day is over And twilight starts to bend, It's then I sing my praises To my Lord, my God, my Friend. I thank Him for the blessings That He bestows on me each day And for His tender Mercies That keep me from harm's way. How great He is, this God of mine Who showers me with His love And guards me with a watchful eye From His throne in Heaven above. Let me be forever thankful For the countless joys He sends. May I never fail to praise Him When Twilight starts to bend. By Shirley Hide Powell NEW PEWS Thank you to all who have helped our parish by your donations to assume 50% of the costs of a pew. It is humbling to see how generous you all are in your support of the parish. The following is a list of the remaining pews for which you can donate: In the Church 2 1 22 $740.00 $915.00 $1,000.00 In the Chapel 8 $780.00 Again thank you for your generosity. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OCTOBER - MAY 8:30 AM TO NOON IN CHAPEL Rosary Rally Crusade at Our Lady Queen of Heaven 1400 S. State Road 7 North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Saturday, November 29, 2014 Assembly Time: 11:00 am Rosary Prayers: 11:30 am North, Central and South Broward will be praying simultaneously with the whole world through EWTN at 11:30 am. Our Blessed Mother Mary invites all to join Her Rosary Rally Crusade in the Public Square in participation via satellite with Mother Angelica and the nuns of Our Lady of Angels Monastery. We will pray. WORD OF LIFE “To defend and promote life, to show reverence and love for it, is a task which God entrusts to every man…” — Pope John Paul II, Evangelium vitae, 42 Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica For all those grieving from the loss of a child: that they may find in our loving God strength, refuge and help in this time of distress. We pray to the Lord. CONFERENCE CENTER and RETREAT HOUSE Retreats, conferences and business meetings, family reunions or time for vacation. PROVIDE: Comfortable and newest guest rooms with private bath. Meeting facilities for up to 120 people, including TV & audio equipment, and Wi-Fi Internet service, dining room, chapel, inside gardens and a lake adjacent to our home, outdoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi. For more information or to book your next event, please call at 561-921-4900, we will gladly assist you. 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Building # C Delray Beach, FL 33446 / Weekly Collection Report - November 1 and 2 Total of all Collections: $19,032.22 Page 7 PRAYER LIST Rosario Abate, Carlos Agudelo, Myra Alea, Arthur Ambrosin, Barry Andes, Lee Arnold, Olivia Arnold, Brooke Barberio, Debbie Barberio, Kathie Barnard, David Bedoya, Marion Bell, Cathy Berman, Corinne Betkowski, Leon Bourgeois, Barbara Branigan, Elda Brown, Marty Brown, Miriam Brown, Mary Bruno, Ruthe Bruno, Linda Burdewick, Mary Caggiano, Veronica Camillucci, Bettye Caruso, Mary Cassidy, Mary Castro, Steven Charron, Dolores Chery, Anthony Christina, Judy Christopher, Carl Clemencich, Patricia Clemencich, Jennie Clementino, Luis Humberto Colon, Ney Colon, Ralph Colon, Mary Colombo, Margaret Colvin Patrick Condon, Arlene Connolly, Jerry Corbin, Kate Costello, Nancy Crocker, Rick Crocker, Ofelia D’Elez, Claude Delsoin, Annette DeMennato, Manny Dossantos, Amy Dottlow, Patrick Dunne, John Eskridge, Rosemary Eskridge, Bob Fedak, Jackie Fedak, Rosemary Ferina, Rudolph FitzGerald, Stephen Friedman, Josie Gallucci, Brad Gammon, Lisa Garavuso, Ralph Garrett, Shari Glynn, Hope Griffin, Karen Griffin, Marcos Antonio Guzman, Toni Harland, Paul Healey, Diane Hebisen, Louise Hodges, Braydon Hudak, Frank Hurley, Marie Hurley, Lois Hyzy, Marie Ischia, Ashley Kilgore, Malachi Kilgore, Elizabeth Kott, Bernice Kosiolek, Coralee Kuzma, Joan Lancaster, Michiala Larsen, Jourdan Lassiter, Luis Carlos Lima, Lorraine London, Cerbellon Marrero, Jose Marrero, Joann McGee, Barbara Medieros, Ruth Messana, Anthony Mitru, Adell Moore, Jane Moran, Joseph Mullaly, Dale Newell, Dorothy Noga, Marlene Novochadlo, Annette Ocasio, Ronnie Paar, Luis Omar Peña, Jenny Patino, Christie Penniello, Sergio Perez, Anne Phenix, QL Piccirilli, Janice Pollack, Etta Pursche, George Pursche, Stephanie Rocourt, Toni Romeo, John Rubertone, Nick Rubertone, Marguerite Rubie, Theresa B. Sadowski, Rachel Salter, Carol Samela, Leobardo Sanchez, Tony Sant’Elia, Grace Schinelli, John Schinelli, Lisa Schinelli, Vanessa Schinelli, Mary Schmidt, Geraldine Schweitzer, Mary Schweitzer, Ricky Shore, Mario Signorelli, Mary Signorelli, Marion Simmons, Mark Solazzo, Ronald Spacek, Marica Speziale, Vito Speziale, Alice Spinnato, Darrell Squeeze, Leola Stevens, Scott Stone, Judy Strong, Roy Strong, Jeffrey Szur, Gregory Tartamella, Evelyn Toner, Trina Vaugh, Louis Vernoia, Maria das Dores Vieira Mimi Visconti, Paula Vroman, Florence Wagner, Scott Wallace, Jayne Womack The names of those who have been on our prayer list for six months or longer are removed, other than those we know are suffering from long term illnesses. If we have inadvertently removed the name of someone who has not recovered, please call the office at 954-9720434 and we will place their name on the prayer list. Thank you! PRAY FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF ALL OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL Lord Jesus, Savior of the world and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters in the service of their country. Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger; strengthen them when they face hardships. Above all Lord, grant that when their service is finished they may return to us, sound in mind, body and soul. Amen. LCpl Randal Adams PFC Russell Adams, Jr. S1stC Rachel Anderson USN Adam Alonge USA AMN Darek Baczewski USA William Balcazar USA Anthony Barcellona, USMC Stf. Sgt. Jay Berman USAF Capt. Jessica L. Bishop USAF GSgt. John R. Brown USMC Chad Bryant USN Matthew Buceri USMC William Callahan USN PFC Peter Caravello USMC Pvt. Charles Clementino USA Mark Clementino USA Cpl V. J. Como USMC Bradley T. Curtis II USN Damian Dobbs USMC Jason Dobbs USMC Christopher Dodd USMC Michael Dore Sgt. Clifton A. East Maj. Sean P. Farley USA Brian Garzon USA Paul C. Garzon George Gehrke USA Carlo Gonzalez USMC Steven Grudzinski Taylor Harter USA Seaman 2 Erik Hettinger USN LCpl John D. John USN Major Cayton Johnson USA Major Robin Johnson USA LCpl Ryan Johnston USMC LCpl Jeffrey Kernen USMC Curtis King USMC Matthew Latocha USN Sgt. Eric Lawton USA Michael Lisi USAF David Anthony Long John Paul Lubrani USN Michael Magnotta, USAF Scarlet Martinez Christopher McClain USMC Ryan McClain USN T. J. McGovern USMC R. J. McGraw USMC 2nd Lt. Chris Mendoza USAF Alexander Moscovich USMC HA Casey B. Mulloy USN Spc. Jeremy R. Mulloy USA Danny Murales Bryan P. Novy USN Capt. Ryan Pace USA Ivette Marie Pavez USMC PMI. John T. Peetling USS Sgt. Nelson Perdomo USA Lt. Daniel Reilly USCG Rodrigo Rivadeneira USA Fabio Sanchez, Jr. USN Pfc. Jorge Salinas, USMC Mark F. Satira USA Spec. Barbara Schweitzer USA Capt. Charles Shinkle, USA Priv. Eduardo Tejada USA Jeremy Varsallone USA Guillermo Velandia USA Luis M. Vila USAR PFC Joshua Villette USMC LCpl Jason A. Wargin USMC 1st Lt. Patrick Wiley Sgt. Brandon J. Wright And all our Church military not listed here. Please let us know the names of those who are no longer members of the military. Are you suffering from the pain of a past abortion experience? God’s greatest desire is to forgive! For confidential help, contact Project Rachel Ministry 954-981-2984 or 888-456-4673 Individual counseling or retreat weekend available. Come back to Love and Mercy! YOUR PENNIES PROVIDE A SOURCE OF INCOME FOR THE RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY. PLEASE PLACE THEM IN THE COLLECTION BASKET. THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Page 8 SCHEDULED MEETINGS ARTS & CRAFTS GROUP Irene Phenix 954-973-6951 Tuesdays 9 AM-11 AM Comm. Ctr, Rm #4 BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS First Sunday of every month begins at 12:30 pm Fred Schweitzer 954-790-9604 CCD Mrs. Marie Hurley September thru May Wed. 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm Grades 3-8 Sat. 9:00 am - 10:15 am Grades 1-2 954-978-6124 Comm. Ctr. Comm. Ctr. CHOIR AND CONTEMPORARY MUSIC PRACTICE Patricia Maher Every Thursday Music Practice begins at 6:00 PM Choir Practice begins at 7:30 PM 954-261-8684 Church CONTINUING ADULT EDUCATION Pam Asselin Tuesday 7:30 PM (Oct. 14-Nov. 18) Wednesday 10:30 AM (Oct. 15-Nov. 19) Church Church COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) Rose Scarpulla (954)957-8829 September thru May 3rd Tuesday at 7 PM Next Meeting November 18 De Paul Center CHURCH GIFT SHOP Eileen Ferrigno (954)979-5179 Yvonne Gorman (954)993-5269 Clara Villanueva (Español) (954)695-9965 Christiane Silva (Português) (954)839-7342 Before & after Sunday Masses and by appointment. G.K. Don Hefta Bob Fedak 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7 PM Next Meeting November 11 Marie Victorin Saturday after 7:55 am Mass NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY Tuesday at 8 PM Mass Saturday at 5:30 PM 954-971-2224 De Paul Center 561-716-1416 Comm. Ctr, Rm #4 Comm. Ctr, Rm #6 Chapel RCIA Fred Schweitzer September thru May Call for Dates 954-790-9604 Comm. Ctr, Rm #7 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Diane Hebisen 2nd & 4th Monday 7 PM Next Meeting November 10 ST. VINCENT MEN’S GUILD The sacraments are not denied to anyone, but certain conditions must be met: 1. Attend a preparation class; 2. Be a Baptized Catholic; 3. Be living according to the rules of the Catholic Church. Parents must be active members of the parish with regular participation for at least 6 months. If the sponsors belong to another parish or community, they must submit letters of recommendation signed by their pastor stating that they are active members in good standing of their parish. Registration for Baptism: Registration and guidance is available by appointment with one of the parish priests in the Church office between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm two months in advance of administering the sacrament of Baptism. A copy of the birth certificate is required at the time of registration. The preparation class for parents and godparents is the first Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm. Baptisms are held the last Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm. Important: Registration must be completed in the church office with one of the priests. MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of the Parish, using envelopes. Call for appointment. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the office if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital, nursing home or assisted living, and wishes to be visited. ANOINTING KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LEGION OF MARY BAPTISM 954-213-4690 De Paul Center Don Boisselle 305-586-0547 August thru June 1st & 3rd Monday 7 PM Next Meeting November 17 De Paul Center OF THE SICK Persons entering the hospital or hospice are encouraged to be anointed ahead of time. To make an appointment, call the office or see Father after daily Mass. NORTH BROWARD RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY 5115 Coconut Creek Pkwy, Margate, FL 33063 954-977-7769 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 954 954--973 973--0454 CCD Grades 1-2 Saturday 9:00 am - 10:15 am Grades 3-8 Wednesday 6:15 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation for adults is for those interested in becoming Catholic. Classes will be held Wednesdays from 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM Room 7 in the Community Center. For more information, please call Fred Schweitzer 954-790-9604. Page 9 ORGANIZAÇÃO LITÚRGICA E ATIVIDADES ADORAÇÃO AO SANTÍSSIMO SACRAMENTO Quinta-feira às 8pm na Capela 9 DE NOVEMBRO DEDICAÇÃO DA BASÍLICA DE LATRÃO ACÓLITOS Melanie Procópio (954) 857-3182 Bryan Dias (561) 584-0903 BATISMO A preparação para pais e padrinhos na 2ª sexta-feira de cada mês, às 7:30pm; batismos no 1º e 4º sábado do mês durante a Missa das 7:30pm. Chegar com 15 minutos de antecedência. Coordenadores Alex e Waneska Adame Informações (954) 972-04-34 segunda à sexta-feira de 2pm às 9pm CARCERÁRIA: Elizane Ribeiro (954) 821-6940 Wadson Abreu (954) 708-5626 CATEQUESE DE EUCARISTIA (Sábado às 5pm) Juliana Bendetti (954) 826-7752 CATEQUESE DE CRISMA Helcio Campos (561) 674-5113 Rosangela Campos (561) 674-5113 C.E.S Centro Educacional Scalabrini: Luzeth de Oliveira Doralice Rabelo (954) 871-9434 CORAL PINGO DE LUZ Fátima Silveira (754) 367-1391 DÍZIMO Marcela Lima Regina Oliveira (754) 214-1913 (561) 674-2268 EVANGELIZAÇÃO Luzeth de Oliveira (954) 871-9434 FAMILIAR Anselmo e Marilene Carvalho (954) 309-3702 JOVENS (JOBUC) (Jovens entre 18 e 25 anos) Jessica Abrão (754) 235-9992 Marcela Mazei (954) 865-5498 LITURGIA Sirlene Oliveira (954) 232-0916 Luciene Marcelino (203) 526-7715 MINISTROS EXTRAORDINÁRIOS DA SAGRADA COMUNHÃO Marcio Santana (561) 502-5999 MÚSICA Fátima Silveira Ronald de Oliveira Silva (754) 367-1391 (954) 793-7346 PASCOM Sirlene Oliveira (954) 232-0916 PASTORAL DA ARTE Fátima Silveira (754) 367-1391 PAÍS (Projeto de Assistência ao Imigrante Scalabrini) )754) 235-5713 RENOVAÇÃO CARISMÁTICA CATÓLICA José Elias (Zeli) Rocha da Silva (954) 226-4752 TERÇO Laura Ramos Cina DaSilva (561) 305-6409 (954) 825-1456 A Basílica de São João do Latrão (em italiano: San Giovanni in Laterano), localizada na Praça Giovanni Paolo II em Roma, é a Catedral do Bispo de Roma: o Papa. Seu nome oficial é A r c hi ba s il i c a Sanc t i ss im i S al v a to r i s (Arquibasílica do Santíssimo Salvador) e é considerada a “mãe” de todas as igrejas do mundo. A Igreja católica decidiu dedicar-lhe todos os anos o dia santo de 9 de Novembro, como forma de celebrar a unidade e o respeito para com a Sé Romana. Como catedral da Diocese de Roma, contém o trono papal (Cathedra Romana), o que a coloca acima de todas as igrejas do mundo, inclusive da Basílica de São Pedro. Tem o título honorífico de Omnium Urbis et Orbis Ecclesiarum Mater et Caput (Mãe e Cabeça de todas as Igrejas de Roma e do Mundo). É uma das quatro basílicas patriarcais de Roma. As três outras, também caracterizadas com uma Porta Santa e um Altar Papal, são: 1. 1. Basílica Vaticana, que manifesta a igreja apostólica fundada sobre o apóstolo Pedro; 2. 2. Basílica Ostiense, que manifesta a igreja católica fundada sobre a missão de Paulo; 3. 3. Basílica Liberiana, ou Mariana que manifesta a igreja santa gerada com Cristo de Maria. Vinte e um papas da Igreja Católica estão sepultados na Basílica de São João de Latrão. Page 10 REUNIÃO DE LÍDERES Convidamos os líderes de todas as pastorais e ministérios para uma reunião, na segunda-feira, 24 de novembro, às 7:30pm, no salão do Centro Comunitário. PARQUE DE DIVERSÕES 26 DE NOVEMBRO ATÉ 7 DE DEZEMBRO SEGUNDA À SEXTA-FEIRA 05PM - 11PM SÁBADOS 12PM - 12AM DOMINGOS 12PM - 11PM PRÉ-VENDA ESPECIAL DE INGRESSOS $15.00, DE 9AM ÀS 8PM, NO ESCRITÓRIO DA IGREJA, ATÉ DIA 25 DE NOVEMBRO INGRESSOS COMPRADOS NO PARQUE $20.00 NOITE DE ORAÇÃO E CURA COM O PADRE MICHAEL BARRY Pe. Barry é de San Bernardino, Califórnia. Ele viaja pelo mundo pregando Retiros sobre a Cura das gerações. Também é o ex-provincial de sua ordem, a Congregação dos Sagrados Corações de Jesus e Maria. Pe. Barry já visitou nossa paróquia muitas vezes ao longo dos últimos anos, celebrando missas de cura e retiros. DIA Quinta-feira, 20 de novembro, 2014 HORÁRIO 7pm LOCAL Igreja St. Vincent Page 11 GRANDE FESTA EM HONRA A NOSSA SENHORA DE GUADALUPE PADROEIRA DA AMÉRICA LATINA A Comunidade Hispana de nossa Paróquia, convida todos os paroquianos para a grande festa em louvor a Padroeira da América Latina, Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe. DOMINGO, 14 DE DEZEMBRO, 2014 1PM Logo após a Missa, teremos uma grande confraternização no Centro Comunitário. Precisamos de doações de refrigerantes, água, salgadinhos ou/e dinheiro. Favor entregar sua doação no escritório, entre 9am e 9pm, de segunda à sexta-feira. POR FAVOR, DEVOLVA MINHA MAMADEIRA ! Se você ainda não devolveu a mamadeira que você apanhou durante a recente campanha, por favor, entregue no escritório da igreja ou deixe na sacristia! Obrigado. RELATÓRIO DO DÍZIMO 01 de novembro 7:30pm $2,275.00 02 de novembro 9:30am $1,785.00 02 de novembro 7:00pm $1,150.00 TOTAL___________________________________ $5,210.00 CURSO DE PREPARAÇÃO PARA EXAME DE CIDADANIA TODO 2º E 4º DOMINGO DO MÊS HORÁRIO: 6pm LOCAL: Lott English Academy 3773 North Federal Highway, Suite 210 Pompano Beach, FL 33064 PREÇO: GRÁTISSS!!! INFORMAÇÕES: 754-235-5713 ____________________________________ ADVOGADA DE IMIGRAÇÃO TODA 2ª TERÇA-FEIRA DO MÊS Assistência sobre assuntos de imigração com a advogada Inna Shapovalov LOCAL: Centro Comunitário HORÁRIO: 4pm - 7pm PARA MARCAR HORÁRIO LIGUE COM ANTECEDÊNCIA PARA: 754-235-5713 SACRAMENTOS Os Sacramentos não são recusados a ninguém, apenas algumas condições deverão ser preenchidas: 1. Preparação. 2. Ser Católico Batizado. 3. Ter vida em conformidade com as normas da Igreja Católica. PARA O SACRAMENTO DO BATISMO Os pais devem ser membros da comunidade por assídua participação (católicos praticantes com no mínimo de seis meses de participação na comunidade). Sendo os padrinhos de outra paróquia, deverão apresentar cartas de aprovação e recomendação do seu último pároco. IMPORTANTE: A ficha deve ser preenchida somente por um dos padres com dois meses de antecedência antes da data do curso. Necessário cópia da certidão de nascimento da criança. Page 12 GRUPO DE JÓVENES MINISTERIOS / REUNIONES VOCERO DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO EN LA MISA de la Parroquia San Vicente Todos los Viernes a las 7 pm Edad: de 16 a 19 años Inscripciones abiertas después de la Misa o en la oficina o llamar a Eyessky Sanabria 954-554-6879 Guillermo Izaguierre 954-601-6529 Juaquin Diaz 954-638-0098 AVISO IMPORTANTE Los sacramentos no se les niega a ninguna persona, pero algunas condiciones deben cumplirse: 1. Preparación; 2. Ser Católico Bautizado; 3. Tener la vida de acuerdo con las reglas de la Iglesia Católica. Los padres deben ser miembros de la comunidad por participación regular (Católicos practicantes con al menos seis meses de participación en la comunidad). Si los padrinos pertenecen a otra parroquia o comunidad, deben presentar cartas de recomendación y aprobación de su último párroco. Registración para Bautismo: Para llenar la registración y recibir orientación, por favor llamar a la oficina para poner una cita con uno de los sacerdotes. Preparación para el Bautismo: El primer miércoles del mes a las 7:30pm, en DePaul Center. Celebración del Bautismo: Último domingo del mes, durante la misa. Nota importante: La registración debe ser llenada por uno de los sacerdotes, por lo menos con dos meses de anticipación. MISA EN ESPAÑOL EL PRIMER VIERNES DE CADA MES A LAS 7:30 PM EN LA CAPILLA Coro / Musica Carlos Agudelo T. (954)865-7632 Guillermo Izaguirre T. (954)601-6529 Lectores Felipe Gimenez T. (754)245-0694 Ministros Extraordinarios Comunión Sara Montero T. (954)292-7698 Acolitos y Monaguillos Julio e Irene Rodriguez T. (954)934-4337 MINISTERIOS DE SERVICIO Y FORMACION Visita a las Carceles. Ultimo miércoles de cada mes Lisett Llovera T. (954)773-4185 Visita a los Enfermos. Ney Colon T. (954)984-0617 Bautizos. Anely Lambertt T. (954)830-3479 Crecimiento Matrimonial. Ayudan a la vida matrimonial poniendo a Jesús en el centro de Matrimonio. Jueves 8.00pm. Gerardo y Miguelina Peñalosa T. (954)226-6449 Emaús. Preparan retiros de conversión y ayudan en varios servicios de la parroquia Emaús Hombres: Cada Martes a las 7:30 pm Cesar Arena T. (754)368-9925 Emaús Mujeres: Cada Viernes a las 6:30 pm Gilbre Rincon T. (954)461-1905 Desayuno, Tercer Sábado 8 am. Grupo de Oración Se vive una experiencia de fe y oración en comunidad. Miercoles 7:00 pm en la capilla. Lilita Agudelo T. (954)601-6495 Jóvenes Acrecientan el amor de Dios a los jóvenes de nuestra Parroquia vista desde su perspectiva. Eyessky Sanabria T. (954)554-6879 PAIS - Proyecto Asistencia Inmigrante Scalabrini Realizan diferentes actividades en favor de todos los inmigrantes en este país. Legión de María Promueven en el hogar la devoción a nuestra Virgen María. Jueves 7.00 pm. Jose Vasquez T. (954)798-4693 Sacristana Carmen Guzman T. (954)648-6524 Page 13 REUNIÓN CON TODOS LOS LÍDERES DE LOS MINISTERIOS La Comunidad Hispana de nuestra Parroquia de St. Vincent, invita a todos los feligreses para la gran fiesta en honor a la Patrona de America Latina, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Domingo, 14 de diciembre 2014, de 1pm a 5pm. Necesitamos donaciones de Agua, Soda, Bocadillos o Dinero. Por favor deje su donación en la oficina de la Iglesia de lunes a viernes, de 9am a 9pm. CASA DE RETIRO Y CENTRO DE CONFERENCIAS Proveemos: Retiros privados o de grupo, conferencias y reuniones de negocios, reuniones familiares, o para descansar y disfrutar de sus vacaciones. Habitaciones cómodas, con baño privado salón de conferencias, con capacidad hasta para 120 personas, cuenta con equipo de TV & audio y servicio de internet Wi-Fi, comedor, capilla, jardines y lago. pisina y jacuzzi. Para más información o para reservar su próximo evento, por favor llamar al 561921-4900, con gusto le atenderemos! 9600 West Atlantic Avenue, Building # C Delray Beach, FL 33446 / PALABRA DE VIDA “Defender y promover, respetar y amar la vida es una tarea que Dios confía a cada hombre…” Papa Juan Pablo II, vangelium vitae, 42 Fiesta de la Dedicación de la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán en Roma. Por quienes lloran la pérdida de un hijo: para que encuentren en nuestro Dios amoroso fortaleza, refugio y ayuda en este tiempo de angustia; Roguemos al Señor. Invitamos a todos los líderes de los ministerios para una reunión: el lunes, 24 de noviembre, a las 7:30pm, en el Centro Comunitario. POR FAVOR, TRAIGA DE VUELTA MI BIBERÓN Si usted todavía tiene el biberón que tomó durante nuestra reciente campaña, por favor tráigalo de vuelta a la oficina de la iglesia o déjelo en la sacristía! Gracias Pastoral Carcelaria La Pastoral Carcelaria está solicitando donaciones de Biblias católicas en español para el Centro de Detención de Krome, en Miami. El pergamino no puede ser duro. Las Biblias se pueden entregar en la oficina de la iglesia. Para más información por favor llamar a Lisett Llovera 954-733-4185. Los Bancos Nuevos Gracias a todos los que han cooperado con nuestra Iglesia con sus donaciones del 50% del costo de un banco. Es un agrado ver lo generoso que han sido con su apoyo a nuestra parroquia. A continuación puede ver la lista de los bancos que aun están disponibles para donación. En la Iglesia 2 1 23 $740.00 $915.00 $1,000.00 En la Capilla 8 $780.00 Una vez más gracias por su generosidad. A smile happens in a flash, ...but its memory can last a lifetime. Gabriel R. Duailibi A D U LT S • S E N I O R S • C H I L D R E N General Agent No Appointment Needed • Emergencies & Walk-Ins Welcome! HOLIDAY SPECIAL Se Habla Español • Oral Exam (D0150) Dental Insurance, HMO’s • Full Mouth and PPO’s accepted! X-rays (D0272) Flexible payment plans offered! REG. $150 • Cleaning (D1110)* Humana Gold Plus Plan, 75 $ CarePlus, Solstice Low down payment International Driver’s License Inexperienced Driver or Bad Record? No Problem 2550 N. Federal Highway • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33305 New Non-Insured Patients Only. With Ad. *Unless gum disease is present. 1509 N. State Road 7, Suite H Margate, FL 33063 954-974-8550 KRAEER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION CENTER Serving the Catholic Community Since 1952 1 North State Road 7, Margate (954) 972-7340 Call Us Today About Advance Funeral Planning • Se Habla Español “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePleaseNextCutTimeOutYouThisPatronize One of Our Advertisers The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-432-3240 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY for information on what you can do write: Morality in Media, Inc. 475 Riverside Dr., New York, N.Y. 10027 (212) 870-3222 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 514009 St Vincent Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” MIKE’S AUTO REPAIR ✂ and Present It The Next Time You Complete Auto Repair • Foreign & Domestic Patronize One of Our Advertisers SPECIALIZING IN ELECTRICAL SVC. AND AIR CONDITIONING 1931-33 Mears Pkwy. Margate 973-9589 A Iris de seus Olhos revelan a sua Saude 5440 N. State Rd. 7 • Ft. Lauderdale Daily Early Bird Special Problemas digestivos, circulatorios, depressão, dor da prostata, descontrol hormonal, menopausa. Iridiologo e Especialista en Medicina Natural Daniel Giani (754) 422-5047 / (561) 451-2631 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 10% Discount Not To Be Used With Any Other Offer Or Discount And Max Value Up To $25.00 Discount Ph. 484-0400 St. Vincent KRAEER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION CENTER Serving the Catholic Community Since 1952 1 North State Road 7 Margate (954) 246-5252 / 2249 WEST HILLSBORO BLVD. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal (954) 972-7340 Call Us Today About Advance Funeral Planning Se Habla Español An ideal companion for personal prayer. Se Habla Español In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Complete Traditional Catholic Funeral and Cremation Services The Only Family Owned Funeral Home in Margate “Caring For Families And Their Financial Concerns” 2950 N. State Road 7, Margate, FL 33063 Attorney Donald Buikus 1402 N. State Rd. 7 Margate 974-2704 800-566-6150 • REASONABLE FEES (Across the street from Northwest Medical Center) 954.977.5244 Wills/Probate/Bankruptcy William “Bill” Savino Owner and Licensed Catholic Funeral Director Personal injury/Auto Accidents Title Insurance/Real Estate Closings FREE Phone Consultation Air Around the Clock AIR CONDITIONING & APPLIANCE SERVICE Following Jesus Every Day: SALES — SERVICE — INSTALLATIONS GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! • 10% 11840 NW 41st Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 Off Repairs (with Ad) • Broward (954) 742-5544 Boca (561) 395-7799 800-566-6150 • 514009 St Vincent Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Ed’s Auto Repair, Inc. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Brakes • Tune-Ups • General Repairs All Work Guaranteed PUSH TALK ........... Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. 24/7 HELP Support Your Church & Bulletin. ........... Free professional ad design & my help! 954-971-9210 2936 N. State Road 7 • Margate 24 Hr Emergency Towing 954-972-0855 / J&J Towing $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH email: ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Call Ronna Simons 800.432.3240 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, 860.399.1785 Brian or Sally, coordinators EASY WAY AUTO REPAIR Your ad “Complete Auto Repair Center” • A/C Repair & Service • Brakes $19.95 • Tune-ups Oil Change • Electrical 954-688-3629 Jorge Perez Parishioner an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA could be in this space! Filter / Up to 5qts With Ad Hablamos Español & Portuguese Our Lady Queen of Heaven (954) 972-1234 1500 South State Road 7 North Lauderdale • FL 33068 LOOKING FOR THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD? Visit our website at: 514009 St Vincent Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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