SOUTH WESTERN SYDNEY LOCAL HEALTH DISTRICT November 2014 Creating better partnerships The seventh annual SWSLHD Consumer and Community Conference was held last month at Campbelltown Catholic Club. The theme was Consumer Participation; Creating Better Partnerships for the Community. Around 110 consumers, carers, community members, staff and stakeholders attended the conference which covered topics including consumer engagement principles, benefits and the place of consumers in organisations, health literacy, health rights, approaches to participation and the role of consumers on committees. Board Chairman, Professor Harris paid tribute to the commitment of the community and consumer representatives both at the Consumer and Community Council (CCC) and the local facility networks. Community representatives from across the District attended the seventh Consumer and Community Conference. BIRU staff applauded Social Workers at the Liverpool Brain Injury Rehabilitation have been awarded a 2014 NSW Carers Award for their carer support groups. Lyly Chenh was commended for her work with a Chinese speaking carers group, and Lyly and Helen Huynh for a Vietnamese carers group. Mary Cuy, Robina Moubarak and Tina Khandu were also awarded for their work on Brainiacs, educational and support workshops for children and young carers. Lyly and Robina accepted their awards at a ceremony at NSW Parliament House last month. Robina acknowledged the significant support of both Elizabeth Atkin (Carers’ Program Coordinator) and Jan Heslep (Carer Support Project Officer). Social Workers at the Liverpool Hospital Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit received recognition for their carer support groups. To submit a news story for publication in SWSLHD District News contact the Media Unit on 9828 6848 or email November 2014 Message from the Chair Prof. Phil Harris, Chair I was saddened to learn of the passing of former Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam AC QC. Gough was committed to the people of south western Sydney and the Whitlam Government committed funds to the development of Liverpool and Campbelltown Hospitals. He was also a long-time supporter of Fairfield Hospital and patron of the Hospital’s Whitlam Joint Replacement Centre. Gough attended the official opening of the WJRC Education Centre in 2009 with his late wife Margaret Whitlam AO. His patronage helped make the WJRC and Fairfield a centre of excellence for patients undergoing joint replacement and he will be greatly missed. Last month saw the much anticipated showing of the ABC TV documentary series Changing Minds. The series, filmed at Liverpool Hospital Mental Health Service, followed the journeys of patients and their families, the care and treatment provided and their road to recovery. Over 1 million Australians saw the series and the feedback from the public via Twitter and through the media has been fantastic. Editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald said the program was “surely one of the most important programs in Australian Television history”. I would like to thank the staff who took part in the series. I would particularly like to thank the patients and their carers for generously sharing their experiences to help reduce the stigma and misunderstanding of mental illness. Finally, an Education and Training Plan for the District has been commissioned by the Board’s Research and Teaching Subcommittee. The Plan will inform education and training programs for the future. I would like to encourage staff to provide input into the plan through an online survey available on the SWSLHD intranet. Games aid rehabilitation 170 patients from Bankstown-Lidcombe and Liverpool Hospitals are taking part in the world’s biggest trial looking at whether computer games, iPad apps and interactive games such as the Wii can help people recover from falls, strokes and brain injuries. The study uses commercially available games or equipment, specially designed devices such as stepping tiles developed at The University of Technology and home exercise iPad apps developed by The George Institute and Flinders University. The devices enable feedback about performance of simple Hospital physiotherapists are trialling video games as part of exercises, such as standing up and stepping, either by the Bankstown rehabilitation exercises for people recovering from strokes and falls. control of figures in a game by a person’s movement, or by were part of most households. simple feedbacl on a screen such as how much weight is on ”The research will aim to identify what types of modern a person’s left leg while standing. technology can contribute to rehabilitation techniques Study leader Professor Cathie Sherrington from The George that have been established over decades, “ she said. Institute said smartphones, tablets and computer games Clinical Directors appointed Congratulations to the following clinicians who were recently appointed District Clinical Directors: • Associate Professor Friedbert Kohler - Aged Care and Rehabilitation • Professor Geoff Delaney - Cancer • Associate Professor Rohan Rajaratnam - Cardiovascular • Dr Alan McDougall - Complex Care and Internal Medicine 2 | South Western Sydney Local Health District • Associate Professor Richard Cracknell - Critical Care • Professor Les Bokey - Gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Liver, Urology and Head and Neck • Dr Paul Chay - Paediatrics and Neonatology • Dr Peter Lin - Medical Imaging • Professor Ian Harris - Surgical Specialties • Associate Professor Gamal Matthias - Women’s Health. November 2014 Velma’s pets a hit at Garden springs to life Camden Hospital Velma from Velma’s Pets as Therapy and her dog Coco kept patients from the Rehabilitation Unit company. Dr Simon Grant, Marilyn Cady and former Matron Nancy Reynolds. Mudgee brought a smile to the faces of patients at Camden Hospital. Golden retriever Poppy visited patients in the Rehabilitation Unit. 3 | South Western Sydney Local Health District Bowral & District Hospital staff have a peaceful place to unwind following the unveiling of the new Quasquicentennial Garden as part of the Hospital’s 125 year anniversary. The garden was given a makeover by a team of dedicated staff volunteers led by Bowral & District General Physician, Dr Simon Grant. Bowral & District Hospital General Manager Alison Derrett said the garden embraced the Hospital’s history, featuring stones from the original Hospital’s gates. “The gardens had always been an important part of the Hospital’s identity,” Ms Derrett said. “For years a vegetable garden existed and the wardsman was responsible for milking the Hospital cow. Trees provided fresh fruit and the Hospital’s chickens with fresh eggs. “I’d like to congratulate staff who volunteered many hours of their time to create this beautiful space,” she said. Waratah Day fundraiser Campbelltown Hospital’s foyer was filled with bright red and white waratahs last month to raise funds to support local mental health services as part of the second annual Waratah Day. 4,000 waratahs were sold across six locations including the Hospital, raising more than $12,000 on the day. November 2014 New plan An Education and Training Plan for the District has been commissioned by the Research and Teaching Subcommittee of the District Board. The Plan will inform education and training programs for the future. Work has begun to map the education and training environment in SWSLHD, including investigating infrastructure, courses available and identifying any areas for improvement. Staff are invited to provide input into the plan through an online survey available on the SWSLHD intranet. Staff without access to a computer can also complete a hard copy of the survey. These will be made available through the General Managers’ unit in each facility and through the Centre for Education and Workforce Development . Community members are also invited to have their input through their local Community Participation Network. For further information, contact Director of Nursing and Midwifery Ms Kung Lim, kung.lim@sswahs.nsw. HUB awarded Kids week fun! Liverpool Hospital Paediatric Unit staff transformed into story-book characters as part of Children’s Week festivities held this week. Other activities included cooking classes and a multicultural costume parade. Visit the Hospital’s facebook page for more photos. Anne named carer of the year A huge congratulations to Bankstown Hospital Injury Management Coordinator Anne Funke, who was awarded 2014 NSW Carer of the Year. Ms Funke picked up the award as part of National Carers Week, as recognition for caring for her 18-year-old son Mitchell who has Angelman Syndrome. She is also head of the NSW branch of the Angelman Syndrome Association, a parents’ network which offers support and education to families and the public. New Public Health Unit Quick news The HUB Community Health Centre at Miller was recognised for the great work they do with local Pacific Communities, at the SWSRAC Pacific Awards 2014. HUB Health Promotion Officer Andrew Reid, who accepted the award said the HUB works closely with a number of community partners to support and empower people from Pacific communities, living in Liverpool. “Through a number of events we have aimed to encourage Pacific communities to participate in local activities and make better choices about their health, lifestyle and wellbeing,” he said. The District has a dedicated Public Health Unit (PHU) in Liverpool, led by Director, Dr Stephen Conaty. Ph: 8778 0855 Fax: 8778 0838 Address: Level 2, 157-161 George St, Liverpool or PO Box 38, Liverpool NSW 1871. After hours – Liverpool Hospital switchboard and ask for the Public Health Officer on call. Congratulations to Bankstown Hospital’s Anne Funke who was awarded NSW Carer of the Year. Free diabetes seminar Ingham awards night To mark World Diabetes Day, a free diabetes information seminar will be held at Revesby Workers Club on 14 November from 9.30am to 1pm. Participants can learn about how to manage their diabetes through healthy eating, exercise and glucose monitoring. Details: 9722 8365. The Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research will host its 2nd Annual Awards Dinner event this month. Tickets are $95 each or $850 for a table of 10. Tickets are available by calling Tracey Roberts, Community Relationship Manager on 8738 9000 or emailing events@inghaminstitute. 4 | South Western Sydney Local Health District Printed on 100% recycled paper
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