Message from the Director My Dear Friends, INK MOMMAS Inc. 1857 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Office: (516) 781-8637 Residences In: Hempstead Glen Cove Jericho E. Massapequa Board of Directors Hilary Becker, CPM Joseph Bottner, MD Patricia Fitzgerald Joan Durso Serra Carol LaRocque Mary McCaffery Rhonda Nelson Patricia Pryor-Bonica Phil Savarese Executive Director Patricia Shea Associate Director Deirdre Shea When we were entrusted with the care of the moms and babies at MOMMAS House, I believe we were to do so with joy, patience and love. I am not being naïve but I find it a great deal more rewarding to view our mission using those attributes. In some instances this is a very hard job; so “tough” love is required. Many of our families have never lived in an environment that was structured and they had no expectations of a different life. With MOMMAS House’s help they have learned to care for themselves and their children throughout pregnancy, giving birth and parenting. They set their sights on attaining educational/training goals and they anticipate that they can live independently. As a result, 30% of our moms are attending college and/or post-secondary education and 50% of our moms are working part or full-time. Upon their arrival at MOMMAS House, many had no job experience, so this is a new concept for them. They have not had a permanent home address and their lives were so filled with uncertainty and chaos, that to maintain employment, or even school attendance, was very difficult. There are three moms who are college students but had no place to live. One was living in a car, parked in a driveway, and going to college during the day. It seems hard to believe, but circumstances brought her to this point and she did not want to lose her scholarship. MOMMAS House offered her the opportunity to not only have a home, but to hold onto a dream! I know that this program works and that there are many women and children who have achieved more than was ever expected. This is only possible with your support. This newsletter is in your hands for a reason; you may be able to help or know someone who can. We are well on our way to being able to purchase one of the houses that we currently rent. It just makes fiscal sense to put that rental fee towards procuring the property. By now, with what we have paid out in rent, we could have owned one of our three homes. Whatever you can do, will be greatly appreciated. Because it is obvious that we do not have marketing or development staff, I try to get advice and inspiration from other appeals. Recently I received a letter regarding donation of stocks. It seems that this is a good time to transfer appreciated securities to MOMMAS House because you will receive two tax benefits. 1) For making a donation to a charity and 2) you will not have to pay capital gains tax. Seems like a good deal! Any stock donation would be processed through Smith-Barney; the DTC #0015 and Acct. # 256129357. Pat Shea Summer 2014 MOMMAS HOUSE: A Real Choice For Life MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 MOMMAS House Accomplishments! Ashely, Shania and Mariana have started or continued their college educations and all are thriving academically. Serrina completed a vocational training program. Dianne, Shaqway, Bernadette, Shania, Ashley, Jennifer, Teuta, Tasha, Andrea, Natalie, Bethzaida, Shawanna and Kristen all began working. Many other moms enrolled in educational or vocational programs to start on their path to employment. They attended classes and workshops to improve their parenting skills, financial management, nutrition and health, among other topics. Several went to counseling to help them address unresolved issues from their past, so they could improve their futures! Dianne, Andrea, Tara, Deanna, Yisell, Teuta, and Charisma moved into their own apartments! Some of our other moms and babies were able to reunite with family, giving them access to long-term housing and support. Of course our greatest accomplishments come in the form of welcoming healthy new babies into the world and providing them with a safe home to begin their lives. The stork has been busy making deliveries at MOMMAS House: Zion - Born May 1, 2013 Amore - Born July 13, 2013 Omari – Born July 26, 2013 Olivia - Born September 15, 2013 Keyon - Born March 12, 2014 Mia - Born March 23, 2014 Arielle - Born April 18, 2014 Mason - Born April 23, 2014 Evan - Born June 30, 2014 Visit our website or LIKE our Facebook page to see more photos of our adorable little ones. UNWANTED CAR? Donate to MOMMAS House With the success of our Drive to Thrive program, many of our mother’s are obtaining their driver’s licenses and are now in need of some wheels! If you have a working car you want to get rid of, please consider donating it to MOMMAS House. The car will be given to any resident who has obtained her driver’s license and begun working. All donations are tax deductible, and this would be a wonderful gift for one of our young mother’s just starting their careers. Natalie was thrilled with her “new” car which she received Please contact the office at 516-781-8637. Special thanks to the Hongthong family and thanks to the generosity of Alice Hongthong and family Holzwarth family for donating cars this year! MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 Spotlight on Service! We would like to shine a spotlight on Erik Schaffer, C.P. of A Step Ahead Prosthetics in Hicksville, NY who has made the very first pair of legs for Isaiah, a six year old boy currently living in our Glen Cove residence who was born without legs. Erik and his staff, especially Isaiah’s therapist, Phil, and the Program Director, Amy Palmiero-Winters have devoted countless hours and resources to giving Isaiah legs and teaching him how to walk! This outstanding facility is making this little boy’s dreams come true. Additional thanks to the LI Center for Independent Living for lending a wheelchair for Isaiah to use while waiting for his legs! Photos by Belenna Mesa Lauto Photography SAVE THE DATE: Annual Gala - Nov 6, 2014 The Carltun at Eisenhower Park, East Meadow NY Like MOMMAS House on to stay up to date on all our news and events! The last few years we were able to raise some badly needed funds, and make room for grace at the same time with successful Yard Sales. Thank you crew – you are awesome! Hope to see you next time! Be on the lookout for our next Yard Sale! Memorial / Living Tribute Cards: Available with Free-Will Donation Call office for information 516-781-8637 MOMMAS House is a non-profit organization with IRS 501(c)(3) status. All donations made to MOMMAS are tax deductible. Our budget for 2013 was $690,000 to provide care for 17 families at a time. In 2014, we have assisted 52 families, a total of 101 members, this year. To have the opportunity to change lives is priceless. We hope that you will continue to help us in carrying out our mission to provide safe, stable housing for these young families facing great challenges and working hard to improve their lives. Please remember us in your charitable giving. MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 WE SALUTE... Our Lady of Lourdes Human Life Committee, who have consistently supported MOMMAS House for almost twenty years! They fundraise multiple times a year to make donations to the program - every Mother’s Day and Christmas they generously treat our Moms. It is socially-conscious, generous and dependable groups like these that make it possible for us to support the mothers and babies of MOMMAS. Stephanie Paz, who through the Employee Allocated Gift Fund of Ziff Brothers Investments (ZBI) donated carpeting to the Jericho House, in addition to a very generous monetary gift. Dan Sweeney and Dave McKean using their minds, muscles and vehicles to move and transport items for us, among other volunteer work. Eva Thomas of Oni-Bodi Wellness Beautique, East Meadow, for organizing a recent BeauTea Soiree fundraiser at The Studio in Merrick, NY. "Atta Pepper" Albert J. Schaufler II Memorial Foundation and the Pelican Family, The Dangelo Family and the Gaudiosi Family for their outstanding ongoing support. Rita & Frank Castagna, of Americana Manhasset who in addition to the Champions for Charity Shopping Benefit, quietly and consistently gives their support in every way possible. Sydney Donner and her mother, Erica, for Adopting a Room and doing a beautiful job renovating it for Nicole and baby Shawn. Kickin' It Women's Kickball League for really hitting all the essentials in their collection drive for MOMMAS House. SEVEN boxes full of ALL NEW baby & children's clothing - including socks and underwear! Toiletries galore, paper goods, baby supplies, household supplies, and much more! What a huge help this is to our families at MOMMAS House! Lynbrook Cheerleaders who did face painting, balloon animals, and played with the children to give the moms a brief break at our last Summer BBQ. Pat Kelly for donating sewing machines and sewing supplies to MOMMAS House, and Katherine Kaneko who is teaching our moms how to use them! Lola Rivera and Maggie Cannatella who did a great job with their Silver Award project of planting a friendship garden of vegetables and herbs; in addition to repairing the fence at our East Massapequa residence. Jess Weber and Quenor Lacy for their Silver Award project who collected books; purchased and set up bookcases to store them in. Eagle Scout, Michael Dormer, for doing an awesome project of a Exercise room in our Glen Cove house. Healthy bodies promote healthy well being! Lisa Constantin for offering her professional photography services to take beautiful portraits of the moms and their children. Christopher Granito as his Eagle Scout project renovated the Wantagh office; including: paint, carpeting and “curb appeal” flower boxes out front! Marcia Azeez, Girl Scout leader and her daughter, Sara, for providing all the food for the 50 families and all in attendance at our Annual Holiday Reunion in December The TIkkun Alliance of the North Shore (TANS) for their ongoing Birthday in a Box program, bringing joy to our moms and babies on their birthdays. Chaplain Bob Lopez for his counseling and ministering to the young women of MOMMAS House; sometimes it helps just to have someone who cares and listens. Crostini Pizzeria of Massapequa Park for donating food regularly. On the same subject, we gratefully acknowledge Island Harvest and all of the local organizations for helping us to keep escalating food budgets manageable. Girl Scout Troop #3275 for making homemade personalized Christmas ornaments for each resident of MOMMAS House Joe Angello and Trevor Slotkin for Computer Repair in our office and residences. Daniel Shea, Jr. for purchasing new computers and providing IT services PLUS getting a matching gift from his employer, Microsoft. Our many workshop moderators who offer their time and expertise to MOMMAS’ residents, affording them a real chance at successful independent living. Massapequa H.S. Recycling program for collecting bottles, recycling them and donating the proceeds to MOMMAS House. Our Monthly Donors! Our consistent supporters. MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 WE SALUTE... The many groups and individuals who have organized Baby Showers, providing all the clothing and supplies needed by our new moms, including Andrea Murphy and her family and friends, The Lindenhurst Homemakers, St. Mary’s Church, and many other churches, temples and corporations and organizations. The abundant supply of infant supplies, help a great deal to keep expenses down! We recently had 8 young women pregnant at the same time and had baby showers for all of them. To see photos of the moms receiving these gifts at their baby showers, check out our Facebook page. All of our Holiday elves, especially CBS Insurance Group, St. Pius X Church, Our Lady of Lourdes Human Life Committee, Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Resurrection, St. Rose of Lima, St. Francis de Chantal, Congregational Church of Manhasset, Long Beach Chain, Zurich Insurance. Roslyn Presbyterian Church, NSLIJ, NBC Today Show, St. Killian Church, Friends Academy, Ann Ng and many more groups and individuals too numerous to mention, for donating toys and gifts to provide the families of MOMMAS with a joyous holiday season! Various local chapters of the Knights of Columbus for their ongoing support. Especially the Bellmore K of C which has allowed us to use their hall for our Annual Holiday Reunion of the moms and babies of MOMMAS many years , bringing smiles to many children’s faces and allowing us to catch up with our graduates. To all of our other volunteers: those that rock our babies, drive to doctor appointments, sort clothing, pick-up furniture/food, make fundraising events memorable and profitable, write grants, keep the books, make up our Board of Directors…you know who you are and what you do, we hope you know how grateful we are! THANK YOU ALL! VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT… Chaplain Bob Lopez I learned about Mommas House through the Respect Life Office and the Sisters of Life. I was encouraged by the caring commitment with young moms and their children. About two years ago, I spoke with Pat and asked to offer my support in a very real manner as a chaplain/pastoral counselor to moms of all faiths. I provide both emotional and spiritual support to the moms in order for them to be welcomed, encouraged, reconciled and strengthened within a caring community. Spirituality implies energy, meaning and hope, and an awareness of God in the journey of life. I facilitate pastoral care groups at least 2x per month at each house. The groups have included: prayer, reflection, journaling, sharing feelings, hopes and goals, forgiveness, gratitude, healing and coping with life situations. I communicate and follow up with MH staff for insight and to offer spiritual assessment. MH helps the young ladies in providing a safe place to grow and gain strength personally, educationally, spiritually, and most importantly in the parenting of their children. Folks can help MH through continuing volunteer and financial support. They can also create awareness of the needs of young mothers in their churches and community. I have been married for 38 years to my wife, Kathy. I am a father of a son and daughter and a grandfather. I am very involved in babysitting my two young grandsons. I also have twin grandsons who will be born in the Fall. I am a retired guidance counselor and youth minister. I am active in my parish, Sts. Peter and Paul in Manorville, serving as a Eucharistic Minister. I am also a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus, and I am a Board Certified Catholic Lay Chaplain. Personally, I enjoy history, movies with meaning and Disney movies, puppets, traveling, and I am an avid NY Mets fan. As you are probably aware, this year MOMMAS House recently celebrates 28 Years of continuous operation. This would never have been possible without the help of our volunteers. Many hands make light work and we are always in need of new faces. Orientations explaining the various opportunities are held monthly at the Wantagh office. If you are interested in volunteering at MOMMAS House our new volunteer coordinator, Ashley Ross, can be reached at or 516-781-8637. MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 PHOTO ALBUM Portraits taken by Lisa Constantin who donated her services to photograph our moms and babies MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 PHOTO ALBUM Day at the Races, May 2013, Belmont Racetrack Annual Gala, December 2013 at the Swan Club, honoring Patricia Pryor-Bonica MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 FUNDRAISING REPORT Acknowledging Our Grantors and Major Supporters... We would like to thank the following: Patricia Pryor-Bonica of Pryor Personnel Maternity and Early Childhood Foundation Nassau County Bar Association - We Care Grant Newsday - McCormick Tribune Foundation The Barker Welfare Foundation Nassau County Emergency Solutions Grant Amy and Horace Hagedorn Foundation Howard E. Stark Foundation H.W. Wilson Foundation Matovich Family Charity Fund MB & Edna Zale Foundation NYBDC Charitable Foundation Montoya Family Foundation Americana Manhasset Diocese of Rockville Centre Deutsche Bank Tweezerman Arch Capital Services Astoria Federal Savings Bank Alan Feinstein Hunger Challenge Hunter Business School Daughters of Portugal Woman's Club of Glen Cove United Way of Long Island Combined Federal Campaign Manhasset Community Club Our Reliable Monthly Donors: A very special thank you to Bill and Virginia Waite for their very generous donation, which took us from red to black on our balance sheet - you make us smile! Siobhan Anderson Theresa Arena Ann Brzezinski Maureen Chiofalo Donald & Anna Clark James Dolan Rose Emanuele Susan Festa Joseph Girardi, Esq. Dorothy Guiheen Florence Scarinci James McNulty Richard Horn Anne & Jack Kilkelly Doris Smith Justine Tenney Hope for L.I. - North Shore Community Church Please consider joining these good people with a monthly donation by check, credit card or through Pay Pal. Matching Gift Donors: Lois Borth – G. E. Foundation Thomas Vieira – CA Technologies Margaret Beam – Allstate Giving Richard Britt – Deutsche Bank Michael Shea – Microsoft Daniel Shea - Microsoft Dale Vincent – Arch Reinsurance Donette Harris- Smith – Liberty Mutual Nick & Claire Weiler - G.E. Foundation Capital Fund Campaign Update The current status of the Capital Fund Campaign is past the halfway mark! Most of the original pledges have been fulfilled. In order that we keep the project alive, we would be most grateful if a few of you would consider hosting a reception at your home/business or anywhere feasible to accommodate an intimate gathering. Light refreshments only, as the main purpose is to have a platform on which to explain what MOMMAS House is and what it hopes to accomplish. No high pressure tactics are ever used, only the distribution of information and ways one might help if so inclined. Our goal is to purchase another multi-family home for our mothers who are ready for more independent living. Please consider investing in the future of MOMMAS House and the women and babies we serve. See the contribution page of this newsletter! MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 FUNDRAISING REPORT On December 15, 2013 our Annual Gala was held at the Swan Club, honoring the Patricia Pryor-Bonica of Pryor Personnel. Pat is a member of the MOMMAS House board of Directors and has stood out as an significant supporter worthy of recognition. The event, MOMMAS biggest annual fundraiser, was well-attended and successful by all measures, raising over $100,000 for the programs of MOMMAS House. On December 12, 2013 we were once again treated to the music of the gifted North Shore Pops Concert Band. These men and women, conducted by Eric Albinder, have generously given of their time and talent for a delightful, annual Christmas Concert Benefit - truly embodying the spirit of the season. On April 5, 2014 The Studio, a new full-service beauty salon in Merrick, NY hosted a fundraiser for MOMMAS House, helping us spread the word about our program and earn some much needed funds. Check it out, this place is amazing! On May 6, 2014, MOMMAS House was honored to be a finalist again in the 2nd Annual L.I. Imagine Awards, a prestigious recognition given the most effective, innovative nonprofits. God bless those of you that answered our small End of Year and Valentine Appeals. As we are all aware, these are austere times and non-profits are always hit the hardest. Your generosity helped reduce our deficit - you touched our hearts! Fond Farewell: In 2013 we tragically lost Quanasia Rich. She was a beautiful young mother who had been a resident of MOMMAS House during her pregnancy and early parenting. She passed away suddenly, leaving behind her baby boy, Zy’aire, and a great number of grieving friends and family. She had hopes of becoming a nurse and raising her son to be a happy and healthy individual. Please keep Quanasia and her son in your thoughts and prayers. We regretfully say farewell to Richard Goodwin a man of great integrity who supported MOMMAS House for many years. We keep him and his wife, Irene, in our prayers. Memorials - Please remember in your prayers: Annette Aglietti Genevieve Astarita Dorothy Brengel Jack Buffalano Pamela Shea-Byrnes Erie Byrne Bob Cremin John Connell Lucille Cunningham Geraldine Dow Clare T. Duffy Jean Paul Eisele Christopher J. Eisele John Fister Nancy Foresto Margaret Freeman Florence Giansante Richard Goodwin Anderson Goosby Lillian Halcott Tim Harbulak Kelly Hunter-Rich Helen Kelly Joseph Kusk Dorothy Ledner Flo Lilly Diane Lisa Spirit Marangiello Sonney Martinez John McCarthy Daphne McPhillip Sunil Kumar Mondal Dr. Joan J. Lipsay Montoya Dr. Alberto Montoya James A. Montoya Eleanor Perkins Vera Policastro Edward Pippard Frank Raia, MD John Raber Edward Raynor Carolyn Rocchio Thomas Rice Harry Rumsby Michael Russo Vincenza Scoca Joe Slatery Vincenzo Torre Sal Trani Jane E. Trogan Jenni Wild Charlie Williamson Rose Zabatta Living Tributes: Evangelina Robert & Rachel Gaudiosi Msgr. James Lisante Msgr. Jim Pereda Jack & Mary McCaffery John McCarthy Jim and Janet Petti Patricia Pryor-Bonica Dan Sweeney Nancy Tranchina MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 What’s on our Wish List? GOODS METROCARDS*** - this is how our moms get to school, work, doctor’s appointments, and counseling. Paper goods for all houses: paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, tissues, baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5 & 6), copy/printer paper All Cleaning Supplies – kitchen, laundry, bathroom Toiletries - shampoo/conditioner, soap/body wash, deodorant, loofas, lotion, for mothers and babies. Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Floss, Band-Aids, Antiseptic, Pedialyte, Baby Health / First Aid. NEW Baby / Children’s clothing, newborn thru 5T. Dining Room Chairs - Set of 6 to 8 chairs SERVICES Desperately in need of a volunteer electrician and plumber for small repair jobs. Handy men or women for minor house repairs and maintenance (build storage shelves, etc.) Sponsor a young mother for driving lessons - $500-$600, perhaps your family, group or org can raise the funds for this purpose. Driver’s Ed teachers to help our moms obtain their driver’s license. VOLUNTEERS!! Child Care, Clerical work (mailings, filing, donation sorting), Yard Cleanup, Gardening, etc. Join existing Fund-Raising Committees, help plan events. Seasonal gardening - at all houses (clean-up, bushes, flowers, etc.) “A few good men” with a truck/van to pick-up and deliver donations, especially furniture GOODS Baby Monitors Bed in a Bag sets - twin size Pillows Twin size bed sheets Solid color Knit Crib Sheets** Towels - Kitchen and Bath Bath mats Tea Kettle Blender Vacuum cleaner Flatware Service (Stainless) Indoor Floor Mats Window blinds/Curtain Panels/Rods Gift Cards to Home Depot, Target, Walmart Plastic shelving (sturdy) / storage bins** Hand truck Potty Training seats - for toddlers ready to take the next step! Landscaping tools - Leaf Blower, Weed Wacker, hedge clippers, etc. A used WORKING CAR for newly licensed mothers Your support for all events is greatly appreciated. There are many ways to contribute to MOMMAS and we hope you will choose one of them: 1. Join our volunteer staff - greatest need, the fundraising committees, parenting instructors, and child care. 2. Donate on the Internet - Monthly, if possible, via (can link directly from our website - Look for DONATE) 3. If you are a federal employee, donate to MOMMAS, Inc. through the LI Federal Campaign payroll deduction, Designate MOMMAS #31704 as the recipient 4. Does your employer offer a “Matching Gifts Program”? Choice of Monetary or Time & Talent offered by some corporations. 5. Information available on how to remember MOMMAS when involved with Estate Planning. 6. Internet Shoppers – Make purchases through or and MOMMAS will get a percent of every sale from 1,000+ retail participants. Go online to register or call office for details. 7. Commemorative Cards Available – Memorials, Births, Anniversary, Birthdays – any occasion worth remembering, make your gifting “meaningful” 8. In lieu of Wedding/Shower favors, donations being made to MOMMAS House 9. Place the enclosed envelope where you pay your bills so that you will keep us in mind when contribution is possible. Any questions? Contact the office at 516-781-8637 MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 Build Our Homes… one brick and heart at a time Please give now as the need is great and the options are few. There are many ways to support our mission - to help pregnant or parenting young women on their journey to become good parents and self-supporting individuals. Please help in any way you can Support upcoming events Volunteer your time and share your gifts. Designate MOMMAS as a recipient of your Federated Campaign contribution, Designate MOMMAS #31704 Include MOMMAS, Inc. in your estate planning I would like to make a Monthly donation of $ ________ Stop by our office in Wantagh and pick up a MOMMAS House coin bank to collect your spare change in support of MOMMAS. I would like to make a One Time donation of $ ________ I would like to make a pledge of $________ to the Capital Fund Campaign for MOMMAS to purchase a new home to house homeless mother and their children. OR ______ I would be interested in hosting a reception at my home to encourage others to pledge support for the Capital Fund Campaign - please send more info. We accept checks made payable to MOMMAS, Inc. or Credit Card Payments (complete information below). You can send this page and your contribution in the self-addressed envelope provided. Thank you for your support! Name _________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ I wish to make a contribution of $ ___________________ for my choice of support indicated above. If using credit card, please complete the following information: Charge Card ____Visa ____MasterCard ____American Express ____Discover Card Number ____________________________________________ Expiration Date _____________ ___ I wish to charge my donation of $ ____________________ monthly / one time (circle one) Signature ________________________________________________ Date _______________________ MOMMAS, Inc. INK Summer 2014 MAILING LIST UPDATE REQUEST If you are no longer interested in receiving the newsletter or your address has changed; please let us know so that we may update our records! GO PAPERLESS! Environmentally conscious or just hate paper clutter? Consider having your newsletter delivered electronically. Email with the subject “Email Newsletter” and inside please indicate your Name and Address where you currently receive our Newsletter. We will stop sending you paper newsletters, and instead you will get the newsletter emailed to you. Added bonus, MOMMAS cuts down on the expense of printing and mailing! EMAIL ADDRESSES We’d love to be able to keep our friends and supporters up to date on MOMMAS events in between our newsletter mailings. Please email us at with the subject: “Keep In Touch”. MOMMAS, Inc. 1857 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh, NY 11793 Address Service Requested
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