9 November 2014 “Within these walls let no-one be a stranger”

“Within these walls let no-one be a stranger”
9th November 2014
Ciacona E minor, J. Pachelbel
Welcome and announcements
Call to Worship and Approach to God:
God is our refuge and our strength,
a timely help in trouble.
Come, see what the Lord has done,
the astounding deeds he has done in the earth;
in every part of the wide world
he puts an end to war:
He breaks the bow, he snaps the spear,
he burns the shield in the fire.
Stop fighting: learn that I am God,
exalted among the nations,
exalted in the earth.
-Psalm 46: 1, 8-11
Hymn 63
All people that on earth do dwell
Prayer, ending with the Lord's Prayer
(please say this in whichever language or version you prefer)
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
The Word of God:
Children's Talk
Introduction to the silence:
They shall grow not old
as we that are left grow old,
age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning,
we will remember them.
All: We will remember them
The silence
Hymn 543
Longing for light, we wait in darkness
First Lesson: Matthew 25: 1-13 (New Testament, p.27)
Music in worship
Choir: Wings of the Morning, J. Rutter
Second Lesson: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (New Testament, p.202)
Reading: extract from ‘Meditation of a Dying German Officer’ by Herbert Read:
‘… Life ebbs with an easy flow
and I’ve no anguish now. This failing light
is the world’s light: it dies like a lamp
flickering for want of oil…
Hymn 473
Thy kingdom come
Sermon: Darkness and delay
Time for Reflection
Response to the Word:
Hymn 706
For the healing of the nations
Prayers of Intercession
Choir: Beloved, let us love one another, J.W.Peterson
Prayer of Dedication (All Stand)
Hymn 456
Christ is the world’s true light
The Blessing (Sung Amen)
Theme and Finale from VIst Sonata, F. Mendelssohn
The congregation are asked to remain in place until the Minister
and Consistory members have left the Church.
The Service is conducted by our minister, Revd Dr Lance Stone.
The reader is Nick Thomas.
Officebearers on duty are Elisabeth van Oudgaarden & Thorsten König.
Visitors are invited to sign the Visitors’ Book after the service. If you are here for
more than a holiday, we hope you will return again.
Notices should be submitted to churchofficer@ercadam.nl by Tuesday before the
service for inclusion in the liturgy sheet.
We have Coffee and Tea in the Church Hall after the service today. Everyone is
invited! Parents of Sunday School children are requested to let the teachers know as
you collect your children from the hall after the service.
Children’s Ministry –There is a crèche for children under four years old (led
today by Alice Duah & Rosemarie Tiggelovend), please ask at the door for more
information. Sunday School (led today by Je Hart & Veronica Garcia Robles) meets
in the church hall. Junior Church (led today by Esther Kuyvenhoven) meets in the
The Bible Study meets every Wednesday evening from 7:30pm at the manse, J.W.
Brouwersstraat 9-II in Amsterdam. We are currently looking at the book of
Nehemiah: the courage to face opposition. All are welcome to attend! For more
information please speak to the minister or to either Peggy Krol or Mattia Falcone.
The monthly BREAD Service takes place this Thursday evening, 13 November, in
the church. We will share a meal of soup and bread at 7:30pm and the informal,
intimate service begins at 8:00pm, with some coffee and tea afterwards. Everyone is
invited to join us! For more information please contact the minister or Veronica
Garcia Robles.
The 20s/30s group will be having a bible study after the service next week, 16
November, at the manse. All 20s/30s are welcome to attend-put it in your diary!
Our choir sings monthly and on special occasions. They rehearse on Tuesday
evenings at 7:30pm. For more information about joining the choir, please contact
our organist and choir director, Olja Bučo, at organist@ercadam.nl.
Cooking at De Kloof! De Kloof is a shelter for homeless people in the centre of
Amsterdam. Our church is committed to cooking lunch at the shelter every second
Monday of the month. If you are interested in helping, or if you would just like to
know more about this project, please contact Gillian Walker at dekloof@ercadam.nl.
We have a weekly collection of non-perishable food and household goods for
distribution to those who are in need locally. These can be left in a box in the
vestibule of the church before the service. It’s a good way to help your neighbour!
Thanks for your help!
We are looking for new volunteers for helping with the coffee and tea time after
church services. If you are interested in either making the coffee and tea, serving it,
or helping with the washing-up afterwards, please see Johan de Villiers or speak to
one of the Consistory members on duty.
This liturgy sheet is available in large print. If you would like a large
print version, please speak to one of the consistory members on duty.
Church Contacts
Rev Dr Lance Stone, Minister
minister@ercadam.nl, 020 672 2288
Jan Willem Brouwersstraat 9/2, 1071 LH Amsterdam
Ms Heleen Koning, Interim Scriba
scriba@ercadam.nl, 06 13097756
Dr Thorsten König, Treasurer
treasury@ercadam.nl, 0294 772934
Mr Seppo Stout, Property Convener
property@ercadam.nl, 020 679 8698
Mrs Susan Polstra, Church Officer
churchofficer@ercadam.nl, 020 622 4158
Miss Olja Bučo, Organist and Choir Leader
organist@ercadam.nl, 020 470 1980
Mr Kenneth Ewen, Concert Manager
Don’t forget to connect with the church online for all the latest news and information:
Our Congregation
Our congregation was founded on 4 February 1607 to serve the English speaking population of
Amsterdam. We welcome worshippers from many countries, backgrounds and walks of life. Founded
within the Reformed Tradition we are part of the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) and the
Protestant Church of the Netherlands.
The first church in the Begijnhof was built as a private chapel in about 1390; it was destroyed by
fire and rebuilt in the 1490s. The church was closed by the Town Council in the Reformation and
lay unused for 30 years till in 1607 it was given to English-speaking worshippers in Amsterdam.
Our congregation relies on the support of worshippers, members and friends to maintain our
ministries and buildings. We aim to be financially self-supporting both in our own work and in
order to give to others in mission. There are different ways to support our congregation; through
the gifts of time, talent, and finance. We invite everyone to be involved, and to prayerfully consider
how you can support and share the ministry of the congregation.
Bank Accounts
English Reformed Church: NL44 ABNA 0547 6235 50
Maintenance Fund: Friends of the English Reformed
Church: NL90 ABNA 0624 1800 69
Request for Information
Fill in the form below  and hand it in as you leave or
send it to the Scriba.
I would like information about:
☐ Church Membership
☐ Baptisms
☐ Concerts
☐ Sunday School or Crèche
☐ Weddings
☐ Funerals
☐ 20s30s Group
☐ Church Magazine The Record
I would like the Minister to contact me: ☐
☐ Mulanje Mission Hospital (www.mmh.mw)
Please note my change of address: ☐
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