The Tumbleweed Press

Conroe Independent School District
The Tumbleweed Press
Volume 13, Issue 7
From Mrs. Vandermark...
November 4, 2014
Tara Vandermark
What are you thankful for?
Assistant Principals
Kindel Doucet—5th
Thomas Polonyi—6th
Racquel Johnson—5th
Julia Rieke—6th
Vogel Intermediate
27125 Geffert Wright
Spring, Texas 77386
Check out our campus
website at:
The month of November brings
many things for staff, students and
parents to be thankful for. One of
those is our troops who fight to protect our freedoms. On Tuesday, November 11, Vogel Intermediate will be
hos%ng a short Veterans’ Day program
at 10:00am. We invite any veterans to
a+end and be recognized for their service to our country.
In our next Tumbleweed Press,
our teachers will share what they are
thankful for. This is a great opportunity to talk with students about what
they are thankful for, a/er reading the
teachers’ messages.
Also, just a reminder that students are on Thanksgiving vaca%on
the whole week, November 24-28.
Please note that Friday, November 21
is NOT an early release day. Students
will be in session un%l 3:45. Have a
great week!!
Tara Vandermark
Upcoming Events at Vogel
Nov. 11 - Veterans’ Day Program
Cafeteria - 10am
Nov. 11 - Skate Night @ SK8 Town
Nov. 15 - Honor Band at Vogel
Nov. 17-21 - Generation Texas Week
Nov. 18 - 5th Gr. Band Demonstra
tion Concert - 7pm
Nov. 24-28 - Thanksgiving holiday
Dec. 8-12 - Teacher Appreciation
Dec. 9 - 6th Band Holiday Concert
Dec. 11 - Orchestra Holiday Concert
Dec. 16 - 5th and 6th Grade Holiday
Concert - 7pm
Dec. 17 - 5th & 6th In-school Choir,
Band and Orch. Concert
Dec. 18 - Holiday Parties
Dec. 22-January 5 - Winter Break
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates in or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI
and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title
IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
GT Testing Nominations
The fall nomina%on window for GT screening is open un%l December 19. Tes%ng will take
place in January. Nomina%on forms can be picked up by parents in the front office, filled out
and returned to the front office no later than December 19. Please call Mrs. Doucet with any
ques%ons at 832-663-4300
Transportation Changes
Please send a note with your child if you know that they will have a transporta%on change before your child leaves for school. This is the best way to get a change to your child’s teacher.
We ask that you do this instead of calling or sending an email, as we may miss an email before
dismissal %me, and calling is for emergencies only. When sending a note with your child,
please include your child’s first and last name and HR teacher wri+en clearly. Please also include your first and last name, signature, and phone number wri+en clearly so that we may
call you if we have any ques%ons. Thank you for your assistance in making this process run
Parent Conferences
Please contact your child’s teacher if you need a conference about your child’s progress. Also,
the teachers are available to answer any ques%ons or address any concerns that you may
have about classwork, homework, grades, behavior, etc. Teachers are available by email, or
you can call the front office to leave a message for them to call you back. Our hope is that
open communica%on lines will make for a be+er educa%onal experience for everyone.
Lost and Found
With cooler weather upon us, we are finding a growing number of coats, sweaters, sweatshirts and lunch kits on our Lost and Found table in the cafeteria. Please make sure your
child’s name is in his/her jackets and lunch kits so that they may be returned to them. We display these items un%l the end of the 9 weeks, and then send any unclaimed items to charity.
Attendance counts EVERY DAY!!
Please make sure you send your child to school every day. When students miss school, they
miss out on important instruc%on that can’t always be made up by sending home the work. If
your child is sick, please call the front office to inform them of the absence. Otherwise, make
every a+empt to have your child in school every day, all day. Thanks for your help!!
We had a spectacular response to our “Stay
Connected” contest! We have so many amazing parents offering support and help to our
teachers and students. The classrooms that won
will be announced soon.
-------Thank you again for all your hard work and
participation in the chocolate fundraiser! The
remaining reward events are planned for December 18th, starting at 10:00 am.
-------Yearbooks are on SALE NOW! Place your order by November 17th and pay only $30,
that’s $10 off! Plus be entered to win one of 3
$10 Target Gift Cards! Order online at or complete the form provided and
send a check payable to Vogel PTO to your
homeroom teacher.
When we make our yearbook, we need pictures!! It’s now easier than ever to get your
child’s picture into the yearbook! Parents can
now upload pictures to the Balfour portal.
Please follow the directions below to add pictures if you have any for special events at Vogel Intermediate!!
-------Get those box tops in!! Students in 5th and
6th are currently tied! Box tops are due Dec.
5th. The winning grade will get a hat day!
Skate Night is November 11th! Join us at SK8
Town from 6:00 to 8:30 pm. Vogel receives a
donation for every admission, up to 50%
based on participation. We will be raffling a
Dragonfly Helicopter and a few other fun
items! Must be present to win. We hope to see
you there!
-------“Everything is cool when you’re part of a
team!” There are still a few PTO Board positions open so come be part of our team! We
are looking for a Volunteer Coordinator,
Teacher Events Coordinator, and Spirit Night
-------For questions or volunteer opportunities, email
us at Thank you so much
for your generous support!
-------Be sure to Like us on Facebook!! We now have
an updated public page where you can get
lots of information about what is going on at
school! Check us out soon!!
Follow these simple instruc%ons to upload pictures to the Balfour Website Portal
1. Weblink: h+p://
2. Project number: 514448 (no need to enter the password, simply leave it blank)
3. Enter contact info for any ques%ons we may have about the pics (name and email
only are fine)
4. Select pic and include a cap%on that will help us get the pic on the right page
5. Click upload
*** This can also be done easily from your smartphone!!
How to prevent your child from getting sick
Teach your child to wash their hands frequently using plenty
of soap and warm water. Proper hand-washing takes about
20 seconds or the time it takes to say your ABC's.
Remind your student to not put their hands or fingers in their mouth, nose
or eyes, germ transfer often occurs in this manner.
Teach children to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their
Serve a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Children need
about 2 1/2 cups of vegetables a day and 1 1/2 cups of fruit a day.
Ensure students are getting at least 8-9 hours of sleep each
Do not allow your student to share food or drinks with others.
If a family member is ill, minimize the time and contact other family members have with the sick family member.
It takes cooperation to stop the spread of germs.
If your child is sick, please call the front office to report the
absence. If they have a fever over 100, they need to be
fever free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
Information for 6th graders transitioning to
Irons Jr. High for the 2015-2016 school year
2015-16 Irons Jr. High Cheerleading Tryouts
February 16 - 6:00 pm - MANDATORY Tryout Parent Mee%ng in the cafeteria at Irons
Clinic - March 9-11 from 4:30-6:00pm in the gym at Irons
Tryouts - March 12 - 4:30pm in the gym at Irons
Ques%ons? Please contact Coach Neal at Irons Junior High - 936-709-8500
2015-16 Irons Jr. High Drill Team Tryouts
March 26 - 6:00 pm - MANDATORY Tryout Parent Mee%ng in the gym at Irons
Clinic - April 6-9 from 5:30-7:30pm in the gym at Irons
Tryouts - April 10 - 5:30pm in the gym at Irons
Ques%ons? Please contact Drill Team Director, Jennifer Drabbant, at 936-709-8500
The following immuniza%ons are required for all incoming 7th grade students. If your student
already has had these vaccina%ons, bring the clinic copy to the school nurse at Vogel in order
to update your student records.
• Tdap—Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccina%on
One dose is required instead of the 10 year booster. If your child has had a tetanus-containing
vaccine in the past five years, the Tdap will not be required un%l five years has passed.
• Varicella (chicken pox)
Two doses are required. If your child has had the chicken pox disease, this vaccina%on is not
required. However, you must no%fy the nurse at Vogel.
• Meningococcal (MCV4)
One dose is required to protect from meningococcal meningi%s.