The Tumbleweed Press

Conroe Independent School District
The Tumbleweed Press
Tara Vandermark
Assistant Principals
From Mrs. Vandermark...
Our Spring Fundraiser is under way!!
Our fundraiser began last week and runs
Kindel Doucet—5th
through February 19. Students can sell
Thomas Polonyi—6th
tumblers and items from Mrs. Fields
February 11, 2015
Catalog. There is also an option to purchase items online. Students who sell 10
Racquel Johnson—5th
items get to participate in the Vogel
Julia Rieke—6th
Color Run at the end of the school year.
There is also the option to make a dona-
Vogel Intermediate
tion to the school, which will still allow
27125 Geffert Wright
students to win prizes. There is a draw-
Spring, Texas 77386
ing that takes place throughout the
fundraiser window. When students sell
3, 7, 12, 17 or 24 items, they can submit
Check out our campus
their name to win a prize. Those entry
forms came home with the fundraiser
packet. Please see the attached letter
for more information. If there is anything you need, please call the front office for assistance. Funds raised will be
used to purchase classroom materials.
Upcoming Events at Vogel
10—Progress Reports Go Home
12– Irons JH Counselors visit
6th Gr.
19—Irons JH Course Selection—
Fundraiser items will be delivered on
6pm @ in Irons JH Cafeteria
Thursday, March 26th, from 2-6pm.
20-Irons Band Visits Vogel
Thank you for your support of the Vogel
26– Spring Creek BBQ 5-9pm
website at:
Just a reminder that Friday,
February 13th, is a regular
school day. We do not
have Valenne’s pares
scheduled on that day.
3– PTO meeting 9:30-11:30am
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates in or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI
and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title
IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Car Rider Reminder—There
is no staff on
duty prior to 7:45am. Please do not drop off your
child without supervision for their safety. Also,
please use the car rider line in the afternoons instead of picking up students in the half circle. This
will eliminate the number of students crossing the
drive during dismissal while buses are coming and
going. Please pull all the way up in the car rider
line as well. This will shorten the wait time while
in the car rider line. We appreciate your assistance in protecting our students!
Transportaon Changes ~ Please send a note with your child if you know that they will
have a transportaon change before your child leaves for school. This is the best way to get a
change to your child’s teacher. We ask that you do this instead of calling or sending an email,
as we may miss an email before dismissal me, and calling is for emergencies only. When
sending a note with your child, please include your child’s first and last name and home room
teacher wri!en clearly. Please also include your first and last name, signature, and a phone
number wri!en clearly so that we may call you if we have any quesons. Thank you for your
assistance in making this process run smoothly!
Parent Conferences ~ Please contact your child’s teacher if you need a conference
about your child’s progress. Teachers are available to answer any quesons or address any concerns that you may have about class work, homework, grades, behavior, etc. Teachers are available by email, or you can call the front office to
leave a message for them to call you back. Our hope is that open communicaon
lines will make for a be!er educaonal experience for everyone.
T-Shirts Are Sll On Sale ~ We sll have current year t-shirts available for sale. Students can
purchase a long sleeve gray Vogel Texans t-shirt for $18. We sll have youth and adult sizes available. There
are very limited quanes of short sleeve black t-shirts for $15, but we do have a few le0. If you are interested in any of these shirts, please call the front office for assistance. We also have many of our vintage shirts
and sweatshirts available for purchase. All vintage items are $10. All T-shirt designs are posted on the Vogel
homepage at h!p://
Art Adventures at Vogel~
Where can you find dragons,
flowers, bows and all sports
items? The 7th Annual
FREEB!RDS Foil Art Compeon. Due to the generosity of
FREEB!RDS in the Woodlands,
fi0h grade art students were
able to construct elaborate foil
sculptures. Mr. Craig, Mr. Mills
and Mrs. Horelica are proud of
all the masterpieces and the determinaon the kids showWe especially want to highlight our nine winners! ~ Congratulaons to R. Alvarez—E. Clark–
E. Flores—K. Werlerman– C. Lenz– S. Laycock– B. Garza– A. Sales and L. Strickland. Our next
Art Adventure will take place the whole month of March at the Montgomery County Library
(on the Waterway). Art work will be displayed for Youth Art Month. (Pictured above are Mrs.
Doucet, Mrs. Vandermark, Mr. Mills, Mr. Polonyi and Mr. Ryan (FREEB!RDS Manager of the
Woodlands Branch).
The Art Department is in need of the following: Magazines, Paper Plates,
Zip Lock Bags (Any Sizes), Yarn, Poster Board (any size and used is ok) and
Empty Disinfectant Containers (i.e. Lysol, etc.)
Information for 6th graders who are
transitioning to Irons Jr. High for the
20152015-2016 school year
2015--16 Course Selection
February 12—
12—Counselors will visit with 6th grade students during PE Classes to talk
about course selection for the 7th grade year.
February 19—
19—Parent Meeting @ Iron’s Jr. High—
High—7th Grade Course Selection—
2015--16 Irons Jr. High Cheerleading Tryouts
February 16 - 6:00 pm - MANDATORY Tryout Parent Meeng in the cafeteria at Irons
Clinic - March 9-11 from 4:30-6:00pm in the gym at Irons
Tryouts - March 12 - 4:30pm in the gym at Irons
Quesons? Please contact Coach Neal at Irons Junior High - 936-709-8500
2015--16 Irons Jr. High Drill Team Tryouts
March 26 - 6:00 pm - MANDATORY Tryout Parent Meeng in the gym at Irons
Clinic - April 6-9 from 5:30-7:30pm in the gym at Irons
Tryouts - April 10 - 5:30pm in the gym at Irons
Quesons? Please contact Drill Team Director, Jennifer Drabbant, at 936-709-8500
The following immunizaons are required for all incoming 7th grade students. If your student already has
had these vaccinaons, bring the clinic copy to the school nurse at Vogel in order to update your student records.
• Tdap—Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccinaon
One dose is required instead of the 10 year booster. If your child has had a tetanus-containing vaccine in the
past five years, the Tdap will not be required unl five years has passed.
• Varicella (chicken pox)
Two doses are required. If your child has had the chicken pox disease, this vaccinaon is not required. However, you must nofy the nurse at Vogel.
• Meningococcal (MCV4)
One dose is required to protect from meningococcal meningis.
Congratulations to Vogel Honor Choir Students! ~ Ms. Novakosky has reported
41 students auditioned and 27 made the Vogel Honor Choir. There are five audition rooms.
There are 60-70 students in each room who are judged and ranked. The top 30 make the honor choir. When a musician is ranked we call this “chairs”. We are happy to announce Vogel
had three 2nd chair sopranos (that’s second in all three rooms!). We had one 3rd chair soprano, one 6th chair soprano and 11 out of 15 sopranos were in the top half of the group. We also
had one 5th chair alto, one 6th chair alto and one 7th chair alto, all boys! Vogel was also a top
ranked school overall. The exciting and fun part for the honor choir will begin this week when
we begin watching and taking notes on our Spring Musical “Seussical Jr.”. Information will be
going home with the students soon. Vogel Honor Choir members are: A. Lisembee, A. Flynt,
A. Rivera, Ad. Cronan, A. Runyan, A. Crosby, P. Young, R. McFarland, B. DeLaCruz, A. Amador, M. Shifflett, E. Hamilton, H. Regester, S. Richmond, I. Morrow, M. Sammons, R. Barber,
C. Potter, A. Schiff, M. Potter, A. Rupp, T. Johnson, K. Hoelocher, K. Welch, J. Huffman, S.
Moses and E. Shepperd.
College Park High School Cheer Clinic~
The College Park Cheerleaders are hosng a skills clinic for 4th-8th graders wanng to improve basic cheer skills on Saturday, February 21, from
9-12am. The clinic will focus on specific areas such as jumps, chants,
cheers and performance skills. The cost is $40 and will be held at College
Park High School. Registraon forms are in the Vogel front office and
walk-ins are welcome. In order to guarantee a t-shirt with registraon,
please register by Thursday, February 19. Registraon Form included
with this Tumbleweed edion.
Student Council Lollipop Sale—
Sale—Thursday, February 12 will be the last day to purchase lollipops for your friends, teachers or even yourself. Student Council will be selling lollipops
to be delivered to students for Valentine’s Day. Students will be able to purchase lollipops
for 50 cents each. Student Council members will sell in the mornings in the cafeteria from
8:15--8:45am. This is a student council fundraiser, but the main reason for the sale is be8:15
cause the children love sending and receiving lollipops and messages. Thank you for your
support of this program—
program—Julia Rieke & Racquel Johnson, vogel Counselors
Announcing A NEW PTO President! ~ At the January PTO meeng Vice President Shawna Harris was voted in as the
new President. Vogel PPTO has an amazing leadership team and a great volunteer base of truly dedicated parents
that is connuing to grow. For informaon email and see how you can support your Vogel students and teachers.
Spirit Night ~ Join us at Spring Creek Barbeque on February 26 for our next Spirit Night! We have teachers signing up
to serve and the top three parcipang classes will win some really cool prizes… Come join us for some great
We have a HEART for Box Tops ~ The class that turns in the most Box Tops between now and February 25
will get a special treat during lunch on Treat Day. Winners will be announced February 27. Vogel students
have turned in over $1,000 in Box Tops so far this year! Good job and keep clipping box tops.
We need your pictures for the Yearbook! ~ If you have pictures that could be included in the yearbook it’s
so easy to share them online. How to Upload to Balfour:
1. Weblink: h!p://
2. Project number :514448 (no password, simply leave it blank.
3. Enter your name and email
4. Select pictures and include a capon that will help us get it on the right page.
5. Click upload
You can buy your yearbook by going to or complete the order form and send in a check made
payable to Vogel PTO for $40. Preordering is the ONLY way to guarantee you will receive a copy. Please
email if you have any quesons.
March PTO Meeng—We had a great turn out for our February
PTO meeng. Join us on March 3rd at 9:30am for the next PTO
meeng. Check in at the front office and they will let you know
where the meeng is held. We have a lot of news to share so we
hope to see you all there.
Thank you for supporng Vogel PTO!