West View B aptist Church 701 W Morgan St | Office: 870.236.7195 | www.mywestview.com Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm West View’s Week Ahead Sunday, November 9th 9:00 am: Tradional Worship— 10:00 am: Sunday School 11:00 am: Contemporary Worship 2:00—3:30 pm: Jamie & Meggan Davis baby shower in John Lane’s classroom 4:00 pm: Finance Meeng 4:45—5:45 pm Contemporary Service Rehearsal 5:00 pm: Discipleship Training 6:00 pm: Children’s Service 7:00 pm: Business Meeng Monday, November 10th No Scheduled Acvity Tuesday, November 11th 10:00 am: Acve Adult Care Day Wednesday, November 12th 6:00 pm: Wednesday Night Meal: Adults: Biscuits and Gravy Children: Biscuits & Gravy 6:30 pm: Celebrate Recovery 6:30 pm: GriefShare 6:30 pm: Bible Drills 6:30 pm: Youth Worship 7:30 pm: Tradional Choir Rehearsal Thursday, November 13th 10:00am—2:00 pm: Food Panty 5:45 pm—Community –wide visitaon, meet at the church office. Friday & Saturday, November 14 & 15 GA Overnight Mission Adventure— Meet in Children’s Department RA Overnight Mission Adventure— Meet in the gym Thank You The Pastoral Staff wishes to thank each of you for your generous love offering given for Staff Appreciaon Day. You are a loving church family. Pastor Marc, Bro. Ronnie, Bro. Robert, Bro. Billy and Bro. Richie. Adult Christmas Cantata We need your help singing in the Christmas Cantata. It is not to late to join the choir for this year’s cantata. If you are new in the church, if you have sang in past cantatas, or if you just like to sing, please come join us. Pracce is Wednesday nights starng at 7:30 pm. This is such a great way to minister to our community as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Ladies & gentlemen we are counng on you! Churchwide Thanksgiving Service & Meal —November 23rd Please note change: (for one week only). We will have only one worship service on Sunday, November 23rd. Small group (Sunday School) will start at 10:00 a.m. and a blended worship service at 11:00 a.m. This will be followed at noon with our annual Thanksgiving meal in the mulpurpose building. Pastoral Staff Dr. Marc Reeves, Senior Pastor Richie Williams, Minister of Music Ronnie Winn, Acve Adult Pastor Robert Piercy, Youth Pastor Billy Hardesty, Children’s Pastor marc@mywestview.com richie@mywestview.com ronnie@mywestview.com robert@mywestview.com billy@mywestview.com How to Join West View By Profession of Faith and Bap&sm Real salvaon is a relaonship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (John 14:6; 17:3). Those who embrace Christ through heart faith (Romans 10:10) desire to express this relaonship publicly (MaFhew 10:32-33), follow His example (MaFhew 3:16) and obey His command (MaFhew 28:19). You may profess your faith and request believer’s bapsm by going forward during the invitaon at the end of the service. Upon your bapsm, you will be entered into the membership of the church. By Recommenda&on From Another Bap&st Church If you are a member of another Bapst church, you may go forward during the invitaon and request the transfer of your membership to West View Bapst Church. The church office will nofy your former church. By Statement of Faith and Bap&sm When records are not available, because they have been lost or destroyed, or if you are now a member of another denominaon, you may unite with West View upon your statement of a prior conversion and bapsm in a Bapst church. By Bap&sm from Another Denomina&on If you have received Christ as your personal Savior and Lord through the ministry of another denominaon, praise the Lord! However, if you have never been bapzed in a Bapst church, by immersion, you are welcome to join our church by bapsm. You are precious to God and to us. Please feel free to ask any quesons you may have. New Members by Le,er: November 2, 2014 Regularly Scheduled Mee&ngs Deacon Meeting—1st Sunday of each Month Finance Meeting—2nd Sunday of each Month Business Meeting—2nd Sunday of each Month Ac&ve Adult Care Day Schedule 1st Tuesday of Each Month—Chateau on the Ridge 2nd Tuesday of Each Month—Belle Meade 3rd Tuesday of Each Month—Greene Acres 4th Tuesday of Each Month—Sunshine Manor Small Group A,endance Last Week 311 Darrell & Brenda Dennis Theresa Marn November 9, 2014 Sermon Notes Tradi&onal Worship: 9:00 A. M. Prelude Brenda Russell Hymn— “We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes ” 608 Hymn— “The Lily of the Valley” V. 1, 3 189 Prayer and Announcements Deacon, Gary Rogers Welcome Pastor, Marc Reeves Greeng— “To the Work” 615 Offertory—“Trust, Try, and Prove Me” 616 Message In Song Message “Sacrifice While You Can” (Mark 14: 3-9) Invitaon— “I Surrender All” Judy Cole Pastor, Marc Reeves 275 Contemporary Worship: 11:00 AM ” ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Song— “Come, Now is the Time to Worship” A.M. SERVICE Janet Rodriguez/Ausn Wycoff Jimmy Binkard/Cameron Crawford Marcus Dowdy Robert Piercy Janet Rodriguez/Ausn Wycoff P.M. SERVICE Janet Rodriguez Daryl Foster/Cameron Crawford Marcus Dowdy Robert Piercy Janet Rodriguez Song— “Sing, Sing, Sing” ******************************************************* SOUND TEAM 2014 — QTR 4 Song— “Shout to the Lord” DATE 11/09/2014 11/16/2014 TRADITIONAL Ky Pugh Tim Rowland CONTEMPORARY Jeffrey Monroe Danny Thomas P.M. SERVICE Ky Pugh Tim Rowland Song— “How Great Is Our God” PROJECTION TEAM 2014— QTR 4 Message “Sacrifice While You Can” (Mark 14: 3—9) Pastor, Marc Reeves Invitaon— “I Surrender All Offertory/Message in Song Jenni Lamb Children’s Worship Service Volunteers in Service Deacons on Call: Gary Rogers 870-565-6773 Tradi&onal Service ****************************************************** Camera Team DATE 1st Sunday: 2nd Sunday: 3rd Sunday: 4th Sunday: 5th Sunday: Welcome - Praise Band Evening Worship: 6:00 PM DATE NURSERY Week 1: DeWayne & Sheila Monroe Week 2: Kim Wycoff, Debbie Cross Week 3: Cathy Dowdy & Terry Rowland Week 4: Sarah Franks & Donna Kieffner Week 5: Dana Bradford, Hannah Riggs WALKERS-2 YR OLDS Week 1: Jon & Sara Walker Week 2: Doug & Dana Williams Week 3: Lacey & Kerri Ivey Week 4: David & Haley Tyler Week 5: Josh & Deidre Davis 3-4 YR OLDS Week 1: Cathy & Sarah Dowdy Week 2: Josh & Rhonda McKinley Week 3: Sarah Crossno & Mark Green Week 4: JR & Amber Toombs Week 5: Dora Whitman & Phyllis Laymon Sunday Night Service TRADITIONAL CONTEMPORARY P.M. SERVICE 11/09/2014 Josh McKinley Andrew Cooper Josh McKinley 11/16/2014 Chad Miller Tollie Beth Cooper Tollie Beth Cooper NURSERY 1st Sunday: Kathy Bacigalupo, Linda Cooper 2nd Sunday: Robert & Alison Piercy 3rd Sunday: Becky Thurman, Diane Rogers 4th Sunday: Julia Davis, Tammie Gaskill 5th Sunday: ———————————— WALKERS-2YR OLDS/3-4 YR OLDS 1st Sunday: Darlene Hilliard, Diane James 2nd Sunday: Debbie Cross, Sarah Thiel 3rd Sunday: Meredith Baine, Melanie Lane 4th Sunday: Rachel Hardesty, Alissa Cooper 5th Sunday: Lori Dowdy, Vicki Fulbright David Wilcox 870-476-3224 Contemporary Service NURSERY 1st Sunday: Jerimiah & Kori Gill 2nd Sunday: Hannah Dowdy, Lori Dowdy 3rd Sunday: Alison & Addie Piercy 4th Sunday: Jeffrey & Kelsey Monroe 5th Sunday: Crystal Randles, Ausn Gentle WALKERS-2 YR OLDS Week 1: Trent & Mariah Dowdy Week 2: Rebecca Edwards, ClaudeFe Wooten Week 3: Josh & Deidre Davis Week 4: Paghe Carrier, Shana Williams Week 5: Phillip & Jessica Morris 3-4 YR OLDS Week 1: Karen Cooper & Crystal Randles Week 2: Ky & Mallory Pugh Week 3: Brent & Crystal Cox Week 4: Emily Miller & Jennifer McDaniel Week 5: Doug & Cindy Wigginton Midweek Service NURSERY Week 1: Kori Gill, Tammy Gill Week 2: Donna Kieffner, Donna Picheloupe Week 3: Dianne James, Donna Picheloupe Week 4: ——————————————Week 5: ——————————————-
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