WWW.NJDARTS.COM 201-320-3669 Results Wk#07 11/11/14 OGD vs PACC 21-3 ReBar vs C U vs Next Tuesday 2-22 14-5-5=Q 1 2 3 C1-Platinum Team W/L/T OGD 7-0-0 C-U-Next Tuesday 5-1-1 Yesterdays II 5-1-1 Rebar 2-4-1 14-5-5=Q Team 14-5-5=Q 1 2 3 4 Team Bach Pour Boys Yesterdays PACC C1-Gold W/L/T C1-Silver W/L/T 3-3-1 3-4-0 1-6-0 0-7-0 Yesterdays vs Bach 6-18 Pour House vs Yesterdays II 8-16 Standings Results Wk#07 11/11/14 C1-Platinum ASP/Bonus Standings Pts Pytd 1 Henry J Magee 2847 6 Keith Lillis 122 2 Matt Bolger Jr 2639 7 Jamil Rashid 101 12 3 Charles Lobello 2545 8 Bernard Clyne 100 4 Mike Healey 2535 9 Adel Abou-Zid 72 SF 5 Robert Snuffer 2245 10 Martin Sierra 2182 2148 2122 2055 2030 C1-Gold ASP/Bonus Standings Pts Pytd 1 Dave Peselli 1718 6 2 Jay Hui 1610 7 3 Ray Meyer 1445 8 4 Dan Keeler 1280 9 5 Anthony Medves 1080 10 1 Paul Metzinger 2220 6 Melissa Baranowski 1242 2 Al Ferrulli 1839 7 Ed Vencik 1151 3 Marshell Edge 1680 8 Don McMillan 1130 4 Derek Fiore 1459 9 Kurt DeWitt 1130 5 Mike Greene 1298 10 Mark Shabunia 1127 C1-Silver ASP/Bonus Standings Pts 84 82 52 46 Pytd Teams in RED have outstanding requirements ie; dues balance, score sheet not submitted,make-up pending other requirement Effective Immediately, ReBar team #7 on the schedule, has FF the balance of the season. A BYE shall be inserted into the schedule starting Wk#8. NR-No Results DE- Dues error PP-Penalty Pending LR-Late Results P-Penalty Applied FP-Forfeit Pending FF-Forfeit Applied SF-Season Forfeit (x)-Cumulative FF SC-Stat Correction PR-Penalty Rescinded Post-Postponed Pytd-Penalties YTD Teams in red have outstanding requirements ie:score sheet/dues, match pending Grayed out - Not Calculated dues/score sheet pending Home team is required to submit original score sheet (White) to the league no later then 10pm Thursday following the match. Penalties will be applied. Captains must use full names when completing the weekly score sheet in order to register & credit the correct players' stats. Weekly Acheivements Wk#07 Top 3 High Ins (100+) Top 3 High Outs (100+) Charlie LoBello T32 6 Dart 301 Top 3 High ASP Martin Sierra 305 7 Dart 301 Mike Greene 257 Al Ferrulli 241 8 Dart 301 * Indicates Average ASP incl C9 T80 6 Corks Red = Lost Red = Lost Red = Lost 9 Dart 301 NJDARTS has joined the social media on facebook. I've already uploaded hundreds of pictures from years past. Come check us out. Go to Facebook and search "New Jersey Dart League" and become a fan by clicking the like button. Ins Award ea (w/win) C9 $10 ea (w/win) URGENT NOTICE Notice all members / sponsors Wk#3 Robert Snuffer T Wk#1 Bernard Clyne Wk#3 Frank Giordano T12 T80 $15 ea (with win) Wk#4 Jessica Holmquist T10 Wk#6 Henry J Magee T20 6 Corks $20ea (with win) Wk#6 Tom Caraccio T20 Season Highs Top 3 High Ins (100+) Wk#6 Henry J Magee T20 Wk#6 Tom Caraccio T20 Wk#3 Frank Giordano T12 Top 3 High Outs (100+) URGENT NOTICE League Score Sheets & Dues should be mailed/dropped @ NJDARTS 28 Livingston Avenue, Kearny, NJ 07032 by 10pm Thursday following a scheduled match. If mailed, must be postmarked by Wednesday following the match to avoid penalties. (private residence please no drop offs after 10pm) Top 3 High ASP 400 Joe Egger 400 Henry J Magee 399 Al Ferrulli Important Advisory ALL teams 4.12 DISRUPTIVE BEHAHIOR Outs award ea 700 Club CAPTAINS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A DECORUM CONDUSIVE TO GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP THROUGH OUT THE MATCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 1.3 MEMBERSHIP. CAPTAINS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PLAYERS. 800 Club 4.13 DAMAGE TO PROPERTY 900 Club 6 Dart 301 7 Dart 301 8 Dart 301 9 Dart 301 Notice all members / sponsors Winter weather is here. As a result, snowstorms are inevitable. On a league night they wreak havock with captains trying to postpone matches and notify team-mates. The league, in the case of severe, inclement weather, may Postpone all schedule matches negating the need for captains chasing each other down. In this case a general notice will be placed (prior to 6pm) on the league forum located at: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/njdf orum/ League Web Page: http://www.njdarts.com/njdl/index.htm facebook: New Jersey Dart League (all members are encouraged to become fans). If you have any doubts on a given night you should check out these many resources ahead of time, it will save you a great deal of aggravation. Don't sit at home waiting for a phone call, it's not coming! Make sure your team-mates are also aware of this. General postponements are rescheduled for the next available scheduled make-up date on the schedule and have priorty over all other pending make-ups. This makes it urgent for teams with outstanding matches to reschedule them ASAP (see rule 4.11 Postponements). No make-up is permitted after the makeup date. Un-played matches are considered NO Show Forfeits, penalties and fines will be applied. WHERE DAMAGE IS CAUSED TO PROPERTY AS THE RESULT OF UNRULY PLAYER(S) IT WILL BE THE OFFENDING TEAM’S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE IMMEDIATE AND PROPER REMUNERATION TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE PROPERTY OWNER. TEAMS IN VIOLATION OF THIS RULE ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION FROM THE LEAGUE AT THE DESCRETION OF THE LEAGUE OPERATOR. From the League Office: Captains should make all their team members aware of these two rules. NJDL 2014-2015Season Looking for some digital pictures from all the teams, players & bars. I would like to add some pic's of the players from the teams and sponsor locations. So if you think about it bring a digital camera with you and snap some pic's. Send them to me at njdarts@verizon.net The league stance is clear! This behavior will not be tolerated. So let this notice serve as your only warning. These 2 rules shall be strictly enforced. Captains Tuesday Night Hot Line 201-320-3669 Rules interpretation and dispute resolution Sponsors: Please post Weekly Results near the dart board so they are available to NJDL members on League Night
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