FROM :BLUEDART HO FAX NO. :91 22 28311184 Jan. 29 2015 04:06PM Pl * By Fax / Hand Delivery January 29, 2015 BWE DART fF EXPRESS LIMITED ' Fip 1.6%11 901 Blue Dart Centre, Sahar Airport Road Andherl (Eastl, Mumbal . 400 099, India Tel.: 2839 6444 Fax: 2824 4131 CIN : L61074MH1991 PLC061074 BSE Limited, Sjr Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai -400 001 Re: Un-Audited Financial Results and 'Limited Review_Report' for the auarter ended December 31, 2014. Dear Sir / Madam, Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 41 of the Stock Exchange Listing Agreement, enclosed please find herewith, Un-Audited Financial Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2014, taken on record by the Board of Directors in its meeting held on January 29, 2015 at 2.30 p.m. ' Please also find enclosed herewith copy of Limited Review Report' issued by M/s. Price Waterhouse, the Statutory Auditors of the Company on Un-Audited Financial Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2014. We also enclose herewith copy of the Press Release published by the Company in this regard. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Bluei a if*e ress Limited A \\rkf ,(P\\ C.F ( dl,*f'- . . 1 c" /1 -It.) TI'll 1 ElI 9 29-unlarffpde# \3 tompan ec fary & Head-Legal & Compliance Encl: as above cc: National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 051 -n 70 0 , Z , . to 'r C m ID 70 -1 I 0 ---+ - / P 1 li : 1. t. : m 1'1 9. w lim.; VI *,vil iril Zill' i ' ' 1119&14'£'t 4 . 82i r >0 d... 8 4 % Ell:151;Iipl=lt:i:·'01,1-i.-bly, I j 1 1 1 ' r . W kisiMI lek Zzlillzz 1 ' :1 /2 1/ alte KS 1 11"i 425/<SE f.irK :,pe, 1 ,Se#-" m 1 '4#<11 "a" t 11'1111 11,1* i!1111'jitillitii i:jilitil i '1'" i li li' il -, -i'llitrit 1 tri tiail i/,Ii '2 testar -malis ./i K,-Fl"grl I i /42 :#,2 aill, i /ii, illitbili .G;, 1-'-. islt 6 1 iti :i l i e* i 1 1 111 Ii Ri IR : 11 1 12 1 11,3i: 7 i ,ils lilli i; m i3 ii 1 i £2 5 GE * iii *i f iii .1 iii / Ra .' 5 I 5/ g | |i HA L A L I' d u i 49 1 * ill . Nl . -n ID X Qr 'M.' els-,Ii'./. ."' rh (1,i· :i a,i- , j 7,7 ililr., 1/ l'1,1 .ill 1.11. . 1/2 . .11.f, ".1 2,1 I llili, i' . :,1 1. . , 1 11: E / E 7 - -1 - 1 1% 8/0 1,' , , ·l i' 1, 1- 'j, :2 11-, . , 1-.-- =-tis„ 8; 6 -' 51 S. 111111'111.1111-1.111111.,4;,'1 C" 2 91 .i '111.1,111,111 5,02litil E' 8. // i „1 . 1 Itt pk &&6*h£Lsk£%#61'5 6 SI :-1 1 #0,' 1:E - ' .-' Ilii 11:-lir<Li·e ,_«4.. -Ii-- *#1 6 LL 1,1 *6,1,# "9#3/43'* .*U&g m · 8:19,1 2 ..: ] 0-8 1 : 8% F .. i iii 'i iii 810*1+3- m Bilfs, t lim iI'li' "911 '2:'ifil lillia f iff #M glil 'ISM#*bl. i-,#6 /FieW W t' f i// i i/ # .i I ro ro i 26 #I 22 i it F /1 .1.-111'.1.1.-1 11111':,11111 Il'1-1 I." ..V'"1''Irli, ./ 25 / li '1% b 1 1% 1.1 1 , f I i ''1 : 1, M l i l l i -'8 p B 8/1 11 ALU / 5 1 r#lili! irilifilit 1 id/41'*A' Iii| a 1 KireEg ,1 9 fialitilit jri,R. dif, ia .. i, li'E / IE lili ' 1 fi A- R :' a Al ,1, 1,91 1 1Wl A-i #1 , ' , , : I Ii<,01. / R9: R . 22 #G 'lil.i:limli. a 1 Iii Iii:,Ii"i 1 '895 4 I'le" 1/2 + il# ilii'ji 1 i T NE 0 E . 11 i i-1 '22 11 ilblill r IHial p l i f i l-m 1.i fi i Stoj'37 s 1: 4 RF 2 i2 20 KZ ' 11111|11111|1177,111 1 i ''-i-,-r-...... .1 .Li l p,1 1 1 1!I L 1 L I J 1 1 1 1 1:I I L' 1-1 9 ir 82 g :M I IGI 1· Ic*w· ei F'rIFINe,t,F 1 1 161 & a; 5 I 1 25 .*18, logi 13| ' #& sLM,Emi im a&"- & 1 : S 00 1. fl:83ife ZE -15 ... 3 gff C ... a g=,I S O 8 2885 S 9/,1 F3 3 2 4 W 2, P ro UD -i I R a. E ro 0 :"i (S) F.-X (S) G A (S) 19 JI Z 151 '.# 9 12= 1* 4 0, /86,3/ r - =d I 5 6 3 1-. ro 00 Cd F 11 70 ro i 1 ]M :BLUEDART HO FAX NO. :91 22 28311184 J Cal . 'Ilhe Board of Directors Blue Dart Exp ress Limited Blue Dart Centre Sahar Airp ort Road Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 099 1. We have reviewed the results of Blue Dart Express Limited December 31, 2014 which are (the "Company") for the qu included in the accompanying arter ended Results for the 'Statement of Standalon Quarter and Nine months e Unaudited Ended 31/12/201 (the disclosures 4' regarding 'Public Share «Statement'D, except for the holding' and'Pronloter and Fromoter have been traced from disclosures made by the Group Shareholding' which Ma audited by us. The Statem ent has been prepared bynagement but have neither been reviewed nor be en the Company pursuant Agreement with the Stock to purposes. This Statement is Exchanges in India, which has been initialled Clause 41 of the Listing by us for identification the responsibility of the by the Board of Company's rnanagern Directors. Our responsibility is ent and has been approved to issue a repolt on the review. Statenlent based on our 2. We conducted our review in accordance with the Sta nda "Review ofInterim PYnancia l Information Performed by rd on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, the Independent Aud issued by the Institute of and perform the review Chartered Accountants of India. This Standard req itor of the Entity" to obtain moderate uires that we plan assurance as to whether the free of material misstatement financial statements are 3. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures app financial data and thtis provides lied to less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit aid accordingly, we do not express an audit , opinion. 4. We have only traced the disc10$ur regard es ing 'Public Shareholding' Group Shareholding' in and 'Promoter and Promo the Stalenien l 0111 the disclosu ter res made by the Manage therefore, not expresGing a revie ment and are, w opinion thereon. 5. Based on our review conduc ted as that the Statement has not bee above, nothing has Come to our attention that causes us to believ n prepared in all material respects e Accounting Standards notifie d pursuant to the Companies (Ac in accordance with the applicable counting Standards) Rules, 200 per Section 211(30 of the Comp 6 as anies Act, 1956 read with the General Circular September 13, 2013 of the Mih 15/2013 dated istry of Corporate Affairs in respect of Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 and other recognised information required to be disc ·accounting practices and policies, and has not disc10$ ed the losed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement includ manner in which it is to be ing the disclosed, or that it contains any ma terial misstatement. For Price Waterhouse Firm Registration Num Chartered Accountants Mumbai Date: January 29,2015 ber: 301112E 0'»« mit Seth Partner Membership Number: 105869 FAX NO. :91 22 28311184 ROM :BLUEDART HO Jan. cI3 CE.11·2 c, i·. 'k'.-,1 , , BLUE DART EX PRESS LIMITED Rele. omce . Blue Dar t Centf, Sakr Airport Td : 28396444 Fax Road, Andhert (East), :28244131 Website Mumbd · 400 099. : 1-MlI id : communicat ion£ CIN : L6107*MH1991PLC06 1074 PARTI Statement of Standalone Unaudited Re,lults for Particiars 1, /Rtlens , i.won,Efrom ope „,.... (1*1 Net.Sa,15.f.*tom e,rro ' m.*perations „. -4(blgtherop <B,A lltese . ........ ...„,... ..., ,-.......... .... ....... ... Ifc Depre i Iti, lail.amnrtiftion 29,94 2 ·· '41 D.ther ee'·I!„1 .... ... ., 1'*' _' - . 1-- - --. 1 ..... 40„163' ... " „ befor:niher in, me, jin·, n:ece#&.ande•ca 1],undi ze,i m .. ............, 't ims:53#& pe 'em- Req!».1, 8*04*tel ZEW#d/4&*el 'Pald· 15. "IR:Rer'le, r:XCIudmi R-ev l#:arn n , Prr - --mr.I--- I··-I Itu,di-.--lg,lpituted........__ -,.... ..m *7 „, 16. ii IEarnin s.per ih.,re Iar»rek!l'P" =«- --. I 788 ,-, "' ... 2- 7 ,1,. ... 48*'',, L Lf:..- t„.41'i ..13:; 29 16.455 2.1)37, ..m. . 4.551 -,i 1 „Idi) ... 3,4;3 3/44' 4 19 1 .... ©, ,s , ;....... , .i,„,7,4.0, 75„JKA"t. -'-9.faill'.. 14.104 I. iltil,9 13.MO,7 18.73'7 01 2,713' m - -1141 . 9375 .. . ... (of IW«h) 169, .6, 1*seol,. .... ,dr lte,;113 *.11;"g-ch.1 inotilil;Iuall ied, „, -.. . PART 11 „. ....., - 733 ... 2,373 1. ····.... 11tl r' .... li.43 A 1. 1 -J,4-- '- 40 „„ 2 73 &,4, 5 1 4%/.3 dm- .0" _3.9,g .. ,. .....11.«. 19.4 ,. .... 9...1.i ..... ·····13 - -'12 ga PARUCCLARS OF SHAREHOLDIN C Ph]blic shnreholling: Number Of,hare: per«ntuW.or,h=re.heidins 2. - - FA@i , rs and Promoter Group Shi,&71952 n.4.p' . -1 ,·- ...... -:.-„3,1,„........ ....236 ,1... - „,-,0'in „. '" -„„li&5 .,.... '.....„.,1 1,4,4„0„ -, 2, .. 2,373 of previous ac(011,11,inA yflar 2 710 „ 12,503 :83 ....,Alli ... ..... _.1.-1 -'-7.-/ niw:Moil,RI:-gve,ps perhaIRn ce ;hert hefore rdinar •,...*rks) . =FL---.ertrao . _ - I.- D'J. 2 -'. 14,810 ...· 4.513. .. 14.1,37 - ..... «'..41 1.4948 47 f•4 139.218 13 .7.412 ... - Sh·E711 46: „ .1133; ... mwkf 1434' 4 ' 35:I „,4„,4 -1, ......, ,„ , „6„Z . " 3 841/ 2 3.Ohi Dtil .... .... - ........ 1-. fietprn(It.fromprdina,7-M,t..h,t,cs....._ ....._ ,an=r,t,# 16. h. 2; ... 2/,031 „„ ... t/IA. .„ :"g" r --,„.9-9 ..... - .... 367.F, .. '1'i'5,59 „, """..91i:ol"' ,60 f, .. - Il/' N71 -. "I.. '.. " - ,9„Ti vit e, beror, tax 14 8'11 . .0.3, . 541811' 831 „ ' ... IProlit iron, ord,=,ad, acti .., 'iO.05,. 55.078' ;;:. ''-„'„, i. 1 " rt"»1411-'»'»"-«'€»re·,im,-,1„4. 9 .b. 1 . - TN« .... 1.'35· 1.029 1,070., -5.2&3' - 5:Inl j .„d.•'2• ';•1 ,„1£6' "' - TIG =931% „,1.:7 - , ·IR:1:z;f:'9" "»"i"i=t,-94,tte,t.J"St'Lon , 81'* - „,irl . . ... .CRher me,me 18 „ ... . .- Total erpill'iI 3. "'|prod front 4,0<itidn s 4. „ .. rieinic€ t: (ne;, It8 expet,Se ..... al.dited auditel) (Unaudited) (Au dited) m:M:W l "mi:M i ) (Un r=. i 32:.i ·zi 'a ... ... , , * . w ,1, FreiKh.d-t iing.and 8er tch) Emplm,4 bene (Tin IACS) <Unniaited) (Unalmited ) (Un ... .... .. pnq.1 Infume.(p,m.9.M ionf..(Id).. iE,peni - 2- tite Quarter and Nine Men ths Ended 31/120014 Qurter Quart# 1 Quarter i2.98 39,51 ...... lpii- 9 71 ' 38,81 5,931,984 3,931,934 - 51 -#/ „„, ..... 39.51' ..... 52:43 32 1 " 52.43 · 5,931,984 5,931,984 ........_=a...0,9 .... ........ -25,£2.......... a) Pledged/Eneumbekd · Nlumber of shares PcrierLtal:e or shnre; Cos a % of the total sharrholding or 5,931,984 5,931,984 ......25:00..... .....26,0.0.'..... ......25,0,0.... . ......2 :e. · #- the Pronoter and Promo:*rgroup) -'.: pEL': !ltafor..sharef.. fe.a.% 0% th,f,B-&1.shsp: caR,t...,1.:Slf the.op kee.4... b) Non·Encumbored ... Number of shares · - Percentage oi shars (R# a % or the total sharehaldin g or the Promoterina rromoter group PcreentnRe or Ah, res <23 a % of the ) total ah.Te Capittil of the compnoy) 17,7„.„, 100 76.00 PBrtkvlart B 1„45,9100 - '7,795,„ - 1,1.5'„1 - 17,96,95 . 100 100. 73.00 75-80 75,001 100 75.00 3 months 1,1=,„, leo 75.00 eaded INVESTOR COMPLAINTS Pending at the beginning of the qwrte r Receivet during the quaricT Dispos,d ofduililf thz Quarter Rtmathine Unresolved at the end of the 3111/2014 quarter Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6, 7. 8. Net S leilingeme from operathi (inettl ive of full surcharge and curreency 2djuitment factor} Ims reeorded An to thc correspondirE quarter orthe increase of M.51% for the quarter ended previous year. Decembcr 31,2014 Re tomp,red Dudng the quarter ended Jilne 30, 2014, th( manalgement rng#esSed the rarrlaining use[111 Uk o[ Ascts depreclati n charze of< 727 Lai:% as prr*Gribed il, Sthedue II Df the mr the nine months period ended Comphies Act, 2013, and hos taken December 31,2014 ini:lid#* r 204 additional tax) adjusted to General Reserve Lag for tile quarter ended Deeember bellig *he earr:ririg value orassets 41,2014 id Rdditi n to r 295 Lats (nis having a Nil rE,vised remaining Itieful of Freisht, handling Bnd aer•vicing life as of April 1, 2014. Costs includer l,064 Lacs for the 41]Rr ter ended Decomber 31, Zot,1 and depreciation on acceqrlt Of reasS r 2,881 La,;s for the nine months *,milent of MAI ' fg or rertain UXed ended Dece n,bir 31,2014, townrds additional Wiscts and impairment of Qertain The Company allotted fully pRid up aviation related ageti Bomls Debezattlr€s on November :1, ZO14 f rword Iamte Nevember aimthsended December 31, 2014 18,2014) .2#regating to T 33,219 jaa Include 7350 #cs tolvardl deberiture Finan ce cats R,r the quarter and *Ine Interat Th Bentls Debemils cre atd The Compsny it primarily engaird m BSE Limited md Natianal Stoek th a single seEment buslne,8 Ofing El:thatie Limit d. grsted air and round trsnipertatioll Pltity rer Its Parious service offerin Snd distrib l,tion of Uni imative pack*,Er,5 In lidia g* ind la governed by a *illillar,ctof risksmnd returns. The said trstme and B mangged as one Standard Oa tement Reporing (AS·1 nt & in accor 7) as notifted under the Componies dince with the gltiding prmciples *nunc Aet, 1956 rend with the Gencm; Cared inted In the Actuanting Atairs in respect or Seition 133 of th ar 15/20 13 dated September 13,2013 8fthe Minist CompaniA Acl- 2013. ry or Corporale Thw prior period·s *Bures haTe *n regroope[1 and ret!*slf ed .herever .ece882ry $0 conform to airrent perio In Aceardallee wm the requjremem d'a assimation. s of Cl,ase 41 et the LAsting Agre ment with th* Siock Exth*Ilges, lhe rasults for the qurter ended Deco Statutory Atl litors have performed mber 31,2014. There are no qualif a linlitid revicw of the Company's icntio m in the Limited rtrier res,tissued for flnanci81 The #bove results were reviewed the above prrloEl. by the Audit Commitz# and „ Cre therra rter approved By the Board at its meeti ng held on jnrnary 29, 7915. ''«etraterhow* Wt€ : Jtln,Mr, 29, 10ij Inee : Mumbai < (&.erS-® 1 ••2RN 30119&** #*00 M 4 By Order ofthe Boxrd / For Blue Dirt Exprqlk Gficd «11 (Mam: Ing ureclor) DiN : 0133·4 83 1 ROM :BLUEDART HO FAX NO. :91 22 28311184 Jan. E3 CE.11·2 ci . 'k'«.1'' BILUE DART Kindly approve this release for dissem ination: - -Ii.-ill . Ill -' ---- -Il' Ill=. Approved by: Signed by: Press Release Blue Dart Sales at f 5,8 1 88.53 Wlioi The Company posted r 271.33 million prof after tax it Mumbai, January 29, 2015: Blue Dart Express Ltd., South Asia's premier express air and integrated transportation & distribution company, today declared its financial results for the 31, 2014, at its Board Meeting held in quarter ended December Mumbai, The Company posted W 271.3 3 million profit after tax for the quar·ter ended December 31, 2014. Sales/Income from operations for the Net quarter ended December 31, 2014 stood at Z 5,888.53 million. Anil Khanna, Managing Director, Blue Dart Express Limited said , "We have been able to sustain our growth momentum in our perf ormance this quarter, irrespective the challenging macro-e of environment. Our cornmitment to deli conomic ver excellent service quality, high customer satisfaction and innovative methods to enhance our service offerings has been persistent. Going business further forward, we will drive our through the widest range of innovative produc and ts servi ces with the support of our passionate people force, dedicated air and ground infrastructure and superior technology". He further added, -We will contin ue to bring immense value to internal and external stak eholders by incorporating high benchmarks and quality standards in every aspect of bus iness and remain the undisputed leader in the air and ground express industry in Blue Dart country '. Blue Dart was recently featu red in the Fortune 500 list of India's Largest Corporation ranked the 3rd highest wealth crea s and was also tor in the last four years as per a study by the Times of India and Motil Oswal Securities. al m'Im ............'. er:Ir Blue Dart Centre, Sahar Airport Road, Andheri (East), Mum bal 400099 Tel: 2839 6444, Fax: 28244131. e.mail: communications*blueda aN : L61074MH1991PLCO61074 /«3 22,4, /1.../,0 )5n 33»--»f '€tt,3/ 1 :91 22 25311ia«+ FAX NO. M :BLUEDART HO - BlUE DART About Blue Dart: Blue Dart Express Ltd., Sou Secure end reliable deliver th Asia'a premier express air and integrated transpo y of consignments to over rtation & distribution compan 34,248 locations in India. As part of the DP DHL Gro y, offers Express, DHL Global Forwar up (DHL ding & DHL Supply Chain), Blu e Dart accesses me largest express and logistics networ and most comprehensive k worldwide, covering over 220 countries and territories dist,ibution services includin and offers an entire spectru g air express, freight forw m of arding supply chain solution s and customs clearance. The Blue Dart team drives malket leadership through its motivated people force. Cutting-edge technology, wid dedicated air and ground cap e range of innovative, vertica acity, l spedflo products and valueunmatched standards of ser added services to deliver vice quality to Its customers . Blue Dart's market leader numerou* awards and recogn shi p is further validated by itions from customers for exh ibiting reliability, supetior bra sustainability. Some of the se include Superbrand and nd experience and 'Readers Digest Most Truste d Brand Award', one of 'ind ' by The Great Place to Wo ia's rk* Institute five times in a the Cause of Education' - Glo row , 'Outstanding Contribution bal HR Excellence Awards to 2011-2012, BSE Best CSR Jamnatal Bajaj Fair Busines Practice Award and 22nd CF s Practices Award - 2010 in BP the category of Sewive Ent erprises (Medium) to nam e e few, Best Companies to Wofic For Blue Dart accepts Its Social responsibility by supporting climate protection (GoGreen) , dis (GoHelp) and education (Go aster monagement Teach). For further information oontact: Image Inc.: Shyam Shivadas CERTIFIED TRUE COPY +91 9820831834 Email: shyam@im age-publicrelation For BLUE OART EXPRESS LTD. 41 9/ 4* TU ARGUNDERIA COMPANYSECRETARY & HEAD-LEGAL&COMPLIANCE Blue Dart: Yogesh Dhingra CFO & COO Contact· +91 22 28396444 Ketan Kulkarnl VP & Head Marketing, Corpora te Communications & Sustaina bility Contact· +91 22 283964 44 - =UE DART '1'R:*. L. I„*I evil Blue Dart Centre, Sahar Airport Road, Andheri (East), Mumbal 400099 Tel.' 28396444, Fax: 28244131. Lvww.blueda CIN : L61074MH1991 e-mail: communlcations@blu PLC061074
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