FRIDAY, 14 t h November, 2014 Week 6 Term 4 PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Father in Heaven, we praise you for the many gifts that you have given us. Amen. OUR HELPING HANDS – ST AGNES’ PARISH CHRISTMAS HAMPER APPEAL Our school community once again demonstrated immense generosity in donating to the St Agnes’ Parish Christmas Hamper Appeal today. If you have any last minute donations, please send them in early next week as we’ll send our baskets over to the Parish on Tuesday. remembering the true meaning of Christmas. The P & F will need helpers on the evening to man stalls for the BBQ, battery operated tea-lights, glow sticks and fingers as well as cold drinks. Please contact the Office if you are able to volunteer! The iPad raffle will be drawn on the night - good luck! INITIATIVES FOR GOOD HEALTH Our Intensive Swimming Program will begin on Monday for Kindergarten to Year 2. It is important that children come with the equipment they need every day to take full advantage of this possible life saving program. Living in Port Macquarie, it is essential that children become competent swimmers. In the interest of good nutrition and to maximum learning and concentration, lollies are not allowed to be consumed before recess. Our mid-morning ‘Crunch & Sip’ is a great way to ensure your child eats a piece of fruit or veg that may otherwise be overlooked during busy play times. Please ensure fruit and veg is prepared so that it is easily eaten in the 5-10 minute break. As we enter the festive season, it would be helpful to minimise the amount of lollies sent to school and preferable for children not to bring candy cane to share with friends as the extra sugar is not conducive to concentration or ‘strong’ and healthy teeth. A ‘TASTE’ FOR THE NEW – K & 7 Orientations Year 6 will attend their Orientation Day at either St Paul’s or St Joseph’s Regional College next Friday. We are certain that the students will return home excited about the prospect of secondary school. Next week, our Kindergarten students for 2015 will attend their Orientation morning either on Wednesday or Thursday. Parents and carers will attend an Information Evening on Thursday from 7pm in the MPA. All Kindergarten 2015 students will return to ‘big school’ the following Thursday morning for their second Orientation experience. There are some useful links on our website to support your children and family if you are at one of these milestone times- listed under Parent Education. BAGO FAMILY A-FAIR LOOMS We pray that we are bathed in sunshine next Sunday, 23rd November to enjoy great company, music, food and entertainment amongst the vines at Bago Winery. Thank you to those parents and carers who have returned the green ‘Helpers Slip’ and have offered to assist with the running of the day. We encourage you to help for a little while on the day- it is a great way to meet some new acquaintances and give someone a break. While Bago is a wonderful social occasion, the P & F is driving support to raise money to modernise and contemporise our Hub furniture and settings to support our children’s contemporary learning. P & F AGM TUESDAY EVENING – 7 pm You are invited to come along to the P & F AGM next Tuesday evening. St Joseph’s is an outstanding school, where we are continuing to build our home-school partnership for the benefit of our children. The P & F is a great forum for hearing about what’s happening at school, being able to input into plans as well as providing essential social and fundraising events. We hope to see you there! NO SILENT NIGHT – Carols Evening, Wednesday, 3rd December St Joseph’s grounds will provide a great ‘chorus’ of voices when we hold our Carols by Candlelight evening on Wednesday, 3rd December. A flyer will go home on Monday with details of the evening. Children will take turns to lead us in singing Carols and Remember, if you have a concern, would like to express your appreciation or are uncertain about anything, please phone, email or call in and see us. POSITIVE PARTNERSHIPS PRESENTATION – A WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH TO SUPPORTING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM The Positive Partnerships project is a Federal Government initiative to assist schools develop a whole school approach to supporting children with additional needs, particularly Autism. Our school, through the collaboration of the Additional Needs Team, Diocesan consultants, our whole staff and a wider network of regional educators and allied health professionals have ensured that our school has a consistent whole school approach to supporting children with Autism. You are encouraged to visit the Positive Partnerships website to access many fantastic resources that can support the learning, wellbeing and parenting of all children. If you would like to find out more about Autism Spectrum in particular, then complete the ‘Introduction to Autism’ module. Go to: With every best wish, Geoff Leary & Leisa Fisher Principal – Mr Geoff Leary Assistant Principal – Mrs Leisa Fisher Email - Website – Phone: 6583 3848 Fax: 6583 6976 SUNSHINE CAFE ROSTER th Monday, 17 November th Tuesday, 18 November th Wednesday, 19 November th Thursday, 20 November st Friday, 21 November Week 7 Term 4 TRACEY PRESTON, HELP PLEASE!! SARAH MORGAN, BEVERLY FORSYTH DEBBIE DAVIS, CADY LOUGHLAND HELP, HELP PLEASE!! JACKIE SKINNER If you are unable to attend on your rostered day it would be appreciated if you could organise your replacement. This would really help Annemaree enormously!! BOOKPACKS 2015 A note has gone home explaining the cost and organisation for Book Packs. Each child is required to have a Book Pack. The note is on our website for future reference as it also lists the other equipment that children in each grade require. A reminder that we now have EFTPOS available when you are settling your account. OUTSTANDING BILLS Parents/carers are requested to pay all outstanding fees for sport, any excursions and book packs as soon as possible. Statements have gone home regularly, however there is a considerable amount of money still owing. Your assistance with prompt payment would be appreciated as we only have a few weeks to pay all our creditors. INTENSIVE SWIMMING – Kindergarten To Year 2 Students will need to bring their:th swimmers, rashies, undies, towel, goggles and thongs/crocs every day during Intensive Swimming (Monday, 17 November until Friday th 28 November). Please make sure that every item is clearly labelled including the children’s school uniform and the swimming gear is kept in a separate bag inside their regular school bag. K-2 will have altered recess and lunch times, so will not be able to order hot food in lunch orders. The cost for the program is $72.50 and there will be a sports voucher lucky prize draw for those who have paid the full cost of the program in advance. Otherwise, the cost per student is $6.70 per day. Please keep up to date with payments and seal the correct amount of money in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class. KINDER SWIMMING 11:30AM-12:10PM YEAR 2 SWIMMING 12:10PM-12:50PM YEAR 1 SWIMMING 12:50-1:30PM If you would like to observe your child’s progress through the program, it is advised that the best days to watch would be the 1st, 5th and 9th days. Spectator’s admission fee is $1. The K-2 fun swimming carnival will be held on Tuesday, 2nd December. For your information the swimming carnival timetable is mentioned in our forward dates section. P & F NEWS Here we are coming to the end of another busy year at St Joseph’s and I’m sure many of us are wondering the same thing - where did the year go? th Next Tuesday night, the 18 is our final P&F meeting for the year. Importantly, it is also our AGM where we look to elect the P&F executive for next year. Anyone who thinks they may have an interest in becoming involved with our P&F is encouraged to attend the meeting next week. Don’t worry, you won’t get given a job unless it’s something you feel like having a go at. Having said that, we do encourage anybody who may be considering taking on a more active role in the P&F then we will be more than happy to outline exactly what a particular role may entail. If you don’t feel at the moment that you wish to take on a specific role, please still feel very welcome to come along to the meeting to get an idea of what the P&F actually does. As always the more helping hands we have, the easier everyone’s job is, and the more we can accomplish for our kids. Hope to see as many of you as possible next Tuesday at 7pm so we can make sure that the great work of our P&F continues stronger than ever next year. Directly following the AGM, there will be a short regular meeting to discuss upcoming events at the school and to make some early plans regarding dates for school events next year. Dear parents, it is that very exciting time of the year again. We get to welcome new families into our school environment. Our new Kindergarten children and parents will be visiting next Wednesday and Thursday mornings. We have invited the new parents to join us for a morning tea and tour of the school whilst their children are meeting the Kindergarten teachers. It would be really lovely if some of our current kindergarten parents and other parents of our school could spare some time to also join us at the morning teas to help us make our new families feel welcome. They will start at 9.30am on both mornings. We look forward to seeing you there. Peta Rourke Parent Assembly Congratulations on the birth of beautiful Macey on Saturday, 8 November. Macey’s big sister is Annie Walker, 5B. WHAT’S ON NEXT WEEK Monday 17th November Core Executive Meeting – 7:45am Assembly – 9am – Hall K-2 Intensive Swimming Program (all week) Early Bird Reading & Homework Help – 8:30am Band 8am and Music Tuition Band Concert – 9am – MPA for Years 2-4 Kenny Little’s Fruit & Veg Platters – Crunch & Sip Break Staff Meeting – 3:30pm – Mathematics P&F AGM – 7pm – Staff Room Professional Learning Community Meeting – 8:15am – Student Proclaim 2015 Drama – lunch time – Mrs T Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Morning School Review & Development – Mr Leary - Yamba Joey’s Senior Glee Club – 8:10am – Hall – Mrs Hawkins Early Bird Reading & Homework Help – 8:30am Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Morning Bago Kid’s Corner Working Bee – 2pm-3pm in the canteen Kindergarten 2015 Parent Information Evening – 7pm Penitential Rite – Year 4 – Father Amila Sport PAL Meeting – 7:45am – Mr Leary, Mrs Fisher & Mrs Preston Staff Meeting 8:20am – Prayer & Pastoral Care Year 6 Orientation to High School Day – St Joseph’s Regional & St Pauls Diocesan Summer Sports – Lismore NO Assembly P&F Bago Family-A-Fair – Bago Vineyard Tuesday th 18 November Wednesday th 19 November Thursday th 20 November Friday st 21 November Sunday, 23 November rd PRIMARY AWARDS 3C 4D 5B 6G CHARLIE OSBORN WILLIAM KELLY HARRISON BROWN ASTRID FAIRHURST KHIARA BOURKE GRADY BULL JONATHAN SEDGWICK 3R 4S 5K MASON MOORE KYE HOFMAN KODY BATTERSON 6P DANIELLE WILSON McCUNE JOSH DAVIS AARON NGUYEN HARRY COUTTIE SOFIA SPINAZZA NATHAN SMITH KOBE ROSER ELLA SHAW JAYKE McCANN JORGIEAH PERRY OCIA CHAPMAN KIARA HOUSTON BRIDIE PARKE KYLE CHAPMAN Advance Dates th Thursday 27 November th Friday, 28 November th Friday, 28 November Page 3 Week 7 Term 4 Second Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Day K-YR2 – Intensive Learn to Swim Program finishes Indigenous Parents, Carers & Children Christmas Party – 2:30pm th Sunday, 30 November St Joseph’s Youth Mass – 5 pm – St Agnes’ Church nd Tuesday, 2 December Infants Swimming Carnival Timetable:- Kindy - 9:30-10:30am, Year 2 - 10:30-11:30am, Year 1 - 11:30am-12:30pm rd Wednesday, 3 December Christmas Carols Evening th Friday, 5 December Thank you to Volunteers afternoon tea 2pm followed by Assembly - 2:30pm th Wednesday, 10 December End of Year Mass – noon – St Agnes Church th Monday, 15 December Year 6 Graduation Mass & Dinner Dance th Tuesday, 16 December Year 6 Affirmation Ceremony 9:30am th Tuesday, 16 December Year 6 ‘Fun Day’ th Thursday, 18 December Last day for students in Term 4 th Friday, 19 December Staff Development Day – pupil free Forward dates are noted on our School Google Calendar which can be found on our Website. NOTES SENT HOME THIS WEEK – Permission notes and/or money must be returned to school for a child to be able to attend any excursion. * School Photos * Bago Family A-Fair info & helpers note * Kid’s Corner - Joey’s mum’s Needed note - volunteers needed for working th rd bee 20 Nov and on the 23 Nov. INFANTS AWARDS KH KT 1K 1M 2K 2M MILLA SWAIN KEIRA DONOVAN JACKSON FILIPEK MARLAN WARDROP DARCY McHUGH SOPHIE HOLMES SUMMER SHAFER ANGUS FIRTH ETHAN MUELLER HARVEY SINCLAIR TARA WINDSOR MIKAYLA BERNE JAYCE CAMERON NICHOLAS HONEYSETT JORJA PAINE AIDEN LOUGHLAND LUKE WILLIAMS CHICKENPOX ALERT A further 2 cases of chickenpox have been reported to our school this week, 1 in Infants and 1 in Primary. Chickenpox (varicella) is a common viral infection that can reappear later in life as shingles. Symptoms consist of sudden onset of slight fever, runny nose, feeling generally unwell and a skin rash which usually begin as small lumps that turn into blisters and then scabs. The rash appears over 3 to 4 days. Please be vigilant in keeping your kids at home if at all feeling unwell. HELPERS NEEDED FOR BAGO FAMILY-A-FAIR Sunday, 23rd November (Please refer to parent helper’s note sent out this week) ___________________________ KID’S CORNER – HELP WANTED Working Bee – Canteen Thurs, 20th November from 2pm until 3pm KID’S CORNER – 23rd November Volunteers needed for baking cupcakes, assist with setting up, packing up and assisting with stalls (please refer to Kid’s Corner helper’s note sent out this week) JOEY’S BUSINESS LISTINGS We thank these businesses for their generosity in supporting our School. Please mention that you saw their ad in Joey’s Jottings. Our services can help you with your school projects: School books Stationery Laminating Binding Scanning Poster Printing Colour copying & Printing Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am- 5pm – Sat 9.00am – 1pm Page 5 Office National, 150 Lake Road, Port Macquarie 2444 Tel: 65811011 Fax: 65811081 Email: Ken Little’s Quality Fruit & Veg 35 Munster Street, Port Macquarie Phone: 6583 5685 Supplying both retail & wholesale customers for 30 years. Free home deliveries in the Port Macquarie area for any orders over $10. If you would like to advertise your business on this page please call the School Office – we would be pleased to assist you.
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