FRIDAY, 24 t h October, 2014 Week 3 Term 4 PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Lord God, you call us to love you and to love others. Help us to always remember this commandment, Amen. PETE THE SHEEP Kindergarten and Year 1 were treated to a theatrical performance of ‘Pete the Sheep’ this afternoon. Pete the Sheep is a brand-new 50-minute musical, based on Jackie French and Bruce Whatley’s quirky Australian picture book about Shaun, the new sheep shearer in Shaggy Gully. All the other shearers have sheep dogs to help them, but not Shaun and his partner is Pete, a sheep- sheep! Our students have been very fortunate this year to participate in many different productions and programs at the Glasshouse which have provided enriched learning as well as wonderful entertainment. A Creative Arts levy will again be included in the Book Pack Cost for 2015 so that our students can continue to benefit from these rich experiences in cultural learning and entertainment. DISCO DUDES AND DIVAS Last night, our students transformed into Disco ‘dudes’ and ‘divas!’ Thank you to The Party Professionals, our staff, the P&F and parents who were able to promote a great night. The children loved ‘shaking it up’ and were very excited to test any new moves they have seen through recent runs of Dancing gigs. WHY DO OUR LIPS WATER? Our lips are currently watering because student-teachers from Newcastle University will facilitate a broad range of exciting learning experiences for our children around their current Science & Technology units next Monday afternoon. Children’s understanding of the content and skills will be challenged and extended. We thank Newcastle University for their continued partnership with us, which allows us to facilitate learning in smaller and more focussed groups in Literacy, Numeracy & Science. P&F MEETING WRAP-UP/ BAGO The P&F Meeting held on Tuesday night saw some great rd discussion around the BAGO BASH, Sunday 23 November, 11:00am – 3:00pm. The day is already striking excitement in the organisers and children alike as we consider how we create a carnival atmosphere around some wonderful entertainment by our great local bands ‘Strong Heart’ and ‘Time Out.’ We look very forward to sharing this wonderful, relaxing occasion with our community. Remember, if you have a concern, would like to express your appreciation or are uncertain about anything, please phone, email or call in and see us. A SAUSAGE SANDWICH – THEN THE CUP; HOW AUSTRALIAN The Sunshine Café and St Joseph’s are hosting a Melbourne Cup Day Sausage Sizzle on Tuesday November 4. Sausage th sandwiches are to be pre-ordered by next Tuesday 28 October, and parent helpers are invited to assist cooking, serving and cleaning-up. Your continued support of our Canteen initiatives is much appreciated. MJR WINNERS Making Jesus Real is a very important part of promoting self respect and positive supportive relationships at St Joseph’s. MJR stickers are handed out on the playground and at Assemblies as tokens of appreciation for people ‘caught’ doing good deeds. This week’s winners at Assembly recognised the generosity of children, who volunteered themselves to support athletes and organisers involved in the 70.3 Half Ironman on the weekend. They are:- Tahlia Lacey, Chloe Howarth, Jamine Howarth, Lexie Williams, Lacee Williams, Nathaniel Bentley, Boyd Bann-Murray, Alex Byrne and Josh Marshman. CELEBRATING A WONDERFUL STAFF st Friday, 31 October is World Teachers Day. Teaching is a privilege and a joy; it is also very complex and demanding. St Joseph’s children are blessed to attend an excellent school with caring, passionate, dedicated, talented teachers who are embracing their own learning journey. Please take the time to compliment a teacher on this day, as I know they would really value your recognition and appreciation. PAYING THE BILLS - Though we are very mindful of keeping costs down Term 4 is a time when school costs are a higher demand. Please ensure that you are finalising school accounts in a timely manner. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact Mr Leary as soon as possible, so we can support your circumstance. ANY PARENT REQUESTS FOR 2015 class st considerations must be received in writing by 31 October – requests received after this date may be difficult to accommodate/consider. With every best wish, Geoff Leary & Leisa Fisher Principal – Mr Geoff Leary Assistant Principal – Mrs Leisa Fisher Email - Website – Phone: 6583 3848 Fax: 6583 6976 SUNSHINE CAFE ROSTER th Monday, 27 October th Tuesday, 28 October th Wednesday, 29 October th Thursday, 30 October st Friday, 31 October Week 4 Term 4 URSULA BOORMAN, TREVOR BOORMAN HELP PLEASE!!! NICOLE CHUWEN, HELP PLEASE!!! HELP PLEASE!!! ALLY GARTH, ROBYN HUNT If you are unable to attend on your rostered day it would be appreciated if you could organise your replacement. This would really help Annemaree enormously!! OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS We offer our prayers and sympathy for Mrs Robyn Fitzpatrick, our Year 4 Teacher’s Assistant and her family for the passing of her dad, Ken. A beautiful celebration of a wonderful husband, father and friend was held at the Crematorium last Monday, rest in peace Ken. Our thoughts and prayers for Ted, Aunty Elaine’s husband, who will be having heart surgery in the near future. We wish you a speedy recovery. st MINI VINNIES On Friday, 31 October, Mini Vinnies will be holding a fundraiser for catholic missions. It will be 1 gold coin donation and please make sure you wear your most craziest socks. Written by Mason on behalf of Mini Vinnies BOOKPACKS 2015 Teachers have finalised the contents of the grade Bookpacks for next year. Please be aware that the cost will be broken into two parts - $48 to be paid for the Basic Bookpack to be issued in December, and then a second cost for the ‘extras’ which can be paid off during Term 1 next year. The costs for the ‘extras’ vary for each grade, depending on the online subscriptions chosen to enhance learning. We hope our planning reduces the financial burden of these costs and we are confident that the resources chosen by each grade will contribute to great learning. A note with further details was sent home earlier in the week, and can now be found on our website. We apologise for the error made in the 2015 bookpack letter in relation to the Year 4 bookpack. The total cost for the Year 4 bookpack is actually $63 not $83. INTENSIVE SWIMMING – Kindergarten To Year 2 - A reminder that all students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will participate in an Intensive Swimming Program for two weeks from Monday 18th November. A note went home with your child last week. THE COMPETENCY SLIP MUST BE RETURNED BY FRIDAY 31ST OCTOBER AS NO APPLICATIONS AFTER THIS DATE CAN BE INCLUDED IN THE SWIMMING PROGRAM. The swimming program is optional, the children who have not returned the slip by the above date will stay at school with a teacher whilst their class is at the pool. The cost for this program is $72.50. If payment is made in full before the Swimming Program starts your child will be placed in a lucky draw to win a sports voucher. Alternatively, the cost of the program is $6.70 per day for 10 days plus $5.50 on the Infants Swimming Carnival day – Tuesday 2nd December. Please note, as advised in our note to parents last term, that if your child is away or sick during the swimming program you are still required to pay the full amount even though the day’s lesson, bus travel and pool entry has been missed. NOTE FROM SKOOLBAG to let you know that with Apple’s latest iOS 8 update they have managed to break various functions in the Skoolbag App. Skoolbag are aware of these issues including push notifications not working, and to rectify this we are currently updating the Apps with a new version. Please note that the issue does not affect users who are still running iOS 7. For current Skoolbag customers your App will be upgraded to 2.6.0 version. Updates are being submitted daily to Apple who then take around 5 - 7 days to approve them. You can expect the update will be ready for download within the next 2 - 4 weeks. For new Skoolbag customers (within the last 7 days) your Apps are being submitted with the new 2.6.0 version. If you have any more questions, please email We thank you for your patience in this matter, as this was an issue that was beyond our control. St Joseph’s Regional College Notice Students who have already sent in their bus application form together with their enrolment application for St Joseph's Regional College, DO NOT need to complete another one (unless your address has changed in the meantime). We have forwarded those bus application forms to Busways, however they have not inputted them yet and some parents may be receiving a letter requesting same. Only those who have not completed one or changed address need to do so. Any further clarification, please call Joanne Williams, St Joseph’s Regional College on 5525 4100. WHAT’S ON NEXT WEEK Monday th 27 October Tuesday th 28 October Extended Executive Meeting 7:45 Mrs Fisher – leave – all week Mr Walker – leave – all week Assembly – 9am Welcome Kylie Ryan – Practicum – KT Zone Summer Sports Trials University of Newcastle Science Expo 1:40pm Melbourne Cup Day Sausage Sizzle Notes due – no late orders Band – 8am – MPA Early Bird Reading & Homework Help – 8:30am Reading Recovery Training - Mrs Tutt Joeys Junior Glee Club – K-2- lunch time – Mrs Toole Staff Meeting 3:30pm – Compliance Wednesday th 29 October Professional Learning Team Meeting 8:15am Year 6 Parents – Graduation Decorating Committee – McDonalds 3:30pm – all welcome Thursday th 30 October Joey’s Senior Glee Club – 8:10am – Hall – Mrs Hawkins Early Bird Reading & Homework Help – 8:30am Sport – Kinder to Year 6 World Teacher’s Day Mini Vinnies Crazy Sock Day PAL Meeting – Mrs Preston, Mr Leary, Mrs Fisher 7:45am Staff Meeting 8:20am – Prayer & Pastoral Care Last day for swimming note Sharing Our Learning Assembly – 2.10 pm – Year 1 Friday st 31 October NOTES SENT HOME THIS WEEK – Permission notes and/or money must be returned to school for a child to be able to attend any excursion. * 2015 Student book pack letter & info * Melbourne Cup Day Sausage Sizzle INFANTS AWARDS KH KT 1K 1M 2K PRIMARY AWARDS 3C 4D 5B 6G TAURIN MARRIAGE LOGAN OTTEN JACKSON KENDALL JACK SWAN JACK ESHMAN ALICE HO SUMMER AVERY-HOY MACKENZIE PETERS ANNIE WALKER SASHA JONES ZACH KENDALL ZACH STEPHENSON 3R 4S 5K 6P HARRISON BENTLEY SOFIA SPINAZZA TAETUM DWYER INEZ VANDERJAGT LUCAS ROBERTS SAM CORNISH TARA HANCEY ZACHARY DANBY JOEL WILSON-McCUNE AMBER-ROSE REBECCHI BRIDIE PARKE DYLAN SCOTT Advance Dates th Tuesday 4 November Page 3 Week 4 Term 4 Melbourne Cup Sausage Sizzle Day (parent helpers th required) – Pre-ordered by 27 October th Friday 7 November Kindergarten Assembly – Sharing our Learning – 2.10 pm th Monday 10 November Bago Planning Meeting th Tuesday 11 November Remembrance Day th Friday 14 November OUT OF UNIFORM – for a Christmas Hamper donation th Monday 17 November K-YR 2 – Intensive Learn to Swim Program commences th Tuesday 18 November P & F AGM th th Wed 19 OR Thurs 20 Nov Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Day th Wednesday 19 November Kindergarten 2015 Parent Information Evening rd Sunday 23 November Bago Family Day th Thursday 27 November Second Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Day th Friday, 28 November K-YR2 – Intensive Learn to Swim Program finishes th Sunday 30 November St Joseph’s Youth Mass – 5 pm – St Agnes’ Church nd Tuesday 2 December Infants Swimming Carnival rd Wednesday 3 December Christmas Carols Evening th Monday 15 December Year 6 Graduation Mass & Dinner Dance Forward dates are noted on our School Google Calendar which can be found on our Website. 2M LAURA STURROCK LACHLAN PARKE TAHNEE DIMON SHERIDAN BARKER OLIVIA COMER JESSE COOPER JAYDN VAN LEEUWEN ARCHIE ROBINSON BONNIE HALL MADDISON McINTYRE-EVANS ISABELLA SKINNER MILLY McGRATH SUMMER HUNT FINLAY BARKER LIAM CUSACK EMMA ASHTON SHARCARNIE McMILLAN SEAN LAVENDER Cyberbullying Wendy Hudson, our local Police Youth Liaison Officer came to nd our school on 22 October to talk to Year 5 & 6 regarding cyberbullying. Frequently asked questions:Parents re Instagram, kik messenger,, snapchat and cyberbullying fact sheets can all be accessed on our school website for your information. PARENT TALKS Paul Dillon from Drug and Alcohol Research and Training, Australia is the keynote speaker at the RRISK Seminars. Paul provides the latest drug and alcohol research and information of interest to parents and anyone who works with adolescents. The parent session is offered free of charge – Port Macquarie th Panthers – 6 November from 4-6pm. JOEY’S BUSINESS LISTINGS We thank these businesses for their generosity in supporting our School. Please mention that you saw their ad in Joey’s Jottings. Our services can help you with your school projects: School books Stationery Laminating Binding Scanning Poster Printing Colour copying & Printing Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am- 5pm – Sat 9.00am – 1pm Page 5 Office National, 150 Lake Road, Port Macquarie 2444 Tel: 65811011 Fax: 65811081 Email: Ken Little’s Quality Fruit & Veg 35 Munster Street, Port Macquarie Phone: 6583 5685 Supplying both retail & wholesale customers for 30 years. Free home deliveries in the Port Macquarie area for any orders over $10. If you would like to advertise your business on this page please call the School Office – we would be pleased to assist you.
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