90 Buckley Street, Noble Park, Victoria, 3174. Ph: 03 9546 0044 Fax: 03 9547 0365 Visit us at www.sanoblepark.catholic.edu.au NEWSLETTER #06 @StAnthonysNP 6th March, 2015 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY MARCH 2015 MARCH 2015 Uniform Shop is open from 9:00am-10:00 each Monday and Friday Preps attend school Monday to Friday 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 16th 18th 19th 19th LABOUR DAY—PUBLIC HOLIDAY Level 2 Excursion to Edithvale Wetlands 3:30pm-3:45pm “Open Garden” Swimming Levels 1,2 &3 Swimming Levels 1,2 &3 Interschool Swimming Sports Level 4 Swimming Levels 1,2 & 3 Swimming Levels 1,2 & 3 Swimming Levels 1,2 & 3 Interschool Sport Finals L4 20th 23rd 24th 25th 25th 26th 27th HARMONY DAY Swimming Levels 1,2 &3 BREAD FRUIT WATER DAY Canteen Closed Feast of Annunciation Swimming Levels 1,2 & 3 Swimming Levels 1,2 & 3 Paraliturgy and Easter END OF TERM 1 AT 3:20PM Children Return to School Monday 13th April the preparation involved. Families who attended now have a better understanding of the role they As we come to the end of another busy week I must will play in the preparation of their child for this remind myself of all the things we have achieved next step in their Faith journey. together just this week. This week marks the beginning of Autumn and it was also the first full Just a reminder that next Wednesday 11th March from 3.30-4.00pm there is an open afternoon for week for our Prep students. our Community Garden. Joanna, the Cultivating Monday was school photo day and it was lovely to Community Educator has been working with the see everyone looking fresh, clean and in correct Level 3 students and teachers and they would love school uniform. I encourage all parents to ensure you to come and see what they have been working that their children keep this effort going. Just a on. gentle reminder that school hats are still required Don’t forget that Monday is the Labour Day public until the end of the term. holiday and therefore there is no school. Labour On Wednesday night the School Advisory Group Day originated from the labour union movement, met for the first time for 2015. It was wonderful to specifically the eight hour day movement, which see five new faces at the meeting. These parents advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for came along to see what the role of the School recreation, and eight hours for rest. Advisory Group is and how they could contribute to the school in this capacity. This meeting is open I myself am thinking that this weekend I might be to all parents and if you have an interest in this thinking more along the lines of eight hours area, please come along to our next meeting on recreation and sixteen hours rest!! Wednesday April 22nd at 7pm. We would love to Whatever you are doing, enjoy your weekend. see you there. Keep safe and see you next week! The First Eucharist Meeting was also held on Wednesday night. This meeting was very well attended. The Sacramental Program was fully explained and those families with a student SUSAN KUBIAK preparing for First Eucharist were able to discuss Deputy Principal Dear Parents, SCHOOL NEWS SWIMMING TIMETABLE REMINDER PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO SWIMMING ON TUESDAY 17th MARCH, FRIDAY 20th MARCH and TUESDAY 24th MARCH LEVELS 1, 2 & 3 3 Go & 3 Fi TEACHER James Gow Ellen Fitzgerald SWIMMING TIME MARCH 9:15 – 10:00 THURSDAY 12th FRIDAY 13th 3 Jo and 3 Do Bernadette Johnson Ashlee Doyle 10:00 – 10:45 3 Ke and 1 Wa Glennis Kerr Kirsty Watts 10:45 – 11:30 1 Po and 1 Ba Deana Portia Lisa Baguley 2 Ga and 2 Ke Anat Garzberg Joel Kearney 2 Ch and 2 Wi 8 Lessons on the following dates MONDAY 16th NO SWIMMING ON TUESDAY 17TH WEDNESDAY 18th THURSDAY 19th 11:30 – 12:15 NO SWIMMING ON FRIDAY 20TH (Harmony Day) 12:15 – 1:00 MONDAY 23rd NO SWIMMING ON Margarita Chatelier Meg Withers 1:00 – 1:45 TUESDAY 24TH WEDNESDAY 25th 2 Abbey Ruth Abbey 1:45 – 2:30 THURSDAY 26th Swimming is a compulsory part of the St. Anthony’s School Physical Education Program. All students are expected to participate in this program and if for some reason your child cannot go swimming, a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE is to be sent to the Office prior to their swimming date. The swimming program is carried out by qualified Austswim staff from Fastlane Aquatics at Haileybury College in Keysborough. Each student in Levels 1 to 3 has a total of eight lessons. Each grade will attend at the times listed on the timetable above. The children will need to bring or wear their bathers under their school uniform and bring a change of underwear and a towel in a strong, suitable bag. All clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name. Students will then change back into their school uniform. Parents are welcome to come to the venue, but must make their own way there. SCHOOL NEWS Bread, Fruit and Water Day—24 March 2015 Tuesday 24th March is Bread, Fruit and Water day. This day is part of our Lenten program which allows us to support children around the world who do not have enough to eat. Students are asked to bring along either buttered bread or roll, a piece of fruit and water to school next Friday. We ask for your family’s support as this ethical action is important in helping our students to learn about social justice. The children are also asked to bring a donation for Project Compassion which would represent money normally spent on snacks for their lunch or at the tuck shop. THE CANTEEN WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE DAY Year 7 2016 Late Enrolments St John’s Regional College is accepting late enrolments for Year 7, 2016. Be sure to submit your application as soon as possible while there are still places available. All potential students MUST submit an enrolment application even if there are already siblings attending the College. ST ANTHONY’S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT - YEAR B Gospel Family Prayer Jn 2:13-25 Together : Lord Jesus, it was your will that your Father’s House would be a place of prayer for all people; grant us the strength and wisdom to be a people consumed with prayer and zeal for you, this day and always. Amen. Reader: For the times Lord that we have shown little or no respect for you or your name All: We ask forgiveness Reader: For the times Lord that we have failed to do good All: We ask forgiveness Reader: For the times Lord that we have not been peacemakers in our family All: We ask forgiveness A reading from the holy Gospel according to John Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up. Jesus said, “My father’s house is a house of prayer” So when he came to the temple in Jerusalem and saw how people had pushed God to one side and allowed money and business to become more important, he was very angry. Jesus cleaned out the temple of cattle and sheep and money changers. The house of God was not the place for this to go on. It has to be a place of prayer, of quiet, of peace. Harmony Day This day is a big celebration for our community and much help is needed to make it the success that it always is. We require the assistance of as many parents as possible who can help the children. Thank you to those parents who have already offered to assist. If you would like to help but as yet have not put your name down, please let your child’s teacher know. We are expecting a large community of visitors on the day and we are certainly looking forward to it. Please come along and join our community on this great day. The focus this week is on faithfulness to God. The means God has given us to be faithful are the Commandments. If we are faithful to these Commandments we express our love for God and our love for others. The first three Commandments speak of our relationship with God and the next seven Commandments speak of our relationship with others. The Commandments present us with opportunities to express our love, concern and appreciation for both God and others. A flyer will be coming home on Tuesday regarding Harmony Day. Please complete and return by Friday 13th March. Upcoming Events EASTER PARALITURGY Friday 27th March 11:30am EASTER BONNET PARADE Friday 27th March 2:20pm May God bless you and your family Computer Classes at St Anthony’s: Term 1 2015 Keysborough Learning Centre will be providing Introduction to Computer Classes for families at St Anthony’s. This is an 8 week course. Starting Monday 1pm—3.15pm If you are interested please contact Debbie, Lisa or the Office Only 10 places are available for this course, so be quick! Unfortunately we can not have children in the classroom and childcare is unavailable. Open garden invitation... The school garden is open Wed 11th March 3.30-3.45pm Come along after school to: See the new garden See what we have been planting Meet Joanna, our new garden educator
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