Maori Hill School Dear Parents and Caregivers I would like to welcome everybody back for the 2015 school year. It is lovely to see the children settling quickly back into school and class routines. We would like to extend a warm welcome to new families and children starting at Maori Hill School for the first time. I hope everyone enjoyed the lovely weather over the break. The staff and I are looking forward to another busy and exciting year with many rich learning activities and opportunities planned for the children. We would like to welcome a number of new staff this year and I am sure that everyone will be welcoming and supportive as they settle into Maori Hill School. We have had 20 new enrolments to give a starting role of 219 children. We are all very impressed with how well the children have started the year in their new classes and are looking forward to a successful year at Maori Hill School. Regards Jo Selbie Acting Principal Welcome A special welcome to the following new pupils who joined Maori Hill School this week: Jack Marsh Delilah Brown Theo Stebbings Hajun Park Anna Hepburn Ellery Taylor Jasper Harvey Joshua Chin Ibrahim Mohamed Zoe Marsh Louis Brown Alexander Gilchrist Maisy Hill Robert Naulls Indiana Matchett Aria Haigh Angus Sawyer Ahmed Mohamed What’s on Next Week? Monday Tuesday Life Education visiting Sports forms due in Sausage sizzle orders before 9am Wednesday Life Education visiting Thursday Life Education visiting Friday Life Education visiting School Assembly 2.30pm Newsletter No. 1 Classroom News Junior Syndicate: Rooms 1,2,3,8,9 All the children have made a wonderful start to the new school year! The teachers have planned many wonderful activities for the children such as, an investigation into observation in Room 9. Statistics (using tally marks) and holiday artwork in Room 8. Statistics gathering information on t-shirts and creating “show me 5” rules for the class in Room 3. Setting up routines, reading about 'Hairy Maclairy' and looking at the different things we know about dogs in Room 2. In Room 1 we have been spending time playing games (literacy/numeracy), investigating our learning centres and enjoying reading about Greedy Cat. Senior syndicate: Rooms 4,5,6,7 Welcome back everybody! We have started the year with plenty of enthusiasm and energy. Every morning we have been meeting as a group to participate in daily fitness activities ranging from burpees to mountain climbers! Please make sure stationery is ready to go for Monday as all classes are beginning their regular classroom programmes. It is lovely to see the way all the classes are settling in together and developing their class rules and expectations. We are looking forward to a great year! New Staff Mrs Megan Greer (Room 7) Miss Jocelyn Mannex (Teacher Aide) Mrs Dianne Cawood (Teacher Aide) Training Teachers The following training teachers will visit Maori Hill throughout the year. Miss Chloe Gardener (R3) Miss Rebecca Allnutt (R9) Christy Flemming (R7) Reminder Children are encouraged to arrive at school between 8.30am - 9.00am. Any children arriving prior to 8.30am are to wait outside their classroom until the 8.30 bell. A clearing bell goes after school around 3.20pm. This is the signal for children clear the playground and Thursday, 5 February 2015 head home. 2015 SCHOOL TERM DATES Term 1 - Monday 2 Feb - Thursday 2 April Term 2 - Monday 20 April - Friday 3 July Term 3 - Monday 20 July - Friday 25 September Term 4 - Monday 12 October Wednesday 16 Dec Office Hours The office hours are 8.30-3.00pm. If you need to see Mrs Ferguson please call into the office between these times. Thank you. Contact Details/Medications If you have any changes to contact details (address, phone numbers,email) or your child has medical conditions that the school needs to be aware of, please contact the school office so as we can update their records. Pupil Photo/School Work If you do not give consent for your child’s photograph or school work to be published or displayed, please contact the school office immediately. Hillbillies Welcome to a new year to all the families associated with Hillbillies. For all bookings and cancellations please contact us on the Hillbillies cell phone 021 2659982 or email Email will be set up as from Tuesday next week 10 Feb. Please note these will not be checked until after 2.30pm each day. Suzanne and Andrea work from 2.305.30pm, therefore children need to be picked up by 5.30pm. There will be a charge of $6.00 (which is the first hour) if you have not contacted Hillbillies to cancel your child’s booking when they are booked. The Hillbillies team spent a lot of time last year looking for children who were booked in that parents had forgotten to cancel. There is no time for this. Hillbillies would appreciate your consideration as this concerns the safety of your child. To attend Hillbillies children must be registered. Registration forms are available from Hillbillies, on the school website in the enrolment pack, or at the school office. Occasionally through the year Hillbillies has had to close off days to casual/new bookings due to high numbers. Any questions please see Andrea at Hillbillies. Library Welcome back to school everyone. The stocktake was completed at the end of last term. There was still a significant number of books outstanding which have now been written off. If you do happen to find some outstanding books in your care, could you please return them and we can reinstate them. Many thanks. Waitangi Day School will be closed tomorrow (Friday 6 February) due to Waitangi Day celebrations. School will be open again on Monday Life Education From Tuesday next week Harold and the Life Education mobile classroom will be visiting school. This year they will park the mobile classroom at the main school gate. This will use some of the parking available on the street. Apologies for any inconvenience this might cause. Each class will get two visits and the focus will be on developing healthy relationships. Sausage Sizzle Helpers We are currently looking for helper’s to assist on the Tuesday Sausage Sizzle Roster. This involves just over an hour during the lunch hour. If anyone is able to assist can they please contact: Dee Birks,, 4736959 or 021552015 School Lunch Options This year lunches that are available to be purchased are as follows: 1. Sausage Sizzle on Tuesday. This is $2 per sausage, or if you order for the term in advance (which we would appreciate) it would be $1.50 per sausage. SAUSAGE SIZZLE $12.00 per child for Term 1 Please fill in the slip below if you wish your child to receive a BBQ sausage each Tuesday. Assembly School assembly is held each Friday, 2.30pm in the Coronation Hall. Parents are welcome to attend. Name: __________________________Rm No. ___ Name: __________________________Rm No. ___ Total Paid $ _________ Please put your child’s name and room number on the outside of an envelope with the money inside. Please have your orders in before 9am with the correct money. 2. Lunch Online on Fridays- Parents and caregivers can order school lunches using Lunch online via the Internet. Marlow St Pie Kitchen Lunch Online will provide your student’s food choices fresh to the school in time for lunch. This is available for purchases on Fridays. Order at and link to Maori Hill School. A full menu is available. Healthy and treat options are available. You will be requested to transfer $20 minimum to open your account (credit card or bank account transfer options available) and then you are set to order from the menu provided. Gluten free options are available. Sports Notices have been handed out for sports this Term, please return these by Tuesday 10 February. We are unable to accept late entries. See Mr McKenzie R5 or Lisa Wiparata R3 for further information. Hats Children are required to wear a sunhat in Terms 1 and 4. Hats are available for purchase from the school office. Hard brimmed $10.00, floppy $8.00. Invoices School invoices have been emailed out today. Payment options are internet payment, cheque or cash. The account number is on the bottom of the invoice. Road Safety The crossing on Balmacewen Road is supervised each morning by parents from 8.30am and each afternoon by a school Road Patrol Team. Absences If your child is going to be absent or late please notify the office before 9am. EZ Covers Thank you to those families who have ordered their EZ Covers. If you have yet to cover your children’s books, EZ Covers are a fast way to do it. These reusable exercise book covers are easy to slip on to an exercise book and can be ordered on-line ( The process is easy and if you use the code XFC186 the school receives 10c rebate/cover bought. Just make sure you nominate Maori Hill School as you order. Baking Roster Helpers Requested Every Friday morning a small group of children are selected from one class to have a baking lesson with a volunteer parent/grandparent or caregiver. This works on a round robin basis and all children receive a lesson. It takes place in the learning centre and the children learn a bit about cooking/baking and take the goodies back to their class for morning tea. Baking equipment and most ingredients are provided and if needed a list of recipes. You don't have to be a Nigella or Jamie Oliver, simple is best. Helpers are requested for one morning only. Please contact, Adrienne Lyall 021 1944 144 or email Found Katmandu jacket, size adults large. Grey with blue zips. If this is yours please collect from the school office. PTA News First PTA meeting for the year is Tuesday 17 February @ 7.00pm in the school staffroom. As always new members are encouraged and welcome to come along. ROSS DOWLING MARQUET GRIFFIN BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Proud to support Maori Hill School We provide a full range of legal services Call 477 8046 2nd Floor, Savoy Building, 50 Princes St PO Box 1144, Dunedin 9054 Website – Fax – 477-6998
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