Document 413982

Children are very welcome at St Mary’s.
Junior Church takes place in the Parish
Room during the Sung Eucharist. There
is a children’s corner in Church for
supervised pre-school
All Christians who would normally do
so are invited to receive communion.
If you wish not to receive, please
come forward for a blessing. You are
warmly invited to coffee afterwards.
9th November 2014
Remembrance Sunday
The Family Service will not take place
today, however a service of Holy Communion
will take place following today’s Parish Service
of Remembrance.
Monday Discussion Group: Our next
meeting will be on 10th November at 1.45 pm
in the Parish Room. We will conclude our
reading and discussion of the book of
Ephesians (Chapters 4 to 6). Everyone
welcome. Ann Price (320388)
19th December 7.30 pm
The Evening of Poetry Prose – and
Just a month to go before our annual
extravaganza of light. But we are waiting for
lots of people to return their booking forms
and for others to request one. Please return
your forms (and money) as soon as possible
to avoid disappointment.We still have one or
two places left for craft stalls, again let us
know ifi you would like one.
Pilgrim Course The Pilgrim Course
continues this week (Thurs13th Nov, 7.30 pm
in the Parish Room).
I know you can’t hurry original poetry or
prose but remember the closing date for the
Competition is December 1st, and if you
would like to share your favourite reading,
please let me know in writing; the memory’s
not what it was!Other
pleas for help will
come later of course. We get through a lot of
mince pies to complement Phil’s mulled wine
and we will need stewards to greet all our
uests who come to look, wonder and enjoy
the magic of Christmas at St Mary’s Old
Basing.Any quer
queries, contact or ring 356973
Pram Service This Thursday 13th November
at 2.15 pm. This service is a gentle
introduction to Christian worship for preschool children.
Confirmation Service Please pray for all
candidates due to be confirmed at Winchester
Cathedral on 22nd November. In particular
Millie Rhodes, Steven Douglas, Sylvia Eccott &
Phil Jubin.
Traditional Christmas Bazaar Only a few
weeks to go and your help is needed to
ensure that this event is a success. We need
good quality items to sell – details of what is
needed and who to contact is on the notice
board in the church lobby, in a separate item
and a flyer. The stalls in the Church and
Parish Room will be selling Christmas items,
Bric-a-brac, toys, books, cakes and goodies
plus there will be a Children’s lucky dip and a
raffle – all rounded off by delicious
Christmas Bazaar - Books wanted!
Fiction only please! Books can be left in the
vestry or in the porch of 68 The Street. Many
thanks. Penny Potter
Christmas Tree Festival ‘St Nicholas’
13th/14th, 20th/21stDecember this year.A
couple of dates for your diaries to go with the
Christmas Tree festival:
13th December 2.00 pm –
The Schools’ Choirs entertain us.
Basingstoke Foodbank Update:
Did you know?
- 41% of people using the Foodbank have to
do so because of benefit delays
- 2400 people across Basingstoke and Deane
have made use of it in the last year
- £18,000/year is needed to meet the
Foodbank's running costs, including the
storage facilities, utilities & it's 1 part-time
staff member.
- The rest of the Foodbank operation is run
by 700 volunteers
- 18 people from the Basing Ward have
needed to make use of the Foodbank in the
last 2 years; at least one had to walk both
ways to collect their food from the
Foodbank's Trinity Methodist Church facility.
Urgent request: Any donations of dried, or
long--life UHT milk would be gratefully
Preparing for Christmas Planning is now
underway for St Mary’s Christmas services.
Sidespeople are asked to contact Debbie Filer
if they are able to cover any of the additional
services, in particular the C
Christingle Service
on 6th December at 5 pm, the Carol Service
at 5.00 pm on 21st Dec, the Christmas Eve
Midnight Service and the 10am Eucharist on
Christmas Day. Volunteers would also be
appreciated to help with the nativity costumes
at both the Crib Services on Christmas Eve
(3pm & 4.30 pm). Full details of all Christmas
rvices will be published soon.
Coffee Morning for Pancreatic Cancer
UK on Saturday 15 November from 10.30 am
to 12 noon. This is in memory of Sally
Armstead and Liz Gray (for whom we were
praying this time last year) and will be held in
the Cricket Pavilion
on the Rec – courtesy of
Old Basing Cricket Club. There will also be a
bring and buy, greetings cards and a good
raffle. ALL WELCOME. Ann, Di, Irene & Fay
From Rudyard Kipling
My son was killed
while laughing at some jest.
I would I knew what
it was,
and it might serve me in a time
when jests are few.
Please pray for:
Those who gave their lives in war.
All victims of conflict and violence
Peace and reconciliation.
All injured in body or mind.
Those who are sick or suffering, among
them: Penelope Bickley; Pat and David
Sacree; Beryl Streether; Mavis Lloyd; Jackie
Deadman; Jean Schluter; Betty Annie
Bembridge, and all others in pain or
• Allll those who have died recently
recently; Peter
Williams; Leslie
Les Fosh; and all those whose
anniversaries fall at this time;
Have you lost your Jump Leads? Among
recent donations from St Mary's to the
Basingstoke Foodbank were a set of jump
leads and a tow rope in a shopping bag!!! They
have been returned to us, so plea
please speak to
Rev'd Rachel if they are yours!
During the service a collection will be taken during the Offertory Hymn.
Hymn. If you miss this collection, gifts can be placed
in the wall pillar. Gift Aid envelopes are available in the pews. Deo Gratias Registered Charity No. 1136606
PARISH CONTACTS: Vicar - The Rev’d Alexander Battey 354707
Assistant Curate – The Rev’d Rachel Hartland 07717 942669