Vice Admiral Norbert R. Ryan, Jr., USN (Ret) President and CEO !MOAA To Address the Chapter and Install Officers on 19 Nov. at the Annual Chapter Business Meeting In This Issue 2 2 3 4 4 5 8 10 11 Bills Blog Officers/Directors Secretary Notes Scholarship Fund Honor Flights Military Honor Pin Christmas Party Flyer Veterans’ Day Ceremony Chapter Bylaw Changes ADM Ryan will provide a MOAA update and install new officers’ during our chapter dinner-meeting at the Fort Belvoir Officers Club. V He is a 1967 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a graduate of George Washington University with a Master of Science Degree in Personnel Administration as well as the Senior Officials in National Security Program at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. Ryan has commanded aviation units at the squadron, wing, and fleet levels and has directed the Navy's Office of Legislative Affairs. He served as the 52nd Chief of Naval Personnel before retiring and assuming his current position in September 2002. He is the recipient of the 2014 Military Hero Award from the Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation honoring those who have demonstrated leadership in providing support and services to returning service members and veterans and their families. Ryan was named the 2010 Association Executive of the Year by Association TRENDS, a national trade publication. He is the first military officer to win this award in its 35-year history. Additionally, under Ryan’s leadership, MOAA has been named a “Top Lobbyist” by The Hill newspaper the past seven years, and the only military service organization for so listed for the last five years. The Admiral and his wife Judy have two adult children and one grand daughter and reside in Fairfax Station, Va. (The 2015 Slate of Officers and Directors are shown on page 3) Volume 40 Number 11 November 2014 The Despatch -- November --Page 2 Continuing with the month of November, my calendar tells me that this month of a couple of major events happened: Bill’s Blog The end of October (27-29) was the annual MOAA National Meeting here in D.C. It was my pleasure to receive our 5Star Level of Excellence Award pennant for our chapter flag. The November meeting will be at the Officers’ Club and it will be the chapter’s annual meeting. In addition to dinner we will also elect and install the 2015 officers and directors and vote on some by-laws changes. Please be sure to come out to dine, vote, and congratulate the new officers. i On November 10 (1775) is the Marine Corps 239th Birthday. i On November 11 (1918) is the end of World War One and Veterans Day. Next month is our annual Christmas Party at the Officers’ Club. Look for the reservation and menu selection coupon and more information in this issue. We will have great food, a great dance band, great friends, and a great time! As we enter into another Holiday Season, Jane and I wish everyone a Happy November. Mount Vernon Chapter Chapter Officers President LCDR William Broome, USCG 1st VP CDR Rex Maddox, USN 2nd VP Lt Col Earl Henderson, USAF Secretary CAPT Gary Hall, USN Treasurer CPT Pat Gallagher, USA Past President COL Robert Patrick, USA Standing Committees (2014) 703-395-4317 703-765-8819 850-819-3193 703-780-9681 703-360-4543 703-690-9336 Directors (2013-2014) COL Stuart Williams, USA LCDR Marty Schaller, USN LT James Ivey, USN 703-644-4126 703-323-7339 571-499-7738 Directors (2014-2015) LTC Cerie Kimball, USA COL Russ Henderson, USA MAJ Nick Sottler, USMC 703-310-4605 703-780-1068 703-360-9295 Arrangements: LCDR Marty Schaller, USN Auxiliary: Mrs Joyce Davis Despatch Editor: LT Jim Ivey, USN 703-323-7339 703-372-2564 571-499-7738 JROTC Awards COL Arnie Porter, USAF Legislative: COL Stuart Williams, USA Membership: Lt Col Earl Henderson, USAF Personal Affairs: MAJ Nick Sottler, USMC Program Admin: Vacant Program Speakers: LTC Cerie Kimball, USA Public Affairs: CDR Rex Maddox, USN Scholarship Fund: LCDR Marty Schaller, USN TOPS Liaison: Vacant VCOC: COL Robert Patrick, USA Veterans Affairs: Vacant Webmaster: LT James Ivey, USN 703-780-4310 703-644-4126 850-819-3193 703-360-9295 703-310-4605 703-765-8819 703-323-7339 703-690-9336 571-499-7738 Other Duties MOAA Liaison COL Robert Patrick, USA Chaplain COL Arnie Porter, USAF Fairfax Liaison Mrs. Joyce Davis 703-690-9336 703-780-4310 703-372-2564 The Despatch -- November --Page 3 Secretary’s Notes Reminder ..... Members of MVC/MOAA Board of Directors.... A meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for every first Tuesday of the month (except July), at 7:30 P.M. at the South County Government Center 8350 Richmond Hwy. Alexandria, VA (Room 217 or 219). If you are unable to attend, please call Bill Broome at (703) 395-4317 Email: All members are welcome to attend Welcome New Members Jerry Frady, Col, USAF Act Spouse: Kimberly Carole CW4 Richard Markle USA Spouse: Karin Michael Frank, LTC USA Ret Brandi Gibson LTJG USN Act Mrs. Christine Jones, Aux Mount Vernon Chapter, MOAA Officers and Board of Directors Slate for 2015 Officers President: 1st VP: 2nd VP: Secretary: Treasurer: Directors - 2015-2016 * CDR Rex Maddox CDR George Wallace LTC Earl Henderson LCDR Bill Broome LT Mark Cohen Past President: LCDR Bill Broome Chaplain: COL Arnie Porter * Nominees COL Bob Patrick LCDR Marty Schaller LT James Ivey Directors – 2014 -2015 COL Russ Henderson LTC Cerie Kimball Mrs. Joyce Davis Aux * Legislative Rep: Auxiliary Advisor: COL Sturt Williams Mrs. Joyce Davis COLA Watch It’s official: the 2014 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for military retired pay, SBP annuities, Social Security checks, and VA disability and survivor benefits will be 1.7 percent, effective December 1, 2014. It will first appear in the January checks, paid on December 31. The The Despatch -- November --Page 4 Mount Vernon Chapter 2015 Scholarship Fund Drive For many years, our chapter scholarship fund has recognized outstanding performance by cadets in local high school JROTC units, with scholarship grants to offset part of the cost of Honor Flights attending college. The award is made on the condition that the student will enroll in a college ROTC program, or attend Please join us in greeting an Honor Flight on Saturday 1 one of the service academies. Each award is a grant to the students, unlike the MOAA national scholarships that are often given as loans, and are offered only to the children of military personnel, without requiring participation in JROTC, or enrollment in college ROTC programs. In addition to our annual mail solicitation that accompanies the chapter dues notice, you have the continuing opportunity to contribute amounts of your choosing to the chapter’s Scholarship Fund, through either the monthly 50/50 raffle or by designating an amount for the fund and giving a check to our chapter treasurer. You will receive a formal acknowledgment of your annual contributions. Since our scholarship fund is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, we suggest you check with your tax planner as your contributions may be fully deductible. In case you still need convincing that our scholarships can make a difference in a young person’s future, here is an excerpt from a note written to our chapter by a 2014 scholarship recipient who recently entered the Virginia Military Institute: “Dear Members of the Military Officers Association of America: I would like to thank you for the generous scholarship you gave me. I know that money will go far in getting me through college. I would also like to thank you for the great dinner and ceremony you put on at the Officers Club for us. The food and company were excellent. November at Reagan Washington National Airport. It is a US Airways Charter flight with 90 Veterans from Milwaukee, expected arrival at Terminal C at 9:50 AM. All are welcome to join our group by just showing up in Terminal C at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled arrival. You may obtain a voucher which will entitle you to free parking. Bring your ticket into the Terminal. For further information please contact Joyce Davis at 703-372-2564. This will be our last scheduled Honor Flight Greeting until Spring 2015. Holiday 2014 Mailing Deadlines The Naval Supply Systems Command's (NAVSUP) mail-by dates for pre-Dec. 25 deliveries of holiday cards, letters, and packages were released 15 SEP are as shown below: APO/FPO/DPO AE zips 090-098 (except 093); AA zips 340; AP zips 962-966 y Priority Express Mail Military Service: Dec. 17 y First-Class and Priority Mail (letters/cards and packages): Dec. 10 y Space Available Mail: Nov. 26 y Standard Post Mail: Nov. 8 APO/FPO/DPO AE ZIP 093 y Priority Express Mail Military Service: N/A y First-Class and Priority Mail (letters/cards and packages): Dec. 3 y Space Available Mail: Nov. 26 y Standard Post Mail: Nov. 8 For further info check NAVSUP at Lastly, I would like to thank you for all of the support you all showed me. It felt great knowing so many people believed in me. I hope to one day join you all again.” 3297 . The Despatch -- November --Page 5 By Gail Joyce, Auxiliary Member Advisory Committee honor survivors. Congress has designated the last Sunday in September as Gold Star Mother’s Day. Dec. 18 has been designated as Gold Star Wives Day. The Army has developed Military Gold Star Pin three public service announcements to inform America of the My son, 24-year-old Sgt. James Casey Joyce, an Army Ranger, significance of the Gold Star. was killed in action in Somalia Oct. 3, 1993, in the Battle of Mogadishu, better known as Blackhawk Down. Sometime after Raising awareness about the Gold Star is also our responsibility his death, I received — from whom, I can’t remember — a as survivors as we continue to honor our loved ones. A Gold pretty gold pin with a purple background and a gold star in the Star is something no parent or spouse ever wants to receive. It middle. But I came to learn the pin was given to me to wear as forever changes who you are. And, I, for one, don't want anyone to ever forget this sacrifice. a symbol of my son’s service and sacrifice. Fast forward to when I wore my Gold Star pin to a conference. Most of the people there knew about my loss. As I was talking with a group, an acquaintance walked up, pointed to my pin, and said, “What a pretty pin!” “Thank you,” I replied. “This is my Gold Star pin. I am a Gold Star mom.” Then she said, “Oh, how wonderful! What in the world did you do to earn that?” What do you say in this situation? What do you do? I quickly figured out she did not know anything about the Gold Star and what it signified. So I explained about the Gold Star pin and what I did to earn it. There are many stories like mine. But even some people in the military are unaware of the Gold Star and its significance. Imagine having to explain repeatedly what the Gold Star represents —the death of your child or spouse who fought and died for our country — on a service flag, a sticker in a car window, a license plate, or a pin on your lapel. During World War II, families flew flags in their windows denoting someone in their family was serving in the military. These flags — bordered in red, with a center of white and a star for each member of the family serving — still are being flown today. A blue star represents someone serving in a current conflict, a silver star means someone has been wounded in combat, and a gold star represents a fallen family member. In 1947, an act of Congress standardized the service banners and established the Gold Star pins to issue to immediate family members of service members killed in combat. The pin is a gold star on a field of purple surrounded by laurel leaves. A pin for next of kin was approved in 1973. It is a gold star on a gold background surrounded by four oak sprigs. Congress and the military are making an effort to recognize and November 4th General Election Tuesday November 4th is Election Day. All members of the U.S. House of Representatives will be elected and one senator for Virginia will be on the ballot. Also on the ballot will be a Virginia Constitutional Amendment that if approved will provide real estate tax relief to spouses of military members who are killed in action. Please vote yes. October 15th Dinner Meeting Navy Captain Jennifer Vedral-Baron was our guest speaker. She assumed leadership of the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital (BCH) on 17 Jan 2014. BCH is a Department of Defense joint medical facility where Army, Navy, and Air Force medical personnel provide world-class care to the nation's Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guards- men, retirees and their family members. Capt. Vedral-Baron has been quoted as saying, "To our patients, you are our partners in health and are truly engaged and invested in our success. I know how special this relation- ship is, and I consider it a blessing to care for those who wear and have worn the flag of our nation. The Despatch -- November --Page 6 The Despatch -- November --Page 7 Mount Vernon Chapter, MOAA, Christmas Party Saturday, December 13, 2014 Fort Belvoir Officers Club Featuring the Mount Vernon Swing Band A night of exceptional music featuring all the popular ballads For everyone’s listening enjoyment and dancing pleasure Open - 6:00pm, Dinner - 6:30 to 8:00pm Entertainment - 8:30 to 10:00pm Cash Bar with Beer and mixed Drinks; Wine included with Dinner See next page for reservation details Christmas Dinner-Dance Reservation Forms Name: _________________________________________ Spouse/Guest Name:_____________________________ Please select the number of each entrees you want: 1. Chicken Florentine ______ 2. Beef Tips in Bordelaise Sauce ____ 3. Pasta Primavera w/steamed vegetables (Vegetarian) ______ Number of Reservations @ $35.00 per person = _____________ Total (Make Reservations NLT 5 December) Group Reservations Form ($35.00 per person) Group Host: _________________________________ Phone #: ______________________ Size of Group:___________ (Max of 10 per group, separate forms for each group) Attendees Name Entree Choice Amount Pre-Paid 1.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 2.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 3.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 4.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 5.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 6.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 7.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 8.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 9.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ 10.______________________________ 1 / 2/ 3 $____________ Total: $____________ Entree: 1 = Chicken Florentine, 2 = Beef Tips, 3 = Vegetarian Make checks payable to: MVC-MOAA and mail to Mt. Vernon Chapter, MOAA P.O. Box 97, Mount Vernon, VA 22121-0097 - Attn: Christmas Dinner-Dance. NLT 5 December. The Despatch -- November --Page 10 Veterans’ Day Ceremony The city of Alexandria Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities Dept. and “Friends of Rocky Versace” will host the 13th Annual Veterans’ Day Ceremony in Alexandria on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at 1:00 PM. The approximately 1-hour, indoor Ceremony will honor posthumous Medal of Honor recipient, Ranger Hall of Fame inductee, Distinguished Member of the Special Forces Regiment and Distinguished Member of The Old Guard Regiment, Captain Rocky Versace, the 66 other Alexandrians who died during the Vietnam War and all veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces in attendance. Location is the Capt. Rocky Versace Plaza and Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial; indoors in the gym at the Mount Vernon Recreation Center, 2701 Commonwealth Ave. (intersection of Commonwealth and Mt Vernon Aves.), Alexandria. For more details, visit this website:, or contact the “Friends of Rocky Versace” at: Become a member of the Capt. Versace Memorial Association! The Despatch -- November --Page 11 NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS CHANGES In accordance with Article X, Section 1, of the Mount Vernon Chapter By-Laws, the Board of Directors has approved the following amendments to the present By-Laws. At the annual meeting in November, this will require a two-thirds vote of the membership in attendance for approval. The By-laws can be found in the front of the 2014/2015 Chapter Directory or online at the MVC web site. Thank you. Bill Broome President BY-LAWS of the MOUNT VERNON CHAPTER of the MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Below is a list of changes that are proposed by the Board of Directors. This would be Modification #10. See the changes in underlined/bold font. Change #1: Article IV – Membership and Voting Rights Currently reads: Section 4. Applications for regular and auxiliary membership shall be submitted in writing to the board of directors. Recommendations for honorary membership shall be submitted in writing to the board of directors by regular and auxiliary members. The board of directors shall be empowered to accept or reject any application or recommendation for membership. Proposed change: Section 4. Applications for regular and auxiliary membership shall be submitted in writing or via the chapter website to the board of directors. Recommendations for honorary membership shall be submitted in writing to the board of directors by regular or auxiliary members. The board of directors shall be empowered to accept or reject any application or recommendation for membership. Reason: (1) This change is proposed to reflect the increased number of people joining through the website and (2) to include electronic submissions. Change 2: Article V – Dues Currently reads: Section 3. Members who fail to pay their dues within 60 days from the time they become due shall be notified by the secretary and, if payment is not made within the next succeeding 60 days shall, without further notice and without hearing, be dropped from the rolls and thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership. Proposed change: Section 3. Members who fail to pay their dues within 60 days from the time they become due shall be notified by the secretary and, if payment is not made within the next succeeding 30 days shall, without further notice and without hearing, be dropped from the rolls and thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership. Reason: (1) Dues are due on January 1st of each year. Unpaid members are kept on the rolls for 60 days then a second notice is sent The Despatch -- November --Page 12 out. This change reduces the “grace” period from 60 days to 30 days after the second notice before dropping members for non-payment. (2) Cost savings from mailing newsletter to former members Change 3: Article VI – Meetings Currently reads: Section 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the organization during the month of November for the election of officers and directors, the determination of annual dues, the receipt of annual reports, and the transaction of other business. Notice of such meeting, signed by the secretary, shall be mailed to the last recorded address of each member at least 20 days before the time appointed for the meeting. Proposed change: Section 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the organization during the month of November for the election of officers and directors, the determination of annual dues, the receipt of annual reports, and the transaction of other business. Notice of such meeting, signed by the secretary, shall either (1) published in the October and November issue of The Despatch, (2) emailed to those with a valid email address, or (3) mailed to the last recorded address of those members without a valid email address at least 20 days before the time appointed for the meeting Reason: (1) This allows the BOD flexibility in contacting the membership and (2) it will help to reduce mailing costs. Change 4: Article VI – Meetings Currently reads: Section 2. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held monthly unless otherwise decided by the board of directors. Notice of time and place shall be mailed to each member at his last recorded address at least 15 days in advance of each meeting. However, regular meetings may be scheduled in advance at a stated time and place, with notice required only in the event of change, should the board of directors determine it expedient. Proposed change: Section 2. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held monthly unless otherwise decided by the board of directors. Notice of time and place shall be mailed and/or emailed to each member at his last recorded address at least 15 days in advance of each meeting. However, regular meetings may be scheduled in advance at a stated time and place, published in The Despatch, with notice required only in the event of change, should the board of directors determine it expedient. Reason (1) This allows the BOD flexibility in communicating with the membership and (2) will help reduce costs. Change 5: Article VI – Meetings Currently reads: Section 3. Special meetings of the organization may be called by the President. Notice of any special meeting shall be mailed to each member at his last recorded address at least 15 days in advance, with a statement of time and place and information as to the subject or subjects to be considered. Proposed change: Section 3. Special meetings of the organization may be called by the President at anytime. Notice of any special meeting shall be emailed or for those without email, mailed to each member at their last recorded address at least 15 days in advance, with a statement of time and place and information as to the subject or subjects to be considered. The Despatch -- November --Page 13 Reason: (1) This clarifies when a special meeting may be called, (2) this allows the BOD flexibility in communicating with the membership, (3) and provides gender neutrality. Change 6: Article VII – Board of Directors Currently reads: Section 5. The board shall meet upon the call of the president at such times and places as he may designate and shall be called to meet upon demand of a majority of its members. Notice of all meetings of the board of directors shall be sent by mail to each member of the board at his/her last recorded address at least ten (10) days in advance of the meetings. However, regular meetings may be scheduled in advance at a stated time and place, with notice required only in the event of change should the board of directors determine it expedient. Proposed change: Section 5. The board shall meet upon the call of the president at such times and places as he/she may designate and shall be called to meet upon demand of a majority of its members. Notice of all meetings of the board of directors shall be sent by mail and/or email to each member of the board at his/her last recorded address at least ten (10) days in advance of the meetings. However, regular meetings may be scheduled in advance at a stated time and place, with notice required only in the event of change should the board of directors determine it expedient. Reason: (1) This provides gender neutrality and (2) it allows the BOD flexibility in communicating the membership. Change 7: Article VIII – Officers Currently reads: Section 7. The secretary shall give all required notices of and attend all meetings of the organization and shall keep a record of all proceedings. He/she shall also keep a record of all proceedings of the board of directors. He/she shall maintain the membership records and shall collect the annual dues. He/she shall maintain the organization’s correspondence files and shall provide safekeeping for all important documents and records belonging to the organization. He shall perform such other duties as are commensurate with his/her office or as may be assigned to him by the board of directors or the president. Proposed change: Section 7. The secretary shall give all required notices of and attend all meetings of the organization and shall keep a record of all proceedings. He/she shall also keep a record of all proceedings of the board of directors. He/she shall maintain the membership records and shall, with the treasurer, collect the annual dues. He/she shall maintain the organization’s correspondence files and shall provide safekeeping for all important documents and records belonging to the organization. He/she shall perform such other duties as are commensurate with his/her office or as may be assigned to him/her by the board of directors or the president. Reason: (1) Adds the secretary to the dues collections since the dues and membership rolls are intricately linked. (2) Provides gender neutrality. Change 8: Article VIII – Officers Currently reads: Section 8. The treasurer shall: Deposit all sums received in an account with a financial institution approved by the board of directors. Funds may be deposited or withdrawn only upon the signature of the treasurer, except that in the absence or unavailability of the treasurer The Despatch -- November --Page 14 to perform this duty, an individual designated by the president be authorized to make deposits or sign checks for payment of just obligations of the organization. Proposed change: Section 8. The treasurer shall: Deposit all sums received in an account with a financial institution approved by the board of directors. Funds may be deposited or withdrawn only upon the signature of the treasurer, except that in the absence or unavailability of the treasurer to perform this duty, an individual designated by the president may be authorized to make deposits or sign checks for payment of just obligations of the organization. Reason: (1) This clarifies and provides the president flexibility. Change 9: Article IX - Committees Currently reads: Section 2. The standing committees of the organization shall include a membership committee, a program committee, a legislative committee, and a personal affairs committee. Proposed change: Section 2. The standing committees of the organization shall include a membership committee, a program committee, a legislative committee, personal affairs, public relations, and a scholarship committee. a. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members and retaining current members. b. The Program committee chair shall be responsible for arranging speakers and facilities for monthly chapter meetings. c. The Legislative Committee shall be responsible for monitoring local, state, and national legislative developments that might affect active and retired Service personnel, their dependents and survivors, and national security. d. The Personal Affairs Committee shall be responsible for providing information to chapter members and their dependents and survivors about their entitlements. e. Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for publicity that creates a favorable image of the chapter and coordinating with the local media sources to publicize chapter events. e. The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for administering and operating the Scholarship Fund as well as soliciting, receiving, and expend funds for the award of one or more scholarship grants annually to JROTC cadets. Reason: (1) This formalizes the committees within the chapter’s bylaws. Change 10: Article IX - Committees Currently reads: Section 3. At least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting, the board of directors shall appoint a nominating committee of five (5) members, at least three (3) of the members shall be regular members, to nominate candidates for the elective offices. The committee shall notify the secretary, in writing, at least thirty (30) days before the date of the annual meeting, of the names of the candidates it proposes, and the secretary shall mail a copy thereof to the last recorded address of each member at least twenty (20) days before the annual meeting. Proposed change: Section 3. At least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting, the board of directors shall appoint a nominating committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President, of three (3) members, at least two (2) of the members shall be regular members, to nominate candidates for the elective offices. The committee shall notify the secretary, in writing, at least thirty (30) days The Despatch -- November --Page 15 before the date of the annual meeting, of the names of the candidates it proposes, and the secretary shall mail a copy thereof to the last recorded address of each member at least twenty (20) days before the annual meeting. Reason: (1) This formalizes the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Change 11: Article X – Amendments Currently reads: Section 1. These bylaws may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or in part, by a two-thirds vote at any duly organized meeting of the organization, provided that a copy of any amendment proposed for consideration has been mailed to the last recorded address of each member at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting. Proposed change: Section 1. These bylaws may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or in part, by a two-thirds vote at any duly organized meeting of the organization, provided that a copy of any amendment proposed for consideration has been published in The Despatch, or emailed, or mailed to the last recorded address of each member at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting. Reason: (1) This allows the BOD flexibility in communicating with the membership and, (2) helps to reduce costs to the chapter. Submitted for approval and vote at the November 2014 general meeting: William J. Broome, LCDR, USCG (ret), President Gary Hall, CAPT, USN (ret), Secretary ST Martin History Club Schedule Come and join us for our dinner meeting on Tuesday Nov18 at Fort Belvoir O'Club. You will witness a presentation: "The Road to WW One" by Jim Dunn. We plan to meet in the Washington Room(pub) at 1800 hrs on Tuesday Nov,18,2014. then we'll have dinner(Steak, Salmon or Chicken of choice) in the Alexandria Room. We will have wine of choice(red or white). After dinner Jim Dunn will present his unique History of the Road to World War One. After an interesting presentation and discussion we'll adjourn at 2100 hrs. Please RSVP to me at or 703-5906508(LVmsg.)with your dinner order by Friday Nov 14. So please get your RSVP in on time. Hope to see you there for this recount of the road to ww 1. Hope to see you there. Best, Jim Ralph
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