UP SCOPE THE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE DALLAS SUBVETS BASE VOL. 14, ISSUE 4 WWW.DALLASSUBVETS.ORG NOVEMBER, 2014 United States Submarine Veterans, Inc Our Creed: "To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and it’s Constitution." 2014 Officers Commander: Leonard Tunnell 817-526-2310 rm1ss402@charter.net Vice Commander: Doug Galligher 214-557-4920 doug.gallagher@sbcglobal.net Treasurer: Charlie Cloud 903-450-0345 charles.cloud@att.net Secretary: Peter Filidoro 817-283-2953 prf620@me.com Storekeeper: Claude Canterbury cecanterbury1@gmail.com Chaplin: Gavin Wolff 469-337-1809 Webmaster: Fred Williams 972-492-1315 fwilliams22@gmail.com Inside this issue: Commander’s article. . . . . . . 1 Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Jerry Bringle Award . . . . . . 3 Birthdays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Naval Sayings. . . . . . . . . . 3 Lone Star SSMC News . . . . . 4 BASE PICNIC 2014 . . . . . . . . 5 Christmas Partyn RSVPs . . . . 5 Christmas Party Invitation . . . . .6 Lost Boat Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Map/Calender........8 Ahoy shipmates. Well, this year is fast coming to a close and this will be my last Newsletter article. I will take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. I must admit, I had doubts about taking over as Base Commander last January, but it has turned out to be very rewarding. That is not to say that I wish to continue past December. Speaking of not continuing, Base officer elections are coming up in November. It seems that we have a lot of difficulty each year getting someone to run for office. Frankly, that confuses me. Surely with 104 members, we have some very capable individuals who could, yea should be stepping up. We had a very nice Base picnic in September at Jeff and Sue's place. BZ to them for opening their house to us. There were 30 members and guests who attended and we had a great time enjoying the camaraderie of those who came. It is regrettable that not all of you could attend, but I understand you have other commitments. We enjoyed some competition in that we held a washers tournament. Everyone enjoyed that and I promise it was not fixed. The team of Jim Terrell and Mike Snyder won second place while Marilyn Terrell and I won first. For the remainder of the year, we have the Dallas Veterans' Day Parade coming up and we should have the Captain, COB and Senior and Junior Sailors of the Year from the USS Dallas here. We will try to arrange a barbecue for the crew members where we can present the JSOY award. I have the name of the 2013 winner and as soon as I get the name of the 2014 winner, I will get the plaques made. I will ship the 2013 winner's plaque and gift card to him. Also, we have the Christmas Party scheduled for Sunday, December 14 at III Forks. The cost is $20.00 per person again this year. I will be sending out a flyer and RSVP document soon. Fair winds and following seas, shipmates. Leonard Tunnell Page 2 USSVI-Dallas Base October 2014 Meeting Minutes The October meeting of the USSVI-Dallas Base was called to order at Spring Creek Barbeque Restaurant at I-20 & West Wheatland Road, Dallas, Texas Saturday October 4, 2014 by Dallas BC (Base Commander) Leonard Tunnell at12:02 Hours. Present were the following members and guests: Members: Ken Ballard, Doug Burleson, Gerald Burnham, James Cochran, Tim Davis, Peter Filidoro, Doug Gallagher, Paul McAlister, George McDermott, Frank Morgan, Jeff Morris, Richard Nelson, Mack Padgett, Eula Plummer, Leonard Reneau, John Reynolds, David Schrieber, Jo Lynn Standerfer, Wayne Standerfer, Leonard Tunnell, Tony Whitley and Gavin Wolff. Guests: Thelma Burnham, Charles Januszewski, Connie McAlister, Gloria Morgan, Sue Morris, Bonnie Nelson, Lori Wetsal, and Whitney Wolff. The Invocation was given by: Gavin Wolff. SSMC Club: George McDermott reported; on the Nov. 19th the “Traveling Wall” (Vietnam memorial) will be traveling from Richardson to UT in Arlington, the motorcycle club will be participating in the ride-in and also on the opening day ceremonies on Nov. 21st. OLD BUSINESS: Base Elections: Frank Morgan reported; our current Officers terms expire at the end of the year. He then opened the floor for anyone willing to server as a Base Officer for the next two years, to come forward. No one came forward. He then nominated the slate of Officers prepared by the nomination committee; Base Commander, Leonard Reneau; Vice Commander, Doug Gallagher; Base Treasure, Charlie Cloud; Base Secretary, Gerald Burnham. Elections will take place at the November meeting. USS Dallas Jr. Sailor of the Year: BC Tunnell reported he has the name of the 2013 JSOY; has contacted the USS Dallas COB and is waiting on the name of the 2014 JSOY. Dallas Crew members will be in town for the Veterans Day parade. The Base is planning on having a get together with the Crew to present the award to the current JSOY. The date will be determined based on the Crews schedule. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by: John Reynolds. The Submariner’s Creed was read by: BC Tunnell. BC Tunnell then read the names of the Boats on Eternal Patrol for the month of October. OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS: Deborah Cole, Jerry Edwards, David Boe, Andy Massimino, Donna Williams, Robert Guthrie, Jeff Morris, Robert La Bonte, George McDermott, Richard Ost, Wayne Standerfer, Jo Lynn Standerfer, and Mack Padgett. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Treasurer’s Report: BC Tunnell reported Treasurer, Charlie Cloud could not attend the meeting and that the current balance in our account is $16,624.54. Membership: BC Tunnell reported he has spoken with a several people about joining. Storekeeper: No report due to Claude Canterbury not being able to attend meeting. Kaps 4 Kids: Gavin Wolff reported; there will be a Kaps 4 Kids event in November the week of Veterans Day at Children’s Dallas. He is finalizing plans for either Monday or Thursday of that week and will need between 8 and 10 volunteers. A sign up sheet will be available at the November meeting. Dues: BC Tunnell reminded members that National and Base dues are due by December 31st. New meeting venue: the matter of a new meeting venue that was tabled at the last meeting was discussed. A motion was made, seconded and passed to hold regular Dallas Base monthly meetings on the second Saturday of the month, at the Celebration Restaurant in Dallas, starting in January. NEW BUSINESS: Joint meeting venue: BC Tunnell held discussions on changing the venue for the quarterly joint meeting of the Dallas and Cowtown Bases to the Candlelight Restaurant on Division St. in Arlington. This was brought up with the Cowtown Base at their last meeting and everyone was for it. BC Tunnell found out, after talking to the Cowtown Base, there is a $500 minimum for food and beverages. The consensus of the Base was, we would probably not have a problem meeting the minimum and should hold the joint meetings there. BC Tunnell will contact the Cowtown Base regarding the guaranteed minimum; if they agree the November joint meeting will be at the Candlelight. Christmas Party: There are flyers and RSVPs for the Christmas Party available, they will also be emailed to members. The RSVP should be sent to Charlie Cloud along with payment. Page 3 GOOD OF THE ORDER Work Week Seawolf Park: will be November 3rd through the 10th. An email was sent to members with a sign-up sheet. If, interested in going, turn in the sign-up sheet. 2014 Annual Jerry Bringle Junior Sailor of The Year Award Ceremony Monday Evening November 10th The American Undersea Warfare Center will be holding a Veterans Day Ceremony at Seawolf Park, Galveston. Mark your calendar and plan on spending an evening with a small contingent of USS Dallas crew members and your Base shipmates and guests. Veterans Outreach Community will be holding their 1st Annual Veterans Walk-A-Thon on November 7th, their flyer indicated 2015. BC Tunnel was told it was this year and will get clarification and email members. We will meet at the Addison Spring Creek Barbeque starting at 18:00 sharp (That's 6:00 PM, civilian) Monday, November 10, 2014 for dinner (and drinks?). The Wall That Heals: will be at UT Dallas, a ceremony will be held on Friday November 21st at 10:00: BC Tunnell will send an email with details and RSVP. Next meeting – November 1st at 11:30 hours, venue to be determined; either the Oasis Restaurant or the Candlelight Inn Restaurant. 50/50 Drawing: Dave Schrieber for $66. The Benediction was given by: Gavin Wolff. The meeting was adjourned at 12:52 Hours. Respectfully submitted by: Peter Filidoro, Secretary Due to the USS Dallas' unexpected reprieval from decommissioning, crew availability still remains extremely limited. Therefore the we are once again lucky to have our annual Jerry Bringle Junior Sailor of the Year award dinner. The plan going forward is to have an small contingent of crew members from the USS Dallas present in Dallas for the annual Veterans Day activities. Dinner for the USS Dallas crew members, Dallas Base members and one guest will be paid for by Dallas Base. Any alcoholic beverages must be purchased by the member or guest. If you plan on attending, please let us know by Monday, November 3, 2014 RSVP by Replying to: Leonard Tunnell Cell - 817-526-2310 rm1ss402@charter.net The Meaning of Naval Sayings --Reprinted with the permission of the Plymouth, UK City Council Birthdays for June 5 6 20 22 22 25 SEPTEMBER Luis V. Leos Douglas Burleson Jim Fox Rob Althaus Darrell Moore Harry Whipple OCTOBER 3 Deborah Cole 7 Jerry R. Edwards 8 David Boe 9 Andrew S Massimino 11 Donna Williams 11 Robert Guthrie 13 18 18 19 21 25 28 Jeffrey W Morris Robert La Bonte George McDermott Richard C. Ost Wayne Standerfer Jo Lynn Standerfer Mack Padgett Jr. 2 9 10 12 22 23 NOVEMBER Richard Nelson Raymond Adams Bryan Kendall John H. Reynolds Robert H. Harvey Bruce Taylor Gone by the board: Discarded; abandoned; lost The board is the side of the ship. Anything that went ‘by the board’ (overboard) was therefore either unwanted or lost. Groundswell: Build-up of public opinion The ground was always the lowest point, so at sea that meant the bottom of ocean. A groundswell was used to describe deep ocean wave movement caused by a distant storm or underwater earthquake or tremor. Page 4 LONE STAR DFW SSMC NEWS The SSMC Lone Star DFW chapter had an eventful 3rd quarter. We had participated in everything retirement parties, weddings, day rides, rallies and parades. to Fayetteville, AR to the Bikes, Blues and BBQ rally (BBB rally) to also celebrate their honeymoon! The BBB rally is one of the largest motorcycle rallies in the US with over 500,000 bikers that participate in the event. In June several us made the ride to participate in the celebration of Barb "Babs" Williams (later to become Goin) and Jerry Goin's retirement party. July begins the really hot season and our rides tend to drop off due to the heat, but not this year!! In July a few members rode in the Burleson 4th of July parade. In addition, the chapter president ("Mr. Bill") made his annual big ride which covered over 4,000 miles. On the final return leg several of the chapter members met him for lunch in Pittsburg, TX and rode with him on the final leg. 9/6 - Jerry / Babs Wedding Jerry Goin and Barbara (Babs) Williams were married on Sept 6. Thank you so much for being a part of this special day for us! Things do not slow down for us as we move to the 4th quarter with many rides and rallies. So far we have the following scheduled: 1. Johnson City Pig Roast, Johnson City, TX - October 10-12 2. Ben Wheeler Feral Hog Festival, day ride - October 25 3. Lone Star Rally, Galveston, TX - November 6-9 4. Traveling Memorial Wall, UT Dallas - November 19-23 7/4 - Burleson Parade Had a great turnout. Jerry Babs & AK47 rode their bikes in the parade. Pictured above are members of the Cowtown Base In August we made a pretty long day ride to Ardmore, OK for burgers and then stopped in Denton for ice cream. We do have our priorities! Hot but fun. The Traveling Memorial Wall - SSMC Lone Star DFW Chapter was contacted by: Angus McColl to assist in the showing of the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall at UT Dallas on November 19-23. They needed good looking bikers and bikes ha ha to escort on the 19th and opening ceremonies on the 21st of November. We will be the point of contact for Veteran bike clubs (Legion and others) to help in this event. The Patriot Guard will be point of contact in the ride in with our assistance. We feel honored as Submariners and Veterans to help in this important Traveling Wall event. With the help of our Veterans and Submariners we will make this day a day to honor our brother and sisters who gave their all for our Country. The Traveling Wall is 3/5 scale of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC, it stands six feet tall at the center and covers almost 300 feet from end to end. 8/23 - One day Burger run to Ardmore OK. Breakfast in Hudson Oaks Lunch at Hamburger Inn, Ardmore, Ok.Ice Cream in Denton. What a fun day! Pictured above: Ken (Yardbird) Coleman, Jerry Goin, Ken (AK47) Stone, Teri-Anne Hill, Janie Baker, David Baker September was a time for big events and big rides. First Babs Williams became Babs Goin when her and Jerry wed on September 6th. It was special when they also lead the ride The Traveling Memorial stands as a reminder of the great sacrifices made during the Vietnam Was. It was made for the purpose of helping heal the rekindle friendships and to allow people the opportunity to visit loved ones in their home town who otherwise may not be able to make the trip to Washington. With the help of VVA 920 and our Veteran Bike Riders we will make this event special to our Veterans. Page 5 God Bless our Veterans who gave their all in service country....Never Forget!!! We also added 2 new members to the chapter with one also becoming a new USSVI Dallas base member. Bill "Mr. Bill" Holz SSMC Lone Star DFW Chapter President USSVI Dallas & Bubblehead Bikers Bases Patriot Guard Rider Phone: (214)735-2068 Email: bholz2014@aol.com BASE PICNIC 2014 After a long hiatus, the Base Picnic returned to Jeff and Sue Morris' backyard And it was just like, "deja vu all over again!" The sturdy, dependable icy machine churned out frozen Daiquiris and Rum Runners throughout the festivities. Many old sea stories were told. The wives stood back in awe unaware they were so closely associated with mighty "Defenders of the Free World." The pot luck tables were literally overflowing with tasty items which married well with the Base provided grilled Hamburgers and hot dogs. (High falutten talk for, "Tasted real good together.") The recently defeated National Commander contender showed us all he still had it with a mean set of grilling tongs. And as previously mentioned there were ample quantities of Daiquiris, Rum Runners, sodas, and something they called "BEER" to wash it all down. Jeff and Sue, knowing they needed a distraction to save their furniture and carpets, came up with a backyard "Washer Toss" game. Most everybody took a turn at pairs and many showed the ability to hold a drink in the free hand while tossing said washers at a box with a hole in it at the other end of the "pitch". As with all games of chance, a couple of lucky devils won some rather nifty trophies and bragging rights. The party wound down shortly after the battery went dead on the Jeff Goldberg "portable" two wheeled hand truck entertainment system. I suggested adding a solar panel, which Jeff took under advisement. But the wise man would buy a smaller battery, if you get my drift. RSVP - DALLAS BASE 2014 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Guest:_____________________________________________ ( Print this page, fill out and mail with appropriate check) Chateaubriand_____ Salmon_____ Chicken Veronique_____ Note: Price for Member and One (1) Guest is $20.00 each Guest:_____________________________________________ Chateaubriand_____ Salmon_____ Chicken Veronique_____ Please Print Clearly Guest:_____________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________ Chateaubriand_____ Salmon_____ Chicken Veronique_____ Chateaubriand_____ Salmon_____ Chicken Veronique_____ Number of reservations @ $20.00 each____________ Guest:____________________________________________ Chateaubriand_____ Salmon_____ Chicken Veronique_____ Total__________________ Number of reservations @ $39.95 each_____________ Total_________________ Note: Price for all other Guests is $39.95 each Check #______________ Total__________________ Page 6 USSVI Dallas Base 2014 Annual Christmas Party Date: Time: Place: Phone: Sunday, December 14, 2014 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm III Forks 17776 Dallas Parkway Dallas, Texas 75287 (972) 267-1776 Please bring a new, un-wrapped toy for the Toys-For-Tots Program 2:00 - 3:00 Social Hour - Cash Bar 3:00 - 4:00 Dinner 4:00 - 5:30 50/50 drawing and drawings for other door prizes. (Must be present to win) Cost: Member and One (1) Guest $20 per person Additional Guests $39.95 per person RSVP and Payment must be received by Sat. Dec. 6th Make check payable to USSVI Dallas Base Mail to: Charles Cloud 139 County Rd 4302 Greenville, TX 75041-1725 (903)450-0345 Page 7 L O S T B O AT S R E P O RT LOST BOATS FOR SEPTEMBER USS S-5 (SS 110) September 1, 1920 The crew escaped Lost Boat for OCTOBER USS Pompano (SS 181) September 1, 1943 76 officers and men USS O-5 (SS 66) October 18, 1923 two men lost USS Grayling (SS 209) September 9, 1943 76 officers and men USS S-51 (SS 162) September 25, 1925 32 officers and men USS O-5 (SS 66) was lost when it sank after collision with SS ABAGAREZ (United Fruit Co.) off the Panama Canal. USS Cisco (SS 290) September 28, 1943 76 officers and men LOST BOATS FOR NOVEMBER Lost Boat for SEPTEMBER USS S-5 (SS 110) September 1, 1920 The crew escaped USS S-5 (SS 110) was lost when it foundered 40 miles offshore near the Delaware Capes. All of the crew escaped through a hole cut in the tiller room. USS Albacore (SS 218) November 7, 1944 86 officers and men USS Growler (SS 215) November 8, 1944 84 officers and men USS Corvina (SS 226) November 16, 1943 82 officers and men USS Scamp (SS 277) November 16, 1944 83 officers and men USS Sculpin (SS 191) November 19, 1943 40 officers and men LOST BOATS FOR OCTOBER USS Seawolf (SS 197) October 3, 1944 102 officers and men USS O-5 (SS 66) October 18, 1923 two men lost USS S-44 (SS 155) October 7, 1943 56 officers and men USS Wahoo (SS 238) October 11, 1943 79 officers and men USS Dorado (SS 248) October 12, 1943 78 officers and men USS Escolar (SS 294) October 17, 1944 82 officers and men. USS O-5 (SS 66) two men October 18, 1923 USS Shark (SS 314) October 24, 1944 90 officers and men USS Darter (SS 227) October 24, 1944 entire crew rescued USS Tang (SS 306) October 25, 1944 80 officers and men Lost Boat for NOVEMBER USS Corvina (SS 226) November 16, 1943 82 officers and men USS Corvina (SS 226) was lost when she was sunk just south of Truk. Under the command of CDR R.S. Rooney, Corvina was on her first war patrol. It appears that she was lost to the torpedoes of a Japanese submarine. Donna Williams 3122 Landover Carrollton, TX 75007 d.jwilliams@verizon.net 972-492-1315 UPCOMING EVENTS NOVEMBER Sat, Nov 2nd Dallas Base & Cowtown Combined Mtg Oasis - Joe Pool Lake 5700 Lake Ridge Pkwy Grand Prairie, Texas 817 640-7676 Mon, Nov 10th Dinner with the USS Dallas 6 pm Spring Creek Bbque 14941 Midway Rd Addison, TX 75110 972 385-0790 Tues, Nov 11th Dallas Veterans Day Parade DECEMBER Sun, Dec 14th Dallas Base Christmas Party 2 - 5:30 pm 111 Forks Restaurant 17776 Dallas Pkwy Dallas, TX 75287 (972) 267-1776 NOVEMBER 2ND MEETING This is a reminder that we will be having our quarterly meeting with the Cowtown Base and WWII SubVets at The Oasis Restaurant on Joe Pool Lake 5700 Lake Ridge Pkwy Grand Prairie, Texas 817 640-7676
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