Middlemarch Branch Rural Women New Zealand A Newsletter for Middlemarch, Hyde, Macraes, Strathy Taieri's Cloud © Middlemarch RWNZ Hindon, Black Rock & Lee Stream Issue No.383 November 2014 A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Pauline Carruthers Our ANNUAL SENIOR’S XMAS LUNCH will be held on Who has recently resigned from her position of District Nurse here in the Strath Taieri. Friday 12th December On behalf of the Community, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for all she’s done over the many years that she has been our of District Nurse. Please mark this date on your calendar & if anyone has just turned 60 or knows someone that has, who may be too shy to tell us, Please contact — Marion Wilson 464 3841 Individual invitations will be sent out the last week in November ________________________ The recent First Aid Course held on 11th October was an excellent day, enjoyed by all who took part. Special thanks to Middlemarch Fire Brigade for making the Fire Station available as the venue. _________________________ Our 5th Triple F Challenge “Fitness, Fun & Friendship” of the Otago Central Rail Trail will take place on 17th to 19th April 2015 leaving from Clyde Our special guest and riding tandem is ’That Blind woman’ Julie Woods of Dunedin funds will be raised along the way for the Blind Foundation. For further information Contact:- Pat Macaulay Phone 484 7006 or macaulay.p@xtra.co.nz Thought for the month “If you want to understand the meaning of happiness, you must see it as a reward and not a goal.” Antonie de Saint-Exupery Closing date for Dec 2014/Jan 2015 issue 26th November 2014 THANK YOU PAULINE To the Middlemarch community As you may be aware, the local District Nurse for Middlemarch, Pauline Carruthers has finished in this role as of the 17th October 2014. Our interim plan is that District Nursing services will be provided from Dunedin while we work through a longer term solution. Our service will be available Monday to Sunday during the day but as with our other rural services, there is no evening service available. Contact Numbers : Monday – Friday 08.30am to 4:30pm 03 476 9500 Weekends and Public Holidays - District Nurses may be contacted through the Dunedin Hospital switchboard 03 474 0999 Thank you for your understanding during this time Angela Koopman; Charge Nurse Manager Community Nursing Services Southern District Health Board The Rock & Pillar Liners would like to extend an invitation to past and present dancers to join them and the McAtamney family at the Middlemarch cemetery at 2.30pm on 23rd of November 2014 to plant a commemorative tree for our foundation member Marie McAtamney. Afterwards to the Strath Taieri Community Centre Enquiries to 464 3718 or 464 3227 In this Taieri Pet Public Notices/Community Notices Advertisements Calendar 1-4 5–7 8 Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com Middlemarch Branch Rural Women New Zealand Newsletter for Middlemarch, Hyde, Macraes, Hindon, Black Rock and Lee Stream Police News Although it is spring, the Strath Taieri still has the feel of winter some days and the Rock & Pillars are still getting some great falls of snow! Le Roux & I were lucky enough to get a week away in Australia and have returned to weeds, overgrown gardens & lawns needing much attention. The month past has been a mixed bunch : 1. A male reported to Police of being assaulted for monies owed for unpaid rents - it appears another person had decided to appoint themselves 'the collector' 2. A unlicensed teenage boy was involved in a traffic crash with a local vehicle on 3 October, corner SH 87, Milford Street - enquiries are continuing 3. A report of dangerous driving was made of a local vehicle cutting just about every corner on the way home to Middlemarch And, I again spent a day with the Ministry of Justice Court Bailiffs’ assisting them collecting & seizing property for unpaid fines, etc. It would appear the more rural areas like Middlemarch have been over looked for some time, and now, they are doing mini operations when 3 - 4 names are identified as living locally. Page 2 one must ask what were they doing before? Court staff receive threats, Police are threatened every day, so locking up everyone who makes a threat is not the solution, but a greater awareness of these people in our communities requires more than just 'tough talk' following a tragedy. For those requiring any statutory declarations to be signed and notarised - I am able to do this service. Remember, if you have something to report, notice anything suspicious or amiss, not happy with some situation, want a raffle drawn or just to talk, ring the Police. Helen Fire Brigade News \ On the afternoon of the 5th October we extinguished a fire on Ngapuna Rd which had flared up and spread in the strong winds of the day. Then on the 8th we assisted to provide landing support for the rescue helicopter called to a medical event. Thank you to all who advise me when holding burn-off’s. It is very helpful to know if there are controlled burn-off’s happening should we get called out. From 1 December 2014 there are big changes in drink driving legislation. The breath & blood alcohol limits are to be reduced. The adult breath alcohol limit will reduce from 400 mcg to 250 mcg. The blood alcohol limit will reduce from 80mg per 100ml blood to 50 mg. Infringement penalties and 50 demerit points are introduced for drivers who commit an offence between 251-400 mcg and 51-80mg. Drivers who accumulate more than 100 demerit points from driving offences (speeding tickets, etc) within 2 years will receive a 3 month driver licence suspension. The amalgamation of the five rural fire authorities in Otago is nearly complete with the Otago Rural Fire Authority now the governing authority in all rural areas of Otago. The region has been divided into five zones and unfortunately for us we sit on the boundary between the central and coastal zone. At present the authority has declared a restricted fire season for the central zone (which means a fire permit must be obtained for fires in the open). The coastal zone is still in an open fire season which means permits aren’t required. Permits are not required in the urban fire district but all fires must be extinguished before dark. Police welcome the lowered limits. Alcohol contributes to around 30% of NZ's fatal road crashes and international research is unequivocal, that lowering the drink driving limits is a significant step towards reduced road trauma. For more information please contact the Otago Rural Fire Authority (0800 673 473), Deputy principal rural fire officer Graeme Still (027 437 0903) or www.otagoruralfire.org.nz to find out which zone you are in and whether a permit is required. NZTA is about to begin advertising on TV, radio and in licensed premises from 16 November. Safer Summers will run from 1 December - 31 January and the main message will be lower drink driving - or think ahead, if you drink, don't drive, call a taxi or get someone else to take you home. It is anticipated that shortly, permits may be applied for online so using the website is encouraged. On September 29th, Police and families gathered across NZ to mark Police Remembrance Day - where Police Officers have died in the line of duty. A sobering reminder of the 29 officers slain on duty, individuals who had much to live for and died for keeping the people of NZ safe. The Ashburton Work & Income office homicides was one of NZ's recent times worst events. My thoughts go to all those affected. Work & Income bosses have announced they will take a zero tolerance approach to threats against staff in future - that's great now, but For all emergencies call 111 For any other fire brigade matter call John Foote at 464 3781 or 027 444 3784 STOP PRESS……. Hall Redevelopment Committee, AGM, Tuesday 18th November at 7.30pm S.T. Comm. Centre Middlemarch Promotions Group, Meeting at Quench on Thursday 20th at 7.30pm Plunket Nurse Visit and Clinic date 25th November For an appointment please call or txt Kelly 027 464 6557 Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com Middlemarch Branch Rural Women New Zealand Newsletter for Middlemarch, Hyde, Macraes, Hindon, Black Rock and Lee Stream Page 3 OUTRAM MEDICAL CENTRE and MIDDLEMARCH SURGERY NEWS Strath Taieri Pony Club The Directors of Outram Middlemarch Medical Services wish to advise that Dr Ben Hayward finished at the Medical Centre at the end of September 2014. Well the Pony Club season has started with great excitement - with Springston Trophy being an awesome weekend. We would like to thank Ben for his dedication to the Outram practice patients, the Outram and Middlemarch Communities over the past 6 years. So many positive comments thanks to all those who helped, no matter how big or small, you made the weekend an enjoyable one for the 23 teams which attended. Dr Peter Yunker will be assisting at the Outram Medical Centre for the next few months with a new more permanent doctor starting in early 2015. Middlemarch Surgery will be cared for by Dr Rob Chadwick. Clinics will continue in the same way as the have all year with nurse led clinics on a Monday and Doctor’s clinic on a Thursday. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at the surgery. Leeann Barnes and Stephanie Macaulay. Middlemarch Plunket AGM to be held on Friday November 28th at Quench at 7.30pm Apologies to Jodie Tisdall 464 3477 On Fridays during December we will be holding a pop-up shop in the Plunket Rooms so… Hi everyone Strath Taieri came 7th - good effort team! Also a big Thank you to everyone who helped out with Lindsay's tailing. It was great to see so many willing helpers - and what a great way to show our appreciation to Lindsay for all the time and effort put into a wonderful cross country course, which is an asset to this community. Rallies for November Nov 2nd Nov 9th Nov 16th Nov 23rd Nov 30th Rally at Middlemarch 10am ODE at Lindsay's Pony Club are running BBQ stall Rally at Middlemarch 10am Rally at Middlemarch 10am Rally at Macraes 10am Any inquiries please contact Rebecca Tisdall 03 465 2493 Middlemarch Swimming Club any keen artists, crafters, knitters or sewers call Jodie for info ... and check next month’s pet for some details about the red suit wearing superstar of the festive season The pumps are on and the water is nearly ready to swim in, we just need some sun!!!!! The season will start when the pool is warm enough to swim in. Plunket Calendar of Events Term 4 2014 Look out for a note in the school newsletter and on the pool door. NOVEMBER Nov 6 – Coffee Group at Amelia Hopkins’s, Hyde Nov 13 - Kindyrock Nov 20 – Coffee Group at Trudy Lindsay’s 6145 State Highway 87, Middlemarch Nov 27 – Kindyrock DECEMBER Dec 4 – Coffee Group at Alice Scott’s Summer Hills, Mt Stoker Dec 11 - Kindyrock Christmas Party PLEASE NOTE VENUE CHANGE: Kindyrock will be held at Playcentre this Term from 10-11am Holiday work wanted by 19yr old varsity student Experienced in farm tasks but willing to try anything. Hindon based, can travel. Available from early November. Phone Cameron Gillespie 027 776 1971 or Trish Morrison/Rob Sutton 489 2226 evenings Key prices remain unchanged from last year, $70 family, $45 single These will be available from Maggies and the Strath Taieri Hotel. Any questions, comments, suggestions please contact Steph Macaulay 464 3366 Local Directory Please Note Correct Phone numbers for Lorna and Barry Williams are: Lorna 027 694 7477 Barry 027 486 6433 For Sale Magnificent looking 17 hand chestnut thorough bred mare. 7 years old. Great bloodline. Lovely personality and loads of potential but needs some work done. Limited dressage experience but has performed well in novice sections. Needs an experienced rider. $1000.00 Phone 021 064 9335 Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com Middlemarch Branch Rural Women New Zealand Newsletter for Middlemarch, Hyde, Macraes, Hindon, Black Rock and Lee Stream Page 4 Farewell for Laurie Kain and Lee Cook Deep Stream Dog Trials at the Middlemarch Fire Station Friday 7th November From 7.30pm All welcome Sunday 7th December Maiden Day only A plate for Supper would be appreciated. Enquiries/Apologies to John Foote 027 444 3784 or Helen Fincham-Putter 027 228 4789 Strath Taieri A & P Show Saturday 7th March 2014 Schedules with full details of all classes will be available this month from CRT/Post Agency, Maggies or by contacting Tess on 022 158 8943 or Lynnore on 464 3005 So … time to get your veggies planted, your modified lawn mower constructed, find a spouse to carry in the spouse carrying competition Mark the date in your calendar and invite your townie friends up for a fun, action packed day of family entertainment. BBQ lunch provided Dog must be dosed Signposted at Deep Stream To be held at J D Mac Donald’s property Prize giving at end of Day At Clark’s Junction Hotel ph H MacDonald 027 417 4119 Readers Wanted! We would like to do some more reading to people in our community because we loved reading to our visitors who came to the Community Morning in September. If you would like come along to Room One on a Tuesday morning during Term 4 from 11.15-11.45pm then we would love to see you and read to you. Please call the Office if you would like to take part. From Room One and Mrs Bankshaw Strath Taieri School Middlemarch Bowling Club The Best Little Show in the Country We will be holding Twilight Bowls on Friday Nights at 7pm Lee Stream School Young, old and in between are all most welcome to come along and have a go. All you need are flat shoes and a ‘give it a go attitude’ to meet new people and have fun “Together, plant the seed grow the child Ma te mahitahi e tipu ai te tamaiti” Looking for a great school to send your child(ren) to? Lee Stream School offers quality education for all, with strong family and community partnerships. Anyone is welcome to attend our Community Assemblies at the end of each term. The next one is to be held in the Lee Stream Community Hall on Wednesday 17th December at 1.30pm. Principal, Kim Allan welcomes showing any families around the school and answering your questions. Please make an appointment through our school office. Information booklet available on our School website www.leestream.school.nz Telephone: (03) 489 1452 Email:lss@leestream.school.nz Middlemarch Rural Women For ‘Casual printing’ black and white, & colour available, also booklets and stapling. Please phone or email Dennis Bowers to arrange an appropriate time 03 464 3222 or 021 772 185 or email info@otagopc.co.nz Nola Tisdall President Ph 464 3883 Strath Taieri Rugby Football Club Tailing Fundraising at Craiglynn November 15th Meet at woolshed at 5:30am & bring your lunch. Anybody and everybody welcome to come along and help out. Your support via helping on the day is vital for the club. Any queries: Bevan Wilson 027 699 8512 or Willie Jones 027 418 1386 House/Home Organiser Lizzie Sime now available for Home, Office, Outdoor Spaces, Feng Shui and Spiritual Organising For help with the right fabrics, furniture, colours etc to make your house a home. It’s a well known fact that a cluttered space is a cluttered mind –why not clear that today the Lizanne Sime way. Phone 027 933 0675 or leave a message Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com Middlemarch Branch Rural Women New Zealand Newsletter for Middlemarch, Hyde, Macraes, Hindon, Black Rock and Lee Stream Page 5 Otago Computer Solutions Ltd Repairs Web Design IT Support Programming Middlemarch based & serving rural Otago Low hourly rates or flat fee repairs and Service 30+ years experience MSCE, A+ & Masters in Computer Engineering Free inspections and advice Precision Jetting for Lice & Fly control Mobile Crutching Trailers for all your dagging & crutching requirements Contract Lamb Tailing For prompt, efficient, reliable service Contact MG SHEARING Mike Gorinski Phone: 027 201 6300 or 03 489 8575 Give Dennis Bowers a call at either 03 464 3222 or 021 772 185 or Email: info@otagopc.co.nz Steel Fabrications Farm Maintenance Repair & build Dairy Systems Building and concrete work General engineering Portable Welder Service & Alloy Welding John Stringer Physical Address: 28 Bell Street Outram Mobile:- 027 486 1323 Email:- steelfabrications@hotmail.co.nz Tractors; 11 from 120 to 320hp Silage; a full service from pit cleaning, mowers, rakes, loader wagons, fine chop forager, trucks to pit work Baling; 3 balers available individual or tubes Cultivation; all options available for a full service Drilling; 6 drills from fodder beet, roller drilling, ridging to direct drilling Also feed buyers and sellers PHONE either:JUSTIN 027 245 8623 BRIAN 027 433 7698 Appointments are available by phoning our Ranfurly Clinic Phone: 03 444 9700 STEVE TOOMEY PLUMBING LTD Animal Health Products: call Garry on 027 227 7881 CERTIFYING PLUMBER/DRAINLAYER LICENSED GASFITTER Farmlands Livestock Plumbing, Drain laying, Roofing, Spouting, Home Heating, Pump Installation & Repairs No job to big or too small Stock Wanted Prime Cattle, Prime Lambs, Store Lambs and Cull Ewes Call Steve 027 481 1328 or email stoomey@xtra.co.nz Phone Hamish McAslan 03 464 3403 or 027 281 0377 SUMMER HOURS 8am till close 7 days a week Dining & takeway pizza’s and fries only from 5.30pm Phone 03 464 3070 or 027 292 5244 Experienced Rural Fencers! Post driver and rock auger Trailer compressor for rock drill and warratah rammer Efficient service and quality workmanship Phone Grant on:027 486 1251 or 03 489 0103 Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com Middlemarch Branch Rural Women New Zealand Newsletter for Middlemarch, Hyde, Macraes, Hindon, Black Rock and Lee Stream Page 6 Closing date for Dec 14/Jan 15 issue 26th November 2014 Middlemarch Excavation Ltd Excavator, Tip trucks, Grain harvesting, Broad acre spraying, Grader hire, Silage and Transporter hire Phone Sean anytime 027 565 8233 EAST OTAGO/RANFURLY VETERINARY SERVICES Appointments are available by phoning Ranfurly Clinic 03 444 1020 If you wish to make contact or require a delivery Phone Ashleigh Edmonston 027 444 1020 Superior Carpet, Upholstery Cleaners, Curtains & Blinds Carpets dry within 2-4 hours Safe non-toxic solutions 0800 50 90 80 C J Macaulay Building Services Ltd For ALL your CARPENTRY, JOINERY & GLAZING requirements Phone Cameron - 03 464 3366 or Mobile 027 454 5030 51 Tawe Street MIDDLEMARCH Taieri Automotive Ltd 2 Olive Ave For all your Automotive requirements, we are a mechanical service covering the Middlemarch area. All Mechanical, Electrical, welding and machining. Stockists of Century batteries & Maxxis tyres Contact Steve Grant Phone 03 464 3717 or 027 489 5782 Ewan Allan HONDA Dave Hay 22 Holyhead Street OUTRAM Email: dave@ewanallan.co.nz Wayne Lindsay Plumbing 95 Currie Road OUTRAM “For all your plumbing needs” Drains, Septic Tanks, Pump maintenance, Spouting and Roofing Contact Wayne at:Mobile 027 443 3217 or Phone 03 486 1407 MCER Mining & Construction Equipment Repairs Ltd • • • • • Heavy equipment repairs & servicing Component overhauls Hydraulic repairs Electrical repairs Mobile welding Phone: Paul Bain 027 253 1137 or 03 489 7317 Email: mcrepairs@xtra.co.nz Phone Mobile 027 250 7512 or Landline 03 486 1222 ROBERTSON SHEARING - Lawrence Contract, semi-contract, open shearing & crutching New clients welcome You will be surprised at our competitive rates Cover comb and lifter; also Press Hire available Call Mouse or Jude at either Phone 03 485 9127 or 027 485 9247 KISSING GATE CAFÉ Swansea St SH 87 Middlemarch Phone 03 464 3224 Summer Hours and our Summer Menu 8.30am to 4.00pm Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 4.30pm Friday to Sunday We are, as always, happy to open for one off events and functions please contact Kate or Veneta to organise Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com Middlemarch Branch Rural Women New Zealand Newsletter for Middlemarch, Hyde, Macraes, Hindon, Black Rock and Lee Stream Page 7 Keenan Shearing For all your shearing and crutching needs Phone 027 424 3151 or 03 464 3151 For quotes or any inquiries David Ludemann FUEL REBATES LTD You are entitled to claim 67 cents per litre of petrol used off road! WE WILL COME TO YOU! We are a company that works directly on the farm, gathering information to prepare and submit excise claims on our clients behalf. One Call Does It All Will be operating Mobile Sheep Showers Contact Us Now For A Free No Obligation Assessment in the Middlemarch - Hindon - Lee Stream areas this season GARY SUTHERLAND Phone David on 021 357 721 or 03 434 5448 027 432 6615 or 0800 MY REBATE (697 322) Website:- www.fuelrebates.co.nz Email:- fuelrebatesnz@gmail.com Graeme Robertson Auto Electrician Outram With 28 years of serving the rural community you can be assured when needing a battery you will get correct testing, advice and the best battery for the job, at competitive pricing. Call Neil Seddon at either Phone 03 486 1567 or 027 445 8225 Phone 03 489 5863 or Mobile 027 432 3451 Holyhead Street Outram In the Middlemarch area most week days P.O. Box 331 MOSGIEL www.seddonelectrical.co.nz OUTRAM BUTCHERY Process your Cattle Beasts, Pigs, Sheep and Wild Game at Competitive Prices Lyndon Gold Phone 03 486 1256 or 027 215 5854 For all your shearing Requirements Phone:- Bruce Thomas 0800 846 730 03 464 3826 Mobile 027 484 6730 Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com Calendar — November 2014 1 Saturday 2 Sunday 3 Monday Nurse’s Clinic Line Dancing 4 Tuesday 5 6 Page 8 Surgery Swansea Street STCC 9.00am - 1.00pm 7.00pm - 9.00pm Middlemarch Playcentre Lee Stream Playgroup Grocott’s Community Garden Playcentre Rooms Lee Stream Hall Grocott’s Community Garden 9.30am - 12.00pm 12.30pm - 3.00pm 1.00pm—3.00pm Wednesday Line Dancing All welcome S T Lions Club Tea Meeting M/M Volunteer Fire Brigade STCC STCC Training 1.00pm - 3.00pm 6.30pm 7.000pm Doctor’s Clinic Plunket Coffee Group at Amelia Hopkins M/M Social Twilight Touch Sevens Surgery Swansea Street Hyde M/M Rugby Grounds 9.00am - 1.00pm Thursday 7 Friday Library Farewell for Laurie Kain & Lee Cook Library M/M Fire Station 10.00am - 11.00am 7.30pm 8 Saturday St Paul’s Catholic Church Line Dancing Social St Paul’s Catholic Church STCC 6.00pm 1.00pm –5.00pm 9 Sunday St John’s Presbyterian Church St John’s Presbyterian Church 10.00am 10 Monday Nurse’s Clinic Line Dancing Surgery Swansea Street STCC 9.00am - 1.00pm 7.00pm - 9.00pm 11 Tuesday Middlemarch Playcentre Lee Stream Playgroup Grocott’s Community Garden Playcentre Rooms Lee Stream Hall Grocott’s Community Garden 9.30am - 12.00pm 12.30pm - 3.00pm 1.00pm—3.00pm 12 Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 Friday Line Dancing All welcome M/M Volunteer Fire Brigade Doctor’s Clinic Kindy Rock M/M Social Twilight Touch Sevens Library STCC Meeting Surgery Swansea Middlemarch Playcentre M/M Rugby Grounds Library 1.00pm - 3.00 7.30pm 9.00am - 1.00pm 10.00am-11.00am 7.00pm 10.00am - 11.00am 15 Saturday Strath Taieri Rugby Club Tailing at Craiglynn Craiglynn Wool Shed 5.30am 16 Sunday 17 Monday 18 Tuesday Nurse’s Clinic Line Dancing Beginners: 6.00-7.00pm Middlemarch Playcentre Lee Stream Playgroup Grocott’s Community Garden Hall Redevelopment Comm. AGM Surgery Swansea Street STCC Playcentre Rooms Lee Stream Hall Grocott’s Community Garden STCC 9.00am - 1.00pm 7.00pm - 9.00pm 9.30am - 12.00pm 12.30pm - 3.00pm 1.00pm-3.00pm 7.30pm 19 Wednesday Line Dancing All welcome M/M Volunteer Fire Brigade STCC Training 1.00pm - 3.00pm 7.00pm Thursday Doctor’s Clinic Plunket Coffee Group at Trudy Lindsay’s M/M Social Twilight Touch Sevens Surgery Swansea Street 6145 SH 87 Middlemarch M/M Rugby Grounds 9.00am - 1.00pm 20 Library Library 10.00am - 11.00am St Paul’s Catholic Church Planting Commemorative Tree for Marie McA Nurse’s Clinic Line Dancing Beginners: 6.00-7.00pm Middlemarch Playcentre Lee Stream Playgroup Grocott’s Community Garden Plunket Nurse Clinic and Visits St Paul’s Catholic Church M/M Cemetery Surgery Swansea Street STCC Playcentre Rooms Lee Stream Hall Grocott’s Community Garden 6.00pm 2.30pm 9.00am - 1.00pm 7.00pm - 9.00pm 9.30am - 12.00pm 12.30pm – 3.00pm 1.00pm -3.00pm Beginners: 6.00-7.00pm Beginners: 6.00-7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 21 Friday 22 Saturday 23 Sunday 24 Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday Line Dancing All welcome M/M Volunteer Fire Brigade STCC Training 1.00pm - 3.00 7.00pm 27 Thursday Doctor’s Clinic Kindy Rock M/M Social Twilight Touch Sevens Surgery Swansea Street Middlemarch Playcentre M/M Rugby Grounds 9.00am - 1.00pm 10.00am - 12.00pm 7.00pm 28 Friday Library Plunket Library Quench 10.00am - 11.00am 7.30pm 29 Saturday 30 Sunday AGM Collator/Editor: Angela Foote · Ph 464 3781 · Fax 464 3181 · Email taieripet@gmail.com
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