Cross Lanes Christian School Parent E-News for Friday, October 31, 2014 Check us out on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! clcschool “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15 NOON DISMISSAL / Friday 10-31-14 Administrator Message Fruit Sale Begins Medicine Distribution Requirements After School Dismissal Box Tops Contest #2 HOLIDAY MEAL 2014 “Entertainment” Winners Fine Arts Communication InfoDirect Union Mission Thanksgiving FOOD & Coat Drive “Thank You!” Chick-Fil-A Calendars CLCS Athletic Activities November 2014 December 2014 Senior Parents…...… Yearbook Ads Replay-It! 2015 Yearbook On Sale Drive Safe, Text Later! “Entertainment” Winners Non-Discrimination Policy Cross Lanes Christian School admits students of any race, color, nationality and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs. School will be IN-SESSION on FRIDAY October 31 with a school-wide NOON DISMISSAL In addition, After Care will not be available on this day. Parent-Teacher Conferences—November 3 Our Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Monday, November 3. Please call the school office to schedule meetings with your child’s teacher. Conferences are scheduled from 9:00 am to 7:10 pm on Monday. Due to the full day of parent-teacher conferences, there is NO school for all students, K5 thru 12, on this day FLU VACCINE CONSENT FORMS DUE Flu Vaccine Consent Forms are being sent home TODAY with students K5 and 7th thru 12th Grades. Consent forms must be completed on both sides. Completed forms need to be returned to the school office no later than date shown on the envelope. (Friday, November 7, 2014) Elementary students have the option of the shot or nasal vaccine. Parent/ guardian signature is required for consent of the flu vaccine to be given. Flu Vaccines will be administered by the Kanawha County Health Department on the morning of Wednesday, November 19. JH FALL SOCIAL When: Friday, November 7 8:30pm to 10:30pm Where: South Charleston Memorial Ice Arena Cost: $12 per student (This event is for CLCS students only!) Purchase tickets thru Brendan Jeffrey! VETERANS DAY! There will be NO SCHOOL for students in honor of Veterans Day on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. No After Care on this day. School resumes on Wednesday, November 12 at 8:15am. JOLLY SENIORS When: Thursday, November 13 Students are asked to bring non-microwavable items for lunch on this day or order on-line a Sub Sandwich. No microwaves will be available on this day. Lost & Found All “Lost & Found” items will be available for parents and students to identify and claim in the School Office from now thru Monday, November 3. After that time, all remaining items will be donated to charity. In Times Like These, By Eddie Riley, Administrator The most recent events making headlines in our world, particularly our nation, regarding lawlessness, terror, and creating legislation to force faith-based ministries to comply with the public sentiment appears to target Christianity and our beliefs. It is very disturbing, but not surprising. 1 John 3:13, “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.” We have to remember what the great radio personality of bygone days, Paul Harvey, constantly reminded his hearers: “in times like these, it helps to recall there have always been times like these.” The goal of Christian Education in the home, Church, and school must be Christ-likeness. Paul shares this burden for the Galatian believers: My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you (Galatians 4:19). In this text, the great apostle compares himself to a mother in labor by saying: I agonize for you. He sums up his entire burden in these words: that Christ be formed in you. The term formed is the word morpho and presents the figure of the embryo developing into a child. In this metaphor, Paul would continue in labor until he saw Christ in them (Romans 8:29). As parents, may we be challenged in the same manner, namely, laboring until we see Christ in our children! If this is viewed as the ultimate goal of Christian education, the Christian school must be ministry conscience all the time. Parents, pastors, teachers, and churches must remain committed to the Christian school movement. The story of Daniel and his friends is a good example of alternative education. In the first chapter of that Old Testament book, these men make an appeal to their superiors because they did not want to be indoctrinated with the public education of Babylon, and it worked. The same is true today, Christian parents do not want their children subjected to the world’s educational philosophy. As previously stated: Our goal in Christian education must be that young people become Christ-like: that they progress towards maturity. This goal can be accomplished by keeping a ministry focus. Our children are not just getting a “top-notched” education but they are being trained to minister wherever God calls them to serve. I would like to call us to be more vigilant than ever, regarding our Christian school. If we are not wise, the enemy, who walks about seeking to devour (1 Peter 5:8), will destroy us of our own devises. It’s not easy, or popular to teach and have Bible standards. As I remind myself, let me also challenge you to: Serve the Lord with passion; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord (Romans 12:11). Think of the things that people are passionate about and compare that with the ministry the Lord has given you. Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2). Our joy in serving the Lord should be transparent. Thomas Watson once wrote: It is a sign the oil of grace hath been poured into the heart “when the oil of gladness” shines on the countenance. God frowns upon joyless service (Deuteronomy 28:4548). Serve the Lord with adoration: serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear (Hebrews 12:28). Never forget that our service to Christ is an act of worship. The term “serve” is actually one of the New Testament words for worship. The second stanza of Ruth Caye Jones’ Hymn “In Times Like These,” sums up our rally cry: In times like these oh be not idle In times like these we need the Bible Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock FRUIT SALE BEGINS Our annual Fruit Sale is now underway! This year we are offering fresh-from-the-grove Flordia oranges and grapefruit in convenient sizes. The fresh Florida fruit is especially delicious and very healthy. Please show your support of CLCS by purchasing a box of fruit for yourself, a family member, a friend or a co-worker. Order packets are being sent home today! This year you can also order directly online thru “Flordia Indian River Groves” using the link located on our main webpage at We appreciate your support! All fruit orders must be placed online or thru the order packet no later than Friday, November 14. Medicine Distribution Requirements With the flu and cold season upon us, please remember that if it is necessary for your student to take any type of medicine (tylenol, motrin. prescription medicine, etc) while at school, a Medication Administration Form must be completed and filed in the school office. Medications must be in the original packaging or an appropriate container with a copy of the prescription label included. A medication form can be found on the school website. For further information and details, please contact the school office. After School Dismissal The lower parking lot (across from the soccer field) at Cross Lanes Christian School is to be used by student drivers, faculty/staff and visitors to the campus. At the end of the school day, ONLY student drivers and their passengers are to exit the campus from this area. Students who are picked up or dropped off by parents are NOT to be picked up or dropped off in the lower parking area. All students being picked up at the end of the school day must be picked up in front of the elementary building. Safety of the children is a priority at CLCS! The end of the school day is a very hazardous time for our students who must exit the campus between 3:15 pm and 3:30pm. Most of our faculty/staff have other assigned after-school duties. We depend upon everyone’s willingness to follow our pickup and drop off procedures. We ask that you follow our procedures for the safety of the students here at CLCS. Box Tops / Campbell’s Soup Contest #2 This second contest began October 15. The winner will be the class that accumulates the most points by bringing in the most box tops and soup labels. The nicely trimmed labels and box tops are worth 2 points to the class and the untrimmed only 1 point; but all add up to a Pizza party for the class that brings in the most labels/box tops. It takes 500 points to qualify for the contests. Be sure to check the expiration date on the “box top” and turn it into the school for credit prior to that date. “Holiday Meal” Wednesday, December 3 “HOLIDAY MEAL” Wednesday, December 3 The Junior Class will be sponsoring their annual “Holiday Meal” on Wednesday, December 3. This is a time when families can come and eat dinner together with their students. To ensure that we have plenty to eat for everyone, the deadline for ordering meals will be Wednesday, November 19. Please fill out the form in this newsletter and return to the school office along with your payment as soon as possible – before the Wednesday, November 19, deadline! A form is also located on our website to print off, complete, and send in with monies. NOTE: We would like to accommodate parents that have more than one child at CLCS by asking that those who would like to eat together as a family do so during the time slot designated for the youngest student in the family. Student’s Name(s): __________________________________ Grade(s): _________ Adults (No. Attending) Jr/Sr High Students X $7.50 = _________ (No. Attending) Elementary Students X $5.50 = _________ (No. Attending) Pre-school Children X $3.50 = _________ (No. Attending) NEW THIS YEAR “To Go Dinner” X $7.50 = _________ (Adult Size Only) (No. Attending) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $$___________ Return this coupon with the number attending & payment to school office by Wednesday, November 19, 2014! School is In-Session; all classes will be held. Grade Meal Time Grade Meal Time K-5 11:30am 5th 12:20pm 1st 11:40am 6th 12:40pm 2nd 11:50am 7th, 8th, 9th 11:55am 3rd 12:00 Noon 10th, 11th, 12th 12:50pm 4th 12:10pm Fundraising Winners Ellementary Top Sellers Name Grade 1st place: Christine White K $100+$50+CD 2nd place: Sam Counts 1st $50+$25+CD 3rd place: Lauren Burgess K $25 + $25 CD = Casual Day Secondary Top Sellers 1st place: Katelyn Sette 9th $100 + $50 2nd place: Tyler Burdette 7th $50 + $25 Hannah Forsbrey 7th $25 + $25 3rd place: TIE X $7.50 = _________ Class Award (Avg 5 per student) Off Campus Pizza Hut Luncheon Kindergarten Thanks to all the students and families that helped to make our fundraiser a success. Congratulations goes to the students listed for being top sellers! Their awards will be presented to them next Tuesday, November 4. One class earned the off campus Pizza Hut luncheon: Kindergarten. This class will be celebrating their win at Pizza Hut next Thursday, November 6. Congratulations to all the casual day winners **(see page 8) . All eligible students will be receiving their pass in November. Causal day will be held on Thursday, November 20. Names of eligible casual day winners are in this newsletter. Special prizes will be distributed to all winners, when received from the Entertainment company. Sellers selling 10 = $25 prize Sam Counts Isaac Skidmore Madison Parsons Noah Chandler 1st 3rd 4th 5th OVERALL TOP SELLER: Christine White Winner of SURFACE TABLET FINE ARTS It has been proven that students earn higher academic scores when they have parents that are actively involved in their education. Here at CLCS we agree with this fact. That is why we say “THANK YOU” for being a vital part of your child’s overall success. You are investing in your child’s future by making consistent “deposits” of involvement and encouragement. Each spring WVCEA holds two Fine Arts Festivals, one for Senior High (9-12) and one for Elementary/Jr. High (4-6 & 7-9). CLCS students are encouraged to compete in these festivals. That being stated, we are looking to you, the parents, to assist us in making this year’s festival participants successful. Your 5th and 6th grade student will bring home a Survey Sheet this Friday. Parents of 7th thru 12th graders will be receiving an email with survey form attached; be sure to print off, complete and return to Mrs. Brown by Friday November 7. We ask that you and your student spend some time during this long weekend discussing possibilities for their involvement. Your discussion will generate excitement, inspiration, and questions. Do not hesitate to contact me regarding any concerns. We will remain in contact with you throughout the preparation process. Please be aware that ALL Elementary students grades 4th thru 6th will be involved in the area of Choral Group. The Fine Arts Festival is a wonderful avenue to enhance and develop your child’s God-given talents, interests, abilities, and knowledge. We look forward to working with you to build and expand your child’s education. In HIS Service, Rhonda Brown, COMMUNICATION Communication is one the most important tools for parents, teachers and students. CLCS uses our website @; InfoDirect; Facebook @ clcschool; and twitter for posting information. These pages are a good resource for upcoming events, deadlines, daily and weekly assignments and general information and reminders. INFODIRECT Please take time to review your child’s INFODIRECT Account. You should have received your username and password at the beginning of school. This is a wonderful way for you to review your child’s grades in the classroom between progress reports and report cards. School lunches are ordered through INFODIRECT along with access to the school directory. You may also communicate by e-mail with your child’s teacher through INFODIRECT. INFODIRECT can be accessed through the school homepage at If you have any questions regarding this website, please contact the school. UNION MISSION THANKSGIVING FOOD and COAT DRIVE!!! Students are asked to bring in canned fruit and vegetables to the school to donate to the Union Mission. Help those less fortunate this holiday season! Also, boxes will be in all the buildings for the collection of coats, gloves, hats, etc. for the needy. Thank you for your help! THANK YOU! Special ‘Thank You” to parents and students for participating in the Bake Sale on Saturday during the Special Book Fair and again on Tuesday, October 18. It was a huge success!! All proceeds went to the Appleton Family. Yearbook Staff is selling Chick-fil-A Calendars for $6. See a Yearbook Staff Member to purchase one today while supplies last! C L C S Athletic Activities Well Warrior Fans, the word Winter is about to appear before your eyes. It is time at CLCS for Winter Sports! Hard to believe we are talking about those things, but time is something that we cannot control and that time is now. As I am writing this article, the teams are all practicing and getting geared up for basketball and cheerleading. But before we get to that, I would like to take this opportunity to finish out the Fall Sports season in this way: THANK YOU! A special thank you to all of those who helped me organize the sports program over the past 3 months. I would be remiss if I did not thank specifically Jane Gies, Heather Ghareeb, and Tammy Langlois for keeping admissions and concessions a well-oiled machine. They were the “goto” people when a problem occurred or a space needed to be filled. When you see them, please tell them thanks from all of us. It was a great season of sports and I believe our students learned more about God and His working in their lives. They learned it through success and defeat both on the court, and on the field. Please come and celebrate with us as we honor our athletes at the Fall Sports Awards Reception. It will be a reception, and will be divided into two different time slots: Middle School Awards Reception – 6:00pm Refreshments in between High School Awards Reception – 7:00pm These events will be on Tuesday evening November 18th. Can’t wait to see you there. Pray that we will have a great evening honoring the efforts of our athletes. Keep Looking UpDr. Mitri Congratulations to our CLCS Middle School Volleyball TEAM for taking 1st Place at WVCAT Middle School Tournament Abi Jones, MVP All Tournament Team: Taylor Burns, Grace McCallister, Abi Jones Congratulations to our CLCS Varsity Boys Soccer TEAM for taking 1st Place at WVCAT Tournament (3rd year in a row!) Tyler Corbin, MVP All Tournament Team: Matt Cooper, Josh Dolin, Ian George, Tyler Corbin Congratulations to all of them! As of October 28, CLCS soccer ranked in Max preps - #12 in WV!!! Go Warriors!! Congratulations to our CLCS Middle School Soccer TEAM All Tournament Team: Brendan Jeffrey, Trey Lowery Congratulations to our CLCS Varsity Volleyball TEAM All Tournament Team: Lauren McQuain Fall Sports Awards Night Tuesday, November 18 MULTIPURPOSE ROOM. November 18 Awards Night 6:00pm for Middle School AND 7:00pm for High School High School BASKETBALL TRYOUTS BEGIN: Monday, November 3. All students who plan to play Middle School or High School basketball must have turned in their sports physicals and sports fee before they may practice or play. Practice schedule for November is posted on Home Page of our web-site. With the end of soccer/volleyball season comes a new and exciting basketball season. The middle school team tryouts were held this week and the high school teams will begin tryouts on Monday November 3 and start getting prepared for their first game the end of November. We are thankful for our basketball coaches and the time that they will be investing in the lives of our athletes. Basketball schedules will be online. Go to, click CALENDAR. November 2014 Monthly Planner Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Parent/Teacher Conferences 9:0 0am-7:30pm Set Your Clocks Back 8 Flu Shot Forms Due Today Students NO SCHOOL JH FALL SOCIAL 9:30pm-Midnight Varsity Boys / Girls Basketball Tryouts 9 10 Fall Sports Awards Night 11 Veterans Day / SCHOOL CLOSED 12 13 14 Progress Report #5 ISSUED thru (Info-Direct) 15 K5 Thanksgivi ng Dinn er @ CLBC Jolly Seniors Student Council Trip 16 17 18 Fall Sports Awards Night 19 Students Flu Shots Given Today 20 21 22 28 29 Entertainment Book Winners CASUAL DAY 8:30am to 10:00am 23 24 25 26 Thanksgiving Holidays Begin Dismissal @ NOON 27 Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving School CLOSED for HOLIDAYS 30 October S MT W T F S December S MT W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 December 2014 Monthly Planner Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY Holiday Meal Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 7:00pm Progress Report #4 Thru (Info-Direct) 7 8 9 10 Gym closed for Holiday Concert 1st Semester Final Exam Element ary AND REVIEW Days Jr/ Sr High Concerts 6:00pm AND 7:30pm 14 15 16 11 1st Semester Final Exam REVIEW Days 12 1st Semester Final Exam REVIEW Days 13 Staff Christmas Party Jolly Seniors 17 18 19 Christmas Holidays Begin Dismissal at 1st Semester 1st Semester 1st Semester 1st Semester NOON FINAL EXAMS FINAL EXAMS FINAL EXAMS FINAL EXAMS 20 Christmas Holidays END 1st Semester/... 1/2 Day School 21 Christmas Holidays 22 Christmas Holidays 23 Christmas Holidays 24 Christmas Holidays 25 Merry Christmas 26 Christmas Holidays 27 Christmas Holidays NO SCHOOL 28 Christmas Holidays 29 Christmas Holidays 30 Christmas Holidays NO SCHOOL 31 Christmas Holidays YOUR PHOTOS NEEDED FOR YEARBOOK! The yearbook staff from last November 14 is looking for pictures January 15 spring and summer. This includes middle school S MT W T F S S MT W T F S and high school baseball, softball, and track, Fine 1 1 2 3 Arts, summer 2 Junior/Senior, 3 4 5 6 7 Graduation, 8 4 5 6 7 8 vaca9 10 9 10 11 12 and 13 14 15 tions, camps, mission trips. 11 12Please 13 14 bring 15 16 the 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 pictures on a flash drive or disc labeled “For Year18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 book” and the type of pictures. 30 The yearbook staff greatly appreciates your help! Senior Parents: Yearbook Personal Ads Now Available To Purchase The cost is… 1/8 page=$35 ¼ page=$65 ½ page=$95 Full page=$150 Please contact Mrs. Free or any yearbook staff member if you are interested in placing a Senior Ad REPLAY-IT Have some great pictures of sports, friends, or other CLCS activities? CLCS now has capability for students & parents to upload their pictures for yearbook. These pictures will be viewable for everyone who has an account on “”. Want to see a certain photo in the yearbook? ReplayIt offers a “like” button, similar to Facebook, so we know which one everyone likes. Below you will find the instructions for how to start uploading your school pictures. First, go to Second, Select “Find your school to register” Third, Find Cross Lanes Christian School (Cross Lanes Christian Elementary School for elementary students & parents) & fill out the other information. Fourth, Go to your email to finish registering by clicking the link.... Then upload your pictures!! ON SALE NOW ……2015 Centurion Yearbook Jr High / High School Yearbook 2015 / Tiered Cost Schedule: 1) Now until November 4 the cost is $50 for yearbook (receive free icons with purchase of name for $5) 2) November 4 until February cost is $55 (you will receive a reminder mailing ) Cost is $60 after February 2015 Link to order Jr High/Sr High yearbook “online” can be found on school website under “Resources” ATTENTION 6th Grade Parents: Sixth grade students will be in the JH/SH yearbook due to their participation in Middle School sports. Elementary Yearbook 2015 / Tiered Cost Schedule: 1) Now until November 4 cost is $20 for yearbook 2) November 4 till end of December cost is $25 Cost is $30 January 1 2015 Drive Safe, Text Later! Reminder: Please refrain from using mobile devices for reading, typing and sending text messages while driving to and from campus. Our roads are narrow with lots of morning and afternoon traffic. We request that you drive “safely” while traveling to and from our school campus on Floradale and Koontz. Safety of our families/students are a priority at CLCS! Name Casual Day Winners Entertainment Book Warrior Wear Casual Day : Thursday, November 20 Name Grade Grade Name Grade Tyler Burns—5 sold 2nd Tyler Burdette—15 sold 7th Kingsley Reynolds—8 sold 2nd Hannah Forsbrey—10 sold 7th Reagan Fields—5 sold 3rd Adreauna Ramey—5 sold 7th Cole Parsons—5 sold 3rd Aaron Rawlings—6 sold 7th Isaac Skidmore—10 sold 3rd Taylor Burns—5 sold 8th Jakob Jones—5 sold 4th PJ Garlow—6 sold 8th Caleb Boggesss—5 sold K Lauren Burgess—15 sold K Anna Caldwell—6 sold K Christopher Miller—5 sold 4th Makayla Grace—5 sold 8th Jackson Corbin—5 sold K Madison Parsons—10 sold 4th Grace Hall—5 sold 8th Kolby Null—5 sold K Noah Chandler—10 sold 5th Micah Riley—6 sold 8th Christine White—29 sold K Christian Clark—6 sold 5th Kiersten Witters—5 sold 8th Landon Ballard—8 sold 1st Kamea Barker—5 sold 6th Katelyn Sette—25 sold 9th Sam Counts—16 sold 1st Austin Guthrie—5 sold 6th Jacob Fitzwater—5 sold 10th Addyson Horan—7 sold 1st Lacey Miller—8 sold 6th Austin Michels—5 sold 11th Bradley Moles—5 sold 1st Eden Reynolds—8 sold 6th Kiersten Poore—5 sold 11th Kash Moss—5 sold 1st Olivia Shaw—6 sold 6th Johniece Sylvia—9 sold 1st Brooke Zuspan—5 sold 6th
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