Saint Christine Parish Youngstown, Ohio November 16 , 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Did you know? St. Christine's offers an evening Mass every Wednesday at 5:30 PM. Stop by after work. WEEKDAY ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE 8:30am Daily Mass WEEK OF NOVEMBER 17TH Emily Ross and Joseph Donofrio THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SATURDAY NOVEMBER15 4:00 pm Emanuel Family- Judy & Jerry Rehak SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16 7:00 am 9:00 am Kazimierz Krupa- Family Betty Swager- Family 10:30 am Anthony Frattaroli- Elisa & Rosemary Frattaroli 12:00 pm God’s Blessing & Thanksgiving to the Cavalier Family MONDAY NOVEMBER 17 8:30 am Francis Droney- Family TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 8:30 am Don Leslie- Zoccali Families WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19 8:30 am All Souls Day Intention 5:30 pm Mrs. Marguerite Barak- Family SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 Care Team Giving Tree Begins SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16 10:15am-11:45am CCD Giving Tree Begins Blood Pressure Screening-PC after 9 & 10:30 Masses 12N-4pm-Sauce for Life-Dinners-PC MONDAY NOVEMBER 17 8:30am-School Mass 7:00pm-GROW meeting-PC TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 9:15am-Bible Study-PC 10:00am-Widow/ers Group-PC 6:00pm-Miraculous Medal Novena WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19 7:00pm-RCIA-Parish Center 7:35pm-Charismatic prayer group THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20 6:00pm-8th grade Parent meeting-PC SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23 10:15am-11:45am CCD 3:00pm-5:00pm-Advent Family Activity Day-Parish Center 6:00pm-Youth Ministry Movie Night-PC THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20 8:30 am John Majernik- Leo & Gwen Majernik FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21 8:30 am People of the Parish SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22 4:00 pm Pillin-Braydich Family- Maryann Pillin SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23 7:00 am Al Frazzini- Family 9:00 am Dr. Edmund Massullo- Family 10:30 am Mr. Daniel Pecchio- Bob Hennessy 12:00 pm Chuck Johnson & Daughter, Joyce Vesy- Family SAINT CHRISTINE on the WEB For your information, the Saint Vincent de Paul main dining hall on Front Street is open Monday through Friday from 10:30am until Noon. If you are in need of a hot meal, please feel free to join us. WEEKEND COLLECTION OF NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Sunday Collection ---------------------------------- $22,232.50 Envelopes ----------------------------------------------------- 819 Electronic Giving -------------------------------------$1,102.00 Envelopes ------------------------------------------------------- 42 Children Envelopes ------------------------------------------- 22 Thank you for your generosity BULLETIN DEADLINE All bulletin announcements must be written and sent to parish office 10 days prior to Sunday of publication. This enables us to prepare and meet printing deadline. There sometimes are earlier deadlines due to vacation or holidays. You can submit by email Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 TWINNING MINISTRY Thank you all for your support and prayers which contributed to the success of our Quarter Auction held last weekend for the benefit of our sister parish, St. Thomas Kenyena, in Uganda. We will keep you informed of progress in the construction of the water cistern and other events as we become aware of them. May God bless you for your generosity. MARCH FOR LIFE SAUCE AND PASTA DINNERS Sauce and Pasta Dinners: Pasta dinners and jars of Fr. Cicero’s “Sauce for Life” will be sold on Nov. 16 from Noon until 4 pm in the Parish Center. The proceeds will be used to help the parish youth group to attend the March for Life in January. Dinners will be $10 each ($5 for children under 10). The Sauce will be $10 per jar. SECOND COLLECTION FOR RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS This weekend there is a second collection for the annual Retirement Fund For Religious. For years elderly Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests worked for little compensation and without benefit of retirement funds. This annual appeal is a way of sharing in their care. Show your support for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, religious who have made a positive difference in so many lives. Please share in the care and give generously. THE AMAZIN’ (G)RACE: REDEEMING BLACK FRIDAY Join us Friday, November 28 for a St. Christine Parish Day of Service. Following a “Scavenger Hunt” format, we will focus our work on the seven corporal works of mercy: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked; giving drink to the thirsty; sheltering the homeless; caring for the sick; visiting the imprisoned and burying the dead. Join us with your team of at least four members beginning at 9:30am in Gutman Hall for coffee/juice and donuts, prayer, and the rules for the day. We will gather again at 6:00pm for pizza and salad and the awarding of prizes: YES…I plan to take part in the Amazin’ (G)Race. My team consist of: ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING and ASK the NURSE! Today Sunday November 16, 2014 Parish nurses will check blood pressures after the 9:00am and 10:30am Masses today, Sunday, November 16th, 2014 in the Parish Center Lobby. The nurses will be available to answer your health and medicine questions. Do take advantage of this service. PREPARE FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD During this Advent Season, we will pray Evening Prayer on Saturday at 6pm in the Church followed by “Christmas Around the World” at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Each Saturday we will highlight a different area of the world with characteristic carols, finger food and desserts! Please mark your calendars and join us PARISH LIBRARY QUICK CHECK OUT Books from our Parish Library will be on display for your “Quick Check Out” this weekend Sunday November 15/16th in the main vestibule. There will be a committee member present to assist you if needed and you may also do self checkout. Whenever the church is open, please feel free to peruse the selection of religious literature in the Library located in Fr. Keehner’s confessional. Don’t forget to sign the checkout card and return any books. . Thank you FESTIVAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEEDED! Our Festival Committee is already hard at work planning for our 2015 Annual Parish Festival (June 11-14, 2015)! We are looking for ways to enhance our Festival and would welcome some new members with fresh new ideas. We are adding a Hospitality Committee which will be responsible for decorations and signage. We are also considering ‘theme’ nights. If you are interested in serving on this very important Parish Ministry Committee, please contact Debbie Esbenshade at (330) 727-6315 WIDOWS and WIDOWERS SUPPORT GROUP The widows and widowers support group will meet Tuesday, November 18th at 10:00am in the Parish Center. For any additional information, please call John at 330-799-2699 PARISH COUNCIL MEETING There will be a Parish Council member meeting on Monday, November 24, 2014 at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Members please plan to attend. GIVING TREE-Christmas Caritas Our annual Christmas project begins with our Giving Tree that will be up in church for the next two weekends. Please take a tag and return your UNWRAPPED gift to the church by November 29/30 Christmas Caritas (December 6) will allow our families to come and to personally shop for their family. Thank you in advance for your continued support and generosity. If you have any questions please email Colleen at WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY Tuesday November 18th From 9:15 AM until 10:30 AM in the Parish Center Join us for our weekly bible study held in our Parish Center. We will study and discuss the Bible readings for the following Sunday. Anyone is welcome to attend! Saint Christine Parish Youngstown, Ohio November 16 , 2014 MY PARISH FAMILY PHOTO DIRECTORY MORE TIMES AVAILABLE!!!! INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE If you have not already scheduled to have your portrait taken for our parish directory, please plan to do so. For your convenience, we have scheduled three more dates in late December: Thursday, December 18 and Friday, December 19 from 2:15pm until 9:00pm in the Parish Center; and Saturday December 20 from 9:00am until 3:00pm in the Parish Center. To schedule your appointment, please go to the parish website and go to the link with the camera entitled My Parish Family Album. Or, you can call the company directly at 1-877-764-4535. The Infant Jesus of Prague Guild will have their Christmas party at our Parish Center on December 1st at 1:00pm. Cost for the Luncheon is $15.00. Reservations with a check must be in by November 19th to Mary Ann Kane 3740 Villa Rosa Dr. Canfield, Ohio 44406. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Sunday Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15; Lk 19:1-10 Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44 Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144; Lk 20:27-40 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 ANGELA’S PLACE Our monthly collection of dried goods and toiletries for Angela’s Place is this weekend November 15/16th. The baskets will be located in the vestibules. We are living the Gospel of Christ when we remember in prayer and action those who have HIV/AIDS. Thank you, Social Concerns Committee. RECYCLING FUNDRAISER HELPS BEAT THE BUDGET CRUNCH AT ST. CHRISTINE SCHOOL Students of St. Christine School have been earning freeTechnology and Recreational Equipment by participating in the FundingFactory Recycling Program. They collect empty cartridges, cell phones, small electronics, and laptops from the community and send the waste products to FundingFactory in exchange for their choice of technology and recreation products, or even cash. Companies interested in demonstrating a commitment to education and the environment can participate free of charge in the FundingFactory Business Support Program. FundingFactory will send each supporting business FREE prepaid shipping labels for the return of collected cartridges, cell phones, small electronics, and laptops. By donating to St. Christine School, businesses help them earn the technology and or recreational equipment they need.Community and business supporters can also drop off cartridges, cell phones, small electronics, and laptops at the school offfice. To learn more about supporting our school, please call Mary Stana at 330-7924544. For more information, visit, or call, toll-free, 1.888.883.8237. Christmas Party The Diocesan Infant Jesus of Prague Guild will have their monthly Mass at St. Joseph Church in Austintown, on Wednesday December 10, 2014 which will be followed by the Diocesan Christmas party. Cost for the luncheon is $18.00. Reservations with a check must be in by November 25 th to Mary Ann Kane 3740 Villa Rosa Canfield, Ohio 44406. Please pray for the soul of Kathryn Shurell Mary A. Slaina FIRST FRIDAY CLUB First Friday Club Speaker’s Luncheon Series presents John Allen on Thursday, December 4, 2014 at Antone’s Banquet Centre on located on Market Street in Boardman, from 11:30am to 1:00pm. John Allen is an Associate Editor, Boston Globe, Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN. His topic is “The Papacy of Francis”. The luncheon begins at 11:30 am and concludes at 1:00pm. Cost to attend is $16. Reservations must be made to Pat at 330-782-5068. There are a limited number of free seats available. For more information, please visit our website at STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT In the parable today, Jesus demonstrates that, having been entrusted with many gifts, talents, and blessings, we are to strive to increase these treasures in using them to serve one another, and build up the kingdom. Having done just this, we will hear the words, “Come, share your Master’s joy”. Let us all work diligently to recognize our God-given gifts and offer them in loving service. OUTSIDE THE PARISH The Stambaugh Chorus, conducted by Dr. Hae-Jong Lee and the Youngstown Area Community Concert Band, Conducted by Mr. Joseph Pellegrini (parishioner), will present the 4 th annual “Holiday Concert of Giving on Saturday December 6 at 7:00pm in the Stambaugh Auditorium. All of the proceeds from this concert will benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank. The program will feature both Sacred and secular holiday music, with a grand finale of both groups performing O Come All Ye Faithful and Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.
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