How do I enrol online? • Before you can enrol online you must activate your username and password at . This gives you access to Deakin’s online environment. Note that once you activate your account it will take around 15 minutes before it will be ready for use. Some Deakin online systems use pop up messages so please adjust your web browser setting to allow Deakin pop-ups to be displayed. • Visit the University handbook Search for your course. Find the course structure and unit information for both Trimester 1, Trimester 2 and Trimester 3. • Make sure you check that the units you choose match the unit mode and campus you have enrolled in. A Faculty course adviser/enrolment officer can help you with this, see the list provided at for contact details. • You must enrol in all the units you intend to study during 2015, so ensure you choose units for both Trimester 1 and Trimester 2. • Students commencing their course in Trimester 2 will need to enrol in units for Trimester 2. Trimester 3 is optional. • Students commencing their course in Trimester 3 will need to enrol in Trimester 3 and the following academic year. • (Please note Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Medical Imaging students will enrol in pre-enrolled units in semesters M1 and M2. • Once you account is active, go to • On the right hand side of the page, login with your Username and Password Division of Student Administration Melbourne 61 3 9244 6333 Geelong 61 3 5227 2333 Warrnambool 61 3 5563 3333 CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B Page 1 of 20 • A Personal Details summary page will be displayed. • Click on the Enrol in unit/course option on the left sidebar menu. • If you have applied for Credit for prior learning (CPL), you can check the View credit for prior learning option • When you click on Enrol unit/course, all offers you have received from Deakin will be displayed. If you have more than one offer, you will need to click on the Course code of the course you wish to enrol in. Page 2 of 20 • Your details and the details of the course you selected will be displayed. Read through the description of the online enrolment process and its five steps, and then press the click here link. • Step 1. Read through the terms and conditions of enrolment and click the Accept button. If you do not agree with the statement you should click on the Do not Accept button – you will not be able to proceed with your enrolment. Page 3 of 20 • Step 2i. This screen displays your personal profile and the details of the course you are being offered. Tick the Enrol in course? option and click Submit. • Once you have clicked Submit, the page will display again, but the course status will have changed from UNCONFIRM to INACTIVE or ENROLLED, depending on when you are enrolling. Press the Confirm button to continue. Page 4 of 20 • Step 2ii. The next screen displays the preferred name, address and emergency contact information the University has on record for you. First you will be required to submit the preferred name you would like Deakin to use on your records. Once you have submitted the preferred name, you need to click the back to address page button. Page 5 of 20 • You now need to update your address information and ensure all details are correct. If an address is incorrect, click Update and amend it. If an address has not been recorded, click Add and record it. If no primary emergency contact is recorded, click Add and supply this. You will also need to indicate if you would like to receive results via SMS. Once all mandatory information is correct, click Continue. Page 6 of 20 Page 7 of 20 • Step 2iii. You must submit your Government statistics – please answer all questions in this step. Please note International students are not reqiured to complete question 8. Page 8 of 20 • Step 2iv. Domestic students only – International students will skip to the next step. This is the electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF). You must complete an eCAF if you are accepting a Commonwealth supported place, regardless of whether you wish to pay your student contributions up-front or to access HECS-HELP. You will also need to complete an eCAF if you wish to access FEEHELP. For detailed informaton about HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP, visit Page 9 of 20 • Once you have successfully submitted your eCAF, you can view your submission. To continue on to the next step hit the Continue >> button. • Step 2v. This is the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SA-HELP) Form. The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is a compulsory fee that Universities can charge students for student services and amenities of a non-academic nature. If you are an Australian citizen or holder of a permanent humanitarian visa, you may be eligible to defer the payment of the SSAF via SA-HELP. Otherwise you can pay it up front. For detailed information on the SSAF please visit Once this step is complete, continue to the next Enrolment Step. Page 10 of 20 • Step 3i. Unit Set Selection. Please note this step will only appear for certain courses. If you do not have this step, you will be automatically taken to Step 3ii – Unit Selection. You can also choose to skip this step and select at a later date. The term Unit Set is used to describe a set of units, which together, make up an approved major sequence or specialisation. It is not compulsory to select a unit set when you first enrol, but it is recommended you enrol into a unit set once you have decided on what major sequence or specialisation you wish to study. Unit Set Selection will allow you to select and enrol in an approved major sequence or specialisation (that is available for your course) and monitor your progress toward its completion. By choosing a unit set, you will be able to identify the units you need to enrol in to achieve that particular major sequence or specialisation. You must enrol into a unit set prior to completing your course if you wish to have a successfully completed major sequence or specialisation formally noted on your academic transcript. You can find more information about the major sequences or specialisation in your couse, via the University handbook at If you need additional information about your course rules and structure, you can contact your Faculty enrolment office or Course Adviser at To select your Unit set, click on the button to display the Unit Sets for your course. Page 11 of 20 • Once you have clicked on Unit Sets for this course, a Search for Unit Sets screen will appear. Click on the Search button. • A table of Unit Set Codes will appear. Select the Unit Set you would like to apply by ticking the appropriate button under the Add column. Page 12 of 20 • You can then hit the Add button underneath the table and return to the Step. You will now be able to see the selected Unit Set and click confirm to enrol into your chosen unit set. • Once confirmed, the status of your unit set will change to ENROLLED and you can continue onto the next step. Page 13 of 20 Step 3ii. Unit Selection - Now you can select your units. Note that you must select all the units you intend to study for the entire year. Some courses have units already listed (pre-enrolled) for you to select. To add these units, simply tick the Confirm boxes and press Submit. Example of units that have been pre-enrolled and need to be confirmed • For courses that do not have units already listed, you will need to find and add units yourself. To check a unit’s availablility (ie. In which trimester and on which campuses it is offered, and whether it is offered off-campus), use the Advanced unit search option or enter the partial or full unit code in the Search for a unit code box. Note that instructions for unit selection can also be accessed by clicking the FAQ link at the top of the screen. Units should be selected that match your study mode (campus or cloud online). The following figure shows the results of a search for the Unit MIS101. Let’s say that you want to enrol in the class that will be taught in the on campus mode at the Waterfront in Trimester 1 2015. You would tick the Add box in the ‘Action’ column next to MIS101, Period 2015/T1, Campus S (Waterfront campus) and Class D Page 14 of 20 (day). Then click the Add button to add it to your enrolment list. Repeat this process for all of your units. Once all units have been added for both Trimester 1 and Trimester 2, hit the Next>> button. Note: B G S W X represents Burwood (Melbourne) campus represents Waurn Ponds (Geelong) campus represents Waterfront (Geelong ) campus represents Warrnambool campus represents Cloud (online) Page 15 of 20 Page 16 of 20 • Step 4. Unit Verification. If you have followed all your faculty and course rules, you will now see all your units selected with a status of Enrolled or Unconfirmed. To complete the enrolment process, hit the Finalise enrolment button. Page 17 of 20 • Step 5. This page confirms all the units you have enrolled in. It is important to record your receipt number for future reference. If you wish to change your unit selection or add further units, you can click on the Return to Unit Selection button. Please note that you will receive a new receipt number for any changes you make, and you should record this as well. • Once you are satisfied with your selection and you have recorded your receipt number/s, click the Finish/Logout button. • If you require proof of your enrolment for Centrelink, click on the Print evidence of enrolment link in the sidebar menu. Page 18 of 20 Page 19 of 20 • If you are an off-campus student, you need to select an examination location once you have enrolled. The list of locations is available on the Assessments web site . Submit your requested venue via the online form at • If you are an on campus student, please check the STAR website and if the STAR class timetable is in selection mode, select the STAR option and create your class timetable. • At this point, when you have finished enrolling, you are advised for your own protection to logout from your StudentConnect session, particuarly if you don’t want to close your web browser. Once the enrolment process is complete you can now login to DeakinSync your personal hub to access everything you need to succeed at Deakin. Page 20 of 20
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