HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH LUBBOCK, TX The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) November 2, 2014 Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday Sunday Nov. 1 7:30 AM 5:00 PM † Bob Loskill by Ed & Kathryn Loskill † Paul & Jennie Krug by Bob Krug Nov. 2 8:00 AM 10:30 AM For deceased members of our families and for decrased friends † James Hargrave by Renate Hargrave 4:00 PM For deceased members of our families and for decrased friends Monday Nov. 3 7:30 AM For vacations to the religious life Tuesday Nov. 4 7:30 AM 5:30 PM † Deceased members of the Mraz Family by Sister Irene For the priests of the Diocese of Lubbock Wednesday Nov. 5 7:30 AM For the permanent deacons who serve in diocesan parishes Thursday Nov. 6 7:30 AM 5:30 PM For parents & family of seminarians and religious For healing for the Stephen Cox Family Friday Nov. 7 7:30 AM For our seminarians Saturday Nov. 8 7:30 AM 5:00 PM For the parishioners of Holy Spirit † Errol Ming by Lorraine Hopson Sunday Nov. 9 8:00 AM † Joseph & Helen Driscoll 10:30 AM † James Eason by Shirley Eason For Bishop Rodríguez and his intentions 4:00 PM All Souls Day — 1093 in the St Augustine Hymnal Readings—Various Selections Psalms choices @ 1093 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEN & WOMEN SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES Nicholas Olguin, USN (son of Mr. & Mrs. Steve Olguin, and grandson of Delores Resendes), PFC Jennifer Ridley (niece of Bertie Rosiles) serving in Iraq, SGT. Mykellee Lopez, serving in Japaz, Master SGT Jazika Levario, serving in Italy (niece of Joe and Lupe Garcia, Cmdr. David Picken, USN, and Lt. Christopher Picken, USN, now serving in Iraq. ( Sons of Mary Francis Marsh), and all who serve our country and put their lives at risk on a daily basis to protect us. ( If anyone has a loved one serving in the military that they would like us to add to our prayer list, please call the office. Kindly inform of us of their return home. Thank you to Elizabeth Maldonado Quesada For your contribution to the Altar Flowers Fund. Thank You! Divorce Care is a confidential support group for anyone who is separated or divorced, that will help you heal from the hurt. You’ll learn practical information that will help you deal with the challenges of divorce. Best of all you will gain hope for the future. For more information contact Diane Svoboda at 806-790-6220. Knights of Columbus Council #13347 meets the first Tuesday of each month. We welcome you to join us or transfer your membership over to our council. For more information contact Cruz Delgado, Grand Knight at 778-8905. Please Pray For: Those who have died, and those who are sick or suffering, especially: Shirley Brown, Karen Carson, Carol Ann Freeman (PJ Mitchell’s niece), Marivel Preciado (daughter of Cruz Delgado), Bonnie Loskill, Mary Kahlich, Bob Krug, Teresa Groux, Sharla Opperman, Charles Hertel (brother of Rose Albus), Amy Wanjura, Grayson Young, Christine Loerwald, Dan McGrath, Beth Hinojosa, Bernice Kahlich, Maxine Vernon, Karcyn Kauffman, Bill Brown, Frank Rizzo, Cole Kloesel, Deacon Paul Klein, father of Kathy Pierce,Amadeo Gonzales, Arturo Nino, Delfina Steffon, Bret Richard Shannon, Anthony Ludwig , Susie Fangman, Pete Villalba, Douglas Hildebrant, son of Mary Hildebrant, Amber White, Penny Adams, mother of Shane Adams, Michelle Santiago, Zoe Pomeroy, Virginia Vasquez, Josephine Nlekwa, Elizabeth Worthington, Ophelia Opperman, Jewell Glennan, Jim Lampe, Petra Gonzalez, Jim Lampe, Monte Clark, Shirley Myer, Steve Myer, Lexie Leach, Charles Alden, Amelia Barrera, Anita King, Edward Alvarado, Brandi Fitzgerald and Ester Iskandar. All others have been placed into our prayer book which has been placed on the altar. HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH LUBBOCK, TX The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) November 2, 2014 BASKET 52 Shopping Bags After the 5:00 Mass on Saturday, November 15th and after the 8:00 am, 10:30 am and 4:00 pm Masses on Sunday, November 16th, Basket 52 will be handing out shopping bags with an attached shopping list. We do this to help Catholic Charities meet the demand they have for food right before the Thanksgiving Holidays. Thank you for your help and generosity! ATTENTION PARENTS! St. Elizabeth’s Women of Faith group will be holding a fundraiser on December 7th from 1-7 pm. The ladies will be babysitting children from 14:30, giving parents the opportunity to do some Christmas shopping. Kids will enjoy Christmas crafts and movies during this time. Parents may drop presents off when they pick their child up and take advantage of gift wrapping services. Those attending 5:00 Mass can have their gifts ready for pick up after Mass. Safe Environment Trained supervisors will be on hand during the event and a wristband system will be in place to insure safety during pick ups and drop offs. Please contact Kelsey Lipo with any questions or to make reservations for your child. Kelsey may be reached at Womenoffaith.ttu@gmail.com or by calling 21-379-5296. The holidays are fast approaching and it’s not too early to make sure you have a spot for your child! Family Promise of Lubbock will hold its major fundraiser of the year, Building Dreams-A Festival of Hope, on November 13th at Monterey Church of Christ, 6111 82nd Street. The fundraiser helps to ensure the continuation of vital services to families experiencing homelessness. Tickets for the event, which features a silent auction and dinner, are $50 per person. Call the Family Promise office at 744-5035 for more info. “Gifts for God “ October 25th & 26th, 2014 Envelopes $ 15,496.00 Plate $ 1,755.00 Children $ 296.68 Votive Candles $ 128.87 Coffee & Donuts $ 97.55 Visitors $ 2,435.00 Altar Flowers $____ 2.00__ Total $ 20,211.10 MISC. DEPOSITS Columbarium $ 3,000.00 2nd Collection World Missions $ 400.00 Lighthouse Media $ 700.00 Thank you for your generous support! Holy Spirit Parish is completely dependent on the generosity of its parishioners for support. The use of your envelopes and contributions make possible all our parish activities and services. Total Number of envelopes 255 total number of children's envelopes 9 for a total of 264 envelopes. Parish Offering October 25th and 26th, 2014 Number of Envelopes Used-268 Number of children's envelopes ($1-$10) - 9 Number of donations under $25 - 64 Number of donations $25 to $49– 65 Number of donations $50 to $74 - 47 Number of donations $75 to $99 –7 Number of donations $100 to $249 –36 Number of donations $250 - $500 –9 Number of donations over $500 – Parent’s Night Out Fundraiser! If you need some time to Christmas shop or maybe just an evening outHoly Spirit Youth Group will be having a Parent’s Night Out on December 13th from 6-9:30 PM for children 4 months –5th grade. Secure a spot for your child now! You will be so glad you did! Contact Tiffany See at tiffany@holyspiritlubbock.org or by calling Tiffany at 806-549-6997. HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH LUBBOCK, TX The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) November 2, 2014 WEEKLY SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES SUNDAY: November 2, 2014 8:00 AM MASS 9:15-10:15 AM CCE; Faith Alive 10:30 AM MASS 4:00 PM MASS MONDAY: November 3, 2014 7:15 AM Morning Prayers 7:30 AM MASS 9:00 AM-Noon Office Hours 6:00-7:00 PM Zumba Fitness 7:15 PM Rosary TUESDAY: November 4, 2014 5:45 AM That Man Is You 7:15 AM Morning Prayers 7:30 AM MASS 9:00 AM-noon; 1-5 PM Office Hours 5:30 PM MASS 6:15 PM Confessions WEDNESDAY: November 5, 2014 7:15 AM Morning Prayers 7:30 AM MASS 9:00 AM-noon; 1-5 PM Office Hours 9:30-11:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 5:45 PM That Man Is You 6:00-7:00 PM CCE 6:00-7:00 PM Catholic 101 6:00 PM Practical Spirituality 6:30 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet THURSDAY: November 6, 2014 7:15 AM Morning Prayers 7:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM-noon; 1-5 PM Office Hours 5:30 PM MASS 6:00-7:00 PM Zumba Tone 7:00 PM RCIA FRIDAY: November 7, 2014 7:15 AM Morning Prayers 7:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM-noon; 1-5 PM Office Hours SATURDAY: November 8, 2014 7:15 AM Morning Prayers 7:30 AM MASS No ZUMBA 3:00-4:00 PM Confessions 5:00 PM MASS SUNDAY: November 9, 2014 8:00 AM MASS 9:15-10:30 CCE; Faith Alive 10:30 AM MASS Liturgical Ministers for Nov. 8 & 9 For information on the current Liturgical Minister Schedule, please contact Jo Mogan at croknitmom1984@gmail.com Saturday, November 8— 5:00 PM Servers: Briana Brown, Lorelei Fay, Noah Morales, Skylar Salazar Ceremonial: Myron Hargrove Lectors: Laurel Johnson, Jane Fuerstenberg Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Dominic Ochoa, Isabel Ochoa, Gracie Burdick, Rodger Burdick, Marcos Palacios, Minerva Palacios, Ruth Thomas, Kaye Villalba Audio: Ed Rodriguez Sunday, November 9 — 8:00 AM Servers: Carson Hormel, Nick Hormel, Adam Rodriguez, Adri Rodriguez Ceremonial: Carol Ford Lectors: Heather Hormel, Isabel Rodriguez Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Many Carrillo, Stephanie Carrillo, Michael Craig, Rosa Garcia, Alvin Llanas, Janie Llanas Shawn Smith, Diane Svoboda, Bobby Worley, Laura Worley Audio: Amy Craig Sunday, November 9 — 10:30 AM Servers: Catherine Marnell, Claire Marnell, Jacob Woolam, Jessica Woolam Ceremonial: Daniel Castro Lectors: Youth Lectors Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Katie Archer, Shirley Bednarz, Eric Bourquin, Megan Cervantes, Gracie Chairez, Becky De la Garza, Christian DeLeon, Janie Garza, Bill Howerton, Denise Kirby, Dennis Kirby, Norma Jean Kitten, Ali Ledesma, Cipi Lira, Jett Major, Marsha Melton, Alexis Meza, Kathy Pierce Audio: Roger McNamara Sunday, November 9 — 4:00 PM Servers: Maddox Dugan, Victoria Galan, Jaelyn Galan, Taylor Galan Ceremonial: Brad Brooks Lectors: Katie Gamueda Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Austin Castanon, Cesar Castanon, Linda Hageman, Pat Harder, Tramella LeMond, Alexis Torres Audio: Colleen Farley The Hospitality Committee is asking for volunteers to serve donuts & coffee after the 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Masses. Call Gloria De La Garza @ 577-1776! VETERAN’S DAY MASS Tuesday, November 11th CHRIST THE KING CATHEDRAL 11:00 AM, Father Brian Wood presiding Hosted by Catholic War Veteran’s Post 1942 HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH LUBBOCK, TX The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) November 2, 2014 NATIONAL VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEK November 2nd-8th During National Vocations Awareness Week, the Diocese of Lubbock invites you to pray for vocations. Each day we will dedicate prayers for a different intention, asking the Lord to open men and women to lives of service in the church. Please join us! Daily Intentions are As follows: November 1: Increase in Vocations On all Saints Day, we petition the Lord for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and permanent diaconate in our diocese so that all might become saints. November 2: Decreased Priests and Religious On all Souls Day, we pray for the repose of the souls of those priests and religious men and women who have served in our diocese. November 3: Women Religious We ask Almighty God to sustain our women religious in their vocation and call more women to service for the Church of Lubbock. November 4: Priests For the priests of our diocese, that God uphold them in virtue and holiness as they give themselves in service of the people of God. November 5: Permanent Diaconate For our permanent deacons, their wives, and families, for those in discernment, that the Lord uphold them in their ministry of charity. November 6: Parents & Families of Vocations That God might bless those who support their sons and daughters in their pursuit of a life of serving God’s people. November 7: Seminarians That our men studying for the holy priesthood might persevere in along their path of discernment and formation. November 8: Marriage May those called to the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony open themselves to lives of mutual self-giving and devotion. November 9: Bishop Pla︠cido Rodri︠guez, CMF In thanksgiving for the ministry of our bishop to the Diocese of Lubbock, that our God may bless the diocese with more vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate and consecrated life. Steps to the Novena 1. Begin with the Sign of the Cross. 2. Announce the Daily Intention. 3. Pray one decade of the Rosary. 4. Pray the following prayer: Lord Jesus, as You gave us Your life You said, “Do this in memory of Me.” May all Your disciples fulfill Your command of love. Raise up humble men to the Priesthood, faithful people to the Consecrated Life, and holy men and women to Married Life. May all hear Your call to holiness and have the courage to respond with generous hearts. Amen. 5. Conclude with the Sign of the Cross. Mary, Mother of the Church, Pray for us! ADULT FAITH FORMATION CLASSES At HOLY SPIRIT All parishioners of Holy Spirit, especially parents of CCE students, are encouraged to attend at least one Faith Formation Class. FAITH ALIVE – meets from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in Rooms 126-130 of the Education Building. All adults and older teens are welcome, just show up to attend! CATHOLIC 101: BACK TO THE BASICS – meets on Wednesday evenings in Rooms 126-130 of the Education Building. The class can help you understand what Catholicism really means. Just show up to join! DAVE RAMSEY FINANCIAL FREEDOM-begins Monday, September 15th and meets from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Rooms 126-130. This is a 9 week video course led by Tim Kelly. Registration for this class is online at Holyspiritlubbock.org GENESIS TO JESUS-Online Course-Perfect for selfpaced study. Sign up for this course online at www.salvationhistory.com, click on Studies>Online Bible Studies > Genesis to Jesus. ARISE-Small Group Bible Sessions will begin meeting October 1st . Sign-ups are available in the Gathering Space. Look for the Arise table after Mass! PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY-meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Chapel. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET-every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. We hope that you will find something that strikes your interests! Don’t forget about That Man Is You, Divorce CARE, Women’s Bible Study, RCIA and the Divine Mercy chapel as other ways to increase your knowledge and spirituality. In conjunction with National Vocations Awareness Week, Our Lady of the Angels Convent in Wolffforth will host Set Apart: A Night on Consecrated Life on Monday, November 3rd from 6:00 –8:00 p.m. Everyone in the diocese is invited to spend time with all the religious communities in the diocese and ask the community members questions on Consecrated Life. Mass and dinner will be provided. Our Lady of Grace in Lubbock will host a Holy Hour at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 7th. All the Catholic Fathful are invited to join the parishioners of Our Lady of Grace for a Holy Hour to give thanks to God for the gift of all Vocations. HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH LUBBOCK, TX The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) November 2, 2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION EDGE Edge meets from 5:15 –7:00 p.m. in McGivney Hall every Sunday. Parents, please do not drop off kids before 5:10 unless they are attending 4:00 Mass. EDGE will be having a retreat December 5th-6th. This retreat is mandatory for all 8th grade students. Registration for the retreat starts today and the deadline to register is November 23rd. THANK YOU! To all the parents and volunteers who helped make Trunk or Treat a fun, family friendly event for parishioners of all ages. A great time was had by all and we could not have done it without your help. We appreciate you ALL! NOVEMBER 2nd-So You Think You’re Catholic-Why Be Catholic? NOVEMBER 9th-What’s the Catch? Sacraments and Grace *Students, be sure to bring your back pack to class each Sunday! For more information on any EDGE activity, call Tami or Sam Sparkman at 778-3620 or 549-5278. FAITH ALIVE CLASS Study the Book of Leviticus with us. Find out about the Old Testament rituals that are the foundation of what we do in the New Testament. Sundays when CCE is in session Time: 9:15—10:15 a.m. Place: Rm. 126-130—1st floor in the ed. bldg. All adults and older teens welcome. For information, contact David Powell—239-0804 or Laurel Johnson—794-3995 LIFE TEEN/CONFIRMATION LIFE TEEN-Sundays 5:15-7:00 pm November 9th-No LIFE TEEN (confirmation retreat) CONFIRMATION-Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 pm NOVEMBER 5th - When did my Journey begin? (Baptism) Parent Session, parents signed up for this class, please join us at 7:00 pm in the Life Teen Room. NOVEMBER 8-9-Confirmation Retreat!! Cost $30, and forms and fees need to be turned in by November 2nd. We will meet in the north parking lot of the church at 7:00 am on Saturday, November 8th to head to the retreat. We will return to the church at 3pm on Sunday, November 9th and end the retreat with 4pm mass. NOVEMBER 12-Why tell my sins to a priest? (The Healing Power of Confession) CCE NEWS 2nd grade and RCIC students receiving Reconciliation and First Holy Communion will have a MANDATORY Parent and child Video class in McGivney Hall on Sunday, November 2nd (today!) at 9:15 am or on Wednesday, November 12th at 6:00 pm in the second grade classroom. Please join your child in class for this special event. Details for both sacraments will be discussed. Hygiene bags for the Lubbock Impact Soup Kitchen are due December 3rd. These bags will be children’s Christmas presents. Please fill one per CCE child to meet our goals. Details will be going home with your child this week. We are happy to have 341 students (and growing) in our program; thank you for being your child’s first teacher in the faith! THAT MAN IS YOU meets on Tuesday mornings from 5:45 am to 7:25 am and on Wednesday evenings from 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm. Feel free to choose either of the times as the lesson is the same at both times. Men, please come do something spiritually significant in your life! We look forward to you joining us in McGivney Hall at one of the sessions. You do not have to have attended past sessions. You are welcome to join at any time. For more information contact Brad Brooks at 795-8505 or Jim Decker at JDeck911@gmail.com Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults The RCIA class continues to grow. The sharing of God’s word and those answering His call fill McGivney Hall every Thursday eve from 7-9 PM. Come join us if God has spoken to you to come to His church. The last date to begin RCIA for this year is Nov. 6. Call the Parish Office (698-6400) or Juno (777-5348) to join our growing, faith-filled RCIA family. Baptism Classes are the 3nd Saturday of every month. The next class will be held on November 15th from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The classes are held in Room 118.
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