Cathedral of Saint Peter 409 North 15th Street CATHEDRAL STAFF: Father Harry Schneider, Pastor Father Bill Bruning, Pastoral Help Rev. Mr. Michael Hill, Deacon Michael Rebout, Parish Acolyte Judith Breton, SOR Director Mary Kay Traffis, Secretary/Bookkeeper Chris Traffis, Hall Manager Parish Office and Priest Residence 371-0840 Fax Number 371-2345 Parish Center 371-8101, Ext. 225 Web Site Resurrection School 371-8101 Lynda Higgins, Principal Kansas City, Kansas 66102 SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday Sunday 4:00 p.m. 9:00, 11:00 a.m.,12:45 pm (Spanish) & 5:00 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Mon., Wed., Fri. Tues., Thur., Sat. Rosary Mon. through Sat. 6:45 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 7:50 a.m. HOLY DAYS: Check Schedule inside NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 p.m. or anytime by appointment. MARRIAGES: Please contact Fr. Schneider at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are arranged through the Pastor. To make arrangements, contact the Parish Office, 371-0840. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. (Mon-Fri) BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday noon. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MRS. JUDITH BRETON, OFFICE HOURS: Director of Religious Education WEDNESDAYS, 4:30-6:30pm THURSDAY, 12-2PM FRIDAYS, 9:30-11:30 AM (Please enter through the north basement door of the rectory.) The phone number is the regular parish number, 913-371-0840. MONDAY, Nov. 17 6:45 am Thomas Gibson TUESDAY, Nov. 18 8:15 am Matt & Louise Schmitz BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER FOR THE SISTERS OF THE POOR OF JESUS WEDNESDAY, Nov. 19 6:45 am Fr. Nicholas Gruner 8:15 am Ted & Doris Kokoruda THURSDAY. Nov. 20 8:15 am Ted & Cecelia Traz MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!!!!! FRIDAY, Nov. 21 6:45 am Mary Vogel SATURDAY, NOV.22-Feast of St. Cecelia 8:15 am For our musicians 4:00 pm Thomas Lynch SUNDAY, NOV.23 9:00 am John Powe 11:00am David Sachen 12:45 pm Mario Breton 5:00 pm Our Parishioners Sunday, November 23, the Cathedral Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Biscuits and Gravy Breakfast for the Sisters of the Poor of Jesus (the “Brown” Sisters). WHERE: Cathedral Parish Center WHEN: 9AM-1PM Cost for the Breakfast: Free will offering (Please be generous) PRAYER LINE Parish Prayer Line number is 913-621-3315 450 families have been assigned envelopes (Funds available for expenses) 2013-2014 *8,842.88 *5,964.25 NOV 2 9 2012-2013 8,535.82 7,265.16 *75.00 Non-Parishioner * 942.26 Plate *4897.00 Adults Envelopes * 50.00 all Saints 75.00 Flowers 35.00 mant. 126 Thanks to all who used their envelopes. envelopes were used this past weekend. HEAVENLY DUSTERS CHRIS WILSON Monies raised will used for expenses at their convent and to help with their ministries. There will be a Bake Sale, if you would like to donate contact Virginia Gorman, 281-1854 NOVEMBER 16, 2014 ALTAR SOCIETY NEWS Our next meeting of the Altar Society will be on Nov. 16th in the Parish Center f0llowig the 9am Mass. Please join us for our meeting and breakfast. . ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED. For more information contact Terri Schneweis, 913-558-8285. or SAVE THE DATE! Nov. 16th meeting & breakfast- Nutrition month. Dec. 6-7 Creche-Nativity Display Dec. 13- Christmas Party after the 8:15 am Mass More information Nativity Display We are sponsoring the 4th Annual Nativity Display on Sat. Dec. 6th from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm and also on Sun. Dec. 7th from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Come and enjoy the lovely display of over 100 different nativities in the Parish Center. There will be a bake sale, raffle, and refreshments will be served. Nativities to Display If you are interested in lending your nativity to the display please contact Terri Schneweis 913-558-8285 Baked Goods Needed We need baked goods such as Christmas cookies, small breads, candies and goodies for the bake sale during the Nativity Display . Please bring your baked good items to the Parish Center on Sat. Dec. 6th from noon to 3:00 pm. Altar Society Christmas Luncheon: All women of the parish are invited to our Christmas Party on Sat. Dec.13th after the 8:15 AM Mass in the Parish Center. Please bring a $10.00 wrapped gift for a fun and engaging gift exchange if you wish to participate. THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, Nov. 27th. There will b e one Mass at 9:00 am in the church. Bring food items for your Thanksgiving Dinner to be blessed. Place them in front of the altar and then take them home for your meal. CHALICE BLESSING Last Saturday, Nov. 8, at the 4pm Mass, Father Schneider Blessed a chalice and paten donated by the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus. The chalice is in memory of Father Leo Cooper, Manuel Blancarte and Merced Pacheco. Their names are inscribed on the botton of the chalice. The chalice will be take to India by Father Arul Carasola (Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Seneca.) and given to a newly ordained priest. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF ASSIGNMENTS SERVERS FOR THE WEEKDAYS-8:15 a.m. MASS MEN OF THE PARISH SATURDAY, NOV. 22 4:00 pm Server: Martin Kasick Lector: NOT FILLED Ministers Patty Kasick, Michael & Chris Wilson Greeters: Ushers Music: John Schaefer, Jessica Timmerman SUNDAY, Nov. 23 9:00 AM Servers: Meg & Mollie Mahoney, Abby Maloy Lector: Katie Hill Ministers: Deacon Hill, Katie & Steve Maurin Greeters: Tom & Rosemary Ceselski Music: Ginger Hill, Jessica Timmerman 11:00 am Servers: Salvador Barr, Abby Hill, Val Lobatos Lector: John Bukaty Ministers: Sally Bukaty, Nick Reveles, Deacon Hill Greeters: Virginia Helliker, Esther Buso Music: Ginger Hill, Choir 12:45 pm Servers: Pedro Galvez, Adelaida Franco, Tanya Franco Lectors: Miguel Perez. Marisa Mamahua Ministers: Manuela Galvez, Roberto Galvez, EsperanzaPazs Greeters: Jose Flores, Rosa Sarmiento, Manuela Galvez Amador Silva, Abraham Rocha 5:00 pm Servers: Rolf Altenhofen, Lector: Ginger Schoenberger, Ministers: Rolf Altenhofen, Gladys Cabrera, Terry Schoenberger Music: Patty Ingraham, Brian McKiernan Roberta Von Fange Greeters: Ushers If anyone can help out at the 5:00 pm Mass or any of the Masses where an ministry is not filled please do so. Thanksgiving Mass at 9am 11-27-2014 Server: Patirkc Guiheen Lector; Mel Mika Ministers: Deacon Hill, Susie George, Lorene Rychlec Music: Ginger Hill, Choir WYANDOTTE COUNTY PREGNANCY CLINIC 913-287-8287 OR Post-Abortion Help and Healing: For State of Kansas or their toll free number is: 1-800-395-HELP or 1-800-395-4357 Kansas City Metro Area: Project Rachel– a women’s recovery program and Project Joseph– a men’s recover program Contact Patricia Klausner at: or toll free 1-888-246-1504 National Office: or toll free 1-800-5WE CARE. Or BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE will be displayed for everyone to write the names of loved ones who have died. It is in the front of the church by the side door. They will be remember during the Masses in November. Advent Retreat Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 “Be watchful, Be alert!” (Mark 13: 33 and following) Sanctuary of Hope Prayer and Retreat Center 2601 Ridge Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102 By Fr. Dennis Wait Cost is: $30.00 Contact Julie at SOH (913) 321-4673 to make reservations. PRAY THE ROSARY FOR PEACE! YOUTH INFORMATION ReachKCK Blessed Sacrament Campus 2215 Parallel Ave. KCK 66104, contact Liz at 913.645.1514 for more details. Ongoing Events • 2nd Tuesday of month: Chess Knight, Coffee Shop open 6-7pm • 4th Tuesday: Live wire Open Mic night, Music Studio 6-8pm • Every Tuesday: Energize, Open Gym, Coffee shop 3-5 • Guitar Classes: begun 3/31/14 Liz Miller: 913-645-1514 REACHKCK is youth activities for High School aged teens. REACH KC WRESTLING & FAITH-We are kicking off a wrestling ministry for young men! We are looking for men interested in helping to coach wrestling, but also to serve as a strong Christian role model. Please contact Jim Schneweis for more information 913-449-4554. 14 Young men have signed up so far. UP-COMING EVENTS: Camp Tekakwitha registration in mid-January. Many scholarships available. One Thing Remains– December 30th, Blessed Sacrament from 7-10pm. Archdiocesan -wide event; keynote / worship leader: Ike Ndolo Confirmation Retreat– January 3rd. The November Holy Rosary Rally in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima will be held on Sunday November 16th from 3 pm to 4:15 pm at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, 2552 Gillham Road, Kansas City, MO 64108. We pray the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary followed by Benediction and the opportunity for attendees to enroll in the Brown Scapular. All are welcome to attend. For future dates, go to CJS CARE, staffed by religious women, provides services such as spiritual care, homemaking, personal care, and companionship. If you have a need, please contact me to request more information or to apply for assistance for yourself or for a loved one. There is a Sister of Charity of Leavenworth who lives in KCKS who is available for service. Call Sister Ann Landers, 816-304-2968 for more information. Exploring Catholic Media on the new Digital Media Center Now available online, the new Digital Media Center for the Archdiocese provides everyone in our parish with a resource for safe online access to explore approved Catholic multimedia content. The Digital Media Center includes teachings and reflections from prominent Catholic theologians, teachers, presenters, publishers, artists, authors, and local clergy and ministry staff. It includes a variety of media for individual reflection and small community study groups, live video streaming, recordings of archdiocesan events, and local and Vatican news. New content is added each week, and special content will be available in December for Advent preparation – stay tuned! We invite everyone to visit the Digital Media Center online today at Cathedral of St. Peter 4th Annual Nativity Display Cathedral Parish Center 409 N. 15th St. Kansas City, Kansas Saturday, December 6, 2014 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday, December 7, 2014 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Over 100 unique Nativities will be on display. Bake sale Raffle Refreshments Admission is free EVENTS THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SUNDAY, Nov. 16 8:40 am Altar Society Rosary 9:00 am Altar Society to attend Mass 10:00 am Altar Society breakfast and Meeting Talk on Nutrition 2:15 pm Spanish Baptism MONDAY, Nov. 17 TUESDAY, Nov. 18 8::00 am Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 8:45 am Exposition 8:45-9:15 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm Finance /Pastoral Council Meeting WEDNESDAY, Nov. 19 9:30-3:00 pm Archdiocesan Prebysteral council 5:00-6:00 pm Religious Education 7:00-8:30 pm RCIA-Christ the King Parish THURSDAY, Nov. 20 5:30 pm Scouts, Spurlock Hall 6:00 pm Resurrection School Board 7:00 pm Christ the Light of the World session Continued FRIDAY, Nov. 21 SATURDAY, Nov. 22 9am-3:00 pm retreat for Parent of School of Religion Children SUNDAY, Nov. 23 9:00 am-1:00 pm Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast for the Sisters of the Poor of Jesus Christ. Parish Center PRINCIPALS HONOR ROLL Bishop Ward is proud to share with you the names of graduatesfrom Resurrection School who made the Principals Honor Roll with a GPA of 4.0 and above. Lidija Begic Cathedral Irmaire Fernandez Islaynn Pena Gabriel Cumbie Damiela Tapia Danielle Braun Abby Gergick Elizabeth Gilbert Melaine Hernandez Katheleen Breitenstein Cathedral Madison Forbis Cathedral Yanell Jacinto Salvador Mendez Cathedral Congratulations. Keep up the good work. KEELER WOMEN’S CENTER 2220 Central Ave , Kansas City Kansas 913-906-8990 A Support Group for Care-givers, is being offered on Tuesdays, from 1:30-3:00 p.m., beginning November 18th, at Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave. KCK. Our facilitator is Jackie Tigges, MSW, LSCSW. Caring for a loved one who is ill or dying is very difficult and it helps to be supported by others. Call 913.906.8990 to register. Getting Ready for the Holidays: Budgeting and Decorating on the Cheap, Wednesday, November 19. A light supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. and the program will be 6:00-8:00 p.m., at Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., KCK. Men and women welcome. Presented in partnership with Heartland Habitat for Humanity. Call 913.906.8990 to register. Peaceful Living: Two Minutes at a Time is a fiveweek support group for those who would like to experience greater freedom from stress and anxiety in their daily lives. Come and learn how to locate peace in the midst of chaos and how to come to peace even when we have just two minutes! Learn about and experience physical relaxation and mindfulness. Five Tuesdays, November 18-December 16, 12:15 p.m.-1:00 p.m., at Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., KCK. The facilitator is Alyce Collins, B.A., counseling intern. NEWS FROM RESURRECTION SCHOOL During this month of November, we remember those who assist Resurrection in being such a successful school. Father Harry and many Cathedral parishioners help us on a daily basis. Some volunteers make sure that the school grounds are kept looking nice by mowing, planting, raking, tree-trimming and cleaning around the school. Others work with us to keep the parish center an inviting space for us to use. Parish volunteers keep the church clean for our use on Wednesday’s Mass and Friday’s for our Rosary. We also have parish volunteers in the school who help with sacramental preparation, working with individual students and helping with the lunchroom. CYO who helps keep our students active and competitive. St. Peter’s parish continues to help us financially with parish subsidy and always generously support the building improvement projects. Thank you, Father Harry and all St. Peter’s parishioners!. We are honoring the five supporting parishes and their priests at this year’s Taste of KCK. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, Jan. 17th. Mr. Lamar Hunt, Jr. will be our guest speaker. We have a great menu planned as well! We hope many parishioners will be able to attend. Registration will open on December 1 on our website: http/ Tickets are $35 each. AVISOS PARROQUIALES El Padre Harry Schneider, y la Directora de nuestra Escuela de Religión Judith Breton, agradecen a cada uno de los nuevos voluntarios que completaron los requisitos y ahora participan como catequistas y catequistas sustitutos de nuestro programa. Ellos son: Joanne Lally, Jenny Nepper, Sharon Rodas, Lynne Serrano, Martha Lucero Ramírez y Bertha Silva. También expresamos nuestra gratitud infinita a: la Hermana Mary Rachel Flynn, la Hermana Vicki Lichtenauer, Rolf Altenhofen, Susan Carroll, Mary Clevenger, Karen Kindle, Antonette Nicotera, y Martha Ramírez (madre de Martha Lucero) por continuar enseñando otra vez durante este año. Dos personas más están listas para tomar el entrenamiento de VIRTUS (de tres horas) que se requiere. Nuestro programa ha crecido y tenemos más grupos este año, por lo que los nuevos voluntarios ya están colaborando en las clases establecidas, y necesitamos más voluntarios que nos quieran ayudar como catequistas sustitutos. Si a usted le gustaría ayudar a dar forma a la Iglesia del futuro, colaborando en nuestra Escuela de Religión, los miércoles de 5:00-600 pm, por favor comuníquese con Judith Bretón al 913-281-5845, para obtener más información. Usted puede empezar tomando el entrenamiento de Virtus en Español que se llevará a cabo en la Iglesia de Holy Cross el próximo sábado 8 de noviembre. RETIRO DE CONVALIDACION El próximo retiro para las parejas que desean regularizar su situcaión matrimonial con el sacramento del matrimonio será el de Noviembre 15-16 en la Parroquia de Holy Cross,8311 W. 93rd St. Overland Park, KS. Habrá mayor información mas adelante por este medio. Lucha Libre y Fe ReachKCK está empezando un ministerio de lucha libre para los jóvenes! Estamos buscando a los hombres interesados en ayudar a entrenar a la lucha libre, sino también para servir como un modelo fuerte cristiano. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Jim Schneweis para más informacion en ingles a 913-449 -4543 o con Liz Miller en español a (913) 645-1514. EL HORARIO DE LA OFICINA DE LA ESCUELA DE RELIGION ES MIERCOLES DE 4:30 A 6:30 P.M. JUEVES DE 12:00 – 2: P.M. VIERNES DE 9:30 – 11:30 A.M. Para cualquier pregunta puede comunicarse con Judith Breton al 913-433-4786 HORARIO PARA LOS BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL A continuación están las fechas y los horarios en los cuales tendremos Bautizos en Español. Se puede elegir una de las fechas. Por favor llame al Padre Harry para hacer la registración para bautizar. Diciembre, 6 Sabado 11am 14 Domingo despues de la Misa de las 12:45pm 21 Domingo despues de las Misa las 12:45pm Enero 10 Sabado 11am 11 Domingo despues de la Misa de las 12:45pm 24 Sabado 11am 25 Domingo despues de la Misa de las 12:45 [m Es necesario llamar al Padre Harry Para registrar la fecha antes del día del bautizo. RELIQUIAS Años atrás, la Catedral elaboró una colección de reliquias de muchos santos. Ellas se mantienen detrás de los paneles en el altar mayor. Durante el mes de noviembre se abren los paneles y las reliquias están en exhibición para que las personas puedan verlas. En una mesita, colocada (al norte del altar) estará un papel enmarcado con una lista de los muchos santos. Usted está invitado par subir al Santuario y ver las reliquias. Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Avenue, KCK, offers these programs for Spanish-speaking women: Grupo de mujeres: les invitamos a disfrutar, compartir, recibe apoyo, con lideres Mary Ellen Rodriguez y Ana Maria Sauer, 25 de noviembre, 2, 9 y 16 de diciembre, 10:00-11:00 a.m. Grupo de salud emocional para la mujer, ofrecido por MOCSA, los martes, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Para registrarse contacte a Marie Alcocer, Llame Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. HEATING & COOLING SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Serving You Since 1948 Member FDIC 5500 Parallel 287-9055 816-363-2036 PLACEMENT TEST th January 10 , 8:00 am JOSEPH A. BUTLER & SON FUNERAL HOME Mary Ann Kancel PROFESSIONAL TAX PREPARATION & ACCTG. Attorney 913-568-8996 Wills • Trusts • Business • General Practice Notary, Individual & Business Tax Preparation Small Business Accounting & Payroll Services Joseph Butler III — Joseph Butler IV — Barbara Butler Sharon Adams, NATP, Parishioner 913-789-6400 Fax 913-341-6401 Since 1984 19TH & MINNESOTA CALL 371-7000 9377 W. 75th, Overland Park, KS 66204 HORNER & DUCKERS CHT PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Attorneys at Law Security Bank Bldg. 707 Minnesota Suite 610 Kansas City, KS 281-2375 6AM-8:30PM Mon-Sat Closed Sunday 250 N. 18th 281-2777 TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: Call Pat Bellanti Your ad 1318 State Ave. KCKS 371-8862 800.945.6629 could be in this space! WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup For further information, please call the Parish Office. (913) 371-1404 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. Helen A. Skradski WHY IS IT? SKRADSKI FUNERAL HOME 340 North 6th Street, Kansas City, KS Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 775050 St Peter Cathedral an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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