TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA Office of The Registrar Academic Affairs 2ndGRADUATION CEREMONY Graduation Date: 4thDecember 2014 The Technical University of Mombasa, a leading Institution in Engineering, Science and Technology, wishes to announce its Second Graduation Ceremony to be held on Thursday 4thDecember, 2014 beginning at 9.00 a.m. at the Graduation Square in the Main Campus along Tom Mboya Avenue – Mombasa. Students who qualified for the Award / Conferrement of various Certificates, Diplomas, Higher Diplomas and Degrees in the Academic year 2013/2014 together with their guardians and members of the public who wish to attend the ceremony are requested to observe the following: A. PUNCTUALITY Graduands and Guests are advised to arrive early and be seated not later than 8.30 a.m. Please note that after 8.30 a.m. no entry will be permitted into the Graduation Square. B. CLEARENCE Qualified students are advised to clear all outstanding fees and any other levies owed to the University before they can be allowed to participate in the Ceremony. For this purpose, each graduand is expected to fill an application form, which can be downloaded from the TUM website ( or be obtained from the Registrar Academic Affairs’ Office(i.e. Students’ Registry). C. GRADUATION FEES & HIRE OF ACADEMIC GOWN Graduation fees is as follows: Masters and Bachelors degree: Kshs. 4,000/-, Higher Diploma, Diplomas and Certificates: Kshs 3,500/-to be paid before collection of the academic attire. Graduands must be dressed in the Academic Attire to participate in the Graduation Ceremony as well as the Rehearsal. Graduands are advised to collect Gowns from 28th November to 3rd December, 2014, upon producing a receipt of payment for the same. The Gowns should be returned not later than 12th December, 2014, failure to which a fine of Kshs. 500/- per day shall be levied. D. REHEARSAL Rehearsal shall be on Wednesday, 3rdDecember, 2014 at 10.00 A.M. Graduands are expected to attend and are advised to be seated by 9.45 A.M. at the Graduation Square. E. ALLUMNI Notice is here by given that membership registration is on going. All pontential members are requested to provide their details and contacts to: or for more information call 0722239982 B. LIST OF GRADUANDS The list of graduands will be uploaded on the TUM website by Friday 14th November, 2014. All Graduands are supposed to confirm the order of their names as they should appear in their certificates. Any corrections or omissions should be reported to the undersigned before Friday 21st November 2014. C. PAYMENTS Payments should ONLY be done through the following Bank Accounts: Cooperative Bank Account Number 0112979001600, Standard Chartered Bank Account Number 0102092728000 or Equity Bank Account Number 0460297818058, National Bank of Kenya Account No. 01038074211700 Registrar Academic Affairs Tel. (254)41-2492222/3/4, 2490571, Mobile: 0724955377, 0733955377 Email:, Website: A World class University of Engineering Science and Technology A World Class University of Engineering, Science and Technology
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