Hillman Primary School Issue 10 October 21st 2014 Strength in Knowledge An Independent Public School PRINCIPAL’S COMMENTS Welcome back It has been great to see all our students, plus some new and re-enrolments, for the start of this term. I, on behalf of the staff welcome everyone and look forward to another busy but satisfying term. EDU-Dance Concert Congratulations to everyone that was involved in last term’s Edu-Dance concert. I trust that all of our students are very proud of their efforts and find a ‘warm and fuzzy’ satisfaction of achieving something special. Thank you to all of our parents, careers and families for attending and we can only hope that with your support we can continue the performances next year. Lastly, thank you to Mrs Raath for her organisation and commitment to getting the program up and running at Hillman. Staffing Term 4 We wish Mrs Raath well on her journey of Motherhood in week 4 of this term and welcome Mrs Dearlove back to Room 8 for the rest of the year. As some of you may remember Mrs Dearlove worked closely with Room 8 earlier in the year and is very keen to be involved once again. In addition, Mr Tisdale is taking some well-earned Long Service Leave later in the year and will be replaced by Ms Marinich. Placement of Children in Classes for 2015 It is that time of year again where we are getting ready for the 2015 school year. Class sizes are quite high, so adjustments may need to be made if new enrolments occur. That is why if you are aware that will NOT be returning to Hillman PS in 2015, please inform the office at your earliest convenience. A number of criteria are provided to the teacher to ensure classes are evenly balanced. For those parents who have educationally based reasons why they feel their child would be best suited in a particular class structure, they can put them in writing and hand it in to the front office. A decision will then be made which is in the best interest of the child. Reasons must be educationally based. Information Communication Technology At Hillman Primary School we embrace digital technologies and aim to incorporate ICT into everyday teaching and learning programs. The key concepts that can be reinforced in the home include encouraging: Students to understand and commit to not sharing personal information online. This includes their real name, address, phone number, financial information, school name, passwords, or other private information; Children to talk openly with their parents or guardian about what they see online and should always tell them if anyone asks for personal information or makes them feel uncomfortable; Students must commit to follow the family and school rules set up to keep everyone safe while online; and Education and safety experts recommend your child does not use the internet in their bedroom. Former Victorian police officer and cyber-safety consultant Susan McLean says the internet can give the bully direct access to your child's bedroom; "the one place that they should be safe". However, if for some reason the only place your child can study and access the computer is their bedroom, consider options such as leaving the bedroom door open with agreed random visits by parents, and/or creating a technology curfew where you either disable or remove the computer or mobile phone from the bedroom at a certain time each night. New Local Policing Teams With the new 20/20 Frontline Reform that the Police have adopted, small policing teams have been situated in our local area. If you went to the Faction Sports Carnival then you may have seen a few members of the local team saying ‘G’day’. The local police teams are still based at our local station however are now placing their focus primarily on inquiries and community engagement. The purpose of these local policing teams is to get back in touch with the community and offer their services wherever they be suitably required. We are very happy to invite our local policing team to the school for all occasions, whether that be coming into a class and speaking with the children, or just coming into the school grounds and meeting some of the teachers. Aaron Young, Principal Unnaro Street HILLMAN 6168 PO Box 2076 ROCKINGHAM DC 6967 Email: hillman.ps@education.wa.edu.au Tel: 9527 3600 Fax No: 9592 5411 Website: hillmanps.wa.edu.au School Security ph. 1800 177 777 Sports Report What a fantastic day we had! Big thanks to ALL the volunteers, it really did help to ensure the day ran smoothly. Also thanks to all the students and staff for their efforts too. I was blown away with the amount of helpers we had and a really big thanks to those who helped with the early morning set up. The results of the Carnivals are below: Junior Carnival 1st – Mudlarks 2nd – Dugites 3rd – Sea Dragons Senior Carnival 1st – Dugites 2nd – Mudlarks 3rd – Sea Dragons Year 4 Boys Girls Year 5 Boys Year 6 Boys Girls Year 7 Boys Girls Champion R/Up Champion R/Up Champion R/Up Champion R/Up Champion R/Up Champion R/Up Champion R/Up Champion R/Up Dylan Cameron D Kahli Samantha Jarred Samuel Charlotte Tenika Tristin Torin Tiala Justice Rylee Noah Dakota Montanna ML D D ML SD SD SD D ML SD D D D ML D D 47 37 39 29 65 29 37 29 55 29 60 31 63 47 70 40 Interschool Athletics Notes to the students selected for this carnival have gone home today. If your child has been chosen, please complete the permission slip and send back to school ASAP. The carnival is next Thursday 30th October at Hourglass Reserve, Cooloongup. Congratulations to all students selected and remember to do your best, have fun and represent Hillman with pride. Tackle Rugby State Final We will be sending a girls and boys team to the State Finals on Friday 21st November. The students are really excited about this carnival and have been training hard. I would love to see lots of Hillman parents / family members supporting our teams on this day. If you wish to come, please let me know and I will secure you a spot on the bus. The carnival is held at Atwell College. “Everyone is handed adversity in life. No one's journey is easy. It's how they handle it that makes people unique.” ~ Kevin Conroy Mrs Nash P.E. Teacher Kindy Café As we have previously advised we will be holding “Kindy Café” sessions for yourself and your child during Term 4. The following is a proposed Calendar of Presenters for Kindy Café. Tuesday 28th October: 4th Tuesday November: th Tuesday 11 November: Principals Address & Presentations by the Administration Team. Literacy and Library Better Beginnings Presentations. Numeracy, School banking, School Nurse and Canteen Association Presentations. Tuesday 18th November: “Introduction to Kindy”, session held with their teacher. (It would be appreciated if siblings did not attend the ‘Introduction to Kindy’ session. ) These meetings will take place in the Kindergarten from 8.45Am to 10:00Am. While the parents are involved in the information sessions, the children will be taking part in some fun activities with the Kindy Staff. Please note that the Voluntary Contribution of $45.00 can also be paid to the office after any of these sessions. Fun October Fact: Opals are considered to be the traditional birthstone and they symbolize hope. October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Athletics Carnival Head down to the Fremantle Markets next weekend for some Earth Science fun! Sunday 26th October Giant geological sand sculpture Hands-on activities Fake a fossil Dissect a meteorite Bring in and classify your rock collection with a geologist Sandcastle investigations Geological Architecture walking tours of Fremantle by ESWA (Earth Science Western Australia) Find us in Market Lane at the Fremantle Markets (off Henderson St) Contact: Jay Ridgewell P:9266 7168 E jay.ridgewell@curtin.edu.au Breakfast Club Breakfast club needs volunteers for Monday mornings. Breakfast club is open on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7.45am to 8.25. Please see Jackie O’Brien or contact the office if you are able to assist in any way. TERM 4 2014 MONDAY 1 13th Oct TUESDAY 14th WEDNESDAY 15th THURSDAY 16th FRIDAY 17th SA T S U N 18th 19t h 25t h 26t h 1st 2nd K Loud Shirt Day 2 20th 21st 22nd 23rd Newsletter 3 4 5 27th Assembly Rm 10 29th 30th Kindy Café Kids Teaching Kids Conference Interschool Athletics K 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Yr 6/7 Grad Photos Kindy Café Yr 6 Transition Yr 6 Transition Assembly Rm 15 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th Yr 6/7 Camp Kindy Café 28th 31st Newsletter 17th 18th 19th 20th Kindy Café Yr 7 Transition 24th 25th 26th School Board Yr 7 Transition 1st Dec 2nd 21st 9th 15th 16t h 22n 23r 29th 30t h 6t 7th h d 27th 28th Room 15/12 Talent Show K Excursion 8 8t d Assembly LOTE/Rm 12 School Tour 7 NOV K School Tour 6 24th 3rd 4th 5th Yr 6 Sexual Health Talk Parent Helpers Morning Tea Yr7 Orientation RSHS & SBSHS h 12th 13th 14t h 20st 21s t Yr6 Orientation rSHS & SBSHS 9 9th 8th Newsletter 10th 11th Yr 7 Sexual Health Talk Principal’s Lunch Xmas Carols 6.30- Bk Awards 2.00pm 8.00pm 10 15th 16th 18th 17th Gold Exc 9.45am 19th K Bloopo Inc.9.30 Yr 6/7 Activity Day Grad Ceremony Reports home Grad Dinner Special Days Public Holidays Newsletter Sports Days School Holidays PD Days Disclaimer: advertisements appearing in this publication are for your information only. They are not necessarily endorsed by the school.
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