Willoughby Public School Newsletter DATES FOR THE COMING WEEK

Willoughby Public School Newsletter
Thursday 9 October 2014 Term: 4
Week: 1
Thursday 9 October
Friday 10 October
Monday 13 October
Tuesday 14 October
Wednesday 15 October
Thursday 16 October
Friday 17 October
Sunday 19 October
Monday 20 to Fri 31 October
Thursday 23 October
Friday 24 October
Wednesday 29 October
Thursday 30 October
Friday 31 October
Monday 3 November
Tuesday 4 November
Wednesday 5 November
Thursday 6 November
Friday 7 November
Monday 10 November
Thursday 13 November
Monday 17 to 28 November
Monday 24 November
Friday 28 November
Monday 8 December
Friday 12 December
K-2 assembly 2S and 2G - 2pm
Year 2 Introduction to Band
School Tour 9.30am
Police Band visit to Willoughby Public School
Concert Band Workshop in the hall
3-6M/W Camp - Cromehurst Centre - returning Friday 17 October
Year 2 Band Blow Test
Year 3 6 assembly 3M & 3T
Year 1 Symphony Concert - Ultimo
WPS P&C Grounds Working Bee. 10am – 12pm
classes: KM + 5D, KI + 4I, KG + 3T, KS + 3M, 1AC + 3U, 1T + 4D,
1D + 5M, 2R + 6R, 2T + 6S, 2MK + 4L
Year 1 Group 1 (1T) Badger Swim School - North Sydney
Year 2 Group 1 (2, 2MK, 2R, 2S, 2T) Badger Swim School
Kindy 2015 Information Night
K - 2 assembly 1T - 9.00 am - 9.45 am
Kindy Teddy Bear’s Picnic - Field of Mars
Kindy Teddy Bear’s Picnic - Field of Mars
Count us In Music Event K - 6
Year 3 - 6 assembly - 5M
World Teachers’ Day
Kindy Orientation Day A - K - 9.30 - 10.45 am
Mums’ Melbourne Cup Luncheon - Laurelbank Cottage
Year 6 Long Reef
Kindy Orientation Day L - Z - 9.30 to 10.45 am
K - 2 assembly - KM & KS
Year 6 Fete
Kindy Orientation Day A- K - 9.30 to 10.45
Kindy Orientation Day L - Z - 9.30 to 10.45
Year 3 - 6 assembly - 3D
Year 1 Group 2 (1AC, 1BR, 1D, 1L, 1W) Badger Swim School
Year 2 Group 2 (2W) Badger Swim School
Year 3 Group 2 (3D, 3L, 3M, 3S, 3U, 3T)
Kindergarten 8 day Swimming Program at Lane Cove
Year 5 & Year 6 - Surf Education at Collaroy to Wed. 3 December.
Year 6 End of year Picnic - Manly Kayak Centre
Year 6 Dinner Dance
Year 3 End of Year Sports Day at Homebush
30-34 Oakville Road, Willoughby NSW 2068 Ph 9958 1355 Fax 9967 2381
Newsletter submissions by Monday 5.00 pm to: willoughby-p.admin@det.nsw.edu.au
Email: willoughby-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: www.willoughby-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
P&C Website: www.wpspandc.com.au
Volunteer Ethics Coordinator Urgently Needed
Philosophical ethics classes have been offered at Willoughby for two years now as an option for
students who are in Non-Scripture classes. Primary Ethics is the organisation authorised by the
NSW state government to deliver ethics classes under an approved curriculum from Kindy to Year 6.
Currently, Willoughby has 15 ethics classes but no Ethics Coordinator to liaise between the school,
our Ethics Teachers and Primary Ethics. To make sure our classes can continue, we urgently need a
volunteer to take on this role.
Ethics Coordinators are provided with training and support by Primary Ethics. Coordinating can
mostly be done by email in your spare time and would take no more than a 1-2 hours per week.
Without a new Coordinator, our current classes may not be able to continue and new classes will not
be possible. Members of the school community are encouraged to apply.
To find out more about becoming our next Ethics Coordinator, please contact Robyn Youie at
northsydneyethics@gmail.com or 0401 917 489.
Margaret Leslie, Assistant Principal (Co-ordinator of Scripture & Ethics)
The 2014 edition of the annual Willoughby Public School Chess Championship will be
held on Friday 5th December (Week 9) in the School Hall.
Entry is open to everyone, so please put this date in your diaries now!
Registration will open on the Chess Club website very soon.
Got a question? Feel free to email us at chess@wpspandc.com.au or visit our
website http://www.wpspandc.com.au/chess/
Melonie Bayl-Smith, Secretary, WPS Chess Club
Rehearsal Supervision for Week Commencing 13 October
Reminder: Year 2 Blow Test will be held Thursday 16 October. Permission slips for the Blow Test
are due Monday 13 October.
Training Band
Concert Band
Performing Band
Tuesday 4 October
Monday 13 October
Thursday 16 October
Wednesday 15 October
Friday 17 October
J Brown, H Williams, S Goh
C Cummings (Newman), B McCarthy, N O’Brien
L Barber, C Lin, L Brayshaw
A Hudson, J Wruck
D Valois, T Ukrainetz
For details of the weekly rosters, please see the WPS P&C website: ww.wpspandc.com.au/band/
Convenor – Caroline Herrman
Secretary – Nikki Templeton 0488 660816
Introducing WPS Online Uniform Shop
It is with great pleasure WPS P&C announce the launch of the School’s online
uniform shop. This is an exciting development and acknowledges the everincreasing popularity of online shopping. Orders can be placed from Term 4,
commencing Monday 6 October 2014 at wps-uniform-shop.myshopify.com/
At WPS we take pride in our appearance and all students are encouraged to wear
the correct school uniform. We trust this new service will make it even easier for
families to purchase uniforms and school accessories.
Important information you need to know about the WPS Uniform
Our uniform estore is designed so you can shop quickly and easily: by
product, by gender, by season or by collection.
The Search function, located at the top left, is excellent.
Uniform deliveries will be made directly to your child’s classroom
Name & Class must be added during check out.
Orders will only be delivered on Wednesdays and Fridays within 5 business
days (except in school holidays).
Paper orders will be phased out during Term 4.
Our Uniform Shop will continue to open on Wednesdays and Fridays,
8.30 – 9.30am.
The exchange and refund policies remain unchanged.
All prices are inclusive of GST.
Payment options include Credit Card and Paypal.
GST Notification
Over the past few years, our Uniform Shop turnover has steadily increased, but it
has remained under the legislated threshold for GST. Hence, we have not had to
charge GST on your purchases. With the growth in our school population and the
addition of new items, the Uniform Shop has recently exceeded the GST-free
threshold. Consequently, we must now register for and charge GST on all
The Uniform Shop Committee has worked hard to ensure the price increase is the
minimum possible. The price of most products will increase, but please rest
assured it does not mean an increase of 10% across the board.
Thanks for your understanding,
The Uniform Shop Committee.
Make sure WPS is a school we can all be proud of
School Grounds Working Bee Sunday 19 October 10am - 12pm
Come along and help our school look fabulous. No prior gardening experience
necessary! The following classes are asked to come along to help out at the grounds
working bee:
KM + 5D, KI + 4I, KG + 3T, KS + 3M, 1AC + 3U, 1T + 4D, 1D + 5M, 2R + 6R, 2T + 6S,
2MK + 4L
Bring: Shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, gloves, hats and a drink. Kids
can bring bikes, scooters, skates and lots of energy.
Morning tea will be provided and of course the
‘Big Lolly Hunt’ for the kids!
(Cancelled if wet weather)
Any questions contact grounds@wpspandc.com.au