Kind ergarten Plu s Prog ram fo r Hal f-Day Kind ergartn ers The Shoreline Children’s Center provides care for those families who desire half-day Kindergarten coupled with extended day services. Children will attend a.m. Kindergarten at one of our elementary schools and will attend the K+ program at the Children’s Center in the afternoon. The Kindergarten Plus program ends at 3:30 pm. If care is needed beyond the program hours, care can be provided through the Flexible program at the Children’s Center. The additional fee is determined based on the number of hours needed. $307/mo includes transportation Summer P rog ram The Shoreline Children’s Center also offers a high quality and cost effective summer recreational program that begins right after the end of the school year. It continues until several days before the start of the new school year. This program is available for children 2 ½ years old through 6th grade and runs from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. Students are placed in age-appropriate classrooms and participate in an array of theme-based learning activities. Also included are field trips, water days, BBQs, outdoor playtime, literature, bike days, movies, and many other activities. Additionally, students may choose to participate in a variety of specialized classes including art, science, cooking, and more. Gymnastics and swimming classes are also offered for an additional fee. Many students return summer after summer. For further information contact the Shoreline Children’s Center at 206-393-4256. Registration for this popular program begins in April. Ke ep pay me nt rec ord s f o r t axe s. Sh o re line C hild re n ’s Ce nte r I.D . N um b er 91 -600 -164 4 Shoreline Children’s Center 2013–2014 1900 N. 170th St. Shoreline, WA 98133 206.393.4256 sch o o ls .s ho re lin esc h o ols.o rg .s lc c Fixed and Flexibl e Program Sch edul es FIXE D A 3- h ou r tr ad it io n al pre sc h o ol A 3- or 5-day Fixed program is offered for children who are age 4 by August 31: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm or 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm OR Monday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm $205/mo Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm $316/mo A 2-day Fixed program is offered for children who are age 3 by August 31: Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm $142/mo A 2-day multi-age Fixed program for 3-, 4-, or 5-year olds is offered Tuesday/Thursday 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm $142/mo F LEX I B LE Time s t o fit y our s c he dule . S am e cu rr ic u lum as Fixe d, but in a less str uct u re d e nvir o nm en t. Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 6:30 pm Rate Varies Many of our families combine a Fixed program with Flexible hours to accommodate their schedules. All students must be fully toilet trained, and immunizations must be up-to-date prior to starting a program. Curri culu m fo r Fi xed and Flexibl e P rog rams Shorelin e Child ren’s Center is Clo sed Fixed and Flexible Programs provide activities and curriculum that are planned to assist all children in becoming successful learners and to enhance their Kindergarten readiness. Daily lesson plans are designed to develop emerging literacy, math, science, social, and motor skills abilities. Children participate in small and large group activities, dramatic play, block construction, sharing opportunities, indoor and outdoor constructive playtime, storytelling, and creative projects. Additionally, each child attends weekly Music and Movement classes and makes regular visits to the Art Studio and the Children’s Center’s unique Early Childhood Library, all staffed by experts in the field. The ultimate goal of this program is to inspire, excite, and encourage each child about learning in a positive and nurturing environment. All major holidays: Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving – Thursday and Friday Part of Winter Break M. L. King Jr. Day Presidents Day Memorial Day 4th of July The Children’s Center will be closed whenever Shoreline Schools are closed due to inclement weather. Fixed and Flexible classes are held on all regularly scheduled Shoreline School District school days. Additional care is available during Winter Break, Mid-Winter Break, Spring Break, and other non-student days. A separate registration is required, and additional fees are charged for these extra care options. Offi ce I n formation Registratio n Office Hours 6:30 am – 6:00 pm Registration is ongoing throughout the year. Registration for the 2013-2014 school year begins in February for current families and in March for new families. Available by phone 6:00 am – 6:30 pm Late Fees All children must be picked up by their scheduled time. A 15-minute grace period is allowed if you are running late. If you are more than 15 minutes late, there will be a charge of $15 for any part of an hour. Please call if you know you will be late.
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