Saint Matthew Catholic Church, Indianapolis, Indiana Nov. 9, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS Please pray for those in need of comfort or guidance: Mary F. Monday, Nov. 10 8:30 a.m. Communion Service Tuesday, Nov. 11 8:30 a.m. Dr. Tom Wisler Wednesday, Nov. 12 8:30 a.m. David Huntington 6 p.m. Saint Matthew Parishioners Thursday, Nov. 13 8:30 a.m. Eleanor Dean Friday, Nov. 14 8:30 a.m. Joe and Becky Caito Saturday, Nov. 15 5 p.m. Ed Roesch Sunday, Nov. 16 7:30 a.m. Saint Matthew Parishioners 9 a.m. Kitty Scott 11:30 a.m. Delores Quill Boyd, Sue Bernard, Leo and Marie Bleich, Lois and Willis Bohn, Lou Ella Brunette, Mic Byrne, Bonnie Buechner, Mary Bujnoski, Glenda Cain, Janet Cottler, Jeanne Cox, Jeff Fillmann, Jim Gaffiney, Jim and Virginia Gallogly, Gerrie Griffin, Jim Hamilton, William Earl Hempel, Sarah Hinojosa, Hobson Family, Terry Huser, Dolores and Ed Johnson, Kevin Kelley, Betty Legault, Ed Lippe, Jennifer Lippe, Nicky Madden, Nicholas Maddingly, Mary Marbaugh, Mary McCurdy, Marva Meadows, Eileen Meyer, Joe and Rita Michael, Leigh Michael, Blake Moellman, Bill Robinson, Jack Rubak, Gabrielle Marie Schneider, Ron Shircliff Family, Richard Stiffey, Melissa Swinford and Baby Jack, Kathy Wilder, Bob Yrjanson. Please pray for our military: Josh Behney, Matt Black, Michael Gallagher, Aaron Gillaspy, Erik Goertemiller, Ryan Hogan, George Holland, Tim Hughes, Alexander King, Matt Kirk, Russ LeMay, Bill Mathis, Zach McCarty, Jack Rebolledo, Ben Richman, Tyler Robarge, Neil Sexton, Anthony Stout, David Vogelgesang, Mike Ward. Minister Schedule Nov. 15/16 Mass Greeters Mass Coordinators Servers Lectors Musicians Time Travelers Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion * Eucharistic Team Lead Cora Einterz 5 p.m. 7:30 a.m. Nancy Otsuka Charlotte Carlley Joan Burgin 9 a.m. Bob Kowal Micayla and Tiffanie Ditlevson Karen Otolski Stacey Jerger Sophie Minnick Jackie Noll Kevin Bucheit Elliott Linneweber Greg Eaken *Ann Williams, Jeff Buckman, Trudy Gumbel, Peter Berg, Leslie Kerr, Jim Dempsey Dakota Boyd Nina Kaiser Hunter Boyd Beth Wissler Karrie Pacheco *Michelle Boyd, Gary Thompson, Mary Marsh, Sandra Jones, Mary Tara McNamara Dave Worland McNulty, Kevin McNulty Corbin Hubert Marilyn Hunter Mary Michael 11:30 a.m. *Maura Wissler, Greg Otolski, Amy Stimpson, Gerald Stawick, Caren Geppert, Lara O’Dell Claire Otolski Ann Tully Madelyn Alerding Claire Hawkins Readings for Week of Nov. 9 Sunday The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Monday Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church. Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop. Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr. Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin. Phlm 720; Ps 146; Lk 17:20-25 Friday 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112; Lk 18:1-8 View this bulletin online at Carol Anderson Rynelle Castellino Youth Ensemble Erika Meckauskas Colleen and Maddie Bormann *Pixie Hildebrand, Mary Batrich, Jennifer Mazur, Joshua Mazur, Tim Tully, Madelynn Bormann Richard Fisher and Alexa Fett will be married at Saint Matthew on Nov. 15. Coat Drive Warms the Needy Saint Vincent de Paul Society is sponsoring a coat drive through Dec. 19. Donations of gently used coats are greatly appreciated. There are drop-off boxes by the school office and in the church narthex. Thank you for helping the needy stay warm this winter. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Dr. Tom Wisler. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Question of the Week Question for Children: How does the church help build up your faith? Question for Youth: How do your words and actions build up or tear down the Church? Question for Adults: What does it mean to you that you have a choice to build up or tear down the Church? Generous Hearts Thought We are called to help God build his kingdom on earth. We are his eyes, ears, hands, and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent, and treasure, we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? UCA Reminder If you have not already done so, please complete your United Catholic Appeal intention card and drop it in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office. Thank you to everyone who has turned in an intention card. Join Us for Mass on Thanksgiving Day We will have Mass on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, at 9 a.m. All are welcome. For the other weekdays during Thanksgiving week: We will have regular 8:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesday, Nov. 25, and Wednesday, Nov. 26. We will NOT have evening Mass or Adoration on Wednesday, Nov. 26. We will NOT have morning Mass on Friday, Nov. 28. A Word from Our Pastor Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome—Sunday, Nov. 9. This weekend we have the good fortune of celebrating the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. Every so often this feast lands on a Sunday, and when it does it takes precedence over the Ordinary Time Sunday. St. John Lateran has the status of being one of the four major basilicas in Rome. The other three are St. Peter in the Vatican, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul outside the old walls of Rome. I would imagine if I asked any of you which Church is the most important Catholic Church building in the world, you would say St. Peter’s Basilica. This is not so! The Basilica of St. John Lateran is first in rank of all Catholic churches, for it is the Cathedral Church of Rome and thus formally the Pope’s Church as Bishop of Rome. St. John Lateran houses the Pope’s cathedra, his chair as Bishop of Rome. St. Peter’s has no cathedra for the Pope, for it is not his cathedral. This great Basilica was originally dedicated to the Most Holy Savior. In later years the Basilica was also dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. It is called St. John Lateran because it sits on the hill that bears the name of its former owners, the Laterani family. The Emperor Constantine donated the property to the Church once he made Christianity a legal religion in the Roman Empire around 312 A.D. Constantine built the first basilica on the site in the year 324, and Pope Sylvester I dedicated it that year on Nov. 9. In fact, the Lateran was the residence of the Popes and the central “headquarters” of the Catholic Church until the 1300s. Only when the Pope returned from Avignon, France, after being there some 70 years, did he decide to move to the Vatican, the palace at the Lateran being in such disrepair. To this day, even though the Pope has lived in the Vatican all these years, St. John Lateran has remained the Cathedral Church of Rome. On the pilasters by its great east door is written, “Omniun ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis mater et caput” (mother and head of all churches of the city and the world). Veterans’ Day is this Tuesday, Nov. 11. Please remember to keep in your prayers all who have died in service to our nation. Also, please remember to keep in your prayers all veterans still living. While we are remembering all veterans, both living and dead in our prayers, let us not forget all serving on active duty in trouble spots throughout the world, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Finally let us continually pray that one day God’s peace will truly reign, and war will be no more. November Book of Life: November is for commemorating all who have died. Therefore, I remind you of the Book of Life located near our baptismal font. We invite you to write in this book the names of deceased family members and loved ones you wish to be remembered in prayer by your fellow parishioners. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them.” Archdiocesan Stewardship—United Catholic Appeal (Christ Our Hope): “The choicest of the first fruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the LORD your God” (Exodus 23:19). While most of us are not involved with tilling the soil, God still calls on us to give of our best fruits to His work in the Church. The Gospel writer Luke tells us: “The measure you give will be the measure you get back” (Luke 6:38). I truly believe this. I see it happen in my own life. The more I give with a loving and generous heart, the more God blesses me. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who returned intention cards. If you forgot to return your card last weekend and still forgot this weekend, please do not worry. Your intention card can be returned any weekend, or by mail, or you may deliver it to our parish office. For questions about your stewardship card or commitment, contact the parish office. Advent Penance Services: Believe or not, Advent begins in three weeks. I encourage you to mark your calendar for our North Deanery Advent Penance Services. Advent is that joyful season of anticipation and expectation in which we prepare for the Coming of the Lord. There really is no better way to prepare for the great Christmas Festival than by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Penance Services will be celebrated Sunday, Dec. 14, at 2 p.m. at St. Simon Church and Monday Dec. 15, and Tuesday, Dec. 16, both at 7 p.m. at St. Luke Church. Red Carpet Gala: Let me give a plug for our parish Gala next Saturday, Nov. 15, at 6:30 p.m. at EventzPlus on Castleway Drive. This is our parish’s major fundraiser of the year. I’ve got my ticket and hope to see many of you there. It looks to be an evening of real fun and fellowship. I am looking forward to it very much. May God bless all, and remember to rejoice with thankful hearts for the bounty of the harvest; Thanksgiving is not far away! Fr. Nick View this bulletin online at Saint Matthew Catholic Church, Indianapolis, Indiana Nov. 9, 2014 Thank you to all who reserved tickets to our Red Carpet Gala! See you on the red carpet on Saturday, Nov. 15, starting at 6:30 p.m. at EventzPlus, 7960 Castleway Dr., in Castleton. Preview and Bid on Red Carpet Gala Auction Items! • Disney Hopper passes • Theatre and museum tickets • Themed gift baskets • AND MUCH MORE! To preview and bid on Gala auction items, visit Live Auction Items Silent Auction Items Include... • Gift cards/Passes to Sky Zone, Climb Time, Recreation Unlimited • Class art projects • Special experiences with Saint Matthew School and Parish staff (movies, coffee, and pizza) • Family-friendly experiences in Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis • Name the drive • Private dinner for 25 at George’s Neighborhood Grill • One bedroom condo in New Orleans walking distance to the French Quarter with $500 air fare • Co-host Sports Talk Radio with Dan Dakich • Get your photo/face on the non-uniform pass for 2015-16 school year! Gala Tuition Raffle Be a Gala Volunteer Win $3,500 St. Matthew School 2015-2016 Tuition Credit or $2,500 Cash Our largest fundraiser requires MANY volunteers to be a success. We need your help! $50 per ticket. 200 tickets available. 100 tickets must be sold for raffle to be held. Will you please dedicate a minimum of 1 hour of your time? There are many options available the day prior and during the event to help. Winner announced at the Gala. Attendance not necessary to win. Tickets available for purchase at the School or Parish Office. Or contact Haylee Teeple,, or Jennie Tremain, Raffle License Number 135854 View this bulletin online at Signing up to volunteer is very quick and easy. Just go to For questions, contact Carey Dilts, The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Next “Tuesdays for 20s and 30s” on Nov. 11 Join Us for Kids Club and ChAMPs on Nov. 20! We will gather for a service project at Saint Matthew at 7 p.m. We will be helping the Gala Committee with its final preparations. Kids Club and ChAMPs will take place on Thursday, Nov. 20. Join us for a dance party to celebrate St. Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, whose feast day is on Nov. 22! We’ll go out for refreshments and appetizers afterward. Please contact Aaron Haag,, with questions. Kids Club is for children 4 years old through 2nd grade and is from 6 to 7 p.m. in room 412. ChAMPs (Christ and My Peeps) is for 3rd through 5th grade is from 7 to 8 p.m. in room 407. Paula D’Arcy to Lead Women’s Retreat Save the date for the Saint Matthew Women’s Retreat! On Jan. 30-31, Paula D’Arcy will be leading our retreat at Fatima Retreat House. Come reflect with us on “Having the Experience, But Missing the Meaning.” Stay tuned for more details! Looking for Furniture Donations for Youth Room Can you donate chairs, recliners, and small loveseats to decorate the Saint Matthew Youth Room? If so, please contact Deanna Lustig,, to make arrangements. Attention Liturgical Ministers We are preparing the ministry schedule for DecemberFebruary. Please check your schedules and if there are weekends you are unavailable to serve or if you need to make other changes, please contact Marie Carson at 2574297, ext. 2212, or by Monday, Nov. 10. Thank you for your service! Saint Matthew Fall Sports Banquet Friday, Nov. 21 6—7:30 p.m. Saint Matthew Gym Dinner and Guest Speaker Wil Hampton $5/person or family of 4 or more/$20 Join Our Women’s Tennis League The Saint Matthew Women’s Tennis League is seeking new players. The league plays doubles on Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a.m., from September to the middle of May. Open to all levels. For details, contact Trudy Gumbel, 373-0859 or “Be Unstable”—Relax, Renew, Rejuvenate All men of the parish are invited. Feb. 6, 7, 8 at St. Meinrad. Cost $175 (room & board). Scholarship available (please inquire). Contact Dan White, or 447-7516. Stay tuned for more information on “Be Unstable.” Choir Rehearsal Update: Choir rehearsals have returned to Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. until Christmas. Please make note of the change. If your child participated in or you coached one of these sports, you are invited: kickball, cross country, football, cheerleading, girls basketball. Questions: Mark Fox, Please RSVP before Nov. 14 to Substance Abuse Ministry Training The Office of Pro-Life and Family Life will sponsor training for SAM Ministry provided by the National Catholic Council on Addictions (NCCA) at Saint Matthew Catholic Church. The training will be held Nov. 15 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We invite those who have participated in a 12-step process or who are professional counselors to come for training and information about SAM Ministries, an outreach and referral program for those suffering with addictions. The training will be led by Mary Martin, Director of the NCCA, and is required to participate in SAM Ministry. For more details, contact Joni LeBeau, or 236-1475. View this bulletin online at Saint Matthew Catholic Church, Indianapolis, Indiana Life Teen and Parent Life on Sunday Evening Life Teen resumes Sunday, Nov. 9, with a Life Teen and Parent Life combination at St. Pius. Fr. Nick will be celebrating Mass at 6:30 p.m. and then speaking to teens at Life Teen on approaching the Mass as a joyful wedding feast. Parent Life will focus on Theology of the Body, which is the church’s teachings on sexuality. Both Life Teen and Parent Life will end the evening with Eucharistic Adoration. A light dinner will be served for your family’s convenience. PFA General Meeting/Mental Health Initiative Kickoff on Nov. 12 On Wednesday, Nov. 12, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Saint Matthew Community Room, we will have the regular Parent Faculty Association general meeting, but this will be one of our Principal Presentations. We have arranged for the first of our speakers on mental health for our children with a special focus on depression, anxiety, suicide risks, crisis management/interventions, and resources for help. Kelly Turner, MPH, Director of Education, and Mike Dunn, Crisis Line Director, from Mental Health America of Greater Indianapolis ( will be presenting. Representatives from Community Behavioral Health will discuss services and clinician information. Important note: This presentation will be for adults only. The PFA will sponsor babysitting during the meeting. Mass and Adoration on Wednesday Nov. 9, 2014 8th Grade Poinsettia Sale Our 8th grade students are taking orders for poinsettias. Color choices are white, pink, or red for $7 each. All orders must be prepaid and turned into the school office by Monday, Nov. 17. Visit for an order form. Money raised will support the 8th grade Washington, D.C., trip this spring. Family Needs Reliable Used Vehicle Do you have a reliable minivan or station wagon that you are planning to trade in? Have you considered donating it for the tax write off? We know a needy family who could use your vehicle. Contact Aaron Haag in the parish office, 237-4297, ext. 2209. Volleyball Evaluation Schedule The Saint Matthew volleyball evaluation schedule is as follows: Saturday, Nov. 15: 4th grade girls, 2-3 p.m.; 5/6 boys, 3-4:15 p.m.; cadet boys, 4:30-5:45 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16: 5/6 girls, 2-4 p.m.; cadet girls, 4:30-6:30 p.m. For any questions, please contact Bill Jessee at 775-3457 or Cathedral Information Night Reminder: Cathedral High School invites Saint Matthew 7th and 8th grade students and families to an information night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 9. The family of Scott and Pam Frank will host this event in their home at 5408 Cranley Circle. Children’s Stewardship Thank you to the children of the parish for their stewardship examples: “helping w/puzzle,” “reading Bible,” “showing grandparents school,” “helping Jon puzzle,” “going to church,” “trying my best,” “helped up a friend who had fallen,” “was a good teammate on football.” The treasure was $12.50. Thank you for your generous hearts. Join us every Wednesday for Mass at 6 p.m. and Eucharistic Adoration from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Sign up for electronic giving at Saint Matthew Church code: IN187 Sponsor of the Week [Please Insert Ad for Twisted Sisters] Contributions Budget $362,940 $404,000 $18,660 $18,000 Year-to-date @ 11/02/14 $381,600 $422,000 Over (Under) Budget ($40,400) Year-to-Date @ 10/31/14 Weekend of 11/02/14 Art Fair in a Box! Mon. - Fri. 10-6 • Sat. 10-5 – Closed Sundays (317) 841-7177 View this bulletin online at 50/50 RAFFLE. The number drawn for Sunday, Nov. 2, was 1082, but the family did not play so there was no winner. The pot is now over $3,500, so don’t forget to play! Find 50/50 envelopes in the narthex. View these Sponsors @ SALES • SERVICE FINE RESTORATION Michael Alerding and Sam Schmutte are Proud Parishioners of St. Matthew Catholic Church Over 200 New & Used Pianos in Stock! Greg Durthaler, Parishioner Piano Solutions 317-582-1946 575 W. Carmel Dr., Carmel Plumbing-Heating Installation Air Conditioning Service JOHNSON-MELLOH, INC. 317-244-5993 Nationwide® Insurance & Financial Services Sherriff-Goslin Roofing Co. Nationwide Is On Your Side® 317-591-2660 Gregory J. Brelage, LUTCF FREE ESTIMATE @ 546-8777 Agency Owner Brelage Insurance Agency, Inc. 5451 Emerson Way or Ask for Phil Dall–Parishioner 40 Years of Serving Central In diana 317-632-2662 • 317-387-7000 Anne Kirk and Judi Kirk Sims ~ Parishioners PROFESSIONAL SPONSORS Elizabeth L. Groves, MD Ophthalmologist/Cataract Surgeon Parishioner Michael R. Fisher Attorney 1931 Brown St., Anderson GEMOLOGISTS • DESIGNERS • MANUFACTURERS Patrick Mulvany Attorney Art Fair in a Box! 765-644-1225 Mon. - Fri. 10-6 • Sat. 10-5 – Closed Sundays St. Vincent Medical Group (317) 841-7177 317-577-7070 • 3809 E. 82nd St. Carter A. Hofmeister – Parishioner A Pallet Co. of Westfield, Inc. “Total Automotive Service and Repair Center” Chris Cotton Parishioner 896-3820 17333 Westfield Park Rd. Call Advertise Your Business Here Diocesan Publications 1-800-282-5106 ® Price Quality Service Member FDIC All Size Pallets, Deliver & Pickup 5435 N. Emerson Way “New Location” We Buy, Sell, Repair, Recycle Sales - Scott (317) 687-9020 1305 S. Bedford 353-2141 (317) 542-5700 5120 E. 82nd St. (317) 542-5700 CatholicMatch Indiana View these Sponsors @ TODAY’S DENTISTRY Living and Working in Your Community Michael P. O’Neil, D.D.S. PARISHIONER Steve Sergi 849-2933 Broker/Parishioner 317-507-5883 FEENEY-HORNAK 71st at Keystone 257-4271 K eystone M ortuary Julianne Streiff Cell: 317-366-1366 SCRIPS Tim O’Connor Cell: 317-590-3785 RN, LPN, AIDES, PT, OT Medicare & Medicaid Certified Since 1968 Residential & Commercial 317-236-9672 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning • Color Repair Pet Odor • Stain Removal • Carpet Repair Tom Roosa, Parishioner Huser HomeCare Terri Ferguson, Trudy Gumbel Parishioners 317.845.5487 Chris Dossman, Realtor® Parishioner 317.213.3248 Parishioner Centre for Dental Health & Aesthetics (member SIPC) 317-284-1850 4715 Statemen Dr., Ste. G Between Allisonville & Dean LANDSCAPE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE 841-7559 MICHAEL NOLL, Parishioner www .N oll l aNdscape . com Ann Wolski, Parishioner 317.845.7777 NANCY K. PRUETT, D.D.S. Wealth Advisor, Senior Investment Mgmt. Consultant Kathy & Terry Huser Parishioner/Owners 10% OFF Open Sundays at 12:00 Experienced Worker or text 317-652-7965 for a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Amanda Huser MOSAIC & TILE CO., INC. 2707 ROOSEVELT AVE. Carpet 632-9494 Marble 1-800-282-5106 “Indy’s oldest heating & cooling co.” HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE & REPLACEMENT Please patronize our bulletin sponsors. HARRIS TIRE & AUTO John & Kara Traub Broadripple 255-4191 5425 N. Keystone (N.W. Corner of 54th & Keystone) Castleton 842-0800 8246 N. Allisonville South of 465 on Allisonville Rd. 28 Years of Catholic Education COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE AND TIRES 130 Yrs. of Service Owners 639-1111 8AM-6PM Mon.-Fri. 8AM-1PM Sat. 2164 (317) 577-1600 free estimate For Advertising Info Call: Continuing 6935 Lake Plaza Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46220 Pat Sullivan • Paul Schnieders NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL Bring bulletin in before 4pm Sunday for 71st & Keystone • 255-9230 • 49th & Penn • 924-5040 House Cleaning GEORGE’S Steaks • Pasta Sandwiches • Pizza Auto . Home . Life . Health FAMILY DENTISTRY CIMA®, CFP® 317-263-8722 317.257.2300 6308-D Rucker Rd. Leslie & Jim Deitchman Owners/Parishioners of St. Matthew STEVEN B. STAPLETON • Elder & Special Needs Care • Homemaker/Companion • Personal Care Services 255-5700 Susie Sokol 1-800-282-5106 The O’Connor-Streiff Team CARPET CARE Paul Weaver Providing Quality Care in the Comfort of Your Own Home Parishioners ROOSA 317-251-0700 For Advertising Information CALL Michael Hornak-Parishioner 12953 Publishers Dr. Ste. 100 Fishers, IN 46038
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