PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING BIRTHDAYS: Oct 28, CK Hicks, Shannon Stevens, Phillip Johns; Oct 30, Ken Abington, Ken Blankenship, Brooks Magee, Drew Blankenship, Maggie Loftin; Nov 1, Hal Crook, Joe Lee Rape, Jordan Stephens PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION Doris Smith; Paul Pendleton; Stacey Cordell; Dick Douglas; McKendree Walker; Luis Aguilar; Clay McKinnon; Maggie Moran; John Kormann; Lewis Edwards; Denise & Jim Sigler; Bonnie Everson; Linda Payne; and Johnathon Slavik; Shelby Shaw; Al Ross; McDaniel Wicker; Frank Jamison; The Falcetanos; Johnny Bain; Bonnie McNeill; Max; Taylor; Denise; Suzette; Shelly; Bobbie Skelton; Betty Cox; Megan Cloud Mayes; Frank Drechsler; Richard Forsyth & family; Gloria & Howard Alperin; Lila Black; Tom Throne; Bryan Hawkins; Brenda Jabbour; Donna McFadden; Andrew; and Mary Throne WE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE ON OUR PRAYER LIST, REMEMBERING TODAY: THE TIPTON FAMILY, OUR PASTORAL CARE TEAMS, ASHLEY STRANGE, JEANNE LEPACH, MARION PITTMAN, CAROLYN NESPOLI, T.I. DAVIS, VIVIENNE SCOTT, MARY NELL SMITH, JOY MIDDLETON, NIKKI SKILES, DAVID PARTLOW, SHARON CHESHER, BRIAN CLEMMER, STUART SKILES, JUNE MILLWOOD, BUTCH PORTER, ED & TERESA GRIFFIN, MILDRED WEBSTER, THE TANSIL FAMILY, HARRIET SWEETSER, SUSAN THOMPSON & FAMILY, AUTUMN WOODS, and DALE McFADDEN ALTAR FLOWERS Given to the glory of Almighty God And in appreciation for all Saint Andrew’s teachers and the many other volunteers who serve tirelessly PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS ORDER OF ST. LUKE HEALING CONFERENCE Last session is today at 9:45 AM in the parish hall The speaker is Linda Miller, former member of the North American OSL Board of Directors ANNUAL EYC HALLOWEEN PARTY Today, 5:00-7:30 PM, in the parish hall Food, games, prizes, costume contest, and hayride Bring a bag for your prizes and goodies Donations are accepted at the door Invite your friends and neighbors – all are welcome MEN’S CLUB MEETING Saturday, Nov 1, 9:00 AM Sen. Mark Norris will be speaking about the upcoming elections DINNER – NORMAN REDWING’S MINISTRY (GOOD SAMARITAN) Nov 1, 2:00–5:00 PM, in the parish hall Anyone interested in this event is encouraged to attend. It’s a great opportunity to be involved in hands-on outreach here at Saint Andrew’s. Please sign up to volunteer and/or attend Questions? Call Margaret Stewart (853-7294 or 634-4536) DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME DST ends at 2:00 AM on Sun, Nov 2 – set your clocks back Sat PM HORACE TIPTON TO VISIT WITH US AND GIVE PRESENTATION Sunday, Nov 9, 9:45 AM (during Christian Ed hour) He will update us on his ministry, Planting Faith, and he will present volunteer opportunities COLLIERVILLE LITERACY COUNCIL SCRABBLE FUNDRAISER Sunday, Nov 9, 2014, 1:00–4:30 PM At St. George's Independent School, 1880 Wolf River Blvd, just east of Houston Levee Rd off Wolf River Blvd Further details are posted in the parish hall and are also available online at Sign up in the parish hall for one of Saint Andrew’s teams. Form your teams for this fun and worthwhile event THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE Nov 27, 10:00 AM A sign-up for service participants is posted in the parish hall GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS THANK YOU: A warm thank-you to the ECW who attended the dinner to welcome me into the St. Andrew's community. A special thank-you to Beth Webb for hosting the event and to all those who brought delicious food. With thanks to Mary Throne, I am learning my way around Southern speak! I am looking forward to getting to know y'all better. Blessings, Susanne Eineigel CONCERT AND SOCIAL EVENT FOR ALL CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO 120! JOIN US FOR A CONCERT WITH LOCAL MUSICIAN MICHAEL COOPER, Saturday, Nov 8, at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary of St. Andrews. Tickets are $5 per person or $10 per family. BUT WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL! Meet in the parish hall before the concert from 6:00–7:00 PM for special sundae-making treats for the children and wine and cheese for the adults. Space is limited so see Jordan Stephens or Lisa Hawkins for tickets to this fun event! Questions? Call Lisa Hawkins at 860-9280. COMMEMORATION OF ALL FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Names will be read aloud at Morning Prayer on All Souls’ Day, observed on Monday, Nov 3. Please submit names to the church office by Oct 30. VESTRY NOMINATIONS: Three Vestry positions, each for a 3-year term, will be elected on Saint Andrew's Night, Dec 1. The nominating committee is finalizing their nominations. Nominees will be announced soon, and their bios will be published. STEWARDSHIP 2015: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). Please return your pledge cards and “time & talent” forms on or before Nov 9. Please contact Chris Coughlin (6473270) if you have any questions. Thank you. INQUIRERS’ CLASS: These words begin the sacramental rites of Baptism and Confirmation in the Book of Common Prayer: “There is one Body and one Spirit; There is one hope in God’s call to us; One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; One God and Father of all” (Eph 4:4–6). Membership in the church is grounded in baptism. The Episcopal Church recognizes baptisms performed in other denominations done in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for those desiring to become members. Christians from other denominations are encouraged to participate in our annual Inquirers’ Class to learn about the life, ministry, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church. Those who complete the class may then participate in the sacramental rite of Confirmation, Reception into the Episcopal Church, or the Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows with Bishop Johnson at Saint Andrew’s on Feb 1, 2015. Fr. David will be leading the next Inquirers’ Class on Saturday, Nov 15, from 9 AM to 3 PM. If you are interested, please sign up in the parish hall or call the church office. EYC MISSION STATEMENT: Our goal as a youth group is to be an all-inclusive community of young believers who set an example for other Christians in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Tim 4:12). EYC ANNOUNCEMENTS Today, Oct 26, 5–7:30 PM: Halloween Party. Eat lunch before you come. Meet at the church at 2:00 PM for setup. You’re welcome to stay after Sunday School—we’ll be at the church all day. EYC will eat dinner during the event, and EVERY-ONE must stay to clean up. No one gets to go home until everything is clean! Sat, Nov 1: EYC will participate in a service project. Details will follow Sat, Nov 8: Please plan to attend the concert with Michael Cooper and friends in the church at 7:00 PM. Social hour is at 6:00 PM in the parish hall. Tickets are on sale ($5 per person or $10 per family). Let’s plan to go as a group—we can sit together and enjoy some good music! Tue, Nov 11: Veterans Day—there is no school, and MIFA is offering a service project. Meet at the church at 7:30 AM, and you will be home around 12:30 PM. Parents will need to sign a MIFA waiver, so please let me know if you will be attending so I can get you the form. MIFA must have it by Nov 6 Fri, Nov 14–Sun, Nov 16: Bishop’s Bash for high school students. Remember, you must let Julie or Jill know if you are attending so we can pay half Sat, Nov 22: EYC will play Paintball. We’ll leave from the church at 10:00 AM and return around 1:30 PM. Cost is $25. Wear old clothes—long pants, long sleeves. We’ll be outside so come dressed for the weather. Lunch will be provided. We have only 20 spaces available, so the sooner you pay, the sooner we can reserve your spot! Thu, Nov 27: Thanksgiving Day. There’s a service at 10:00 AM Fri, Nov 28: Meals on Wheels—sign up in the parish hall LOOKING AHEAD Mon, Dec 1: Saint Andrew’s Night. If you are 18, you can go and vote. Otherwise, come hang out in the parish hall with all the youth of the parish. There’ll be games, and dinner will be served. Sat, Dec 13: We are packing Christmas baskets for the Neighborhood Christian Center. Always a pants-ripping good time! Sun, Feb 1: Confirmation at the 11:00 AM service July 12–28: Mission Trip WE WELCOME ALL GUESTS AT SAINT ANDREW’S THIS DAY. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CHURCH, PLEASE COMPLETE THE GREEN COMMUNICATION FORM LOCATED ON THE USHERS’ TABLE.
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