Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish 6032 Normandy Dr., Halifax, NS, B3K 2S9 (Phone: 902-454-5835) E-mail: / Facebook: Blessed Mother Teresa Of Calcutta Parish / Twitter: BL Mtr Teresa Parish—@BlMotherteresa October 19th, 2014 —29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday, **Friday at 9:00 am Wednesday 10:15 am NORTHWOOD MANOR **On the First Friday of each month Mass is at 7:00 pm Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:00 pm—Blessed Mother Teresa Sunday: 10:00 am—Blessed Mother Teresa Sacrament of Reconciliation: 3:15—3:45 pm Saturday Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 am—12 Noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Parish Staff: Fr. Andrew Rembarczyk—Pastor Rev. Mr. Bob Landry—Deacon Rev. Mr. Paul Carnell—Deacon Cathy Targett—Office Administrator Sue Hann—Finance Manager Susan Sarty—Director of Religious Education Jerry Campbell & John Bradley—Custodians Sr. Theresa McCarthy—Northwood MASS INTENTIONS: Tues. Oct. 21st — Funeral 10:00 †Craig Fawson Wed. Oct. 22nd— Northwood Thurs. Oct. 23rd — Grace Eisan (D) SACRAMENTAL REMINDERS Reconciliation: Saturday 3:15—3:45 pm; First Friday’s of the month during Adoration, following the 7:00 pm Mass. Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office for details. Marriage: Please contact Parish Office at least 6months in advance. Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a loved one is entering hospital or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Funerals: Please contact the Parish Office as soon as is convenient and the Parish staff will assist with the necessary arrangements. Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group —Friday Mornings after 9:00 am Mass in the Marian Room. K of C Card Social — Tues. evenings at 7:00 pm—Hall. ~~~~ Crafters—Tues. mornings at 9:30 am—Hall. K of C —Wed. Oct. 29th —6:00—9:30 pm—Hall. CWL—Mon.. Nov. 3rd—7:00 pm —Hall Liturgy –Tues. Nov. 4th —7:00 pm —Murphy Room. Seniors —Wed. Nov. 12th—1:00 pm —Hall ~~~~ The Parish Office will be closed on Fri., Oct. 24th for a Study Day. Sorry for any inconvenience. Friday Oct. 24th — Marg MacDonald (D) Sat. Oct. 25th— Grace Eisan (D) Last Weekend’s Collection: Envelopes: $1847.00 Loose: $204.30 Maintenance & Repair: $25.00 Total: $2076.30 IN THE PARISH There will be Religious Education Meeting in the hall Oct. 19th after 10:00 am Mass. New members are always needed & if there are any parents or parishioners who would like to join us, we welcome you. * We are in need of more altar servers. If there are any children or youth interested is serving on the altar please speak to Susan or Claudette. * Congratulations to Ryleigh Arsenault-Odell on her Baptism. May she receive God’s Blessings as she begins her Journey in Faith. * Fall Fair —Sat Nov. 8th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. Join us in the Hall for baked goods, crafts, games, and prizes. * The Social Committee needs Christmas decorations for a project they are doing. If you have any to donate, please contact Jim Evans at or 902 454-8700. * Blessings of peace and happiness from our Parish Community to Riccardo DiBacco and Shelley Heisler who were United in Holy Matrimony October 18th, 2014. May God bless you and grant you joy. May He deepen your love for each other. * The Memorial Mass for Parishioners who died in the last year will be celebrated Wed. Nov. 5th at 7:00 pm and we would like to invite their families to this celebration. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Please contact the Parish Office no later than Tues. October 28th to confirm attendance and ensure your loved one is on the list. * Remembrance Day Mass Tuesday Nov. 11th at 9:00 am. The Religious Education Committee will host our next coffee social Sun. Oct 26TH, after Mass, in the church hall. Join us. To all of the Ladies who participated in preparing the Thanksgiving Decorations in the Parish. * Daylight Savings Time Ends—-Please remember to turn your clocks back one hour — Sunday November 2nd at 2:00 am. IN THE COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS are needed at VERITAS Catholic Books and Gifts—1546 Barrington St., Halifax, Phone: 902-429-7216. * Women’s Prayer Breakfast 9:00 am to 12 noon, Sat. Oct. 25th at Msgr. Leo Day Auditorium — St. Agnes Church, Halifax. Information & tickets call Marlene Smuck at 902-443-4665 or Pre-purchased tickets only. * Baked Ham and Scalloped Potato Supper— Sunday , November 2nd —3:00—6:00 pm at Enfield Legion $15.00 adult; under 12 , $5.00. Tickets at the door. Professionally prepared by "Hans". Sponsored by Saint Bernard's Parish, Enfield. * St. Anthony’s annual fall and Christmas flea market Sat. Nov. 1st in the Hall at 27 Farrell, Dartmouth —9:00am to 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm and on Sunday, Nov. 2nd from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. For information call Gordon Jewers 902 469-5698. Free admission to flea market. * Sat. Oct. 25th, you are invited to attend the Transformation Workshop held at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Dartmouth from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please call our Parish Office to Register. * Blessings from Ad Sum House and Hope Cottage to the Parishioners who donated food items on Thanksgiving Day. Your generosity was so very much appreciated. To the members who sorted the items and delivered them, thank you sincerely for your kindness.
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