Weekend Mass Schedule: For Other Sacraments:

Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.
Confessions: Sat. 4:30 pm or by appointment
For Other Sacraments:
Call the Parish Office: 785-562-3302
(Call six months in advance for Matrimony)
In Western Christian theology, All Saints Day commemorates
all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. It is a
national holiday in many historically Catholic countries. In the
Roman Catholic Church, the next day, All Souls' Day,
specifically commemorates the departed faithful who have not
yet been purified and reached heaven. Catholics celebrate All
Saints' Day and All Souls' Day in the fundamental belief that
there is a prayerful spiritual communion between those in the
state of grace who have died and are either being purified in
purgatory or are in heaven (the 'church penitent' and the
'church triumphant', respectively), and the 'church militant'
who are the living. Other Christian traditions define, remember
and respond to the saints in different ways. www.catholiconline,net
The day before “All Saints Day’ is called “All Hallows Eve”.
This holiday, properly understood and celebrated with all of its
fun can be a way for us to deepen our understanding of our
faith. Today’s Christians sometimes forget that by the time of
Christ many Jews had a well-developed belief in the
resurrection of the dead, which included trust that the prayer of
the living could benefit the dead. It was with this
understanding that, 160 years before Jesus was born, Judah the
Maccabee prayed and offered sacrifice for dead comrades who
had sinned: “For if he were not expecting the fallen to rise
again, it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them
in death” (2 Maccabees 12:44). In effect, Halloween became
one vigil for two feasts celebrated by the whole church.
Many kids are more likely to put on ghoulish makeup to get
ready to trick or treat. Skeletons and jack-o-lanterns and
shocking costumes are very much a part of All Hallows Eve.
Death is not cute. Halloween began with martyrs, after all, so
strange makeup and skull masks are not out of line. Picture, if
you will, an All Saints procession led by St. Thomas More
with his head tucked under his arm or St. Lawrence, still
attached to the skewer that killed him.
Our tradition teems with stories of people who endured terrible
things-but never let it interfere with an underlying joy and trust
in God. (Of course, even the saints who weren’t martyred
deserve our recognition and imitation!) www.americancatholic.og
8:15 a.m.
7:15 a.m.
7:15 a.m.
7:15 a.m.
7:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
October 27th:
No Mass
October 28th:
+Edward & Blanche Cooper
October 29th:
+Juanita Hogan
October 30th:
+Albert & Alice Ketter
October 31st:
+Wes Nemec
November 1st: All Saints Day
+Clare Luke & All Souls
+Leroy Schroller & All Souls
+Eleanor Grauer & All Souls
November 2nd: All Souls Day
+Alvin Kloppenberg & All Souls
+Barb Bruna & All Souls
+Gilbert Schmitz & All Souls
SS. Gregory & Malachy Parishioners
Sun., Oct. 26th:
CCD classes at 9am in school
Confirmation class for 7th and 8th graders
in art room from 6:10—7:10pm.
Oketo Museum Potato Bake
Mon., Oct. 27th:
Rosary at 1:00 p.m.
Tues., Oct. 28th:
Rosary at 1:00 p.m.
Adoration from 5:00-11:00pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences
5th Grade Vocation Day
Wed., Oct. 29th:
Rosary at 1:00 p.m.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thurs., Oct. 30th:
Rosary at 1:00 p.m.
School Halloween parties at 2:30 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 31st:
Rosary at 1:00 p.m.
No School
Adoration after 7:15 Mass until 4pm
Sat., Nov. 1st:
Rosary at 1:00 p.m.
Sun., Nov. 2nd
CCD classes at 9:00 in school
Confirmation class for 7th and 8th graders
in art room from 6:10 - 7:10pm.
Youth Group 6pm in the Youth Room
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
Last week in the gospel, the Pharisees
Preliminary Offertory Collection
and the Sadducees tried to get Jesus
Envelope & Plate
caught up in a political hot button issue
of the day, whether to pay taxes to Rome,
the census tax. He avoided the issue by
World Mission Sunday
telling them to give to Caesar what is
*$10,500/wk. needed to pay the bills.*
Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. They
couldn’t argue with Him. He wasn’t
< Remember the Parish in your will or trust >
going to be trapped into downgrading
His Father’s authority and His will. Listening to all the politiTickets are on sale for $100 each for the Kansas
cal propaganda as come to the election, it is very easy for us
State Religious Education Raffle conducted each
to be caught up in it and fail to listen to the Gospel of today to
year by the Knights of Columbus. Please contact
love God above all and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We
Curtis Spicer no later than Wednesday, October
need to really listen to the first reading today, especially the
22nd if you are interested in buying a chance ticket.
command of molesting or oppressing aliens in our midst or
You can contact him by email at: curtis.spicer@gmail.com or
wronging widows or orphans. We must not get caught up in
call him at 785-268-1150.
whether someone is legal or not. That is not a concern of the
Scriptures. We are to have care and concern for these people.
I apologize,
The consequences for not having that care and concern are
I put the wrong name of the mother down for
grave. We must listen to the words and watch the actions of
Aden James Pacha
Pope Francis on this issue and not follow the standards of the
His parents are Cody and Sarah Pacha
world. Fr. Jim
Altar Society meeting Monday,
Bible Study-Sunday, October 26th at 6:00 p.m. in St. John’s
November 3rd at 7:00 p.m. We will
Convent in Hanover. Participants are encouraged to read
be finalizing the plans for Soup Day
Genesis 1-3. Discussion of these chapters will be followed by
The regular monthly meeting of the Knights of
a video presentation by Bible teacher Jeff Cavins.
Columbus will be on Thursday, November 6th at
8:00 p.m. following the rosary at 7:30 p.m.
Parrish Office: (785) 562-3302
Email: parishoffice@stgregorychurch.org
Fax: (785) 562-4039
207 N. 14th St., Suite B, Marysville, KS 66508
Hours: Tues—Fri. 9 am—Noon & 1 pm—4pm
Fr. James Shaughnessy, Pastor
Rectory: (785) 562-2989
Email: frjames@stgregorychurch,org
Sr. Eulalia Kloeker, Minister of Care (785) 353-2280
Mrs. Donna Fisher, Parish Secretary
Mrs. Deb Brucker, IT Cord. & Bookkeeper
Parish School: (785) 562-2831
Ms. Barbara Hawkins, Principal
Mrs, Susan Dressman, School Secretary
School of Religion:
Mrs. Allyson Lauer, 799-3175
Youth Group:
Mrs. Lori Haefele, 562-9214
Parish: Mr. Eric Stichternath, Pres.
Finance: Mr. Brandon Vering, Pres.
School: Mr. Kevin O’Neil, Pres.
Stewardship: Sandy Schmitz
To Reserve:
Parish Hall: Donna Fisher, 562-3302
K of C Hall: Joe Peschel, 562-3161
The Catholic TV Network, America’s Catholic Television
Network©, is now available to cable and satellite providers in
our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting
Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our
area and the entire nation.
To help, simply visit: GetCatholicTV.com as an easy way to
petition your cable or satellite provider. If you are unable to
access the internet please follow up with a postcard or letter to
your provider. Thank you
Parishioners who did not get their picture taken for the directory
can still submit their photo to be put in the directory. Photo’s
must be brought to the Parish Office no later than November
13th. The cost to submit your photo is $10 and you will receive
a directory. If it is a studio picture it probably has a copyright
and I do have forms in the office for that. Questions- 562-3302
Virtus Training session for all those needing the required
training who will be working with children (like teachers,
catechists and volunteers) will be held at the Annunciation
Church (Cigna Center) in Frankfort on Tuesday October 28th at
6:30pm. To register go to www.virtusonline.org and select
registration on the left. When asked, select the Archdiocese of
Kansas City in Kansas. Questions or trouble registering online
call St. Gregory School at 562-2831
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation)
classes will be starting soon. If you or anyone
you know is interested in
joining the church please contact Fr. Jim or
call the Parish Office.
Youth Group Bonfire will be
Sunday, November 9th from 6—
8pm. Contact Lori Haefele at 5629214 for permission slip & directions. Adult volunteers
CONFIRMATION class this Sunday from
will be needed for this event.
6:10—7:10 p.m. in the art room of school.
These classes are for all 7th and 8th graders or Attention all HS Students grades 9-12. There will be a
anyone who had not been confirmed.
Youth Group meeting on Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 6pm in
the Youth room. Topic; How to live your faith filled life
NEEDED—Crafts to sell at our Annual Soup Supper
which will be November the 13th here at St. Gregory’s. We in our challenging world.
will be also be selling baked goods. Start making your crafts The Catholic Heart Work Camp 2015 will be in the twin
cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul. June 7th –13th. There will
now and plan out what baked goods you want to bring.
be a mandatory CHWC meeting in the Youth Room on
Recycling: Men are needed to help with recyOctober 29th at 7:30 for any and all interested in going
cling on Sat. Nov. 1st from 9am to 11am. Please to the twin cities If you want a spot reserved get $85.00
call Sr. Eulalia or the Parish Office to volunteer
to the Parish Office ASAP.
Axtell K. of C. annual ALL YOU CAN EAT Boiled
Shrimp, Smoked Pork Chops, and Frog Legs dinner,
Nov. 8 from 5-8:30 p.m. at the Axtell Legion/Community
Building. Adults $15 in advance or $17 at the door.
Children 6-12: $7 in advance or $8 at the door. Raffle for
New Holland Wrangler Grill. See bulletin board in back of
church as to where to purchase tickets.
CCD classes are held every Sunday morning
at 9:00 a.m. unless posted otherwise in the
bulletin. For grades K-12
Questions? Call Allyson Lauer 785-799-3175
Nov. 9th—Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings.
Annunciation Parish, Frankfort Cigna Center.
Nov. 8th at 8:00 a.m. Bucyrus, Kansas. Go to:
Serving from 11am-1:30pm.
www.muddyudder.com for more information.
Country Store, Food Items, Crafts
This is a 5-mile run through the beautiful counNov.
Mary’s Fall Dinner & Bazaar- Wymore.
tryside featuring various terrains and obstacles
Turkey & Ham Dinner from 3:30-7PM.
such as hay bales, dirt fields, a creek, gravel road, mud pits,
Raffles, White Elephant & Bake Sale.
dirt mountains and more! Proceeds benefit OHR-Wea
Mary’s Annual Pancake Breakfast
School and Nativity House
from 7:30am-1:00pm. Free Will Donation
Nov. 9th—Sts. Peter & Paul CCD Biscuit & Gravy
Breakfast. Serving from1am-12:30pm at the
Oct. 27th:
Marcy Holthaus, Christa Obermeyer
Parish Hall. Free Will Offering/ Proceeds go to
Oct. 28th:
Gary Nelsen, Gary Pillard,
Right to Life.
Hillary Ronnebaum
Oct. 29th:
Mark LeSage
Please pray for all those listed below who have asked
Oct. 30th:
Judy Jo Claeys, Natalie Marquardt,
for our prayers: Stacy Ring Allen, Susie Appel, Tracy
Bill Oborny, Dan Pacha, Raymond Pacha,
Crome, Liz Arth, Jean Benton, Bob Husa, Sharon Sloan,
Virginia Ring, Helen Schwindamann
Mallory LeSage, Helen Vering, Gary Marquardt, Juanita
Oct. 31st:
Ethan Behrens, Mason Behrens, Helen
Lyhane, Jim Neville, Maurice Wassenberg, Mary Jane Foley,
Ellenbecker, Jennifer Franco, Konor Knecht
Rachel Marquardt, Gene Slupianek, Evelyn Anderson, David
Nov. 1st:
Mildred Burger
Detweiler, Donita Cohorst, Betty Melcher, Mike Watters,
Nov. 2nd:
Jason Boss, Shelby Brockman, Emma
Nancy Loch Keating, Janel Weigel, Alex Herrman, Roger
Kroeger, Linda Schmitz, Madison Volle
Seematter, John Schmidt, Phyllis Baker, David Welday,
Steven Appel, Phyllis Schmitz, Rick Ham, Winnie Nietfeld,
Oct. 27th:
Leo & Joyce Cudney
Lenora Bartek, Lane Rieth, Barry Baer, Connie Ackerman,
Oct. 29th:
Maurice & Evelyn Wassenberg
Pat Breeding, Ed Luppin and Karen Palazzola.
Nov. 1st:
Sheldon & Colleen Voet\
To add a name to the prayer chain, call Cathy Utecht
Richard & Crystal Wilson
at 562-5234 or Margaret Huffman at 562-3826.
Nov. 2nd:
Robert & Judy Ballman
To add your name here, call the office at 562-3302.
Junior, Missy, Petite
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Mens Apparel
Marysville, KS
Mon.-Fri. 8-8
Sat. 8-5
Sun. 12:30-5
Nordhus Motor
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(785) 562-2383
Marvin Kramer
Kenneth Sells
World Class
Locally owned and operated by
Gator & Sherry Gaydusek
Always looking for
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Blue Rapids, KS 66411
Price Auto
Greg & Debbie Price
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Troy Sedlacek
New Construction
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Independent Financial and Insurance Solutions
Specializing in Multi-peril
and Crop Hail Insurance
Agent/Owner Linda Schmitz
1507 Broadway, Marysville, KS
Phone (785) 619-6135
Jeff Sandstrom Realtor -Auctioneer
Jane Sandstrom Realtor - Associate
Marysville, KS 66508
Ph. 785-562-5304
712 Broadway, Marysville, KS
Custom Picture Framing
Cards, Gifts & Collectibles
Religious Items
Financial Life Planner
709 Broadway • Marysville, KS 66508
Robert and Regina McAnerney
Home, KS
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200 N. 12th Street
Marysville, KS 66508
Financial strategies. One-on-one advice.
910 Broadway
Marysville, KS 66508
Member SIPC
Donald Prell
Realty & Auction
Marysville, KS
(785) 799-3787
Cell (785) 562-6787
Kate Manley, AAMS®
Financial Advisor
Cedar Creek & Cherokee
by Forest River
email: marysville@oregontraileq.com
800 Center
800 Broadway
Marysville, Kansas
823 Broadway
Marysville, KS 66508
553 Pony Express Hwy.
Marysville, KS 66508
785-562-2346 or 800-253-1407
Marysville, KS 66508
Lewis Seed & Fertilizer
Home City Grain
208 Second St.
Home, KS 66438
Life & Disability Insurance
Retirement Annuities
Long Term Care
2506 Sunset Drive • Belleville, Kansas 66935
Phone: 785-527-9047 • adam.bruna@kofc.org
1152 Pony Express Hwy.
Marysville, KS 66508
24 Hour Wrecker Service
Marysville, Kansas
“When you roller, Send for Schroller”
1155 Pony Express Hyw. 36 · Marysville, KS