Orchard House The Old School Rooms Station Road Congresbury BS49 5DX Congresbury Parish Council Chairman: Locum Clerk/ Administrator: Tel: 01934 838802 www.congresbury-pc.gov.uk Email: clerk@congresbury-pc.gov.uk Email: admin@congresbury-pc.gov.uk Councillor Diana Hassan Tony Sawyer All Council meetings are open to the public and press TO: All Members of the Council 5th November 2014 Dear Councillor, You are summoned to a meeting of Congresbury Parish Council at St Andrew’s Room, The Old School Rooms, Station Road, Congresbury, on Monday 10th November 2014 at 7.00pm. The meeting will consider the items set out below. At the start of the meeting there will be a public participation session to enable the people of Congresbury to address the Council on any issue, subject to time available. Each speaker will be limited to a period of up to five minutes with a maximum total time of 15 minutes. Tony Sawyer Locum Clerk Emergency Evacuation Procedure for the Old School Rooms. AGENDA 14157 Minute Taker To approve Liz Greaves as minute taker for this meeting. Full Council Agenda 10th November 2014 1 of 4 14158 Public Participation This section will also include the following: District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Tom Leimdorfer (North Somerset Council) to give a short report on NSC matters affecting Congresbury. Police Report: PC Jason Foster (Avon & Somerset Police) to give a short report on policing matters affecting Congresbury. Youth Partnership: Drw Cannon to give a report on CYP activities 14159 Apologies for absence 14160 Declarations of Interest Members to declare any interests, including Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any requests from members for Dispensations. 14161 Exclusion of the press and public There are no confidential items on the agenda that require exclusion of the press and public. GENERAL BUSINESS 14162 Approval of minutes a. Full Parish Council meeting - 13th Oct 2014. b. Staffing Committee meeting – 20th Oct 2014 & ratification of TORs c. Planning Committee - 27th Oct 2014 14163 Actions Arising 14164 Annual Report 2013/14 To review progress on actions taken at Full Parish Council meeting on 13th Oct 2014 To receive the Annual Report of the Parish Council for the year 2013/2014 14165 Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies a. To seek an additional member to join Planning Committee b. To appoint a representative to Congresbury Youth Partnership . 14166 Xmas Festivities a. To receive an update from Cllr Hassan on the Broad Street Fair & seek volunteers to assist on the day as marshals b. To consider a request from the Congresbury Community Preschool for free use of the Old School Rooms for a xmas party. PLANNING 14167 Parish Planning Forum To review proposed topics for discussion at the NSC forum on 10 Dec and agree representation from the Parish Council Full Council Agenda 10th November 2014 2 of 4 14168 New Housing Development a. Cobthorn Way - To consider a motion from Cllr Sampson “That the Parish Council should send a letter to Sunley Estates reminding them of Congresbury current planning policy”. b. Joint Letter to North Somerset Council – To consider the request from Yatton PC for Congresbury PC to be a signatory to a joint letter from 5 Parish Councils concerning the strategy for new housing development, and agree any comments for inclusion. 14169 S106 Agreements To consider a motion from Cllr Beyfus “That the Parish Council writes to Mr David Turner, Director of Development & Environment, North Somerset Council requesting that a small group of Congresbury Parish Councillors could meet him as soon as possible to discuss the NSC approach to Parish/Town Council involvement in Section 106 funds” AMENITIES 14170 Allotments To consider a motion from Cllr Sampson “That the Parish Council purchase a shipping container for use as an allotment shed. The cost should not be more than £2010 exc VAT”. 14171 Library To receive a report from Cllr Hassan and consider a motion from Cllr Hassan “That the recommendations contained in the report be implemented”. 14172 Play Areas & Equipment a. To consider the following motions from Cllr Sewell as Secretary of the Millennium Green Trust: i) “That the small children’s play area, including the picnic table, of the Millennium Green be fenced at an estimated cost of £6000 to improve safety and prevent encroachment by dogs”. ii) “That some wooden steps are installed down the side of the big slide on the Millennium Green to make it easier for older carers to get down the slope at an estimated cost of £740 inc VAT for 16 steps”. b. To consider a motion from Cllr Sewell “That the Parish Council agree a strategy for funding maintenance and replacement of Play Equipment “. Options to be considered include: i)Maintain/repair/replace the current assets ii)Allow assets to reduce as items pass their safe life iii)Continue to enhance the assets FINANCE. 14173 Budget 2014/15 To note the 2014/15 budget performance year to date 14174 Payment Schedule To note the payments made Full Council Agenda 10th November 2014 3 of 4 14175 Notification by members of items for discussion Members can indicate their intention to submit items for discussion at the next meeting. Full Council Agenda 10th November 2014 4 of 4
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