November 2014
Session Clerk
Deputy Session Clerk
Presbytery Elder
Church Office
Church Officer
Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
Congregational Treasurer
WFO Treasurer
Finance Convenor
Gift Aid Organiser
Clerk to Congregational Board
Roll Keeper
Property Convenors
Revd Bryce Calder, 2 Roman Road
776 1434
Mrs E. Robertson
772 1323
J. Taylor, The Cottage Merkland
777 6485
Mrs I. McGregor, 1 Kinkell Gardens
776 5965
R. Versteeg, Craigdarroch Cott. Strathyre 01877 384736
A. Wilkin, 29 Forest Place
777 7607
Mrs I. McGregor, Office Administrator
776 4989
A. Manson, 1 Alder Avenue
776 2301
Mrs J. Clark, 25 Carrick Court
07549 150278
W. Lowe, 4 Roman Road
578 1366
Mrs B. Harris, 11 Park Avenue
776 2322
Revd Bryce Calder, 2 Roman Road
776 1434
Dr I. Ruddock, 13 Bellevue Road
775 1716
Mrs P. Johnston, 88 Alloway Drive
776 6471
Mrs J. Clark, 25 Carrick Court
578 5449
I. Poupart, 53A Kerr Street
776 0320
I. Johnston, 88 Alloway Drive
776 6471
Monthly Short Afternoon Service Mrs J. Hutchison, 100 Waverley Cres
776 4106
Editor of Newsletter
Mrs M. Aked, 11 Roman Road
578 6660
Life & Work/Newsletter Distribn Mrs C. Davis, 2 Bankview Drive
775 1076
Flower Convenor
Mrs H. Lang, 6 Ashcroft Ave, Lennoxtown 01360 310789
Youth Convenor
Mrs K. Wallace, 5 Applecross Gardens
01236 875273
Safeguarding Co-ordinator
Mrs A. Durie, 21 Northbank Road
775 0741
Offertory Arrangements
M. Kirk, 14 Kelvin Drive
776 1536
Hall Letting Convenor
I. Poupart, 53A Kerr Street
776 0320
J.A.M. Strawberries
Mrs K. Wallace, 5 Applecross Gardens
01236 875273
J.A.M. Raspberries
Mrs A. McKinnon 777 7987, Mrs A. Ferrie 578 1939
J.A.M. Dodgers
Mrs J. Taylor, The Cottage Merkland
777 6485
Boys Brigade (All Sections)
I. Poupart, 53A Kerr Street
776 0320
Rainbow Guides
Mrs K. Wallace, 5 Applecross, Mood
01236 875273
Mrs A. Durie, 21 Northbank Road
775 0741
Mrs L. MacKinnon, 1 Ailsa Drive
07764 948889
Girls Brigade: (All Sections)
Miss L. Dunn, 81 Rockfield Road
07882 995292
Café Youth Nite
Mrs D. McKay, 25 Waverley Park
776 0113
The Guild
Mrs I. Gibson, 25 Campsie View
776 5463
Choir Secretary
Mrs I. Hutton, 38 Gallowhill Road
776 7493
Mrs J. Taylor, The Cottage Merkland
777 6485
Social Committee
G. Crooks, 4 Moidart Gardens
776 6432
Mrs J. Hutchison 776 4106, Miss J Patrick 07898 128236
Prayer Chain
Mrs H. Martin 776 4430, Mrs J. Forsyth 777 8194, Mrs J. Clark 578 5449
November 2014
A short service will also be held in the Peel Park at 11:00 am on
Remembrance Day itself, Tuesday 11th November. This service, which
takes place at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, marks the
Armistice that brought to an end the First World War of 1914-1918.
Ninety-six years have passed since the end of the Great War but the
need to remember goes on undiminished, especially with thousands of
British Servicemen and Women on active duty in some very dangerous
locations throughout the world.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
NB On Remembrance Sunday a Retiring Offering will be collected
for the work of the Earl Haig Fund Scotland.
These words, which are always spoken at Remembrance Services in
the UK, are taken from the fourth stanza of Laurence Binyon’s famous
war poem “The Fallen”. It was written in mid September 1914, a few
weeks after the outbreak of the First World War. During these weeks
the British Expeditionary Force had suffered casualties following its first
encounter with the Imperial German Army at the Battle of Mons on
23rdAugust, its rearguard action during the retreat from Mons in late
August and the Battle of Le Cateau on 26th August, and its participation
with the French Army in holding up the Imperial German Army at the
First Battle of the Marne between 5th and 9th September 1914. Sadly
countless more lives were to be lost over the following four years of
bloody battle on land, in air, and at sea.
The Sacrament of Communion will be shared on Sunday 2rd November
at 10:30 am, 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm. The 3:00 pm service will be a
shorter, seated service. I will preach at the 10:30 am and 3:00 pm
service and our Reader Lynne Robertson will preach at the 6:30 pm
service. Communion Sunday will act as the culmination of our month
long Stewardship Campaign.
Letter from the Manse
Dear Friends:
2014 marks the One Hundredth Anniversary of the start of the First
World War and still we remember them, the fallen. The fallen not only
of the Great War but of all wars: before and since. We remember with
sadness, with gratitude and with a determination to work for peace.
Our annual Remembrance Service will be held on Sunday 9th
November at 10:30 am and will incorporate the ‘two minute silence’
[with the rest of the nation] at 11:00 am. Following the Church Service
there will be a short Act of Remembrance at our own War Memorial in
the Church Gardens at 12:00 noon. At 12:15 pm a Walk of
Remembrance will then take place from St. David’s Memorial Park
Church to the Town War Memorial in the Peel Park. This Walk of
Remembrance will culminate with a short service in honour of those
whose names are inscribed upon the War Memorial there.
The week before Remembrance Sunday we will celebrate the
Sacrament of Communion at St. David’s Memorial Park Parish Church.
In this sacrament, Jesus calls us to remember him through the gifts of
bread and wine.
We will also celebrate the Sacrament of Communion at the Lunchtime
Service on Tuesday 4th November at 12:00 pm. As usual this will be a
30 minute, all-seated service.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite everyone in the
congregation, who is able, to come along to our November
Communion. If, for any reason, you are unable to attend and would like
a Home Communion, I will be happy to organise this with you. Please
contact either myself or your District Elder.
God Bless: Your Friend & Pastor: Bryce Calder
At my most recent doctor’s visit, in connection with my ongoing illness, I
have been advised to reduce my workload over the next three months.
With Lynne’s help, good Elders and an excellent Pastoral Care Team I
think everything should work fine. Thank you for all your continued
thoughts and prayers.
Page 2
A Poem For Remembrance
A Prayer For Communion
Lord God, as we prepare for our coming November Communion
Season hear our thoughts and prayers:
Jesus said:
“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of
[Matthew 5:9]
Peace is not a thing to possess, but a way of possessing:
Peace is not a gift to be given, but a way of giving:
Peace is not a topic to teach, but a way of teaching:
Peace is not a theory to learn, but a way of learning:
Peace is not an opinion to hold, but a way of holding:
Peace is not a resolution of strife, but a way of striving:
Peace is not a creed to preach, but a way of preaching:
Peace is not a God to serve, but a way of serving:
Peace is not a question to ask, but a way of asking:
Peace is not an answer to seek, but a way of seeking:
Peace is not a journey’s end, but a way of journeying.
You invite us to share this meal:
Gladly we come
You invite us to receive your love:
Joyfully we accept
You invite us to unload our burdens:
Gratefully we let them go
You invite us to follow where you would lead us:
Freely we respond
By Richard Skinner
Though our faith is poor:
Your grace is rich
Though we deserve so little:
You give us so much
Though we daily prove false:
You always stay true
Father God, we will come: As you have called us.
We will come to share together and to share with you.
When we gather:
Receive our Praise
Receive our Thanks
Receive our Worship
For your Name’s sake:
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On the chancel –
a decorated arch
displaying seeds, nuts
and vegetables
Pulpit decorated with flowers,
and underneath is the harvest
sheaf loaf baked by Lynne
Centre aisle displaying
various harvest gifts,
on ‘twig trees’,
each tree decorated
by one of the
youth organisations
Scarecrow with
vegetables and
flowers welcoming us
in the vestibule
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Page 6
Sycam News – November 2014
The next fundraising event for Friends of SYCAM is a day at The
Coach House in Balmore on Saturday 8th November, when a
percentage of the takings from the day will go to Friends of
SYCAM. The Coach House will be open from 10.30am till 5pm
and it will be an opportunity to get some Christmas shopping
done – don’t forget the Charity Christmas cards – whilst
supporting SYCAM.
Jill Taylor
Sunday 23rd November 2014
Please come along to the hall after the morning
service and enjoy a bowl of delicious soup and a
sandwich. All donations will go to this year’s Guild
Comfort Rwanda - Building a Better Rwanda
Scottish Churches Housing Action - Julius Project
World Mission Council - Out of Africa .... into Malta
Page 7
Greetings in Jesus Name! By God's grace we reached India safely on
the 8th of October morning around 10am. Thanks to everyone who
prayed for our safe journey. We had a fabulous time with our children
and our precious granddaughter, Ava Grace. We enjoyed our time and
had good fellowship with our extended God-given families in U.K.,
loving and caring friends and all our lovely spiritual children. We give all
glory, honour and praises to God. We extend our heartfelt thanks to
you for all your love, care, concern and hospitality shown towards us
when we were with you in U.K. May God bless every one of you!
Please continue to remember us and our ministry before the Throne of
Grace, as we keep serving God together as long as we live. “The
longer we serve Him the sweeter He grows. The more we love Him
more love He bestows. Each day is like Heaven, our heart overflows.
The longer we serve Him the sweeter He grows.” The greatest thing in
all our life is serving Him, loving Him and praising Him. We will also
Page 8
continue to remember all of you in our prayers as you keep loving and
serving God. Love and hugs to everyone.
Here the climate in general was still hot and it was a little difficult to
cope with it after we came from a cold climate. We have started our
routine work with His grace and power. For the past couple of days we
had good showers and now it is little cool now. Please pray for us and
for the work entrusted in our hands. In August and September some
eight children celebrated their birthdays. So when we came back we
had a small celebration for them with cake cutting and with a special
meal. Children were very excited and happy to see us once again. We
enjoyed every bit of their excitement and joy. Prashanth is suffering
with severe skin sores. We took him to a skin speciality doctor and he
is treating him. Please pray for his speedy recovery.
God willing we are having 40 days prayer in our church from the 23rd of
October to the 1st of December 2014. We will be praying for all the
friends and families and for all the churches and leaders mainly for a
great revival and for a great harvest of souls all around the world. We
will be praying for every country and for the problems they face and for
all the unsaved people to be saved. Every people should be saved and
every people should bear witness for Christ is our heart’s burden and
desire. If you are also interested please join us in prayer according to
your time convenience. Please send your prayer requests and be
assured of our prayers.
Page 9
The children are preparing for their exams on the one hand and on the
other, they have started practising for the Christmas function which will
take place in Ambattur Sycam premises on the 23rd of December
evening and then Christmas Eve and thanksgiving on the 24th of
December at our church. Every year we have a celebration in these two
places and invite the community for the Christmas show by the children
and youth and at the end give them the gospel of love and lead them to
commitment to God. We also give the children Christmas gifts and
sweets. More than everything we give them the greatest gift Jesus
Christ. Every year a few people give their lives to Jesus. That is the
greatest joy Christmas brings to us. During Christmas we buy our
children new dresses, toys, cakes and sweets and a wonderful meal.
The children are so excited and awaiting for their Christmas gifts and
new dresses this year. Our children, with great excitement, are having
daily practice and working hard to put up a big show on the 23rd and
24th of December. Please pray for these wonderful children and for all
their needs during this Christmas season and for the Lord to bless their
efforts as they exhibit their talents for God’s glory. Please pray for all
the challenges we face in running this Children Home and School.
All our Youth groups too are working hard to put up a big show, totally
Christ centred on the 24th of December as we celebrate Christmas Eve
and thanksgiving. We want to impress the community with a show and
then impart the message that Christ should be born in every heart and
Page 10
home because Christ alone can change lives and fill their hearts with
His peace and unspeakable joy.
By God’s grace our church work and Gospel outreach ministries are
progressing well. Establishing the kingdom of God in the hearts of the
people and making disciples is the main aim of our ministry. Please
pray for this prayer request. We do our part and leave the rest to God
because without Him we can do nothing.
During the Christmas season and whenever God provides, we help the
Leper community, Gypsy community, the visually impaired people,
widows and aged people with new clothes, bed sheets, rice bags,
medicines and some money. They keep calling us every time for help,
food stuffs, clothes and hygiene items. We can satisfy their longing only
when God provides us through your generous help. Christmas is a time
of giving. “He who considers the poor and has pity on them lends to
the Lord”. Please pray and if God inspires in your hearts to help these
deserving people, please come forward with your liberal helps. The
estimate to help the Sycam children, leper community, gypsy
community, visually impaired people, the widows, the aged people and
the co-workers are all given below. Please pray and do your best. God
will do the very best for you. God loves a cheerful giver and God will
recompense you hundred folds and manifolds.
4. CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO GYPSIES: (Clothes: Lungis & Shirts for
men; Sarees for women, Rice Bags, Lentils and good snacks/ food
packs. 100 Gypsies (& Children) x £8 = £800
5. CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO BLIND PEOPLE: (Clothes: Lungis & Shirts
for men & Sarees for women, with Food Packs and money)
100 People x £8 = £800
AGE & VERY POOR PEOPLE. 60 People x £6 = £360
In His Eternal Love and Service,
Pastor Emmanuel Milton &
Pastor Annie Mercy Emmanuel.
SYCAM, Chennai, India. further details please contact Friends
of SYCAM, Revd Bryce Calder, John and Jill Taylor, Kath
(Ready Made Dresses (Each Two Sets), dolls, toys & Other Christmas
Gift items. With sweets, cakes, & special food.£20 each for 35 children
in SYCAM Home = £700
(Gift items like lunch boxes, pencil boxes, dolls, toys, sweets & special
snacks.) £7 each for 50 children = £350
3. CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO LEPERS: (Clothes: Lungis & Shirts for men;
Sarees for women; Micro cellular rubber shoes; Medicines; Rice bags
and lentils) 120 Lepers x £8 = £960
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Daily Bible Readings
Day 1 Genesis 1. 1,2 Just how did God create the earth?
Day 2 Genesis 41 1 - 40 Pharaoh recognised the Spirit of God in
Joseph. Do those you meet see you as a person in whom the Spirit of
God lives?
Day 3 1st Corinthians 3. 10 - 17 What are your foundations built on?
Day 4 Exodus 31. 1 - 11 God regards all the skills of his people. What
are some of yours?
Day 5 Judges 6. 1 - 40 Compare verse 15 with verse 34.
Day 6 Judges 15. 1 - 20 What flaw do you see in Samson’s character
in verse 16?
Day 7 1st Samuel 11. 1 - 11 When injustice makes you angry, ask God
how you can channel that anger into constructive ways to help bring
about a positive change.
Day 8 1st Samuel 19. 1 - 24 Prophesying - Saul spoke God’s words
although he was far from thinking God’s thoughts.
Day 9 1st Chronicles 28. 11 - 21 When faced with a task don’t focus
on fear, just ‘get on with it.’
Day 10 2nd Chronicles 24. 17 - 25 Why do you think the people turned
away from God?
Day 11 Isaiah 61. 1 - 3 Jesus used these words as a manifesto for his
ministry. Luke 4.18
Day 12 Ezekiel 36. 22 - 32 God promised that the Law would no longer
be a burden. How was this going to happen?
Day 13 Joel 2. 28,29 God’s promise of his Spirit was for all people but
it would remain unfulfilled for 300 years.
Day 14 Luke 1. 26 - 38 Mary only knew that God was asking her to
serve Him and she willingly obeyed.
Day 15 Luke 1. 39 - 45 Elizabeth recognised Mary as ‘the mother of
my Lord’ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Day 16 Luke 1. 57 - 80 All the Old Testament prophecies were coming
true. No wonder Zechariah praised God.
Day 17 Luke 1. 5 -15 The presence of the Holy Spirit is a gift from
Day 18 Matthew 3. 11 - 17 verse 11 looks ahead to Pentecost.
Day 19 Acts 2. 1 - 13 Why were all these places mentioned? v 9 - 11
Day 20 Acts 2 36- 47 What did those 3000 filled with the Holy Spirit do?
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Day 21 Acts 4. 23 - 31 How can we be more bold?
Day 22 Acts 7. 54 - 60 What was the result of Stephen being stoned?
Day 23 Acts 10. 23b - 48 How shall seekers find God unless someone
points the way.
Day 24 1st Corinthians 2. 6 - 16 Paul’s authoritative words came under
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and were thoughts and words of God.
Day 25 1st Corinthians 6. 12 - 20 What does Paul mean when he said
that our bodies belong to God?
Day 26 1st Corinthians 12. 1 - 11 All spiritual gifts come from the Holy
Spirit and their purpose is to build up the members of the church.
Day 27 Ephesians 1. 15 - 23 Pray the Holy Spirit will help you know
Day 28 Ephesians 6. 10 - 20 How can you pray on all occasions?
Day 29 1st John 4. 1 - 6 Don’t believe all you hear or read. Check to
see if it is consistent with Christ’s teaching. See Acts 17. 11
Day 30 Revelation 2. 1 - 7 Note that John says the Ephesians did not
hate the people, just their practices.
(originally compiled by Gregor McGregor)
Organiser: Jane Hutchison 776 4106
1 Margaret Morrison 578 1857
4 Jean McMillan
2 Jean McNeill
776 3023
5 Mary Miller
3 Jean Morrison
01360 310 097
Mary Lowe
Andrew Johnston
Farrell McCann
Matt Kirk
578 1366
776 3638
775 0538
776 1536
578 3947
578 1068
Helen Lang
01360 310 789
Mary Law
578 4365
Sheena Lamont
776 0678
Page 14
Dates For Your Diary
November 2014
1 Nov 10.30am – 1.30pm Samaritan’s Purse Lunch Box
2 Nov 10.30am
Morning Communion
Afternoon Communion
Evening Communion and
4 Nov 12.00noon Short Lunchtime Service
8 Nov 10.30-5pm Coach House event for Sycam
9 Nov 10.30am
Morning Worship –
Remembrance Service
11 Nov 12.00noon Short Lunchtime Service
12 Nov 7.30pm
Kirk Session
16 Nov 10.30am
Morning Worship
18 Nov 12.00noon Short Lunchtime Service
23 Nov 10.30am
Morning Worship and Guild
Soup Lunch
25 Nov 12.00noon Short Lunchtime Service
26 Nov 7.30pm
Congregational Board
Morning Worship
30 Nov 10.30am
Monthly Seated Afternoon Service
The Guild
On November 11 Bill Black will come and give us a talk on Glasgow
Sunday 23 November is the end of Guild Week and the Guild will be
holding a Soup Lunch in the large Hall after the morning service to
raise funds for their Projects. Hopefully this event will be well attended
by the members of the church as in previous years.
November 25 - Film Night – further details to follow.
Isabel Gibson
December 2014
7 Dec
9 Dec
14 Dec
21 Dec
24 Dec
25 Dec
28 Dec
10.30 am
11.15 pm
10.30 am
10.30 am
Morning Worship
Short Lunchtime Service
Morning Worship
Service of Lessons and Carols
Watchnight Service
Christmas Day Nativity
Morning Worship
Friendship Club
The Friendship Club meets on alternate Tuesdays in the Garden
Room from 2.00pm until 3.30pm. Dates for November - 4th and 18th.
The Month’s Good Cause for October 2014 is Church House,
Bridgeton. Envelopes for donations may be found in the vestibule and
windowsills in the passageway or use your own envelope, marked
’Month’s Good Cause’. Please return the envelopes in the collection
Page 15
If you would like to come and join us we would be delighted to have
your company.
Page 16
The following have kindly agreed to donate flowers to beautify our
church, and distributors have volunteered to deliver them to the sick at
home or in hospital.
Communion Service
Mr and Mrs S Morrison, Mrs L McMeeking, Mrs M Smart
Remembrance Day
Miss M Smith, Mrs J Hutchison, Mr M Bond
Mrs L Kirk, Mrs M Law, Mrs G Wilkin
23rd The Conway Family
30th The McCall Family
14th Mrs M Sands, Mrs M Young, Mrs A Eldridge
21d The Findlay Family, The Walker Family
28th Mr & Mrs W Miller, Mrs Mary Law
Mrs W McCann, Mrs F Reid, The Gorrie Family
Mrs Wilma McCann
Miss Elizabeth Waddell, Mrs Lesley Kirk
Mrs May Wilson, Mrs Margaret Smart
Mrs Barbara Stewart ,Mrs Christine Davis
Mrs Ann Hamilton, Mrs Linda McMeeking,
Mrs Sheena Lamont
Mrs Marion Maxwell
Mrs Margaret Sands, Mr Matt Bond
Mrs Margaret Young, Mrs Helen Lang
Mrs Karen Gregory
Mrs Ann Poupart
Page 17
9th Nov
16th Nov
23rd Nov
30th Nov
7 Dec
14th Dec
21st Dec
28th Dec
Mrs H Cameron, Mr A Muir
Mrs D Crooks, Mr G Pepper
Mr R Ferrie, Dr I Ruddock
Mrs J Conway
Mrs M Young, Mrs E Miller
Mrs A Durie, Mrs T Klimowicz
Mr C Harris, Mrs B Harris
Mr S Morrison
Mrs C Davis, Mr J McInally
Mr F McCann, Mrs W McCann
Mrs A McCammon, Mrs C Brown
Mr W Lowe
Mr G Crooks, Mrs A Selbie
Mr J Whyte, Dr I Ruddock
Mr J Taylor, Mrs J Muir
Mrs B Harris
Mr A Johnston, Mr A Conway
Mr A Wilkin, Mr J Reade
Mr I Poupart, Mr G Ewing
Mrs M Wilson
Mrs K McKenzie, Mrs D Crooks
Mrs H Muir, Mr G Pepper
Mrs M Aked, Mrs H Martin
Mrs L Kirk
Mrs L Hamilton, Mr I B Hamilton
Mrs P Johnston, Mr I Johnston
Mrs I McGregor, Mrs M Law
Mrs J Conway
Mrs H Cameron. Mr A Muir
Mr D Clark, Mrs J Clark
Mrs K Gregory, Mrs J Cross
Mr S Morrison
Mrs A Durie, Mrs T Klimowicz
Mr C Harris, Mrs B Harris
Mrs M Young, Mrs E Miller
Mr W Lowe
Please note: Only the office bearers on duty in the vestibule are
required for the count.
Page 18
Baptisms “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing”.
Psalm 127, v 3
On 3rd October 2014
Oliver Phakin Gibson, Thailand
Born 27 March 2014
On 5th October 2014
Luke Ronald Clement Anderson
2 Speyburn Place, Stepps
Born 5 April 2014
(District 52)
Marriage “Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or
proud… love never gives up… love is eternal.” 1 Corinthians 13, v4-8
On 25th October 2014
Miss Inese Mileiko to
Mr Alasdair Klimowicz, 37 Muirside Avenue, Kirkintilloch
(District 24)
D e a t h We remember this family in our prayers:
“Everything that happens in this world happens at the time
God chooses… the time for birth and the time for death”.
Ecclesiastes 3, 1-2
On 7th October 2014
Mr Thomas Alexander
45 Alexandra Street, Kirkintilloch
(District 10)
The Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10 NKJV)
Helping others brings happiness, but selfishness never can. A ragged
urchin stood looking into a sweet shop window. A man came along and
observed the scene, took him inside and said to the saleslady, ‘Fill a
bag with every kind of sweet he wants’. The boy couldn’t believe his
luck. As he filled his mouth with sugary delights, his benefactor asked,
‘Is that good, son?’ He nodded in the affirmative: ‘Uh huh’. Then the
man asked, ‘Could I have some?’ Immediately the boy’s look of joy
turned to fear, and clutching the bag he ran away shouting, ‘Mine,
Happiness doesn’t come by getting: it comes by forgetting yourself and
living for others. Job, one of the richest men in his day, lost his health,
his wealth, and his family.
It’s hard to imagine, right? Then an
amazing thing happened. ‘The Lord restored Job’s losses, when he
prayed for his friends’. (v. 10 NKJV) Job actually got back twice what
he lost. How? By reaching out to others instead of dwelling on his own
problems. And that principle still works today. Jesus warned, ‘Take
heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in
the abundance of the things which he possesseth’. (Luke 12:15 KJV)
God blesses you for one reason: to make you a blessing to others.
You’re not supposed to be a warehouse – but a clearing house. For
every verse in Scripture that promises material success, there’s
another that speaks of the dangers of hoarding. So the word for you
today is helping others brings happiness, but selfishness never can.
John Taylor has retired from his position as Office
Administrator. The Minister and Kirk Session would
like to thank John for his years of diligent and exacting
work and wish him every blessing in his retirement.
Appointment They would also like to congratulate Isobel McGregor
on her appointment as his successor in the office and
assure her of every good wish and support in the days
Page 19
Page 20
In East Dunbartonshire
Saturday 8th November 2014
The Park Centre, Kerr Street,
10.00 am - 12.30 pm
Ticket £2
Our website address is Our e-mail address is:
Scottish Charity Number SC007427