Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692 Deacons Joseph Benincasa Frank Gonzalez Music Director Jennifer Wells Trustees Dennis Canese Marion G. Dreyfus Parish Social—Outreach Ministry Maureen Russell Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi Associate Pastors Rev. Johnny Mendonca Rev. Charles N. Srion Rev. Allan Arneaud Faith Formation Coordinator Debbie Hurley Retired Priest in Residence Rev. William D. O’Rourke Parish office: (516) 352-0146 FAX: (516) 326-7427 Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554 Outreach: (516) 775-0840 Web Site: Sunday Masses Saturday: Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center 5:00PM Church 8:00PM Sunday: Church 7:30AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center 9:00AM, 11:00AM and 1:00PM Weekday Masses Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM Parish Office Hours 990 Holzheimer Street Monday to Thursday, 9 AM—8 PM Friday, 9 AM—7 PM Saturday, 9:00AM—4:00 PM Sunday, 10:00AM– 1:00PM Parish Membership New members are welcome to our parish family and should register at the Parish Office. All are invited to join our many and varied Parish Ministries and Societies. Getting Married? Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon before making social arrangements. Prayer Life Adoration: Fridays 9:00AM-9:00PM in the Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after the 8:00AM Mass Parishioners with Special Needs The Church & Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center are accessible through the doors on the right side of the Church, where two buildings meet. The Sienna Center is Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours accessible through front door. An elevator is available 995 Lutz Street through main door of Sienna Center (left side of stairs) Monday through Friday, 11:00AM-1:00PM which allows access to Church as well. Thursday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM Assisted Listening Devices are available in the Church, 1St Saturday of the month 11:00AM - 1:00PM for the hearing impaired. Please ask an usher if you need Additional hours by appointment only. one. Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may be Anointing of the Sick reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at There is a communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursday 775-0840, if you have additional needs to be addressed. during the 8:00AM Mass. Please notify a priest if anyone is Mass for those with special needs, family & friends is sick at home. celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM Emergency sick calls at any time: Call 352-0146 Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center. We Celebrate Baptism We celebrate welcoming new people to our parish through Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Children: Celebrated every Sunday at 2:00PM (except Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday - January – June 2014) First & Third Saturdays at 12:30pm Beginning July 2014. Prep. Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM (pre-registration is required) Adults: Adults to be Baptized or Confirmed are invited to call the Parish Office for assistance. Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00PM-5:00PM and 7:30PM - 8:00PM Professional Therapy & Counseling Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish. Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503. Fourth Sunday of Easter May 11, 2014 SANCTUARY LAMP During the week of May 11, the Sanctuary Lamp will burn in our Church In Memory of Robert Thornton With the Prayers of Robert, Vincent, Christopher, & Mary Grace Thornton (May 12 - May 18) MON. 8:00 AM May 12 - Sts. Nereus & Achilleus; St. Pancras Mother's Day Novena Maryann DoNohue TUES. 8:00 AM May 13– Our Lady of Fatima Mother's Day Novena Francine Cardella WED. 8:00 AM May 14– St. Matthias Mother's Day Novena Peter Brandel THURS. 8:00 AM May 15– St. Isidore Mother's Day Novena Tom Florez FRI. 8:00 AM May 16 Mother's Day Novena Dr. Maria Teresa Bautista SAT. 8:00 AM 5:00 PM May 17– St. Damien de Veuster Mother's Day Novena Daniel Imbrenda Thomas & Patrick Collins Angelo Lorenzo Josephine MiGliore Edward O'Halloren Vera Whalen 8:00 PM SUN. Church 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30AM Sienna Center 9:00 AM 11:00AM 1:00 PM BREAD AND WINE During the week of May 11, the Bread and Wine used at Masses will be In Memory of Maria & Rocco Recine & Lina Marini With the Prayers of Maria Simone OUTREACH Work We Do To Help Others This Week Is For Louis Marino In Thanksgiving of God’s Special Blessings With the prayers of Mary Ammirati PARISH ‘IN HOME’ PRAYER PROGRAM Host Family/Individual: PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA MAYRA CESAR PAYANO May 18—5th Sunday of Easter U.S.NAVY Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson For the People of the Parish Mother's Day Novena Frank Verde USMC Sgt. Patrick Brady PFC Erik Jacobsen LCpl Michael P. Kelly Patricia E. Porter Robert Heinimann Eleanor Hartmann PRAY for DECEASED and their Families: Paolo Bonasia, Gregory S. Claire, Alice Lande, Kerry Aalbue, Gina Savage, Colette Stampe. ET3 Peter J. King E3 Thomas Mannle USAF Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan Airman 1st Class. Phil Gautiere U.S.ARMY Maj. Thomas Babbitt Cpl Thomas R. Kroez, Jr. Maj. Catherine Babbitt Sgt. Michael Salemi Cpl. Christopher Montes Capt. Richard Babbitt M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen Cpl. Joseph Blaikie Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise Robert Vitale PFC Conor Bonaventure PRAY for the SICK: Karl Westhauser Jr., Mary Wallace, Maureen Daddino, Wyatt Wilson, Al Martino, Loretta Rosano, John Lattuga, Ann Parazzelli. MISSION STATEMENT As members of St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and through worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith. From Msgr. Figliozzi Scriptural Reflection for the Week “[Jesus ] himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” (see 1Peter 2:20b-25) Could it be that Peter’s triple denial of Jesus and then the three times Jesus asked Peter “do you love me?” could make Peter so crystal clear in expressing the heart of the Gospel with these words from his first letter? I think we all have to say “Yes”. First seeing what happened to Jesus in his arrest and crucifixion and then seeing the Risen Jesus and being asked by him about love had a life changing effect on Peter. Peter realizes that we are only made whole because of the hurt, the love, Jesus was willing to undergo because of us and for us. Jesus is teaching all of us about what love truly looks like. Love is beautiful and real when there is present that element of laying down one life’s, one’s plans, one’s desires, for someone else. On this Mother’s Day 2014, we acknowledge the love that mothers have for their children in loving us this way, the way Jesus loved! Mother’s Day 2014 Our novena of Masses begins on Sunday, May 11th. Please place your prayer request in the envelope provided and place in any collection at weekend Masses. “Through a Mother’s Eyes: What Children Teach Us” Please read this interview with Helen Alvaré which is found in today’s bulletin Festival Volunteers Meeting Is this Monday, May 12th, at 7:30pm in the Sienna Center. All CAPTAINS and VOLUNTEERS should attend this meeting for important updates. All NEW volunteers are welcome to attend this meeting to sign up for this year’s festival as well. Mission with Al Barbarino From May 19-21 at 7:30pm in the Sienna Center. See the flyer in today’s bulletin with more information. Catholic Ministries Appeal Thank you to all who have made pledges to this year’s appeal. All who have yet to pledge are encouraged to do so asap so we can maximize this year’s rebate and make it a major fund raiser for the parish. Last Weekend’s Collection $13,131.00 Thank you for your support of your parish. One Final Thought “God has invested all his love in creating human life. That is why we are not entitled to destroy it, especially we who know that Christ has died for the salvation of that life. Christ has died and has given everything for that child.” Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Stewardship….. Reflection Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Good stewards are grateful for the gifts of life and joyfully share their abundance with others. Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who respond and give thanks for God’s blessings by sharing their gifts of time and talent in service “to and through” our parish ministries. lit · ur · gy n. a form of public worship; a collection of formularies for public worship; the celebration of the Eucharist Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish LITURGICAL CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS May 2014 (Month of Our Lady) 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter 25 Sixth Sunday of Easter 29 The Ascension of the Lord (Holy Day of Obligation) 31 Mass in Italian (7:30PM St. Catherine of Sienna Chapel) Scripture Readings for the NEXT SUNDAY. . . Fifth Sunday of Easter 5.18.14 Reading I Reading II Gospel - Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7 1 Peter 2: 4-9 John 14: 1-12 For weekday readings visit our diocesan website at and go to THE DAILY READINGS Easter Season Prayer (Pray daily through Pentecost Sunday - June 8th) Lord, The resurrection of Your Son has given us new life and renewed hope. Help us to live as new people in pursuit of being an example to others. Grant us wisdom to know what we must do, the will to want to do it, the courage to undertake it, the perseverance to continue to do it, and the strength to complete it. We ask this through Jesus, our Savior. AMEN EASTER : GOD’S GREATEST GIFT By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca We sometimes tend to think of the last week in December as the greatest gift-giving time of the year, but we are not now thinking about material gifts. The Easter Gift is no less than the Gift of Life itself: A Life which brings us into a relationship with God. A replacement of the Life which man lost in the Garden of Eden. The Gift of Life is the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem us to Himself – to buy us back to that original relationship we had with Him before the fall. It was accomplished through the death of Jesus on the cross when He said, “It is finished.” Yes, Jesus gave His life for us. That is the Gift!! A Life for a life. But death on the cross was not the end. On Easter Sunday morning, the grave was empty. Jesus had Risen, in a Resurrected Body; sometimes touchable, sometimes invisible, but with New Life, which no one could ever take from Him again. This make us hold our breath in awe? Thanks- giving? Here is the evidence of God’s great love made clear to us in our history book, the Bible? HE IS RISEN! -- ALLELUIA This Great Gift has been purchased, paid for, and presented for us to receive. We have the opportunity to either accept this Greatest of Gifts, so lovingly provided for us, or just set these days aside as an annual celebration. May we think seriously about reaching out for this treasured gift of Life and enjoy it for Eternity ! John 1:12 I would like to quote Pope Benedict XVI who helps us understand this Gift, he said, "Jesus did not seek recognition during his public ministry but chose instead to preach the sometimes difficult truth of “his sacrifice of love. Jesus was not a Messiah who aspired to an earthly throne. He did not seek popularity to conquer Jerusalem, and indeed, he desired to go to the Holy City to share the fate of the prophets: to give his life for God and the people." Pope Benedict made his remarks from gospel according to St. John in which Jesus reveals to the multitude in Capernaum that he is “the living bread which came down from heaven,” and that “if any one eats of this bread, he will live forever.” The crowds who had previously been enthused by the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, are now dismayed as Christ clarifies that this bread that he “shall give for the life of the world” is, in fact, his “flesh.” “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” many protested, according the gospel. The realization had sunk in, that the “loaves, broken for thousands of people, would not result in a triumphal march, but predict the sacrifice of the cross, when Jesus became the bread broken for the multitude, the body and blood offered in atonement for the soul of the world.” Jesus knew exactly what he was doing in addressing the crowd “to break their illusions and, especially, force his disciples to decide.” The result was that Christ's words did “dampen enthusiasm and cause many disagreements” among his disciplines such that “many of them no longer followed him.” Jesus wanted to make clear that “he was sent to offer his life” and that “those who wanted to follow him had to join him in a deep and personal way, participating in his sacrifice of love.” Hence he subsequently establishes the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper so “that his disciples may have in themselves his charity and, as one body united to him, extend in the world his mystery of salvation.” May we always hunger for the Greatest Gift of his presence in the Eucharistic sacrifice, wherein Jesus gives us his very self as food and drink to sustain us on our pilgrim journey to the Father... Blessed Easter Season to you all. FOR 50 DAYS we REJOICE! During this Easter Season we have much to celebrate … children and adults of our parish have received and will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage. At the Easter Vigil, the vigil of all vigils, more than 650 faithful assembled witnessed seven individuals receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation). All were welcomed to our parish family with applause and smiles of joy. Many parishioners here and in surrounding communities are demonstrating their faith during this Easter Season by displaying an Easter Lamb in the front window of their home. Have you seen it; do you have in your front window? The month of May many of our girls and boys receive their First Holy Communion; others are united in Holy Matrimony. People participating at weekend Masses have commented on the beauty of the grounds surrounding our Church, Rectory, Sienna Center and Parish Activity Complex. The sunshine, bright flowers and plants remind us of God’s creation and gifts of nature. Many will come together for our Parish Mission in two weeks with Al Barbarino who will lead us in raising our voices in prayer and song. Let us thank God for the good and joy He bestows and rejoice together in spirit during this special season. Continue to celebrate the season praying the Easter Season Prayer daily through Pentecost Sunday, June 8th! (See Liturgy Page for prayer. Our Easter LAMB is available in Church and Sienna Center Lobby and at the Welcome Desk located in Parish Activity Complex.) I thought it would be good to remind everyone of our current parish Bulletin submission policies. ALL submissions must be emailed to: Please indicate the ministry and date to be printed in the subject line. All Bulletin submissions must be received no later than Monday @ noon prior to the Sunday of publication (i.e.— Monday 5/12/2014 @ Noon is the deadline for the 5/18/2014). Anything received after due date/time will be held for the following Sunday. When Monday is a holiday, submissions must be received noon the Friday before. There are also special early due dates for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays that will be announced in the Bulletin. Watch for further details. Please create your document in Microsoft “Word” or “Publisher” and attach it to your email. Other formats, including pdf files, may not be compatible and therefore can’t be used. Please limit your submission to 1/4 page. If you feel it needs to be larger, please indicate this in the body of the email and I will do my best to accommodate you. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation and look forward to working together to keep our parish well informed! If you have any questions, you can reach me on Mondays at 352-0146 ext. 403 Devonnie Gordon, Bulletin Editor Pope to Argentinian youth: The Church is your Church Pope Francis has urged young people in his native Argentina to “be Church” and trust in God’s mercy. In a video message broadcast in Buenos Aires on April 26nd, for the National Youth Day, the Pope reflected on the Gospel stories of the young Apostles, the prodigal son and the widow of Nain. “Who are you?” – Pope Francis asked the young men and women gathered at the Planetarium in the capital’s Palermo district. The Pope asked them whether they were like the first Apostles, enthusiastic fans at the outset but unable to really follow Christ because too weighed down by their attachment to worldly things? Or like the prodigal son who – after having wasted his father’s inheritance – comes back to feel his father’s embrace of mercy? Or dead like the widow’s son? “If you are dead” Pope Francis said “know that Mother Church is crying for you” like the widow and that “Jesus Christ can bring you back to life”. Repeatedly Pope Francis spoke of God’s mercy and encouraged the young people to trust in God’s forgiveness. “Even the Apostles faltered, Peter denied him ,Judas betrayed him”, but it is then – he said - that we can truly encounter the Lord in the midst of our sin. Concluding, the Pope spoke especially to the young women present: "You are on the path of those women who followed Jesus , through thick and thin”. Women, he observed, “have this great treasure to give life , to be able to give tenderness, peace and joy” that men “don’t have”. “You are women of the Church” concluded Pope Francis. “The Church is female, it is like Mary. This is your place. Being Church, forming the Church, being with Jesus, with tenderness, to accompany the Church and help it grow” . Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish Social Ministry (Outreach) OUTREACH PANTRY REQUEST We are in need of Canned Fruit, Soup and Mayonnaise. Thank you for being the hands of Christ to those in our parish who are in need! Remember that we’re here for you if you need assistance. All information is kept strictly confidential. Call us at 775-0840 EXT 412. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Children receiving their First Holy Communion are required to attend their one scheduled FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PRACTICE. Dates and times are as follows: Special Need Respite Night We welcome all parents/guardians with special needs persons to take a couple of hours for themselves while we enjoy your special needs person (ages 5 to adult) and their siblings. We invite them to spend time with our specially trained and enthusiastic volunteers. They can play ball in the gym, enjoy board games, painting, puzzles and arts and crafts. We also offer pizza and/or chicken fingers for dinner. Our next evening is: Friday, May 30, 2014 - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm PLEASE CALL TO RESERVE A PLACE SO THAT WE CAN MAKE APPROPRIATE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE EVENING. We welcome all those interested, or those who would like to volunteer, to contact the St. Catherine of Sienna Outreach Office 352-0146 x 412 and speak to Maureen for more information. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” MAY 17th First Holy Communion Ceremonies: 10:30am—practice date and time: Tuesday, May 13th at 4:00pm 12:30pm—practice date and time: Tuesday, May 13th at 5:30pm MAY 18th First Holy Communion Ceremonies: 9:30am—practice date and time: Wednesday, May 14th at 4:00pm 11:30am—practice date and time: Wednesday, May 14th at 5:00pm Please note: Children will meet in the church promptly at their scheduled time. Children will be dismissed from the church. Children will not be permitted to leave unless accompanied by an adult. Matthew 11:28 FESTIVAL 2014 2014 VOLUNTEERS We welcome new and returning volunteers annually. Help is always needed, especially in the following areas: SET UP, FOOD PREP, SERVERS, HOSPITALITY, MARKETING, SECURITY and FIRST AID Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 12th, at 7:30pm, Mt. Carmel Room- Sienna Center. If you can assist in any of the above ways, please call the Parish Office@516-352-0146. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENNA PARISH MISSION May 19th — 20th—21st 7:30pm in the Sienna Center “Living Our Catholic Faith In Today’s Secular World” With Al Barbarino Join him as he speaks and sings at Masses on May 17th & 18th Al Barbarino is a Lay Franciscan with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, (Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s Community) and is a member of the Knights of Columbus. Throughout the years in this apostolate, he has recorded CDs/Videos and traveled around the world. He speaks on our faith in a most practical, everyday level. Through all the support of his recordings, he helps the poor and homeless, of the St. Padre Pio Shelter, Croatian Relief (International Outreach) and for the poor, wherever he sings. Al works in the NYC prisons for incarcerated youth as a counselor. He has many stories to share! Invite family members and friends to hear Al Barbarino preach about “Living Our Catholic Faith In Today’s Secular World” & Wednesday, June 25 thru Sunday, June 29 San Paolino Mass—Saturday, June 28th at 5:00PM RIDES— ‘Pay One Price’ every night SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ‘SUPER’ Discount Price for rides ONLY AVAILABLE after Masses for limited time beginning weekend of May 16/17 at our Festival Table located in our Sienna Center Lobby. Additional Discount Coupons will be available in local businesses and at our Welcome Desk in the Parish Activity Complex beginning in June for ‘POP’ bracelet. DJ’s CHILDREN’S GIGLIO— Friday Evening approximately 7:00PM. The youngsters carry at SAN PAOLINO GIGLIO— Saturday Evening See the Giglio ‘Dance’ at two Lifts: 6:30PM & 10:00PM. Music Every Night! THE DEVOTIONS Perform Sunday Evening! DANCING Under the Stars & at Café Sienna ZEPPOLES — Food, Drinks, Desserts Everyday gather with family and friends nightly in outdoor setting or indoors at Café Sienna Super 50/50 Raffle — Drawing Sunday Evening Ra Tickets available prior to & during Festival. Be an ANGEL SPONSOR! Show support for your parish. CONTACT PARISH OFFICE AT 516-352-0146 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Kiddie Camp: ages 3 - 6 Children’s Camp: 7- 10 SUMMER FUN for Everyone! June 30th—August 1st (Closed July 4th in observance of Independence Day) Come for the entire season of 5 weeks OR select the weeks that work for you OR join us for the day. Regular Day (9AM-3PM) or extended day (9AM-6PM) GROUPS ARE FILLING UP! TIME IS RUNNING OUT! “At Camp Sienna we recognize that each child is a unique gift from God. We create a safe, supportive, and fun summer environment where every child can make memories Game Truck SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TODAY TO GUARANTEE A SPOT FOR YOUR CHILD!!!!! DON’T MISS OUT! Bouncy Laser Tag Camp Sienna is inspected by the Nassau County Dept. of Health twice yearly. Inspection reports concerning such camps are filed at 106 Charles Lindbergh Blvd., Uniondale, NY. Inquiries can be made Mon.—Fri., 9 AM to 4:45 PM at (516) 227-9711. Girl Scouts Receive Religious Award — REGINA COELI The Regina Coeli Award is a Catholic Girl Scout religious award offered to all Junior Girl Scouts. Girls of Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish in the West Hempstead/Franklin Square Girl Scout Association were recipients at the Girl Scout Convocation held at Saint Agnes Cathedral. Medals were presented to Gabrielle Amalfitano, Emily Blattberg, Alexa Damkohler, Kristen Hopper, Isabella Magliaro, Alyssa Paino, Julia Ruppert, Isalbella Zaromatidis by Most Rev. Andrzej Zglejszewski, the newest Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. Congratulations Girls! This Catholic religious award helps each girl become more aware of God’s presence in her daily life, especially within her home, her Girl Scout Troop and her community under the care and protection of her special patroness, the Blessed Mother. Girls work with a trained consultant or parent and are encouraged to work in a group setting. Participation in a Day of Recollection is required and a girl makes an average commitment of at least 6 months to complete her work. If you or a girl you know may be interested in learning more about the Girl Scout Catholic Religious Awards contact Mrs. Eleanor Molina, SCS Girl Scout Coordinator, through the SCS Parish Office at 516-352-0146 or via email at Baby's kick dissuades pregnant model from abortion…. London, England, May 1, 2014 / 07:04 am (CNA/EWTN News).- A 19-week pregnant model who had said she would have an abortion to further her career in U.K. reality television now says that feeling her unborn baby kick made her turn away from an abortion clinic. “I just couldn’t do it,” Josie Cunningham told U.K. tabloid The Mirror. “I really thought I would be able to but I couldn’t. I’d felt the baby kick for the first time 24 hours earlier and I couldn’t get that feeling out of my head.” Cunningham already has two sons, ages six and three. “I’d forgotten what the feeling was like. It was magical. It was like the baby was telling me not to go through with it.” She said the kick “took me totally by surprise” and was “a real boot.” “I never imagined how hard it would be to have an abortion after that.” Two weeks ago, the 23-year-old model had said she was a candidate to appear on the U.K. reality show Big Brother, but started considering an abortion after the show’s producers “suddenly turned cold” when they learned she was pregnant. “This time next year I won’t have a baby. I’ll be famous instead,” she said. Her remarks about wanting an abortion in order to pursue other offers to further her career, fanned by the media, had triggered a backlash against her in social media and criticism from other media personalities. However, the day before her appointment, Cunningham felt the baby suddenly begin to kick. That night, she began watching videos of abortions of unborn babies close to Britain’s 24-week legal limit. “What I saw horrified me,” Cunningham told The Mirror. She said she felt “physically sick” in the taxi drive to the London abortion clinic the next day; she was shaking and “burst into tears.” “I wanted to throw myself out of the moving car to get away. I had my hands on my bump and I had the strongest feeling I couldn’t let anyone take my baby away,” Cunningham said. “As soon as I realized I was going to keep the baby, I felt happy – like a weight lifted.” Cunningham is still angry with those who criticized her plans to have an abortion, saying “no one had the right to threaten me and publicly humiliate me the way they did.” However, she added that her mother is supportive and excited by her decision to keep her baby. “I lost control and I wanted to be famous so badly I lost sight of what matters,” she reflected. “I’m disgusted with myself and I’m sorry – not to the haters but to the child I’m going to have. Now I’ve made this decision I am determined to be a good mother just like I am to my other children.” FILIPINO MASS Come join us to celebrate the Mass in Honor of our “Birhen NG Antipolo Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage” on Sunday, May 18th at 3:00PM In the Saint Catherine of Sienna Chapel. History: The virgin of Antipolo is a 17th Century Brown Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary venerated by Roman Catholic in the Philippines. The Statue depicting the Immaculate Conception of Mary, is enshrined at the Antipolo Cathedral in the city of Antipolo Rizal Province, Philippines. The Statue is the most celebrated images of the Blessed Virgin Mary, gaining devotees since the mid 19th century. From May to July each year, the town of Antipolo attracts millions of devotees from all over the country and abroad. BUS TRIP June 7, 2014 Knights of Columbus Twelve Apostles # 5001 Pickup: 990 Holzheimer St. FS. Pickup Time: 7:30am Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Litchfield, Ct Angels on the Road is visiting Our Lady of Lour des Shrine in Litchfield Ct where we will explore the Way of the Cross, Montfort House, The Grotto and more. We will also attend Mass and have a delicious chicken luncheon all at the Lourdes Shrine in Litchfield Ct. Includes: Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation, Lourdes Shrine, Time on grounds, Way of the Cross, The Grotto, Mass and more. Chicken luncheon at Shrine. All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner en-route home. All Taxes and Meal Gratuities Price: 89.00pp Make checks payable to AMAZING DESTINATIONS For More Information Call Maryann (516) 352-0082 or (516) 209-2256 Thank you to all who supported our Spring Fling Dinner Dance on Saturday April 26th. Sun. May18th K of C NYS Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Island Shrine in Eastport 10:30 am is the Rosary Walk followed by Mass at 11:30 at the shrine. Bring the family. All are welcomed Sat. May 24th laying of the Flags at our veterans graves this Memorial Day at Pinelawn National Cemetery. The ceremony starts @ 6:00 am at the cemetery followed by retirement of damaged Flags and breakfast at Msgr. William Delaney Council 110 Merritts Road Farmingdale (at no Charge). All invited friends and families bring the kids. We will be meeting by St. Catherine's Rectory Parking lot @ 5:30 am Sharp to carpool. If anyone needs a ride meet at the rectory parking lot or call the GK (516) 384-7862. July 12th is our Annual Lido Beach Picnic (Details to Follow) MEETING NOTICE: Next Officers meeting will be on June 2nd @ 7:30pm Next General Meeting will be on May 12th @7:30pm (notice change in date) Sacred Heart Academy Hempstead, New York Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Course August 18-22, 2014 Cost: $200 (includes all materials) Two sessions are available. For information and applications, please call: 516-483-7383 ext. 249 MARIAN HEALING MINISTRY Continuing the Marian Healing Ministry of Fr. Dennis Kelleher CSsR there will be a Healing Mass at St. Anastasia’s Church, 45-14. 245– TH Street Douglaston— Little Neck, NY 11362 On Tuesday, May 13,2014 (Feast of our Lady Of Fatima) 7:00PM—Rosary, Mass & Healing Service. Celebrant: Fr. Augustine Fernando, assisted by Deacons Joseph Mercolino, John Dennehy and Michael Vicinanza. Music: Tony Owen . For more information contact St. Anastasia’s Church @718-631-4454 Parish Office
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