The Anglican Parish of the Wollombi Valley The Weekly Wollombi Valley E-pistle From the Churches of St John’s, Wollombi and St Mark’s, Laguna Sunday the 9th November 2014 – All Saints Day / Annual Memorial Service and the twenty second Sunday after Pentecost Sentences, Prayers and Readings for the twenty first Sunday after Pentecost Sentence: And a great multitude, from every nation and tribe and people and language, cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!' Revelation 7.10 Prayer of the Day: Eternal God, neither death nor life can separate us from your love: grant that we may serve you faithfully here on earth, and in heaven rejoice with all your saints who ceaselessly proclaim your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. AMEN Readings for this week, All Saints Day / Annual Memorial Service: Revelation 7.9-17 Psalm 123 1 John 3.1-3 Matthew 5.1-12 Readings for next week, twenty third Sunday after Pentecost: Judges 4.1-10 Psalm 34.1-10,22 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 Matthew 25.14-30 This Week … Sunday 9th of November 2014 Service of Prayer and Worship at St John's Wollombi 8:30 am Holy Eucharist at St John's Wollombi at 10 am. Next Week … Sunday 16th of November 2014 Service of Prayer and Worship at St Mark's Laguna 8:30 am Holy Eucharist at St Mark's Laguna at 10 am. Parish Contacts… Priest in Charge: Father Graham Jackson ph. 4998 8343 Priest’s Warden: John Nicol ph. 4998 8396 People’s Wardens: Ken Winn, George Star Organist: Helen Ellis ph. 4998 3479 Newsletter Editor: Michael Ellis ph.4998 3479 Parish Secretary; Kerry Lannoy ph 4998 8343 Rosters … th Roster for this week, 9 of November READER; Marilyn, PRAYER LEADER; George,, MORNING TEA; Barbara, SACRAMENTS; Kerry, CLEANING; Helen th Roster for next week, 16 of November READER; Michael, PRAYER LEADER; Marilyn, MORNING TEA; Helen, SACRAMENTS; George, CLEANING; Ken If you will not be at Church when rostered, please swap with someone on the list and let the Chalice Assistant know. Prayers … FOR ALL THOSE WHOM WE REMEMBER Today we celebrate All Saints Day. We remember all those in our memory who have died. We pray especially for those who have died in War. FOR THE DEFENCE FORCES OF AUSTRALIA Today is Defence Sunday as well as the Parish Remembrance Day FOR THE WORLD Authors, Artists, Poets, Musicians, Composers, Sculptors and Potters Charitable Organisations and Relief Agencies Friends, Neighbors and Work Mates Hospitals and Medical Centres Leaders of commerce, business and industry Local Communities and their Leaders Our Local State Members Peace across the world and for peace-makers to be active, both afar and locally (especially with the announcement that RAAF aircraft are to be involved in military action in Iraq) Prisoners and those Leaving Prison Refugees and the Homeless Royal Commissions as they undertake their work Social welfare and justice ministries and their work Sport players and officials State Emergency Services, Fire, Police and Ambulance Services within our Communities The Disadvantaged and Disabled and those who Minister to them The Environment The First Peoples of the Diocese especially the Awabakal, Biripi, Darkinjung, Geawegal, Kamilaroi, Worimi and Wonnarua peoples Organisations working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders The Governor of NSW The Governor General The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank The Isolated, Marginalised and Lonely The Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Cabinet The Leader of the State Opposition and Shadow Cabinet The Media The Premier and State Cabinet The Prime Minister and Cabinet The Unemployed Those damaged by the Church Trade Union Leaders Universities and Schools World Leaders FOR THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD THE DIOCESE OF BERMUDA EXTRA PROVINCIAL; THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY Justin WELBY THE BISHOP Nicholas DILL THE DIOCESE OF GUADALCANAL THE BISHOP Nathan TOME THE CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF CENTRAL AFRICA THE ARCHBISHOP AND BISHOP OF NORTHERN ZAMBIA Albert CHAMA THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF TANZANIA THE ARCHBISHOP OF TANZANIA AND BISHOP OF MPWAPWA Jacob Erasto CHIMELEDYA THE CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA THE DIOCESE OF CANBERRA AND GOULBURN THE BISHOP Stuart ROBINSON ASSISTANT BISHOPS Genieve BLACKWELL Trevor EDWARDS STEPHEN PICKARD THE CLER GY THE PEOPLE PARISHES AND ORGANISATIONS IN THE DIOCESE OF NEWCASTLE FOR OUR BISHOPS GREG THOMPSON (Diocesan) PETER STUART (Assistant) THE ARCHDEACON OF NEWCASTLE AND DIOCESAN DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS Stephen PULLIN (on extended Sick Leave) Sonia ROULSTON (Acting) Alison DALMAZZONE , Danielle VERONESI THE SAMARITANS FOUNDATION CEO SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM GRAHAM, Cheryl PRICE CHAPLAIN GEORGETOWN Cec SHEVELS Rob DAWSON, Lynne Julia PERRY PARISH PRIEST Bruce PERRY, Selwyn DORNAN GLOUCESTER PARISH PRIEST Michelle HAZELL-JAHAWRY THE MINISTRY TEAM GOSFORD PARISH PRIEST Rod BOWER ASSOCIATE PRIEST Richard LOH DEACON IN LOCAL MINISTRY James INNES THE AREA DEANERY OF THE CENTRAL COAST FOR OUR PARISH; PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING FOR THE PARISH OF THE WOLLOMBI VALLEY Pray for the formation of our new parish now 3 years and 1month old; for the work that must continue in the establishment of infrastructure and processes; for the work in establishing our Ministry and Vision. Prayer for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit in the development of Ministry in the Wollombi Valley For the Parish Council; John NICOL, George STAR, Ken WINN, Helen ELLIS, Kerry LANNOY, Maria ROE, Marilyn STAR, Paula THOMPSON, Rex THOMPSON For the Newcastle School of Theology in Ministry FOR THE COVENANT BETWEEN THE ANGLICAN AND CATHOLIC CHURCHES IN THE WOLLOMBI VALLEY THE CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL AND THE FRIENDS OF ST MICHAEL’S ALL PEOPLE IN THE WOLLOMBI VALLEY FOR THOSE IN NEED Prisoners and those Leaving Prison All Christians imprisoned for their Faith Those imprisoned for their Faith FOR HEALING Fr Leo Joseph (a Franciscan and Parish Priest of the Parish of St John’s Lakeport, California), Grace Baker and her mother Deeanne (Deanne is a teacher at the Wollombi and Laguna Schools), Patricia Lannoy Phillips (Kerry’s Sister), David Phillips (Kerry’s Brother-in-law), Bethany Pederson (Richard and Katherine’s granddaughter), Mary Blazey (Former Parishioner and now living in Hornsby), Wendy Comyns (Former resident of Wollombi), Alicia Thompson (Rex and Paula’s daughter), Gerry Hartigan (A former Local Wollombi Resident and now residing in Sydney), Philip and Mary Drewett (Former Parishioners and now parishioners in the Lake Macquarie area), Jai Maurice (Ron & Lyn Wall’s grandson. Ron and Lyn are Local Wollombi residents in Paynes Crossing Road)), Max Andrews (Local Wollombi Resident and Pioneer of the Valley), Chris Levy (Former Parishioner and now a Parishioner of the University Chapel in Brisbane), Ray Hollingshed (Friend and Employee of Alan and Maria Roe), Bob Fordham (Parishioner and Local Wollombi Resident), Lesley Williams (Local Bucketty Resident), Alex Wilson (Local Laguna Resident), Ivy Andrews and her daughter Pamela (Local Laguna Residents and Pioneers of the Valley), Dominic Ellis (Helen and Michael’s Son), Sarah Ellis (Helen and Michael’s Daughter-in-Law), Rex Thompson, Nancy Cunningham (Mother of Denise, a friend of Suzie Roe), John Nicol, John Richards (Local Wollombi resident in Paynes Crossing Road), Cheryl Nesbitt (Former Wollombi resident and former Parishioner of St Michael’s), Fr David Simpson, his wife Marilyn and their family (David is a former Rector of Cessnock with Wollombi) FOR SUPPORT Helen & Michael Ellis, James & Scott; especially for Scott, Dominic and Sarah, Simon & Helen Palfreeman, Jock Palfreeman; Gerri Palfreeman (Family members of Tony Palfreeman a Local Wollombi resident in Paynes Crossing Road and Parishioner of St Michael’s) The countries of South Sudan, Syria, Israel, Palestine Egypt and Ukraine, for resolution of the conflict and for peace. RemindersThere is now one Mass monthly at Saint Michael's This will be at 4.30pm on the third Saturday of the month. The th next Mass will be this week, the 15 November . Check the notices attached separately. NOTICES FOR THE E-pistle - THE PARISH NOTE BOOK - 09 NOVEMBER 2014 ALL SAINTS DAY AND REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 1. TODAY IS ALL SAINTS DAY AND REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY All Saints Day is normally on the nearest Sunday to the 1st of November. Remembrance Day is the 11th of November. The Parish Council has decided that it will hold All Saints Day and Remembrance Sunday on the nearest Sunday to November the 11th. All Christians, scripturally and in reality, are Saints. Many Centuries ago the Christian Church split the Saints Day celebrations into All Saints Day and All Souls day. All Saints became the day to celebrate those whom the Church decided were Saints. All Souls became the day to celebrate the lives of the rest of us. This Parish celebrates only All Saints Day for all of us. Remembrance Day (or Sunday) has been set aside to celebrate the end of World War I but has incorporated the remembrance of all Servicemen who have died. 2. DEFENCE SUNDAY Today, the 9th of November 2014 is also Defence Sunday. For us it is the day that we celebrate our Annual Remembrance Service. A letter has been received from the Anglican Bishop of the Defence Forces, Bishop, Ian Lambert, to request our prayers and support for our Defence Forces today. 3. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Today is the Parish Council Meeting following the Eucharist at St John’s Wollombi. It will be held at the Wollombi Village Winery Cellar Door. If you have any items for the Agenda please contact one of the Parish Council members before the Meeting. 4. THEOLOGY IN THE PUB Theology in The Pub is today at the Cultural Centre. The subject is “Love” from 2-4pm 5 BISHOP GREG’S PASTORAL VISIT Father Graham has been notified that Bishop Greg’s Pastoral Visit is to be at the Combined Patronal Festival of the Parish on Sunday the 26th of April. The Parish Council will discuss the program for the day and this will be made available asap. 6. POSTPONEMENT OF CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The meeting of the Congregation and the Parish Council that we had planned in order to discuss the Future of the Parish has been postponed and a new date for the meeting will be set after the Parish Council has met today. At its meeting on Sunday the 4th of October, the Parish Council Members considered Ministry Planning and their Response to the Meeting with Arthur Copeman in September. Following a suggestion from Karen Blamey, a decision was made to do a SWOT Analysis for the Parish as a whole (our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). to focus our views. This will be the key item at our Parish Council meeting today. 7. LOCUM FOR PERIOD THAT GRAHAM & KERRY ARE AWAY Fr Graham has confirmed that the Celebrant & Preacher for all the Sundays that Graham & Kerry are away is The Reverent Craig Munnings. Craig is in a Private Consultancy Practice and a Tentmaker Priest at the Gosford Parish. An email is, hopefully, on its way to let everyone know the details. Craig and his wife have been here before so many people will know him. As a matter of interest Craig celebrates the 20th Anniversary of his Ordination on the 30th of November which for us is the First Sunday of Advent but would normally be St Andrew’s Day. So he is really excited to be at the Wollombi Valley. A cake and a bottle of bubbly may be purchased at Parish expense to be included in Morning Tea and cut to celebrate? The Sundays are next Sunday the 16th of November Pentecost 23 at St Mark’s Laguna; Sunday the 23rd of November Christ The King; St John’s Wollombi; Service of Prayer and Worship; Sunday the 30th of November Advent 1; St Mark’s Laguna; Sunday the 7th of December Advent 2; St Mark’s Laguna 8. CHRISTMAS SERVICES The Parish Council has decided that there will be no Service on Christmas Eve. This has been replaced by the Community Singing of Christmas Carols at the Wollombi Tavern. The details have not been fully finalized but the starting time will be 7pm for an 8pm start of singing. The Parish Eucharist will be at 9am, 9am, 9am, 9am, 9am, 9am, 9am, 9am, at St Marks’s Laguna on, (would you believe it?) Thursday the 25th of December. 9. CHERYL NESBITT Cheryl is still progressing well. We will continue to be kept posted. Please continue to pray for her. 10. ALEX WILSON Alex is home now and awaiting notification of his time in Dialysis at John Hunter Hospital. Please continue to pray for him. 11. COMMISSIONING OF CHRIS JACKSON The Wardens and the Parish Council of the Anglican Parish of Mount Vincent & Weston has invited us to the Commissioning of Chris Jackson as Priest-in Charge of the Parish. We do have a long-standing relationship with the Parish. They have visited us, picnicked on our grounds and, after it started to rain, spent some time over at the Village Vineyard Cellar Door. The Commissioning is at 7pm tomorrow, Monday 10th November 2014 at The Church of St Paul the Apostle, Lang Street, Kurri Kurri. Fr Graham is still not sure if he can attend but it would be great if a number could go from our Parish. There is a Flyer at the back of the Church today. 12. SERVICE OF PRAYER AND WORSHIP Don’t forget the Service of Prayer and Worship that precedes the 10am Eucharist from 8.30am to 9.30am each Sunday. Everyone is welcome to participate and is invited to bring along a prayer, thought, scripture, song or whatever is in their mind. 13. TRAINING FOR USE OF FIRE APPLIANCES AND FOR BASIC FIRST AID These courses will now be offered for all Parishioners locally by Keith. The Secretary will place and “Expression of Interest” paper at the back of each Church. THESE COURSES ARE ON HOLD PENDING KEITH’S RETURN. (Ref Item 21.9) 14. MINISTRY REVIEW OF THE PARISH PRIEST Graham is to undergo a review of his Ministry. This is to be lodged with Bishop Greg. There are sections that need to be contributed from the Church Wardens. If Parishioners wish to make some comment in this section Parish Council has asked them to please contact one of the Wardens. 15 THE BEGINNING OF OUR SUNDAY EUCHARIST The beginning of the Service consists of the following. A 3min Focus Time where we focus, in turn, on: something that has happened since last Sunday for which we give thanks to God; a person who is deep in our thoughts and prayers; an event in the world, our lives or in the Valley that is deep in our thoughts and prayers; an affirmation for the day, for example, “I am the Light of Christ” We then have a brief introduction to the Prayers for the World and the Church, highlighting the areas of need. The congregation continues with the Prayers for the Church with the initiation role taken by the Prayer Leader on the Roster. Then the Call to Worship 16 WOMEN’S PRAYER MEETING A regular Women’s Prayer Meeting is held every Tuesday at Marilyn’s House from 9.30 to 10.30am. If you can’t make it please remember the time and pray at home. For further details contact Marilyn Star 17 MEN’S PRAYER MEETING The regular Men’s Prayer Meeting Wednesday at Rex Thompson’s House from 7.00pm. If you can’t make it please remember the time and pray at home. Please contact Rex or George about details 18 THE E-PISTLE PLEASE advise Michael if you think an item needs to be included. Names for the Prayer List must have the person’s permission. Also please advise Michael if the name needs to come off the list and of any other changes 19 FOR THE DIARY Today, the 9th of November All Saints Day / Annual Memorial Service; at St John’s Wollombi; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Today, the 9th of November All Saints Day / Annual Memorial Service; at St John’s Wollombi; The Readings are for All Saints Day. They are Revelation 7, 9-17. Psalm 34, 1-10 22, 1 John,3, 1-3, Matthew 5, 1-12 Today, the 9th of November PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Following the Eucharist at Wollombi at the Cellar Door of the Wollombi Village Vineyard. Today, the 9th of November Theology in the Pub at the Cultural Centre at Wollombi 2-4pm. Monday the 10th of November COMMISSIONING OF Fr CHRIS JACKSON as PinC of Mount Vincent and Weston, 7pm at St Paul’s Kurri Kurri Tuesday the 11th of November to Saturday the 13th of December Graham and Kerry away from the Parish Next Sunday the 16th of November Pentecost 23; St Mark’s Laguna; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Next Sunday the 16th of November Pentecost 23; Holy Eucharist 10am St Mark’s Laguna Sunday the 23rd of November Christ The King; St John’s Wollombi; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Sunday the 23rd of November Christ The King; St John’s Wollombi; Holy Eucharist 10am Sunday the 30th of November Advent 1; St Mark’s Laguna; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Sunday the 30th of November Advent 1; Holy Eucharist 10am St Mark’s Laguna Sunday the 7th of December Advent 2; St Mark’s Laguna; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Sunday the 7th of December Advent 2; St Mark’s Laguna; Holy Eucharist 10am Sunday the 14th of December Advent 3; St John’s Wollombi; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Sunday the 14th of December Advent 3; St John’s Wollombi; Holy Eucharist 10am Sunday the 14th of December Readings & Carols at 6pm St John’s Wollombi. Sunday the 14th of December Call for Participants in the Roster January to March 2015 Sunday the 21st of December Advent 4; St Mark’s Laguna; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Sunday the 21st of December Advent 4; St Mark’s Laguna; Holy Eucharist 10am Wednesday the 24th of December; CAROLS AT THE TAVERN; 7pm for an 8pm start; at the Wollombi Tavern Thursday the 25th of December CHRISTMAS EUCHARIST; St Mark’s Laguna, 9am Sunday the 28th of December HOLY INNOCENTS; St John’s Wollombi; Service of Prayer and Worship 8.30 am Sunday the 28th of December HOLY INNOCENTS; St John’s Wollombi; Holy Eucharist 10am Sunday the 4th of January; New Roster commences today Sunday the 15th of February HARVEST FESTIVAL [The Festival of the Transfiguration] at St Mark’s Sunday the 5th of April (2015) Daylight Saving ends today Sunday the 26th of April PASTORAL VISIT FROM BISHOP GREG AND THE PATRONAL FESTIVAL OF THE PARISH’S COMBINED CHURCHES [Easter 4] at St John’s Sunday the 26th of April PARISH COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE BISHOP; Following the Eucharist at Wollombi at the Cellar Door of the Wollombi Village Vineyard. Tuesday the 7th of July to Saturday the 8th of August 2015 Graham and Kerry away from the Parish Saturday the 26th of September 2015 175th ANNIVERSARY OF THE LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION STONE AT ST MICHAEL’S St Michael the Archangel; Wollombi; Annual Bishop’s Mass 6 pm Sunday the 27th of September 2015 FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF THE PARISH [Pentecost 18] at St John’s Wollombi 10am Sunday the 4th of October (2015) Daylight Saving commences today
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