Nordic Diving Coaches Clinic September 18

Nordic Diving Coaches Clinic
September 18th – 20th 2015 in Malmö
The Swedish Swimming Federation are pleased to invite you to the Nordic Diving
Coaches Clinic, September 18th-20th 2015 in Malmö.
Scandic S:t Jörgens in Malmö, map here. Link to the hotel, click here.
Friday September 18th at 12.00 to Sunday September 20th at 15.00.
The clinic starts with lunch on Friday.
The program includes among other things:
Andy Banks, well known and successful diving coach. Andy will talk
about several topics during Saturday and Sunday. One of them is “from
talent to elite diver”. Read more about Andy on the next page.
Paul Joachim Bloch Thorsen, Specialist in Child and Youth Psychiatry.
- ADHD-challenges and opportunities.
Maria Werin, Physiotherapist, Master of Sports Medicine in Sweden.
- What impact do Scapular stabilization muscles and Core stability have
on shoulder impingement?
Karin Moesch, sport psychology consultant at the Swedish Sport
- Applying principles from CBT into the applied work in elite sports.
Clinic fee:
2 300 SEK, the clinic fee includes all meals during the clinic.
“Idrottslyftet” will refund 1100 SEK to Swedish participants afterwards.
Cost of hotel room will be added with 650 SEK/day in single room and
375 SEK/person and day in double room.
Please register latest August 16th. Swedish participants register here.
Registration is binding and any expenses carried in case of cancellation
will be charged.
Program content: Ulrika Knape-Lindberg, e-mail:
Registration and practical issues: Nathalie Dahlqvist,
Warm welcome!
Svensk Simidrott
Heliosgatan 3
120 30 Stockholm
Tel: 010-476 53 00
Fax: 08-724 68 61
Org nr 80 20 02-9719
Bankgiro 168-8431
Plusgiro 5 24 94-2
Andy Banks
Andy dived himself to National level but it wasn’t until the latter end of that career while he
was working in the London Police force that he met a coach who switched on the lights with
regard to the science of diving.
It was 1984, too late to make any difference for his own diving, but having also now tried his
hand at coaching some youngsters, he decided to leave the Police, go back into full time
education and do a degree in Human Movement which he biased towards learning more about
the sport, taking majors in Biomechanics and Psychology, with a view to developing a career in
At the same time he started a dive school in Bradford with 2 hours of beginners per week
which at the end of the 3 year degree course had grown into a large programme operating 6
days per week and with the top 2 youngsters on the junior National team.
He persuaded Bradford Council to allocate some money for a full time position and this
became the first full time coaching / development position for diving in the UK.
The Bradford set up had limited facilities with no 10m and in 1992 he approached Plymouth
City Council with a view to running a business in their under used 10m pool. They agreed and
with a former café area for a gym, the serving area converted into an office and eventually 2
squash courts converted into a make shift but functional dry land, he grew a diving business
with income also generated by running classes in preschool / recreational gymnastics and
As well as growing the business, success in the pool also started to come with the likes of Tom
Daley, Tonia Couch, Sarah Barrow and Brooke Graddon who were all home grown from
beginner divers in Plymouth programme.
When Plymouth Council decided to build new state of the art sports facilities, diving was very
much part of the headline act and in early 2012 he moved into the new Plymouth Life Centre
as aquatics director and head coach of the dive programme.
He has been working with International divers since 1990 and has been one of the main Great
Britain coaches on the senior International circuit since 2002 with divers achieving medals at
European, Commonwealth, World and Olympic level.
Svensk Simidrott
Heliosgatan 3
120 30 Stockholm
Tel: 010-476 53 00
Fax: 08-724 68 61
Org nr 80 20 02-9719
Bankgiro 168-8431
Plusgiro 5 24 94-2
Maria Werin
Physiotherapist, Master of Sports Medicine in Sweden. She works as a Physiotherapist at Capio
Artro Clinic, a Sports Medicine Clinic in Stockholm.
Since July 2013, she first finished her Master and after that she has continued with her PHD
studies in Physiotherapy at Ghent University in Belgium. Her thesis will be on shoulder
problems and the Connection with core stability.
She has been involved with the Swedish Diving team through some injured divers since 2008
and from 2010-11 she is involved as the physiotherapist for the Swedish Diving team.
“-It’s a great task for an awesome team and we always have a lot of fun when we are
Shoulder impingement is a common problem among our athletes.
What impact do Scapular stabilization muscles and core stability have on impingement?
Impingement is not a diagnosis but symptoms from the shoulder. We know through
research some about how and why good performance of the scapular stabilization muscles
is important for avoiding impingement problems. What is said about core stability? Is there a
Connection with poor core stability and impingement as well?
Maria will try to guide you through what impingement is and what is known, so far, about the
connection between Rotator cuff muscles, scapular muscles and core stability. It will be a
practical part in the end so it is good to wear sports clothes.
Karin Moesch
Karin Moesch is employed as a sport psychology consultant at the Swedish Sport
Confederation. She completed a PHD in sport psychology and an education in cognitive
behaviour therapy (CBT). Before, she has worked several years as a coach in rhythmic
The presentation will focus on applying principles from CBT into the applied work in
elite sports. A short background into learning theory and cognitive theory, the two
pillars of CBT, will be given in the beginning. After that, a concrete case example from
diving will be taken to illustrate how a sport psychology intervention can be specifically
tailored to the individual needs of an athlete. At the end, some aspects about the
importance of body language within elite sports will be discussed.
Kind regards
Swedish Swimming Federation
Ulrika Knape-Lindberg
Diving Sports Director
Svensk Simidrott
Heliosgatan 3
120 30 Stockholm
Tel: 010-476 53 00
Fax: 08-724 68 61
Org nr 80 20 02-9719
Bankgiro 168-8431
Plusgiro 5 24 94-2