Training Program Combat Diver

Training Program
Combat Diver
This program focuses on a modern combat diver training.
Based on the existing qualification and capability the training can be carried out
either as basic training or as advanced training. Our suggestion concerning the time
frame of the training would be eight weeks and can be extended or adjusted time
wise and content wise according to the requirements of the Special Unit Command.
The final binding training program based on the agreed subject and detailed structure
will be agreed upon after thorough consultation with the Command of the Unit.
The training can be carried out either in the home country of the customer or in
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The focus of the combat diver training program is as follows:
1. Physical training
theoretical basics and planning of individual training
self defense
2. Basic medical training
overview about the different injuries
recommended medical equipment and its use
first aid
pressure problems
3. Tactics
developments and trends in different missions
preparation, command and control for different missions
combination between land and sea exercises
ability of planning and preparation for special operations
4. Open water diving and training of technical skills
scuba diving
open and shallow water diving with oxygen
deep sea diving up to 30 m
co-operation with port authorities and ships
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5. Ranger course
basics of survival in general, in desert and at sea
shooting tactics
special self defense
close quarter battle tactics
under water demolition device and its use
bomb counter measures on board
EOD/IED problems for combat divers
7. Infiltration/withdrawal
different means of transport and its deployment
practical use of zodiac
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