ALL SAINTS PARISH ALBANY CREEK Sister Parish to Atauro Island, East Timor With the parishes of West C hermsi de, Everton Par k, Grovel y/Mitchelton, Kedron, Stafford, & Wilston/Enoggera/Gordon Par k, forming the N orth West Deaner y (Deaner y Website: FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER, YEAR A —11TH MAY, 2014 PARISH OFFICE Parish Secretary Ph: 3264 8283 Fax: 3325 5188 Office Hours: 8am–3.30pm Mon-Fri E-mail: 4 Faheys Road East, Albany Creek 4035 PRESBYTERY Rev Ron Mollison, Parish Priest Ph: 3325 2168 YOUTH MINISTRY: Ryan Andrews, Ph: 3264 8283 Email: PARISH SCHOOL 4 Faheys Road East, Albany Creek 4035 Mr Peter Pashen, Principal Ph: 3325 6900 E-mail: SISTERS OF MERCY CONVENT Sr Deborah Flaherty RSM Ph: 3325 4722 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Andrew Williamson (Chair) c/- Parish Office — Ph:3264 8283 Entrance Antiphon: The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth; b y the word of the Lord t he heavens were made, alleluia. First Reading (Acts 2:14, 36—41). God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading (1 Peter 2:20—25). You had gone astray but now you have come back to the shepherd a nd guardia n of your souls. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! I am the Good Shepherd, says the Lord; I know my sheep, and m ine know me. Alleluia! The Gospel (John 10:1—10). I am the gate of the sheepfold. Gospel Reflection: Do we as today’s shepherds/leaders have the leadership qualities of Jesus, the Good Shepherd? MASS TIMES THIS WEEK Monday (at the Convent) 6.30am Tuesday 9.00am Wednesday (Rosary 6.15am) (St Matthias) 6.30am Friday 6.30am Saturday (Rosary 7.15am) WEEKEND MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 7.00am, 9.00am, 5.30pm ♦ RECONCILIATION Saturday 4.30pm -5.30pm Thankyou to all those who came to the Grounds Working Bee yesterday (Saturday), and to all the volunteers of the parish who do such wonderful work to keep the Church and Parish Centre grounds a nd s urro unds, b ot h indo ors and outd oo rs maintained, thus helping to make All Saints a safe e n vi r on me nt a nd welcoming to all. 7.30am A VOCATION VIEW: This is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. “The harvest is great but the labourers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send more labourers into the Harvest.” Are you able to help? A very good Catholic lady who works as a Charlie’s Angel at Prince Charles Hospital, is looking for a place to live—one room. She’s a very hard worker. She’s prepared to help out and would gladly care for an elderly person. Please contact Sr Deborah on 3325 4722. Stewardship: Sharing our Time, Talent and Treasure ... PAGE 2 ALL SAINTS PARISH ALBANY CREEK W e lcome to Mass today at All Saints, Albany CA RE A ND CO NCERN PRA YER REQ UESTS C reek . Jesus sa ys i n John 16:24: ‘I tell y ou the truth, my Eve n though Mothe rs’ Day is not a liturgical feast it fa ther will giv e y ou wha tev er y ou a sk in my is wonde rful that we have this spe cial chance to na me.’ honour our mothe rs and to uphold the dignity of Dea r J esus, i n t his mont h of May, pleas e enfold the mothe rhood. Mothe rs hold a unique position in our sic k members of our paris h family in your Divine M erc y: culture as being the group who are the greatest Peter O berthur, M arion O ’Leary, P at C onroy, D enis force for good in the world, e ven though the ir e fforts H ealy, J ohn Smith, J ames Barden, D onna Jones , Debbie often go without public re cognition or applause . Let I ., Betty Wait, J eff Wait, D on Wait, C olin, L yn, Paul Cunningham, Mike McFarlane, Francesca Nobile, James us thank God for our mothe rs today, and pray for T hornton, Dino Bertolo, C ris tina Bucolo, bruc e Denham, those who are burde ned and suffe ring be cause of Simon U ren, P atrick John Bulbrook. the circumstances of the ir lives. To those of you who pray for the sic k: Today we also have a spe cial focus on Vocations to May God bl ess y ou f or y our grea t ki ndness. the priesthood and re ligious life. The Church has For praye r re quest s 1 mont h at a t ime , plea se use great need of people dedicated to giving the ir lives t he mont hly Sick List book provided on t he church for the cause of spreading the Gospe l. We might t rolley. pray that eligible young men and women will be given the gift of disce rnment and gene rosity to hear The CARE AND CONCERN MINISTRY TEAM helps in times and to respond to God’s call. of need. To serve or be served, please contact the parish At the Schone ll Theatre , Union Road, St Lucia on office. Saturday 31st May, the film Karol depicting the life DID YOU KNOW Mother's Day originated of St John Paul II, will be screened. Commencement in the United States in the early 1900s time is 2pm. The film has a running time of 3 hours plus a 20 minute inte rmission. Ticke ts: Adults $15, and now is celebrated in close to 50 high School students $10, at the door $20. See countries in different parts of the world. notice board for furthe r de tails. Fr Ron Please remembe r in your praye rs Barbara Sm ith NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS (R ay’s wife ), Monie Sex ton, Bruno Wagne r and 1st Reading: Acts 6:1—7 Stephanie Gunton (Paula’s siste r), all of whom 2nd Reading: 1 Peter 2:4—9 passed away re cently. May the y rest in peace. Also Gospel: John 14:1—12 please pray for Tom Elliott (Brian’s fathe r) whose annive rsary occurs at this time. Mother’s Day & Priestly Vocations Pope Pius X (1835-1914) was a very humble man and had a saintly mother, Margarita Sanson. Because they were so poor, she worked as a washer woman and a school janitor to earn enough money so that he could go to the seminary. (In Monday 9.30—10am—Inte rce ssory P rayers those days, the family had to pay for the seminarian’s 7.00pm—R.C.I.A. g roup education.) When he was elected pope, his mother was —St Vincen t de Paul meeting present, and as was the custom, she kissed his large papal Tuesday 9.30am—All Saints Cra fts ring. She then presented her tiny hand with her wedding ring and said, “Now you kiss my ring—for without it, you 6.30pm—Medita tion Group 7.15pm—Parish Pastoral Council for photos never would have received yours!” We can understand why Pope Pius X once said, “Every vocation to the priesthood 7.30pm—PPC mee ting comes from the heart of God, but it passes through the Wednesday 7.30pm—P & F me eting heart of a mother.” —menA LIVE We sincerely thank Jo-anne Smith and her family for Friday 9—11.00am—Playgroup the kind gesture of making the many and varied Saturday 10.00am—Cathedral for Arch bishop handmade flowers for all the motherly people of All Coleridge’s 40 th anniversa ry of ordination Saints. Please take one. Next wee kend: Sat 6pm & Sun 9am Ma sse s teaching Happy Mothers’ Day! Confirma tion This Week’s Diary Dates TRASH N TREASURE OPEN SHED DAYS for Albany Fair (Sunday 1st June): Thurs 15th May: 2.30—4pm Sun 18th May: 10am—12 noon Sun 25th May: 10am—12 noon Goods can only be dropped off to the shed via Waratah Street, and not in the church please. Kindly note that no electricals, in particular no computers , or TVs, and no clothing can be accepted. Women of The Way Annual Retreat Date: 22-24 August 2014 Venue: Watson Park, Old Gympie Road, Dakabin. Theme: You are truly God’s handiwork (Eph. 2:10) Presenter: Karen Atkins Contact: Julie Smth (0402 316288) or The time we have is a gift from God that we need to use wisely. PAGE 3 ALL SAINTS PARISH ALBANY CREEK “”And Peter said to th em, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in th e nam e of Jesus Ch rist …” Acts 2:38. The word “repe nt” means to turn from sin, to cha nge our a ctions. W he n it comes to cha nge , do we ta ke responsibility for cha nge or do we think tha t othe rs ha ve to cha nge instea d? Cha nge tha t is pe rmane nt comes from within, we must take control a nd be discipline d. Reme mbe r though tha t we a re not a lone , Je sus is the re to he lp lighten the loa d. Please take home your copy, from the Church Trolley, of the updated Stewardship Directory 2013-2014 to lea rn of the diffe rent ministries and wa ys to be involve d in our pa rish. Visit the Pra ye r Boa rd a t a ny time to a sk for pra ye rs, or to pra y for a nd support those in nee d, through the Pra ye r ca rds. YOUTH NEWS All Saints Youth (Altitude & Orbit—Cost $5): Fri 23 rd May Fri 6 th June, Fri 20 th June (Laserzone: $25) Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm VIVO – Young Adults: Time: 6:30pm (Dinner) Where: All Saints Parish Wed 14 th May, Wed 28 th May Wed 11 th June Buddies Day: Saturday 10 th May – Movies and Bowling Day Sunday 25 th May – Buddies Planning Night ALBANY FAIR NEWS ♦ Vacant Areas for Walkers to deliver Albany Fair Booklets: AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE — See notice board If you can assis t please contact the Booklet Distributor: Rossi and Jennifer Mangano for these and more events Phone/SMS: 0419 643 074 ♦ Invitation by Young Adult Ministry of the Email: Cathedral of St Stephen to Timor Immersion ♦ No more bottles are required, Thankyou– and if information day 18th May anyone is doing jams for the fete could you ♦ Mary MacKillop College Golden Jubilee Mass & Celebrations: 10 August kindly put them on the SWEETS stall please. ♦ The Terrace Past Mothers’ Mass & Gathering: Friday ♦ Albany Fair Cake Stall 13th June Hello All Saints Parishioners, ♦ St Joseph’s Nudgee College baked relief ANZAC My name is Caroly n Draper and I am again, this year’s Biscuit Drive Sat 10 May, and Mon 12 May Convenor for the Albany Fair Cake Stall. Thank you to everyone who so kindly contributed to last year's Cake Stall. I am again calling on your generosity to bake for the Cake SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME NEW S 2014 Stall this year. Any new bakers are of course welcome too! Dear Parents and Guardians Thanks to our parents/ guardians who h ave been assisting their If you can bake a cake/slice/biscuits etc for us, then please let candidates to complete th e designat ed homewo rk tasks the paris h office know by ringing 3264 8283.. We can supply the main ingredients (eg butter, flour, sugar, (homework is stapled into the cover ofth e workbook.) eggs, condensed milk, mix ed fruit) as well as packaging and Remaining Teaching Mass weekends: labels. 17/18 May -Confirmation Lesson 2 24/25 May- Eucharist Lesson 1 21/22 June -Eucharist Lesson 2. REHEARSAL DATES FOR CONFIRMATION Parents/guardians are reminded that attendan ce at rehears al for ♦ Confirmation is COMPULSORY. Please make the necess ary arrangements now to ensu re that your candid ate and a parent or sponsor can attend. Thurs 12/6 6.30 pm rehears al fo r Friday 13/6 Confirmation 7 pm. Sat 14/6 11 am rehearsal for Saturday 14/6 Confirmation 6 pm PARENTAL ASSISTANCE REQ UESTED In order to accommodate the v ast number o f candidates, family members and sponsors at both Con firmation celebrations, it is necess ary fo r the current Church s eating arrang ements to be ♦ recon figu red. Therefore we would welcome the assistance from a few parents o f candidates on the afternoon o f Thursday 12/6 to place the Church seats into the necessary con figuration and on the morning of Sunday 15/6 to return the Church back to its normal seating arrangement. Times for both sessions will be advised ♦ closer to the date. Many thanks in advance fo r your support. With Blessings GINA, JANINE AND CINDY MORE NEWS AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Catholic Charismatic Renewal Brisbane Retreat at CCR Brisbane Centre, 688 Nudgee Road, Northgate on weekend of 21st and 22nd June. Theme: Catch the Fire. Fr Steve Fletcher, MGL will be the retreat director. Book by 16th May for early bird rate. For registration details please contact Miriam on 3202 6856. 1313-15 June: Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend for married couples, at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, ormiston (Qld ). For bookings/details contact: Tamara and Scott Meneteith, on 07 4634 3559 Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey is Keynote Guest Speaker at Pregnancy Crisis Incor. Funraising dinner on Sat 7th June, 6.30pm. Book now on 1300 777 777. Our special gifts and talents, God-given, for the glory of God, are returned with increase to God. PAGE 4 ALL SAINTS PARISH ALBANY CREEK BIBLE JOTTINGS As we cele brat e o ur M others to da y, I thought I’d s ha re t his story wit h yo u: “ A mother w as pic king up her c hildr e n from School, w he n another m other exclai me d indi gna ntly ‘Do yo u know what yo u and I are? I’ve just retur ne d fr om re newi ng my dri ver’s lice nce, a nd they as ke d my occupati on. W he n I sai d “M ot her ”, the y said t hat was n’t a n occ upatio n a nd that ‘H ous ewife’ co ver ed it.’ The w om an fo rgot all about t his story until one da y she fo und hers elf i n the s ame situatio n. The Clerk, obvio usly a c are er w oma n, pois ed, efficie nt, a nd possesse d of the hi ghsoundi ng title “ To wn R egistr ar”, aske d her “ And w hat is y our occ upatio n?” .The As we continue to celebrate Easter, may we be delighted by the beauty and the miracle of all creation, rememberi ng that: Christianity does not ask us to live in the shadow of the cross, b ut in the fire of its c reative action. Theilhard de Chardin Rosters Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 7.00am Mother r espo nde d “I’ m...a Resea rch Associ ate i n the fiel d o f C hild De vel opme nt and H uma n R elatio ns.” The clerk pa use d, and lo ok ed up as tho ugh s he ha d not he ard c orrectly. The mot her r epeat ed t he title slowl y, “I’m a R ese arch Associ ate i n the fie ld o f C hil d De velo pm ent a nd H um an Re latio ns” em phasizi ng the m ost signi fica nt wor ds as the Cler k wrote t hem dow n. “Mi ght I as k,” said t he Cl erk wit h new i nte rest, “ just w hat do y ou do i n y o ur fiel d?” C ooll y, witho ut a ny t race o f fluste r i n her voice, t he mot her re plie d, “I ha ve a co nti nui ng pro gra mme o f researc h (w hat m other does n’t?) i n the la bor ator y a nd i n the fi eld. I’m w orki ng fo r my Masters (t he w hol e fa mily) and alr ea dy hav e fo ur cre dits (two so ns a nd tw o da ughte rs). Of c ours e, the positio n is one o f t he most dem andi ng in the huma nities ( any mot her c are t o disa gr ee?) a nd I oft en w ork 14 hours a day ( 24 is more li ke it). B ut the job is m ore c hall engi ng t ha n m ost run- of-the-mill c are ers and t he rew ar ds ar e i n satisfactio n r ather t ha n just m o ney. ”There was a n incre asing note o f respect in the Cler k's voice as she com plete d the fo rm, stoo d up, a nd pe rso nally ushere d her to t he do or.” (A no n.) Today, especiall y, tha nk y o u Go d for our s pecial A ngels w e c all ‘ Mum’. Sunday 9.00am Sunday 5.30pm PLEAS E NOTE: 4 Sunday of Easter If you are unable to attend as Cathy Reynolds * rostered, please Sharna Giammichele Barbara Baillie * Therese Metzeling Brian Walker ensure that you Irene Nash Andrew Williamson arrange a Trudy Nankervis Anthony Coiro replacement. Oriano Giammichele ...Thankyou th 10 – 11 May 2014 C Ann Richards * Terry Moore Donna Birchall Paul Hayes Karen Bright * Donna Russell Annette Cloke R Anne McGill Larry Mann Margaret Fitzsimon Madonna Galawyn S Sky McKeown G Hambleton Family Louisa Sams W Christopher Hurd Lurelle Gilfoyle Michael Hegerty Vicki Oldham Arielle L-Jones Lynelle Davis Liam Giammichele Hayley Adams Kelly Family Peter Carrigan & Cathy Jarvie Swinsburg Family Adrian Tyler FAMILIES TAKING UP THE GIFTS: Please introduce yourselves to the * Person, upon your arrival. Counters: Team 4 Church Cleaning: Lynn & Howard Smyth, Gaby Smareglia, Shirley Darlison Altar Linen Cleaning: Linda Wilkinson Flowers: Judy McIntosh 5th Sunday of Easter 17 – 18 May 2014 Louise Bennett * Rob Bianco Trevor Hudson Marie-Anne Van Houts Paul Begg Mary-Louise Hannam Sue Hutton * Vicki Oldham Ann Richards Judy Marin Family Mass Greg Myers Andrew Williamson C Pam Meiklejohn * Colleen Dalton Trish Simpson Larry Mann Mos Milfull * Cheryl Grace Mike O’Neill R Judy Barber Ellen Mallon Donna Jacobson Paul Hill Rachel Duffy Ashlee Tyler G Mitchell Smyth Christopher Hurd & Eileen Bennett Pat Poore & Donna Russell Family Mass Anderson Family W Mark Watson Carole Cameron Ron & Barbara Vincent Toohey Family S Counters: Team 5 Church Cleaning: Marianne Burello, Vicki Oldham, Angela O’Sullivan Altar Linen Cleaning: Linda Wilkinson Flowers: Judy McIntosh CATHOLIC LEADER — YOUR CHURCH—YOUR LIFE Place $2 in the slot on the side of the Church Trolley. Making headlines: Catholics urged to unite for World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Come share in our Master’s happiness, build up the Kingdom of God.
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