Call, fax, or email in your classified ads! The Power County Press 174 Idaho St. • Office: 208-226-5294 • Fax: 208-226-5295 • Email: classifieds 14 Apts. Unfurnished 31 S. Main St. • Office: 208-397-4440• Fax: 208-397-4440 • Email: Classified Directory Announcements 1 Happy Ads 2 Notice 3 Thank You 4 Lost/Found 5 Personals 6 Miscellaneous Employment 7 Work Wanted 8 Help Wanted 9 Opportunity 10 Child Care Merchandise 11 Wanted 12 For Sale Rentals 13 Apts. Furnished 14 Apts. Unfurnished 15 House Rentals 16 Bus. Property Rentals 17 Mobile Home Rentals 18 Wanted to Rent Real Estate 19 Houses 20 Lots/Acreage 21 Farms/Farmland 22 Business Property 23 Mobile Homes Transportation 24 Auto Parts 25 Auto for Sale 26 Misc. Vehicles Pets/Livestock 27 Horses/Cattle 28 Pet/Supplies Farmers’ Market 29 Farm Equipment 30 Feed/Seed/Plant 31 Farm Buildings 32 Farm Products 33 Yard Sales 1 Happy Ads Happy Birthday nna e K Saturday, Nov. 15 2 Notice GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS (GA) meets every Thursday night. 7 p.m. at Pocatello’s Friendship Club. 745 South 1st. 5 Personals FSA DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 24-hour crisis line — 251-4357 (251-HELP). -------------------NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS RECOVERY GROUP. Meeting in basement of P.C. Senior Center, on Wednesday, 7 to 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Call 406-8149 for more info. 8 Help Wanted Hyster Driver needed at Idaho Select, full time, year around. Apply within. -------------------- EXPERIENCED MECHANIC needed to fix tractors, trucks, and pickups. Need motivated individual to maintain and operate farm equipment. Full time position. Email resume to or call Jordan at (208) 705-6696. Place a Classified Ad today! 8 Help Wanted Cont. Open Range Cattle Hands. Must have 6 months experience as a cattle hand and provide (1) letter of reference from previous employer to that experience. Must be able to lift 50 pounds. Dates of Need: 01/01/2015 to 11/1/2015. Two (2) temporary position openings. $875.00/ month plus housing & food. On call 24/7. All work tools & equipment provided by employer. Live in mobile camp or bunkhouse. ¾ work guarantee. Transportation & subsistence expenses will be provided or paid by the employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Attends to livestock on a ranch or range. Feeds and waters livestock on range or at ranch headquarters. Herds livestock, examines animals to detect diseases and injuries, vaccination of livestock, applies medications & insect sprays, delivery of offspring, branding, castration. Cleans & repairs stalls & sheds. Fencing both new and repair. May assist with irrigating, planting, cultivating and harvesting hay for livestock as time allows. May maintain ranch buildings and equipment. Employees may be offered longevity pay after 1st season and/or end of contract production bonus—signed contract may be required. Silver Spur Ranches, Carbon County, Wyoming Call Rawlins Workforce Center (307) 324-3485 or contact your nearest State Workforce Center for complete description and referral instructions. Refer to order # WY2568732 -------------------Pebble Creek Ski Area is accepting full and p/t applications for lift operators, cooks, food service workers, janitor, cashiers, rental shop techs, terrain park workers, diesel mechanic and food & beverage manager. For more info go to Applications available at Job Service 430 N. 5th in Pocatello and the Village Mart in Inkom. -------------------T h e A m e r i c a n Fa l l s School District is accepting applications for a Payroll, Insurance, Human Resource Clerk. The following qualifications are required: High School diploma. (College preferred but not required). Accounting experience desired but not required. Experience as a secretary. Computer skills mandatory including Excel. For more information and a full job description, please contact the American Falls School District Office, 827 Fort Hall Ave. American Falls, ID 83211, 226-5173. -------------------Driscoll Brothers Partnership LLP in American Falls Idaho is seeking an experienced professional with the education, skills, and experience necessary to work in a dynamic accounting office as a controller. Individual needs solid communication, technological and analytical skills. Ability to work with and satisfy the needs of internal and external customers, and have a solid command of accounting principles and regulations. A BA/BS in Business required. Accounting, Finance, Information Systems emphasis preferred. Compensation depending upon experience. The position has potential for growth. Contact the office at 208-226-5235 for a copy of Job announcement. Resumes can be mailed to Driscoll Brothers Partnership LLP, P.O. Box 10 American Falls Idaho 83211 or submitted on line to HR@ -------------------The City of Rockland is hiring a part-time water and wastewater operator. Wastewater Treatment Operator-Lagoon, Wastewater Collection Operator Class 1, and Drinking Water Distribution Operator-Very Small System licenses needed. Call the City of Rockland for a complete job description 548-2489. -------------------The City of Rockland is hiring a part-time maintenance position. Street maintenance, snow plowing, parks, etc. For a complete job description call The City of Rockland 548-2489. -------------------Great Rift Transportation is now hiring CDL Class A drivers. Must have 2 years exp. Clean driving record. Min age of 23. Day and Night shift year around employment. Also hiring full time diesel mechanic. Must have own tools. Pay depending on experience. Full time labors needed. Pick up Application at 2953 Lamb Weston Rd. or call for more info. 226-7770 -------------------Truck Driver needed to haul potatoes from Aberdeen to Caldwell. Class A CDL required. Please call Kip at 208 339-4304. Unfurnished ApartmentBobKat Rentals-208-226-5195. -------------------Lincoln Square Apartments-2 bedroom-newly renovated. Washer/dryer hookup. For rent. Call 716-1607 or 7052648. EL RANCHO GRANDe ESTATES NOW RENTING APARTAMENTOS DISPONIBLE AHORA PREFERENCE IS GIVEN TO FARM LABOR. CURRENTLY RENTING TO NON-FARM LABOR FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 208-226-2916 Para mas informacion Llame al 208-226-2916 TTD# 800-545-1833 ext. 298 2, 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS APT TWO PLAYGROUNDS AT EACH END OF THE COMPLEX RENT IS BASED ON INCOME This institution is an equal housing opportunity provider and employer Westport Apartments I AM MOVING HOUSES! Let me help you move yours. 221-9816 PATRICIA HERNANDEZ Call or Text me Today! Associate Broker • Realtor® Nationwide and International Advertising plus Great Local Service More Advertising in More Locations = More Buyers Looking At your Home I can Show you Any Home, Any Location, Listed with Any Office stop Paying rent The Brokerage Start EARNING EQUITY “You Will Be Sold On My Service.” Terry K. Lebrecht Broker/Owner • 681-1191 Kevin Klassen, Ass. Broker • 221-4575 Office: 684-4525 Let our many years of experience in all areas of Real Estate guide you in all your Real estate needs! Let us show you any listing in Southeast Idaho! wes LeisY – Realtor Phone: 221-2800 555 Fillmore, A.F. $189,900. Beautiful brick home with 3 bed, 2 ½ baths, A/C, and 2 car garage. Grand Cascade Apartments 2581 Sparks Lane, A.F., This beautiful home on the Bay has almost 4,000 sq/ft. and a 60’ X 80’ shop plus 3 acres. Call Wes today for your showing. Approx. 12,000 sq. ft. shop with acreage. Excellent for retail or a tire store or?? Prime location. Only $349,900 15 House Rentals Cute 2 bedroom, 1 bath basement apartment. $425 a month $300 deposit all utilities are included. Fridge, stove & off street parking. 317-5723 16 Bus. Property Rentals Large heated hangar and standard T-hangars. Contact Fred Harms @ Pleasant Valley Aviation 226-5852 30 Feed/Seed/ Plant 1st crop hay for sale-$165 ton small bales approx 23 ton. 2nd crop rain but still usable $65 ton approx 10 ton. Call 221-9576. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-6699777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. SUDOKU ANSWERS: 19 Houses Now Accepting applications. Affordable Housing. Call 208-226-7095 for more information. Now renting 1 and 2 bedroom units. New manager. Call 208-226-5321 for more information. The Power County Press 83211, Nov. 12, 2014 -- 11 The Aberdeen Times 83210, Nov. 12, 2014 -- 7 Used Books For Sale Most are in like-new condition. Hardbound and paperback $5 HARDBACK / $2 PAPERBACK Authors include Grisham, Clancy, Crichton, Koontz, Asimov, Deighton, DeMille, Iles, Mills, Coben, Coonts, Vonnegut, and more. Check them out at The Power County Press Experience Counts! Call Bobbette Wright at: Office: 233-6821 Home: 226-5776 Cell: 220-1678 Large premium building lot, utilities subbed to lot, close to city with views and beautiful newer homes surrounding. Build today, historic low rates available, $31,900. Immaculate home with updates, hardwood floors, main floor office, craft/hobby room, large living and family rooms, sun porch, amazing landscaped back yard with decks, waterfall and pond $159,900 Super nice, super location, super price! 3 bed, hardwood floors, updated bath, new windows, fenced yard, garage, central air, metal siding, only $89,900 A lot of updates, large fenced yard, garage, sprinkler system, newer roof, windows, plumbing, metal siding, built-in gun rack, 3 bed, $110,000 REDUCED $90,000 Priced to sell fast 3 bed, 2 bath, family room, garage, deck, main floor utility, no maintenance exterior, close to park and fishing, $113,900 Hard to find a home nicer than this one at this price, recent remodel, hardwood floors, 2 new baths, family room, new gas furnace and central air, garage, sprinkler system and fenced yard, $118,900 Extra nice price on this extra nice home! 3 bed, 2 bath, garage, deck, main floor utility, extra storage room. $77,500 Aberdeen Large updated ranch home, main floor utility, custom tile work, landscaped yard, full walk-out basement, $149,000 REDUCED! $142,500 Spacious home with room to grow, 4-bed, 2 bath, fireplace, main floor utility, walk-out basement, great room, storage, daylight windows. $147,900. Super nice home, main floor utility, full basement, newer windows, siding, no maintenance deck, fence. Oversized insulated garage. Lower heat bills. $99,900 REDUCED! 95,900 Recent remodel, new roof, siding, windows, gas heat, central air, granite tile, hardwood floor. Fenced yard, sprinkler system, gar. and deck. $134,900 Country Estate, outstanding views, extensive updates, 2 fam. rooms, walk-out basement, landscaped, fenced pasture, barn/shop insulated and heated, loafing shed and covered outside stalls. Over 7 acres. Loads of upgrades, newer kitchen, main floor utility, large bath, dressing room. Gas stove, covered patio, fenced yard. 3car gar. Newer roof, siding and windows $158,000 Reduced! $147,000 Historic Indian Springs Resort and RV, over 184 acres of recreation. Natural hot water, RV hookups, and shelters. Recent upgrades. Great opportunity to own this fantastic resort. Call for details. Beautiful large scenic lot, all services, just pick out your new home plan. Prime locations and price, $33,950. PENDING! SOLD! If you're moving or leaving town for awhile, call us for an address change on your newspaper. PENDING! The Power County Press P.O. Box 547 • 174 Idaho St. • American Falls • 226-5294 • .com The Aberdeen Times P.O. Box 856 • 31 S. Main St. • Aberdeen • 397-4440 • .com SOLD! Certified for fair housing by HUD. Subscribe to The Power County Press or Aberdeen Times today! 226-5294 or 397-4440 LISTINGS Service Directory Attorney at Law Rusty B. Hansen, Attorney At Law AUTOMOBILES & AUTO BODY Warner Service & Repair Anderson’s Body & Glass Automotive & Truck Repair Computer Repair Pena Automation and Computers Cell • 241-7377 commercial printing Shop • 397-4241 The Power County Press Aberdeen The Aberdeen Times Electrician Eagle Rock Excavation Blaine Udy - Pumpco Gravel • Asphalt Excavation Potato Cellar Lazer Eagle Rock Excavation Leveling home heating, cooling & Jon Isaak plumbing 705-5741 Sierra Heating and Cooling Home Maintenance Gary’s Plumbing Call Blaine Udy Irrigation and Landscaping at 251-0858 or Bair Irrigation and Landscape Pumps & softeners 226-5242 Pumpco Don’t Let This Snow Removal Offer Pass You By! ABC Snow Removal 13 Weeks of Storage Units advertising MCM Storages for $105!! South End Storage 226-5294 OR 397-4440 Towing ABC Auto Vehicle & Equipment Repair Service & Repair Warner Service & Repair Call for your plumbing needs Welding Licensed • Bonded • Insured RJay’s Mobile Welding & Custom Fabrication Inc. Gary Warner Veterans Services Home: 397-4582 Cell: 397-8080 Power County Veterans Services Electrician Rusty B. Hansen Power County Veterans Service Officer Attorney At Law Criminal Law & DUI Family Law, Divorce & Custody 315 West Center, Suite, 207 PO Box 127 • Pocatello, ID 83204 Telephone: (208) 252-7008 Cell: (208) 221-2106 Fax: (208) 478-2262 Email: 146 Roosevelt • AmericanFalls 226-5154 Collision Repair, Auto Glass Replacement, Rock Chip Repair We’re in Heating, Cooling & Plumbing • Furnaces • Air Conditioning • Sheet Metal Fabrication • Gas Fireplaces • Gas Piping • Duct Cleaning • Service and Installation 150 Roosevelt • American Falls 226-2004 Don’t Let This Offer Pass You By! SNOW SNOW BUSINESS… ABC Snow Removal 208-226-1234 Landscape Charlie Bair • 208-680-9515 Landscaping, Sprinkler Systems, and water features are our speciality! Call us today for a free estimate Available in American Falls & Aberdeen Ag & Residential Pumps Water Softners & Conditioners Backflow prevention testing 226-5242 d anCUSTOM FABRICATION, INC. Your Independent Welding Specialist Since 1979 323 N. Oregon Trail • Am. Falls 226-5105 208-220-2278 635 N. Oregon Trl. American Falls, ID, 83211 Don’t Let This Offer Pass You By! 13 Weeks of advertising for $105!! 226-5294 OR 397-4440 MCM Storages 13 Weeks of 5'x10' 10'x20' advertising 10'x10' 10'x30' for $105!! RV storages 226-5294 OR 397-4440 226-1127 or 709-2557 BAIR Irrigation and Dr. Sheldon H. Kovarsky 226-1234 • cell: 547-7600 Automation Solutions / Security Cameras Computer Repair / Virus Removal Computer Networks setup and repair Apple iPad / iPod repair Aberdeen, Idaho Phone: (208) 317-2997 For quality printing orders large or small, come see us or give us a call. The Power County Press 226-5294 The Aberdeen Times 397-4440 South End Storage NOW RENTING 226-2872 24 Hour Access American Falls
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