Capobianco’s ATA Black Belt Academy 45 Stouts Lane Mon. Jct., NJ 08852 732 274-0055 Email: November 2014 ATA T-Shirt/XMA FULL UNIFORM ONLY! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri REGISTER NOW FOR THE ATA REGIONAL TOURNAMENT @ RUTGERS COLLEGE AVE GYM NOV. 23rd EVERY MEMBER is Eligible for this competition! 2 SB DEMO Practice 1:30-3:30 Turn Back your CLOCK 9 EB DEMO Practice 4:30-6:00 3 WEEK # 3 5 BB Elbow Segment # 3 One-Step # 3 Weapon DSJB/SN Wht Ch Prot Olympic Sparring 10 EB EXTRA Practice 6:00-7:30 DEMO 17 16 SBPractice 1:30-3:30 SB EXTRA Practice 6:00-7:30 23 4 24WEEK # 6 PRETEST EB 7 1 8 SOUTH ( 3:30-5:00pm) EAST LOCATIONS EXTRA PRACTICE for our Regional Tournament Competition signed up already. This is FREE! 11 VETERAN’S DAY 12 13 WEEK # 4 BB Side 1st Half Form One-Step Review Weapon DSJB/SN Blk Ch Prot 14 15 MUST SIGN UP for BLACK FRIDAY CAMP by TODAY! BOOT CAMP 9:00am NO 9:30 class DEMO BB Review 2nd Half Form One-Step Review Weapon DSJB/SN Wht Ch Prot Olympic Sparring ****PERMISSION TO BREAK**** It starts in the middle of the Week because of the Holiday Weekend. SET UP This is to make sure everyone has an opportunity to @ RUTGERS 5:00 qualify for Testing. This is PURPLE through RED VOLUNTEERS Belts (No Stripe only). Have WOOD COUPONS! NEEDED 25**** 26**** 27 CLOSED THANKSGIVING 21**** EB DEMO Practice 2:30-4:30 19**** PRETESTS: DEC TESTINGS EB NOV. 30th Afternoon TBA Thurs., DEC 18th South Bruns. SB DEC. 1st Sat., Dec 20th 6:00pm East Bruns. 20**** SB DEMO Practice 2:00-4:00 18 WEEK # 5 BB Permission to OUR Break REGIONAL 2nd Half Form TOURNAMENT One-Step Review @ Weapon DSJB/SN RUTGERS Blk Ch Prot 30 6 Sat 28 BLACK FRIDAY CAMP Practice 22 6:00-8:00 **** 29 SB location REGISTER NOW FOR THE ATA REGIONAL TOURNAMENT @ RUTGERS COLLEGE AVE GYM NOV. 23rd EVERY MEMBER is Eligible for this competition! NOVEMBER PARENT’S NEWSLETTER NOV. 2nd: Turn the CLOCKS Back...Instructor Class is BACK in SB for Instructor Program. Are you close to 13 years old? Do you want to understand how to teach? Do you want to practice with the BEST! NOV. 2nd: South Brunswick 1:30-3:30 pm We start the DEMO TEAM PRACTICE. We will have to bring out the Demo Team Uniforms. We need to have you fit. Everyone needs to be available in South Brunswick for this first practice. No uniforms are in the EB location. Communicate with us if you are dedicating to the Demo Team. (For LEADERSHIP & INSTRUCTOR Students) Additional Practices: NOV. 8th: DEMO PRACTICE on Sat., in SOUTH Brunswick 2:00-4:00pm NOV. 9th: DEMO PRACTICE on Sun., in EAST Brunswick 4:30-6:00pm NOV. 15th: DEMO PPRACTICE on Sat., in EAST Brunswick 2:30-4:30pm NOV. 16th: DEMO PRACTICE on Sun., in SOUTH Brunswick 1:30-3:30pm NOV. 22nd: LAST & MANDATORY DEMO PRACTICE at RUTGERS...6:00-8:00 pm ***We may ask you to stay longer on some days. The Nov. 22nd practice has to be finished by 8:00pm. NOV. 6-7 : NJ Teachers BREAK ... WE ARE OPEN for these days as per schedule. What we have added an extra session for those who will be competing in the Regional Tournament. If you have signed up for the competition...BASIC through Master Club, Leadership, Instructor Program, you may attend for FREE. Thurs., NOV. 6th SOUTH Brunswick 3:30-5:00pm Fri., NOV. 7th EAST Brunswick 3:30-5:00pm MON., NOV. 10th EAST Bruns. 6:00-7:30pm, and MON., NOV. 17th SOUTH Bruns. 6:00-7:30 pm NOV. 15th: BOOT CAMP in South Brunswick 9:00 am. Parents/Teens & Adults Speak to Mr. C. There will be NO 9:30 am Teen & Adult Class TODAY! NOV. 19th-26th: **** PERMISSION TO BREAK WILL START BEGIN. Due to the Sun Tournament Day we have added one extra day to the actual week. Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday we have started this earlier so we can help those who would be travelling for the Holiday. NOV. 22nd: We need PARENT VOLUNTEERS for the Tournament Set Up and the actual Tournament Day. For those attending the tournament, there is an entry fee for non competitors. For those parents who are helping on the day of the tournament and set up day you will receive your entry fee for FREE. On the Set-up the only children on site will be the Demo Team. Please leave small children home so we can set up more efficiently. Students that could be helpful are allowed. Thank you very much. NOV. 23rd: CLOSED for our REGIONAL TOURNAMENT at RUTGERS UNIVERSITY. COLLEGE AVE. GYM. You must register in the school by Nov. 21st. Don’t wait because there is extra practice for those registered early for competition. THANK YOU for ALL YOUR HELP in this HUGE REGIONAL EVENT! It is not possible without you!!!! NOV. 26th: CLOSED for THANKSGIVING NOV. 27th: BLACK FRIDAY WEAPONS CAMP is available. 9:00am-3:00pm Extreme Sword will be included. You must register no later than NOV. 14th (We will have early drop off and pick up if necessary) Just let us know. NOV. 30th: PRETEST in EB Sunday Afternoon. If possible I would like to start @ 3:00 pm on the small side. TBA DEC. 1st: PRETEST in SB 6:00pm
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