CHURCH OF SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT 242-20 88TH AVENUE, BELLEROSE, NY 11426 Week of November 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CRAFT GROUP ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE Saturday, November 22nd, 12:00-5:30PM and Sunday, November 23rd, 8:00AM-2:00PM in the Oak Room. Holiday decoration and gifts for everyone! Parish Mission Statement: St. Gregory the Great Parish, established in 1936, is a welcoming Catholic community serving the people of Bellerose, Floral Park, and environs. Pursuing holiness through the Eucharist, we strive to live out Jesus Christ's mandate of service, evangelization, and establishment of justice for all. Embracing the diversity and talents of our members, we seek the participation of everyone on the journey. Parish Staff: Contact Information: Msgr. Edward A. Ryan, Pastor Rev. William Dulaney, Parochial Vicar Rev. Johnson Nedungadan C. M., Parochial Vicar Deacon Arthur Cutter Deacon Robert Zeuner Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Lynn Alaimo, School Principal Mr. Bart Haggerty, Director of Music Ministry Msgr. Eugene A. Feldhaus, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Joseph Cunningham, Pastor Emeritus Mr. John Reh, Civil Trustee Mrs. Patricia Brandt, Civil Trustee Parish Office: Mass Schedule: Office of Faith Formation Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM; 9:15AM; 11:00AM; 12:30PM; 5:15PM Sunday in Gregorian Hall: 9:15AM (when Religious Ed Classes are in session) Weekdays Monday - Friday: 7:00AM; 9:00AM, Saturday Morning: 9:00AM Holydays: Vigil Mass: 7:30PM 7:00AM; 9:00AM; 12:00Noon 242-20 88th Ave. Phone 718-347-3707 Fax 718-347-0583 Parish Website: Parish Email: Mrs. Lois Brady, Parish Receptionist Miss Jennifer Kalin, Parish Receptionist Mrs. Patricia McMenamin, Parish Secretary Mr. Peter Varol, Parish Bookkeeper Office Hours: Weekdays 9:00AM - 8:00PM Saturdays 9:00AM - 3:00PM Sundays 9:00AM - 12:30PM Gregorian Hall Phone 718-347-0525 Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Kathy LaVache, Secretary Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Wednesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Thursday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Sunday 10:15AM - 11:30AM St. Gregory the Great School Eucharistic Devotion: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from the conclusion of the 9:00AM Mass until 10:30AM. Address 244-44 87th Ave. Phone 718-343-5053 School Website: Ms. Lynn Alaimo, Principal Mrs. Camille Gunning, Secretary Baptism: Baptism is celebrated on the Second Sunday of each month at 2:00PM and on the Fourth Saturday of each month at 12:00Noon. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to meet with Deacon Zeuner. Sacrament of Penance: The Sacrament of Penance is offered each Saturday at 1:00PM. and at other times by appointment with one of our priests. Marriage: A couple planning marriage must make an appointment with one of our priests or deacons at least 6 months in advance of the marriage. FAITH FORMATION Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time "For all of you are children of the light and children of the day." Religion classes for children in Grades 1 through 8 attending public school are held on Sunday mornings following the 9:15AM Family Mass in Gregorian Hall. Diocesan Guidelines require two years of preparation for First Holy Communion. Children 6 years of age or older who have not been baptized must receive two years of instruction before receiving the sacrament of Baptism. In all cases parents/guardians must make an appointment to speak with Sr. Patricia Anglin at the Office of Faith Formation 718-347-0525. As Ordinary Time - and this Year of Grace - draws to close, the liturgy calls us to reflect on how we use our time and talents. CONGRATULATIONS to our students who were enrolled as Confirmation Candidates at Mass on October 26th. Please keep our candidates in your prayers. For adult reflection: What are some practical, everyday things I can do to make better use of my spiritual treasure, and increase it? FIRST SACRAMENTS ENROLLMENT MASS for those students in second grade will take place at the 9:15AM Mass in the Church on November 23rd. For children: How did my favorite saint grow from a beginner into a great hero or heroine of the faith? Looking Ahead Last Sunday in Ordinary Time: Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Ezekiel 34:11-11,15-17 I Corinthians 15:20- 26,28 Matthew 25: 31-46 BAPTISM We welcome those newly baptized into our faith community. Siena Catherine Greco Christ, the Good Shepherd, challenges his disciples to carry on his work of mercy. For adult reflection: Which people do I find it most difficult to love? For children: When I pray, what do I ask God to give me so that I will become more like Jesus his Son? I am the ALPHA and OMEGA the beginning and the end. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: FOR ALL THE SICK: Elsa Barbagallo, Jesse Wagner, Daniel McCarthy, Natalie Moody, Michael Zummo, Dale Demidow, Maureen Luther, Mary Sullivan, Rosemary Myers, Jennie Gerardo, Grace Leuze, Ann Boland FOR ALL THE DECEASED: Leonard Barbagallo CALENDAR OF EVENTS Week of November 16, 2014 SUNDAY RCIA 11:00AM Green Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 1:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall CATHOLICISM SERIES 2:00PM Office Basement ALCOHOLICS ANON. OPEN 8:00PM Convent Basement MONDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall BEREAVEMENT GROUP 4:00-5:30PM Office Basement CHEERLEADING FUNDRAISER 6:30PM Oak Room BOOK CLUB 7:30PM Rectory Basement EMOTIONS ANON. 7:30PM Convent Basement TUESDAY CRAFT GROUP 9:00-11:00AM Convent Basement EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 9:30AM-10:30AM Church GOLDEN AGE LEISURE 1:00-4:00PM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall CHEERLEADING FUNDRAISER 6:30PM Oak Room ADULT CHOIR 7:30PM Church CHAMBER SINGERS 9:30PM Church WEDNESDAY DIVINE MERCY 3:00PM Church ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-6:00PM Gregorian Hall TEEN GROUP 7:30PM Gregorian Hall THURSDAY GOLDEN AGE GHT 12:00-4:00PM Oak Room ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall QIGONG 7:00PM Office Basement FRIDAY “LADIES NIGHT” 7:00PM Gregorian Hall ATHLETIC ASSOC. CHEERLEADING 5:00-6:30PM Oak Room ALCOHOLICS ANON. STEP 7:00PM Convent Basement ALCOHOLICS ANON. CLOSED 8:30PM Convent Basement SATURDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 8:00AM-5:00PM Gregorian Hall BAPTISM 12:00PM Church CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE 12:00-6:30PM Oak Room PENANCE 1:00PM Church THEATER GROUP 6:00PM Office Basement MASSES FOR THE WEEK November 16, 2014 SUN. NOV. 16TH 8:00AM Edmund Egan (3rd Anniv. Rem.) 9:15 Members of the Purgatorial Society 9:15(Hall) Henry & Georgette Millery, Jean Claude Millery, Yvon Dorcean, Joseph Cardosa 11:00 Magale & de la Torre Family, Gertrude A. Cashin, Laura Gualotuna Martin Lydon 12:30PM Odile Gabrielle Benot 5:15 All People of the Parish MON. NOV. 17TH 7AM Raymond Donohue 9AM Anthony Randazzo TUES. NOV. 18TH 7AM 9AM WED. NOV. 19TH 7AM 9AM Mary & Frank Lorenzo THURS. NOV. 20TH 7AM 9AM Mary Carroll FRI. NOV. 21ST 7AM Annie & Vincent G. Toner 9AM Frederick Brostek SAT. NOV. 22ND 9AM Raymond Donohue 5PM David J. Wood THE SANCTUARY LAMP AND ALTAR CANDLES burning throughout the week of November 16, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of Marie & Nick Mongelli, requested by their daughter Joyce Mongelli. THE FLOWERS THAT ADORN THE ALTAR throughout the week of November 16, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of Mary Ann Buttigieg requested by Monica Tabone. THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Cont. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK 11/16/14 “This text may be the foundation of the Italian language, the first text ever known in vernacular ”Rev. Pierangelo Massetti One of the advantages of living in New York City - apart from the availability of real bagels - is the occasional opportunity to see a unique cultural exhibit. One such golden opportunity will be offered us in the next two months. For the first time in 700 years, original manuscripts related to St. Francis of Assisi will travel outside of Italy. And their destination? None other than Brooklyn! If the Borough of Churches needed one more indication of its near-miraculous resurgence from the decline and despair of the 1970's, this is it. In fact, only the return of the Brooklyn Dodgers to their real home could top it. The exhibit has already been on display in London; and major cultural centers in places as widely separated as Russia and Argentina have requested a visit. But the treasure is coming right here to us. From November 17th to 28th the manuscripts will be on display at the United Nations Headquarters. Then they will cross the East River and take up residence in Brooklyn Borough Hall until the middle of January. After taking in the tree at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, traveling with the grandchildren to the Bronx to view the train show at the Botanical Gardens, and getting a Christmas Stollen from a German bakery in Queens, why not add Brooklyn to your itinerary and see "Friar Francis: Traces, Words and Images." The Dodgers may never return home to Brooklyn, but I am sure they would all agree that Brooklyn has scored a home run in persuading the Franciscans to loan their precious collection to its Borough Hall. ————TD BANK “AFFINITY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM” If you are currently banking with TD or will be opening an account, mention to a representative that you are a parishioner of St. Gregory. St. Gregory’s will earn credit and receive an annual contribution from TD. There are no costs involved and your privacy is guaranteed. COLLECTIONS last week amounted to $11,963. Thank you. ANNUAL OCTOBER COLLECTION has amounted to $35,767. Thank you very much for your contribution. It’s not too late to make your donation if you have not done so. TIME IS RUNNING OUT! The texts have undergone a painstaking process of restoration at a monastery in Teolo, Italy. Under the direction of Father Massetti, they have been cleaned, touched up, and rebound. "I never thought that I would have had these in my hand," he said with admiration as he paged through Manuscript 338 which contains "Canticle of the Sun." The 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal will soon be over and our parish is still short of our goal by $13,085. The total amount pledged by 331 families is $67,565. If you have not done so, please make a pledge or gift. Help us to get up, up and away into success. Thank you to all those families who have pledged and donated. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 FOOD DRIVE Please help those in need. Food donations will be collected in the Gathering Space and the Hall, where there will be collection boxes. Some items that would help those in need are: rice, pasta, noodles, cereals, jars of sauce, canned vegetables, tuna, boxed mash potatoes, stuffing mixes, cranberry sauce, cake mixes, powdered milk. Donations will be delivered to Our Lady of Lourdes Food Pantry on Monday. Thank you for your generosity. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL “LADIES NIGHT” - Join us on Friday, November 21st “Ladies Night” in Gregorian Hall. Vendors such as Lia Sophia Jewelry, Pampered Chef, Stella & Dot, Tastefully Simple, in addition to lovely themed baskets, Christmas wreaths and much more. Tickets are $8 and can be purchased through the School, after the Masses on November 9th and at the door the night of the event. Doors will open at 7:00PM. All proceeds will benefit the School. SPECIAL MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Bottles of hand sanitizer have been placed on the shelf in the sanctuary to the left of the tabernacle and on the table holding the bulletins near the rear door. Please take a moment to rub a drop of sanitizer on your hands before distributing Holy Communion. Thank you. WALK-A-THON-Our Walk-a-Thon was held on Monday, October 10, 2014. Thanks to all the parent volunteers who helped set up, donated snacks, and walked with us. A special thanks to Ms. Karen Frick who coordinated the event, and Mrs. Joni O’Hagan who organized all the parent helpers. The event was a huge success and will allow us to realize our goal of purchasing new student furniture for the classrooms. USHERS - MASS COUNTS - Ushers are reminded that we are taking the annual November Mass attendance count at all Masses this weekend. Reporting sheets will be available with the bags for the collection. ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Sean Sweeney-3rd Grade”Pluto” CATHOLICISM SERIES will meet today on Sunday, November 16th, in the Office Basement at 2:00PM. ROSARY SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PARTY - Members will be selling tickets in the Gathering Space after the Masses this weekend for their annual Christmas Party to be held on Monday, December 1st, at 7:00PM in the Oak Room. Tickets are $35. THANKSGIVING LITURGY A Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, November 26th at 7:00PM in the church. All are welcome to share in prayer and song of thanksgiving to God for His many gifts and blessings. Hospitality to follow. BOOK CLUB - The selection for the next meeting to be held on Monday, November 17th, at 7:30PM in the Rectory Basement is The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grisson. CRAFT GROUP will have its annual CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE on Saturday, November 22nd, 12:00-5:30PM and on Sunday, November 23rd, 8:00AM-2:00PM in the Oak Room. You will find beautiful holiday decorations and gifts for everyone - family, friends, teachers, secret Santa, grab bag and hostess gifts. We would appreciate donations of cakes, cupcakes or cookies. Please bring baked goods to the Oak Room on Saturday at 12:00PM or Sunday at 9:00AM. All proceeds of the sale go to charity. S.G.A.A. CHEERLEADING BOW FUNDRAISER - EXERCISE CLASSES - Join us on Monday & Tuesday, November 17th & 18th for exercises classes, 7:008:00PM in the Oak Room. Cost is $10 for adults, children are free. Classes will be given by our own Ms. Lisa, a fitness instructor. Please come out and support our St. Greg Cheerleaders! THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VOCATION NEWS PROJECT ANDREW is an opportunity for young men to learn more about the priesthood. Join Bishop DiMarzio and other priests and seminarians for an afternoon of prayer, dinner and conversation. The next scheduled date is Sunday, November 23rd, at 4:30PM, at the Saint John Paul II House of Discernment, 341 Highland Boulevard, Brooklyn. For more information, please contact Fr. James Rodriguez at 718-827-2454. _____ CHRISTMAS FAIRS: Immaculate Conception Church - November 21st, 9:00AM-6:00PM, November 22nd, 12:00-8:00PM and November 23rd, 9:00AM-3:30PM.. Located at 86-45 Edgerton Blvd., Jamaica Estates St. Josaphat’s Church - December 6th 10:00AM4:00PM, December 7th, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Located in the Parish Hall at 35th Ave. & 210th St., Bayside. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament School - December 7th, 10:00AM-4:00PM. Located at 203rd St. & 35th Ave. PARISH EVENT INTERNATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 1:30-3:00PM GREGORIAN HALL Come join this celebration of food from around the world. All provided by parish volunteers. In the past, over 40 countries were represented. Learn about the customs, listen to the languages, savor the delicious homemade food, be entertained by your neighbors and rejoice that we all represent “We who are St. Gregory’s” —-Cut out and return to Parish Office or call the Office at 718-347-3707 — Yes, I wish to represent my country and participate in this parish celebration. Name: ____________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Phone: ______________________Country: ___________ I will cook _____ I can entertain _____ I will help _____ TRIPS Overnight at Resorts Hotel Casino & Lunch at The Crab Trap - January 7-8, 2015 - Trip includes lunch, short stop at Lennox Outlet, $15 free slot play plus $20 food coupon, six hours playing time at Harrah’s Casino. $140 pp/dbl. or $133pp triple. Virginia Beach - Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestown & Yorktown - May 17-21, 2015 - Trip includes four night stay at Sandcastle Ocean Front Hotel, four breakfasts and three dinners, a visit to Douglas MacArthur Memorial, guided tours of Norfolk Naval Base, Historic Williamsburg, Yorktown Victory Center/ Jamestown Settlement, $499 pp/dbl or $453 pp/triple. A deposit of $50 is due now for both trips. Make check payable to Golden Age Leisure Club. For additional information, call Finbar at 718-343-0676. ATLANTIC CITY BUS TRIP to Caesars Casino on Tuesday, November 11th. The bus will depart from Our Lady of the Snows Church at 9:30AM. The trip cost is $35 with a give back of $25 free slot. Must have a Rewards Card or picture ID. For reservations, call Marie 718 -347-7316. ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE SAT. NOV. 15TH 5PM Jazmine Bergancia, Joanne Bergancia SUN. NOV. 16TH 8:00AM Nicholas Bustamante, Kaycee Dominquez, Ashley Pichardo 9:15AM Grace O’Connor, Allyson Quintillan, Fiona Clabby 11:00AM John Hughes, Thomas Wirta, Francisque Jean 12:30PM Declan Cullinan, William Reid, Liam Cullinan 5:15PM Courtney McMahon, Angelina Valentino, Samantha Roy SAT. NOV. 22ND 5PM Evan Noblesala, Emma Noblesala SUN. NOV. 23RD 8:00AM Ryan Bowe, Thomas Nugent 9:15AM Sephora Baksh, Maria Flynn, Caelin DeJoie 11:00AM Justin Brown, Aaron Torres, Robert Brandt 12:30PM Alexis Sarabia, Jared Sarabia, Darla Polanco 5:15PM Mateo Caamal, Katherine Anne deGuzman, Gbemisola Faba
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